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What Is Melphalan?

Melphalan is a cancer medication that interferes with the growth and spread of
cancer cells in the body.
Melphalan is used to treat multiple myeloma (a type of blood cancer) and
cancer of the ovary.
Melphalan treats only the symptoms of ovarian cancer or multiple myeloma,
but does not treat the cancer itself.
Melphalan may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Melphalan can lower blood cells that help your body fight infections and help
your blood to clot. You may get an infection or bleed more easily. Call your
doctor if you have unusual bruising or bleeding, or signs of infection (fever,
chills, body aches).
You should not use melphalan if you are allergic to it, or if prior treatment with
this medication was unsuccessful in controlling your disease.
To make sure melphalan is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:
• a weak immune system (caused by disease or by using certain
• liver disease;
• kidney disease; or
• a history of chemotherapy or radiation.

Melphalan Side Effects

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction: hives;
difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.
Call your doctor at once if you have:
• bone marrow suppression--sudden weakness or ill feeling, fever, chills,
pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding, red or pink urine, painful mouth
sores, cough, trouble breathing, feeling light-headed, rapid heart rate;
• inflammation of your blood vessels--numbness or tingling, red skin rash,
unusual lumps or masses, fever, weight loss, muscle or joint pain, tired
feeling, unusual bleeding; or
• liver problems--nausea, upper stomach pain, itching, loss of appetite,
dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).
Common side effects may include:
• missed menstrual periods;
• weakness; or
• temporary hair loss.

Melphalan Dosage

Follow all directions on your prescription label. Your doctor may occasionally
change your dose to make sure you get the best results. Do not take this
medicine in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended.
Oral melphalan is a tablet you take by mouth. Injectable melphalan is
injected into a vein through an IV. A healthcare provider will give you this
Your doctor will perform blood tests to make sure you do not have conditions
that would prevent you from safely using melphalan.
Melphalan can lower blood cells that help your body fight infections and help
your blood to clot. This can make it easier for you to bleed from an injury or
get sick from being around others who are ill. Your blood may need to be
tested often.

What is Prednisone?

Prednisone is a corticosteroid, a man-made form of the steroids that the body

naturally produces to fight illnesses and injuries.
Prednisone acts as a replacement for people with low levels of cortisol, one of
the natural steroid hormones.
The drug also can also effectively reduce swelling and redness.
Doctors prescribe prednisone alone or in combination with other medications to
treat a variety of conditions, including:
• Certain forms of arthritis
• Some forms of cancer
• Severe allergic reactions
• Multiple sclerosis
• Lupus
• Lung diseases
• Skin conditions
• Eye problems
• Kidney disease
• Thyroid disease
• Stomach and intestinal problems
Some people with HIV who develop a certain type of pneumonia may also take
prednisone along with antibiotics.
Prednisone Side Effects

Common side effects of prednisone include:

• Headache
• Dizziness
• Trouble sleeping
• Inappropriate happiness
• Severe mood swings
• Personality change
• Bulging eyes
• Acne
• Thin, fragile skin
• Red or purple blotches or lines under the skin
• Slowed healing of cuts and bruises
• Increased body hair growth
• Changes in the way fat is distributed in the body
• Extreme tiredness
• Weak muscles
• Irregular or absent menstrual periods
• Low sex drive
• Heartburn
• Unusual sweating

Prednisone Dosage

Prednisone is available as a liquid, a concentrated liquid, and tablets of varying strengths.
These include 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 50 milligrams (mg), but 5 mg daily is the usual
physiologic dose for adults, meaning that amount of prednisone should restore normal
Your doctor will monitor you closely during treatment to ensure you are taking the lowest
dose that is still effective.
You usually take prednisone with food one to four times daily or once every other day.
It's likely your doctor will instruct you to take your medicine at specific times each day

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