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Basic Principles of Ultrasound
Francis O. Walker, MD


l  In neuromuscular ultrasound, a linear array transducer is The ancient Greeks understood the fundamental relation-
commonly used. This type of transducer typically contains ship of reflected light and sound as revealed in the story of
a row of several hundred crystal or ceramic piezoelectric Echo and Narcissus in which man (Narcissus) is smitten by
elements that convert electrical energy into sound waves, reflected light and immune to the nuance of reflected sound
which then reflect off tissue, and the elements convert (Echo). It is unlikely that the creator of this story anticipated
the returning sound back into an electrical impulse. The the development of underwater sonar or medical ultrasound,
transducer is in receive mode, rather than transmit mode, but it seems plausible that she would have understood the
greater than 99% of the time. value of echolocation as another way of perceiving the natural
l Sound is a pressure wave that travels at variable speeds, world.
depending on the tissue in which it is traveling. Ultrasound Nature has long recognized and appreciated the perceptual
devices use the assumption that sound travels at an average gift of echolocation, which manifests in the biologic marvels
speed of 1540 m/s to calculate the depth of returning of bats and whales, creatures that use echoes to map space
echoes. in darkness and deep water, areas where sight is uninforma-
l As sound travels through tissue it will reflect, or send tive. The ability possessed by these creatures to experience the
an echo, off of dense structures, but it also attenuates world directly through echolocation will always remain for-
as it propagates through tissue, with higher frequencies eign to humans. We cannot replicate the vocal, auditory, and
attenuating more than lower frequencies. For this reason, particularly the cortical adaptations required for this type of
higher frequency transducers are capable of producing high experience, so we must settle for a surrogate, which is the use
quality images of superficial structures but not of deeper of reflected sound energy to manufacture a visual representa-
structures. tion of anatomic space. For an in-depth discussion of echo-
l Most neuromuscular ultrasound is conducted using B-mode
location and other unique sensory experiences in nonhuman
(brightness mode) imaging, which is also known as real- mammals, Howard Hughes’ award winning book Sensory
time imaging. Sound is continuously being transmitted and Exotica is highly recommended.1
received by the transducer, and the returning impulses are Almost everyone who is using this textbook will have
assessed by a computer, using assumptions and formulas to already had some experience with ultrasound, but even
produce a visual display that incorporates spatial and time for the experienced ultrasonographer, it is helpful to begin
resolution, as well as echo intensity. with a review of instrumentation as a means of explaining
how an ultrasound image is created. The discussion begins
with a description of how to get started generating images
with an instrument, followed by discussions of the trans-
Few neuromuscular clinicians are familiar with the fun- ducer and its elements, the behavior of sound and echoes
damental physical principles of ultrasound. This chapter in human tissue, and how the ultrasound instrument regu-
is designed to explain them qualitatively in the context of lates the transducer and translates echoes into an image. In
operating the instrument. The intent is to make explicit parallel with these descriptions are some brief comparisons
how engineering determines what appears on the screen, of ultrasound with electrodiagnostic technology. Neuro-
and how understanding this process helps optimize the muscular pathology is largely corroborated, not by other
image displayed. This introduction will be adequate for imaging modalities, but by electrodiagnostic findings, so
the reader to use and understand the instrument and to an appreciation of this technology is of value. Further,
guide further reading for those who see the potential for many readers have considerable experience with electrodi-
further development of the technique. Current instru- agnosis, and this will help them appreciate the mechanics
ments have been designed with organs and tissues in mind of ultrasound. There are also some parallel discussions on
other than nerve and muscle, so enhancements in instru- the nature of human perception and how that also deter-
mentation are possible, given sufficient feedback from mines display characteristics of ultrasound instrumenta-
experienced users. tion (Fig. 1.1).
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2 Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound

1. Insonation
2. Through-transmission
3. Refraction
4. Attenuation
Transducer Patient
1. Reflection
2. Through-transmission
3. Refraction
4. Attenuation

1. Resistance to compression
1. Filtering 1. Frequency 2. Kinasthetic feedback
2. Persistance 2. Power 3. Location
3. Digitization 3. Duty factor 1. Response to 1. Clinical interview
4. Compression 4. Focusing clinical interview queries
5. Amplification (coded excitation) 2. Physical findings 2. Instructions on
5. Frame rate 3. Response to examination
1. Position
2. Movement/compression
3. Angle of insonation

1. Control panel
Instrument Ultrasonographer
2. Display

Needle movement
induces insertional activity
EMG needle Patient
electrode Patient relaxes or
contracts muscles

Kinesthetic feedback

Resistance to insertion
Response to
Amplification questions
Filtering questions
Physical findings

Digitization Instructions
Response to
needle insertion
Trace memory Needle position

Control panel
EMG instrument Electromyographer
B (audio and visual)

Fig. 1.1.  A, This figure describes ultrasound imaging using the four key elements involved: the transducer, the instrument and its controls, the
patient, and the ultrasonographer. The ultrasonographer coordinates the interaction of all four elements during an examination. B, Electromy-
ography, which can be described by a similar grid, is sometimes considered an extension of the physical examination, a role also exemplified by
neuromuscular ultrasound. The directional arrows denote the multiple feedback loops that make these techniques so interactive. EMG, Electro-

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Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound 3

Fig. 1.3.  Probe on wrist, the fingers cover the edge indicator on the
transducer, and the transducer is held to obtain a cross-sectional image
of the median nerve at the wrist.
Fig. 1.2.  Control panels of several different ultrasound instruments, all
circa 2010. A, Philips IU22. B, Biosound Esaote MyLab gold. C, GE Logiq. Box 1.1  General Considerations
Although modern instruments are digital, instrument controls can either for Neuromuscular Ultrasound
involve continuous adjustment or incremental steps. The time gain com-
1. Use a linear array transducer with a frequency ≥ 12 MHz.
pensation panel on each instrument is indicated by arrows.
2. Set up the exam room so the ultrasonographer can see
bothination the patient and ultrasound device in the same
view (see Fig. 1.25).
Getting Started: Obtaining 3. Always position the marker on the transducer, which
corresponds to the upper left corner of the ultrasound
an Image display screen, to the ultrasonographer’s left side with cross-
Ultrasound instruments have an impressive array of switches, sectional imaging and to the patient’s head with sagittal
dials, and buttons that can be daunting to the novice (Fig. 1.2). imaging.
4. During the study, the depth, focus, gain, and time gain
Even finding the on/off button to the instrument, which is
compensation should be adjusted to optimize imaging of the
invariably in a covert location to avoid inadvertent deactiva- structure of interest.
tion, adds to the challenge. Once the instrument is turned on, 5. If available, Doppler should be used to confirm flow in
however, users quickly find that the instrument is quite intui- vessels.
tive and can be quickly put to use. The first step is to identify 6. Obtain and save images of each structure of interest in at
the active transducer on the instrument and then to coat it with least two views. For example, in patients with carpal tunnel
coupling gel. It can then be placed over the wrist as shown in syndrome, both cross-sectional and sagittal images of the
Figure 1.3. Note that every linear array transducer has a mark- median nerve should be assessed and saved.
ing on one side, which corresponds to a marking on the dis- 7. Label structures of interest using the annotation capabilities
play screen. The marking on the display should always be in the of the ultrasound device, and save key images. These
images can be printed, saved to the hard drive of the
upper left corner of the screen, and the probe should be posi-
ultrasound device, or uploaded to a picture archiving and
tioned such that the marker on the probe is pointed cephalad communication system.
to the patient for sagittal imaging and to the ultrasonographer’s
left side for cross-sectional imaging. This will produce images
that are oriented in the same fashion as computed tomogra- width of the image corresponds to the footprint of a lin-
phy (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, it ear probe (Fig. 1.4) or the radial angles of the probe if it is
should be noted that this convention has not been routinely curved (see Figs. 4.2 and 4.14). The coupling gel, in addition
followed in neuromuscular imaging, so not all of the older to enhancing sound penetration, allows the probe to slide left
images in this text are oriented in this fashion. In particular, or right or distal or proximal to find the optimal image of the
sagittal imaging of the median nerve at the wrist frequently has tissue in the neighborhood of the initial contact of the probe.
been depicted in the opposite fashion in the literature, with The probe can also, with slight pressure, be angled proximally
the left side of the display screening showing the distal portion or distally. In general, structures are viewed with the probe
of the wrist, but that is an undesirable orientation, based on perpendicular to the skin surface, but angular adjustments are
ultrasound convention, and should be avoided.2 See Box 1.1 for of considerable interest as is discussed later. No more pres-
other general considerations when performing neuromuscular sure than necessary should be used to scan; excessive pres-
ultrasound. sure may deform structures of interest and can be tiring to
When imaging the wrist, the base of the palm should rest the ultrasonographer and uncomfortable for the patient (Fig.
comfortably on the patient’s forearm or other supported 1.5). To help others orient to an image, it can help to include
structure. An image of the contents of the carpal tunnel, and a recognizable landmark as well (vascular bifurcation, bone
possibly the radial and/or ulnar artery should appear. The edge, etc.).

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4 Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound


Hockey stick probe Hockey stick probe

Hockey stick probe cross-sectional view sagittal view


Standard sized probe Standard sized probe

Standard size probe cross-sectional view sagittal view

Fig. 1.4.  This figure shows the difference between probe footprints. The top row shows a hockey
stick (small footprint) probe on the wrist, and the cross-sectional image it generates. A sagittal image
at the wrist from this probe is also included. The second row shows the standard probe and its
cross-sectional image and sagittal image at the wrist for comparison. The bottom image is a direct
comparison of the two types of probes. Note the extended field of view of the larger probe, which
includes both the radial (R), and ulnar (U ) arteries, and associated veins, the median nerve (M ), and
multiple tendons, whereas the smaller probe can only encompass the radial artery by sacrificing the
lateral border of the median nerve. Notice how much more of the median nerve (and underlying
bones in the hand) are apparent with the standard than hockey stick probe on the sagittal views.
Note the reverberation artifact beneath the radius in the second row. Also note in the sagittal
images that distal is to the left, as these are older images that do not follow standard convention.



Fig. 1.5.  These images show the effects of compression on nerve and muscle. A, Both images are axial views of the median nerve at the distal wrist
crease. Note that with minimal downward pressure (left image) and maximal downward pressure (right image) there is little change in nerve thickness
or shape even though the distance between the nerve and radius is less with higher pressure. B, Both images are axial at the middle of the metacarpal
(arrows) through the abductor pollicis brevis muscles. The left image is with minimal transducer pressure, the right image is with maximal transducer
pressure. Note that the pressure decreases abductor pollicis brevis thickness by almost 50%. Maximal pressure at the carpal tunnel causes less deforma-
tion than over the abductor pollicis brevis because tendons and nerves are less compressible/displaceable than skleletal muscle.

Several simple adjustments can be made to change the allows the user to focus in on the detail of interest, expand-
display once the desired image is obtained. One knob on the ing it to encompass the screen with a slight improvement in
ultrasound instrument panel adjusts the depth of the field resolution. Unlike MRI and CT, which are designed to auto-
of view.3 The depth should be sufficient to encompass the matically record standard body slices, ultrasound requires the
structure(s) of interest. The display screen is calibrated to operator to scan using multiple probe positions and angles
indicate depth and serves as a useful reference in images for and operating controls to capture the most informative two-
publication (see Fig. 1.4). The zoom feature of an instrument dimensional (2D) images for documentation. Greater depth

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Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound 5

The Transducer
The generic term transducer refers to something that converts
one type of energy into another. Biologic receptor organs are
all transducers, converting different types of physical energy
into electrical impulses in nerves; the retina converts light,
the cochlea sound, nerve endings heat, and so on. Muscle is
a transducer that operates in reverse to a sensory transducer
because it converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. It
does this, aided by ample reserves of adenosine triphosphate
(ATP), with remarkable leverage. The act of lifting heavy
objects begins as a few central nervous system (CNS) neuro-
nal discharges on the order of microvolts, and these discharges
are quickly transformed into hundreds of pounds of force. In
a similar fashion, the thyroarytenoid muscles, with the help
Fig. 1.6.  Images of the median nerve in the forearm, at the level of
of forced air from the lungs, convert electrical impulses from
the bifurcation of the brachial artery deep to the pronator teres. In the neurons into sound energy. In the world of devices, convert-
image on the left the focal zone is at the level of the median nerve and ing electricity to sound is usually done with speakers, and con-
on the right, the focal zone is just below the surface (large flanking black verting sound to electricity is done with microphones. These
arrows). Note that the detail of the structure of the median nerve is instruments require diaphragms and electromagnets that are
better defined on the left (upper green arrow), as is the outline of the too bulky for medical ultrasound. Instead piezoelectricity is
brachial artery (lower green arrow) than it is on the right. used.
Piezoelectric elements convert electrical energy into a
pulse of sound wave energy and then converts the resulting
of field (low magnification) and zoom (higher magnification) sound wave echoes back into electrical energy.3 An array of
are analogous to lens power on a microscope—lower magni- piezoelectrical elements creates the sound energy needed to
fication is useful for orientation and screening for abnormali- generate echoes, and the electrical signals elicited by their
ties, and higher magnification is used to capture the essence return to the probe characterizes the remarkable function.
of the pathologic change. If the pathology is diffuse, lower of the ultrasound transducer—the device placed on the skin
magnification (greater depth of field, as in the case of diffuse to deliver and receive sound pulses. It is helpful to contrast
muscle pathology) may be preferred. an ultrasound transducer with the contact elements used in
The brightness of the image can be controlled by the electrodiagnosis. EMG and nerve conduction studies (NCS)
power and gain dials on the instrument.3 The power dial electrodes are of much simpler construction because they
controls the amount of sound energy transmitted to the tis- record and carry electrical signals without the need of con-
sue and the gain dial the amplification of the sound echoes verting to a different type of energy. For nerve conduction
that return. These dials have similar but not identical func- studies, there is a pair of electrodes for delivering electrical
tions and need to be set to optimally display the structures energy and a pair for recording it.4 These electrodes consist
of interest. The dials have an analogy with photography: The of exposed metal in rings, disks, or needles (Fig. 1.7). Once
power dial in this case controls the strength of the flash, and electrical signals are obtained, either directly in electrodiag-
the gain dial in essence controls the film speed (with faster, nostic instruments, or indirectly with an ultrasound trans-
e.g., more sensitive, film speeds being equivalent to increased ducer, the signals are filtered and amplified by the respective
gain). In electrodiagnosis, the power dial controls stimulus instrument to generate a display for interpretation. At this
intensity 4, and gain is used to display the amplitude of the point, both instruments convert electrical energy into light
nerve conduction study response. In both ultrasound and energy to create an image. In electrodiagnosis the display is of
electrodiagnosis, excessive intensities do little to enhance the a single point of constant intensity that varies in vertical dis-
outcomes of the study. placement (amplitude) over time, whereas in ultrasound the
The focal zone, typically indicated by horizontal marker(s) image is a 2D sea of points that vary in brightness over time.
on the display screen, helps with resolution.3 The level of In EMG there is conversion of the display into sound energy
focal zones (which are horizontal) should encompass the as well. Sound is typically part of the display in ultrasound
structures of interest (Fig. 1.6). The freeze button on the only with Doppler blood flow studies. As would be expected
instrument will stop the real-time action of the machine and from their more complex design elements, ultrasound trans-
display a single frame. Most instruments store (in an adjust- ducers are significantly more expensive and more fragile than
able fashion) several seconds of data at any given time, so it electrodiagnostic electrodes.
is possible, once an image is frozen, to rewind slowly through EMG textbooks often devote several pages to describing
multiple previous frames to capture the optimal image for the unique features of EMG electrodes because subtle dif-
storage. Of interest, the rewind and replay features of ultra- ferences in structure can lead to minor, but argued over,
sound instruments have been an industry standard for many differences in recording characteristics (see Fig. 1.7).4 With
years, yet this simple function has only recently become ultrasonography the function of the transducer is more
available on electromyography (EMG) instruments. Any complex than a simple recording electrode and intimately
frozen image can be saved for later viewing, and a variety of linked to the instrument, so ultrasonographers tend to fix-
postprocessing capabilities for analysis and labeling are pres- ate less on the predictable consequences of minor design
ent on many instruments as well. variations and more on figuring out the best way to create

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6 Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound

an optimal image with the technology at hand. The fol-

lowing discussion of transducers serves to highlight their Compound Structure
limitations and possibilities in evaluating patients with neu- An ultrasound probe actually contains an array of multiple
romuscular disease. tiny component piezoelectric transducers each providing a
single line of ultrasound data (Fig. 1.8). By seamlessly stitch-
ing together each of these lines of data, the display creates a
2D image in the same way that old television screens created
images from parallel lines of display.3 Ultrasound transducers
come in many shapes. When using ultrasound to study the
heart it helps to have a curved surface so that when the probe
is placed against the ribs, it is able to scan a larger tissue area
through a narrow aperture.2 Internal probes for vaginal, rec-
tal, and esophageal imaging have shapes that conform to the
anatomic requirements of their use.3 At the greatest extreme,
intravascular ultrasound probes can be used to examine arte-
rial walls.5 All involve different arrays of transducers or a
motorized transducer or set of transducers. For neuromuscu-
lar imaging, the most commonly used probe is a linear array
probe because most imaging planes are compatible with this
A shape. A hockey stick probe, which is a linear probe with a
smaller footprint and extended handle, is sometimes useful for
imaging around bony surfaces, such as the medial epicondyle.

Miniaturization with Piezoelectricity

The critical principle underlying ultrasound transducers is
piezoelectricity, a property inherent in different types of spe-
cial materials.3 This phenomenon was first described in quartz
crystals. Whereas noncrystalline quartz contains a disordered
arrangement of silicon dioxide molecules, quartz crystals
have an orderly lattice that is determined by the electrostatic
charges of the individual molecules, which incidentally have
an asymmetric polar configuration. Application of a current
across this lattice leads to absorption of energy, changes in
B electron orbits, and consequently shape changes in the under-
lying crystal (Fig. 1.9). This abrupt dimensional change cre-
Fig. 1.7.  A, The devices required for performing electrodiagnostic stud- ates a sound pulse. The application of mechanical stress to a
ies: a measuring tape for measuring the distances between stimulation quartz crystal, in a reverse fashion, causes an electrical cur-
sites and stimulation and recording sites, tape for securing surface elec- rent, making this material ideal for use in phonograph pickup
trodes, a variety of surface recording electrodes (ring, bar, disk, plate), needles or ultrasound transducers.
and a stimulating electrode. Two types of electromyography needle Currently, lead zirconate titanate,3 a piezoelectric ceramic,
electrodes, the longer one is monopolar, the shorter is concentric; alco- is used for ultrasound transducers. Although this chemical
hol for decontaminating the skin, and electrolyte paste for reducing the is not naturally piezoelectric, when it is heated to more than
impedance of the skin. B, The ultrasound transducer that is used to con-
approximately 350° C in an electromagnetic field, the mole-
tact the skin of the patient, along with the gel used to enhance sound
transmission through the skin. Of note, ultrasound gel works well as
cules can quickly be induced to assume a dipole-driven lattice
conducting paste for electrodiagnosis, but the reverse is not true. Not that confers piezoelectric properties. When cooled, the appli-
surprisingly, the set-up time for ultrasound is less than that for electro- cation of a voltage across this material causes it to thicken or
diagnosis. thin as the suspended molecules turn their dipoles toward or

Fig. 1.8.  A drawing of an ultrasound transducer that has had the impedance matching material and cover removed. Note the multiple transducer
elements, each with its own electrical contact. The thickness of the ultrasound power cord (see Fig. 1.7) reflects the fact that most transducers need
wiring for hundreds of elements.

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Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound 7

away from the electrostatic charge. This shape change, in a at the bottom, a sharp crisp echo will return. If instead moss
small wafer of material, generates the sound pulses used in covers the walls and leaves coat the bottom, a muffled softer
modern ultrasound transducer probes. These small wafers sound will be heard.
can be arrayed in a linear fashion, each with its own separate Ultrasound relies also on single sound pulses to create an
wiring, to create the typical ultrasound transducer. echo trace.3 The sound is produced by the transducer ele-
ment, the sound penetrates soft tissues, and as the sound
passes through the body, tissue interfaces at different levels
The Transducer Shell create multiple echoes of different intensities. At each inter-
The casing of the ultrasound probe holds a number of ele- face, some sound is reflected and some is transmitted. The
ments including the individual transducers, the wiring to echoes return at different times to the transducer element,
these transducers, and several layers of material.3 Note that the which converts them to a trace signal. The latencies of the
cable that connects the transducer to the instrument is quite echoes provide information about spatial relations (depth of
thick (see Fig. 1.4) because it contains both inputs and out- the reflective surface), and the intensity of the echoes provides
puts to the hundreds of miniature transducers that make up information about the types of reflecting surfaces.
a typical linear array transducer. Damping material is placed Humans primarily use sight to map space, and this is why
at the base of the transducer to help control the duration of ultrasound data are displayed as an image. Most vision is
the sound pulses emitted by the probe. Shorter sound pulses based on a source that bathes a scene with a constant flow
are associated with better resolution. Piano strings use damp- of light energy, such as the sun or a light bulb. This contrasts
ers to enhance a staccato effect of a key strike; when these are with ultrasound, which maps space with pulsed sound; its
raised by engaging the sostenuto pedal, the string vibration equivalent would be a fast-pulsing strobe light. An echo is a
is prolonged, causing sounds and notes to slur together. As reflection of an entire sound pulse, so the shorter the pulse,
such, the damper material enhances the discrimination pro- the less likely an echo will return during the pulse itself, and
vided by pulsed sound. the less likely that early and late components of sequential
Between the contact face of the probe and the underlying pulses will interfere with each other.3 Typically a B-mode
transducer array, matching layers are inserted.3 These help ultrasound pulse is 2 to 3 cycles of sound energy in dura-
reduce the impedance mismatch of the transducer and the tion, and at 10 MHz, this takes about 0.2 to 0.3 μs. Of inter-
skin, a phenomenon further aided by the use of coupling gel. est, bat calls are of much longer duration: 0.2 to 100 μs, but
These steps enhance through-transmission of sound into the their calls cover much greater distances, perhaps 50 meters
body, and without these steps more than 80% of the sound or more. Appropriately, call duration shortens, improving
would be reflected back to the transducer at the skin surface. localization, as a bat approaches a target of culinary interest,
A more detailed discussion of acoustic impedance matching such as a moth.
can be found elsewhere.6 Ultrasound transducers emit many pulses of sound per
second, which constitutes the pulse repetition frequency.3
It can be thought of as similar to the frame rate on a video
camera, and it is of importance in determining the temporal
Sound Pulse Technology resolution in an image. Duty factor is a term that calculates the
At its simplest, echolocation involves a single sound pulse, percentage of time the transducer is actually emitting pulses,
followed by an evaluation of the timing and intensity of any which is substantially shorter than the time it spends receiving
returning echoes.1 Bats use their vocal cords to emit short echoes. The total energy emitted by a transducer correlates
pulses of sound to create echoes. Humans, ill-equipped for directly with the duty factor and determines certain physical
this task, can shout into a deep well and infer from the delay of effects such as tissue heating.
the sound return something about its depth, and by the qual- Tissue responds to insonated sound pulses by generating
ity of the sound something about the reflecting materials in echoes. It is the job of the instrument to re-create an image
the well. If there are smooth stone sides and a water reservoir from this information. How the instrument does this requires
an understanding of how pulsed sound behaves in human
− − − − −
+ + + + +
+ Sound: Fundamental Principles
+ and Its Behavior in Tissue
− − − −
Speed of Sound
Sound is a traveling pressure wave. Unlike an ocean wave, in
+ + + +
− which the direction of the amplitude (vertical) is out of plane
− with the direction of travel (horizontal), sound waves consist
of alternating compressions and rarefactions of molecules in
− − − − − the medium through which it travels (Fig. 1.10). Such changes
+ + + + + can be measured by pressure, density, or particle vibration,
Fig. 1.9.  This is a schematic of how piezoelectric materials respond to an all of which can be considered acoustic variables.3 As with
electrical current. Because of the inherent asymmetry of the underlying any wave, sound has intrinsic detectable wavelengths, peri-
chemical structure, when a current is applied there is a shift in molecular ods, and frequencies, all of which are interrelated. The speed
dipoles, causing a change in the shape of the piezoelectric element. of sound propagation, however, is not a property of the type

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8 Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound

Transverse wave

Compression wave

Fig. 1.11.  This is another way to compare a transverse and compression

wave; the bottom figure resembles that of a Slinky toy.

Table 1.1  Speed of Sounds in Different

Material Velocity (m/s)
Air 331
Fig. 1.10.  This is a schematic comparing a traveling wave (the superim- Fat 1450
posed sine wave) with the alternating compression and rarefaction of Water (50° C) 1540
molecules that are seen with the compression wave of sound energy.
Human soft tissue 1540
Brain 1541

of sound energy, but rather of the medium of transmission. Liver 1549

Sound propagation speed is related to stiffness of a tissue, or Kidney 1561
more precisely, hardness. As such, it travels slowly in easily Blood 1570
compressed gases, more rapidly in fluids and body tissues,
Muscle 1585
and fastest in solids. An intuitive sense of sound propagation
is readily derived from experience with a Slinky, a toy origi- Lens of eye 1620
nally constructed of a wound coil of flexible metal (Fig. 1.11). Tendon 1650
Mechanical energy creates standing waves of alternating rar- Ice 3152
efactions and compressions of successive spirals of the coil;
these waves travel faster if the coil is tightly wound with harder Skull bone 4080
metal. Tightly wound Slinky toys travel down steps faster than Brass 4490
less tightly wound and looser versions (e.g., plastic). Aluminum 6400
The variation of sound propagation in different materials is
Diamond 12,000
of significance both generally and clinically. An approaching
train can be detected sooner by putting one’s ear to the rail
than by listening through air for the sound it makes. On aver-
age, sound travels about four times faster through metal than of 1540 m/s, and images from echoes are constructed based
through human soft tissue, which is minimally faster than on this calculation. It may be easier to understand this num-
through sea water, and in turn about four times faster than ber expressed differently: for each centimeter of depth, the
in air. The hardest substance known to man, diamond, also average round trip travel time for an echo in human soft tis-
conducts sound the fastest at 12,000 m/s (Table 1.1). sue is 13 μs.3
The width on an ultrasound image represents the summed
thickness of the individual transducer elements within a lin-
Ultrasound Range Finding ear ultrasound probe (see Figs. 1.4 and 1.8).3 In some ways
A key goal of ultrasound is an accurate representation of width measures in tissue may be slightly more accurate than
spatial characteristics of human tissues. To measure depth depth measurements in that they do not assume constant
(range), ultrasound relies on the timing of the return sound speed in tissue. However, because width measures do
echoes.3 As mentioned above, ultrasound makes a number of not take refraction of sound into account, there can be distor-
assumptions to calculate depth. It assumes that sound travels tion of width as sound passes through tissue layers of different
in a straight line from the transducer to the target and back, sound transmission speeds, if these are oblique to the angle of
that enough echoes are reflected back to the transducer from insonation (see oblique echoes later).
relevant tissue structures to be captured and measured, and For practical purposes, the variation of sound speed is rarely
that the speed of sound in soft tissue is sufficiently consis- important. However, if someone is measuring the depth to
tent across tissues to generate an accurate measurement. In the sacrum in two patients, one with minimal body fat and
general these observations hold true, and particularly for the one with 7.5 cm of fat over the gluteus maximus (not unusual
more superficial structures studied in neuromuscular ultra- in obese patients as measured by EMG needle length), there
sound. In a fashion similar to an F-wave when performing would be a subtle effect. Ultrasound travels slower through
electrodiagnostic studies,4 an echo reflects a round trip of fat than through the “average” human tissue, and as such,
sound from the transducer to the structure of interest, and ultrasound tends to overestimate the thickness of a fat layer
back again to the transducer. All ultrasound instruments by about 6% (1541/1450), and underestimate the thickness of
assume that sound travels through tissues at a constant rate muscle by about 3% (1541/1585) (see Table 1.1).

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Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound 9

Table 1.2  Average Attenuation Coefficients

A in Tissue
­Attenuation Intensity Intensity
B ­Coefficient Reduction Reduction
Frequency for Soft in 1-cm in 10-cm
(MHz) Tissue (dB/cm) Path (%) Path (%)
C 2.0 1.0 21 90
Fig. 1.12.  In nonlinear propagation, propagation speed depends on 3.5 1.8 34 98
pressure. A, Higher-pressure portions of the wave travel faster than the 6.0 2.5 44 99.7
lower-pressure portions. B and C, The wave changes shape as it travels.
This change from the initial sinusoidal shape introduces harmonics that 7.5 3.8 58 99.9
are even and odd multiples of the fundamental frequency.

It would be tempting to speculate that the speed of sound Table 1.3  Attenuation Coefficients of Biologic
in nerves would be somewhat less than that of average human Substances (at 1 MHz)
tissue because of its high fat content, but at this time this value
is unknown. However, the speed of ultrasound in brain is 1541 Material α(dB / cm)
m/s, and most nerves are sufficiently thin as to make any special Water 0.0022
adjustments for size moot. Special techniques, using ultrasound
Amniotic fluid 0.0053
radiofrequency analysis for measuring body tissue and fat thick-
ness may be of value for addressing questions of this type.7 4.5% albumin 0.019
Discrepancies in sound transmission speed affect area Blood 0.18
and volume measurements more than linear measurements Fat 0.63
because area is related to the square, and volume the cube,
of the linear measurement. This may account for some of Brain 0.85
the slight variation in estimated thickness of muscle or fat by Liver 0.94
ultrasound and by other imaging modalities such as MRI or Kidney 1.0
CT. At this time, standard volume measurements are not rou-
Bone 20
tinely calculated for muscle or nerve, but they are for inter-
nal organs based on a set of standard linear measures from Lung 41
2D ultrasound. The kidneys,8 for example, use the product of
0.5{A-P diameter} × {transverse diameter} × {height} to pro-
duce a fairly reliable estimate of kidney volume. Adjustments deeper structures through ribs, there is less artifact with har-
for variations in speed of sound in neuromuscular tissue could monic frequencies, and analyzing return echoes only at these
be incorporated into mathematical models of this type when higher frequencies may enhance the imaging of deep structures.
it becomes routine to calculate volumetric measurements.
Another factor that influences sound speed in tissue is tem-
perature. This is most striking for fat—the warmer the tem- Attenuation
perature, the slower the sound speed—but the reverse holds Attenuation refers to the reduction of sound intensity as it
true in other tissues, although to a lesser degree.9 In general, passes through tissue. Some of this energy is lost through
temperature effects are of limited significance during routine reflection or backscatter, but the majority is lost through
imaging. Of interest, there is some evidence that fat in humans absorption of the sound energy.3,9 The degree of attenuation
simultaneously exists in solid, liquid, and melting phases, per- can be measured in several ways and is expressed as deci-
haps with a key transitional phase occurring at 35° C.10 bels (dB) of sound energy attenuated over distance (dB/cm).
A number of factors influence attenuation and backscat-
ter. For example, attenuation is frequency dependent, such
The Relationship Between that higher sound frequencies are dissipated through distance
much quicker than lower frequencies (Table 1.2).3 Sounds in
Propagation and Harmonics the audible range show similar properties, which is why blaring
In practice, the propagation speed of a wave is not even. As music in a passing car is heard primarily in lower-pitched base
the wave travels through any medium, its higher pressure com- tones, and why thunder from distant lightning is a low-pitched
ponent travels faster than its lower pressure component, so its rumble, whereas a nearby lightning strike has a high-pitched
progress through space is somewhat nonlinear.3,9 As a result, and ominous crack. The most critical principle explained by
the wave acquires superimposed higher frequency harmonic this phenomenon is that higher-frequency ultrasound has a
components that increase over the distance covered (Fig. 1.12). lower effective depth of penetration for imaging than lower
Harmonic frequencies consist of multiples of the original or frequency.2,3,9
fundamental frequency of the sound. The concept is of clinical Each body tissue attenuates sound to a different degree
relevance in situations in which the primary frequency creates (Table 1.3). The relationship between frequency and absorp-
problematic artifacts. For example, sometimes when imaging tion in a given tissue is typically linear over standard ultrasound

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10 Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound

frequencies, with an increase in attenuation with higher fre- incident energy is the intensity reflection coefficient. The
quencies. The slope of this effect, however, varies between dif- ratio of the transmitted energy to the incident is the inten-
ferent tissues10,11 and across species. In fact, the attenuation sity transmission coefficient. The sum of these two ratios
coefficient itself may not be entirely uniform for the same tis- is one (an assumption that assumes that there is very little
sue in a different location in the same individual. For some if any absorption of sound energy at that particular bar-
tissues, such as tendon and skeletal and cardiac muscle, the rier). Acoustic impedance, measured in rayls, relates to the
attenuation coefficient nearly doubles if the tissue is imaged speed of transmission of ultrasound in a particular tissue
in a plane parallel to the direction of muscle (tendon) fibers as or layer. More thorough discussions of the complex topic
compared with a cross-sectional image.12 One might imagine of acoustic impedance, both characteristic and specific, can
how sound energy might be redistributed more easily among be found elsewhere.3,30-31
cellular molecules from insonating a small cross section of
hundreds of muscle fibers, than insonating a few muscle fibers
along their entire length. Oblique Echoes
The phenomenon of absorption is critical for therapeutic If the angle of incident sound is oblique, and the bound-
applications of ultrasound. As sound energy is absorbed by ary is smooth, the angle of incidence and angle of reflection
tissue, it is converted to heat. Ultrasound therapy was intro- (compared to perpendicular) are equal—a phenomenon
duced to the specialty of physical medicine and rehabilitation analogous to a pool ball ricochet.3,30-31 The angle of transmis-
many years ago, specifically for this purpose. Because sound sion is also related to acoustic impedance. If the deeper layer
energy is more readily absorbed by tendons, ligaments, and conducts sound faster than the superficial layer, the sound
bones, it is a means of providing direct heating to deep struc- bends toward the boundary, and if it is slower, sound bends
tures that are vulnerable to common musculoskeletal inju- toward the perpendicular. These are examples of refraction
ries3,13 and often the last to be warmed by surface heating. (Fig. 1.14).
(Refer to other sources for further information about this type
of therapeutic ultrasound.14-19) However, it should be noted
that with increasing amounts of insonated energy, additional Scattering
safety precautions are needed.20 Of course, smooth boundaries are not the rule in biologic tis-
One of the most interesting theoretic applications of ultra- sues. Rough boundaries and heterogeneous materials tend to
sound energy is the ability to activate microencapsulated cause multidirectional transmission of incident sound (scat-
drug release with an ultrasound beam.21-25 Microencapsu- tering) and reflection (backscattering).3,30-31 Most light reflec-
lated drugs injected intravenously circulate throughout the tors are not smooth; a flashlight aimed at a wall can provide
entire body, but the capsules release the drug only in tissues a diffuse dim light for a room because of its backscatter (Fig.
being actively insonated, thereby significantly enhancing 1.15). Fog, an example of heterogeneous materials in air,
concentration at the target site. This approach can be used to causes both scattering of transmitted light and backscattering
quite selectively deliver drug to a tumor, for example, while of reflected light, which is why headlights set on high beam in
minimizing its distribution in other healthier tissues. Other fog are not the advantage they are in clear weather. Speckle is
interventional applications of insonation and local micro- a consequence of the random backscattering of sound pulses
cavitation, such as enhanced healing of bone injury26-29 or in an imaged plane of tissue. These waves can interfere posi-
as a tool to possibly facilitate muscle regeneration are under tively or negatively with each other or with waveforms that
active study.29 have been reflected perpendicularly back to the transducer,
causing random decrements and enhancements of brightness,
or speckle.
Echo Behavior
Perpendicular Echoes and Acoustic
As sound energy courses through tissue it creates echoes.
The simplest scenario to consider is one that involves
a perpendicular incidence of the direction of the ultra- 80 dB 39 dB 41dB
sound sound wave to a smooth interface of two layers of Echo
tissues (Fig. 1.13). A significant portion of sound energy
is transmitted and continues in the same direction. How-
ever, the reflected energy at this interface reflects back in
the opposite direction directly toward the transducer.3 The
amount of reflected energy is proportional to the differ- Incident sound level = 80 dB
ence of acoustic impedance of the two layers; the greater Transmitted
the difference, the greater the reflected energy. When Reflected sound level = 39 dB sound level = 41dB
looking through water at a jellyfish, the change in acous-
tic impedance between air and the surface of the water is
much greater than that between water and the surface of
the jellyfish. As such, the air-water boundary is much easier Fig. 1.13.  Demonstration of sound passing through a door. Note that
to discern than the water-jellyfish boundary, because more the sum of the transmitted and reflected sound equals the intensity of
light is reflected at the former. The ratio of reflected to the incident sound.

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Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound 11

Contrast Agents leakage of contrast into perfused tissues, the echogenicity of

Ultrasound contrast agents are examples of small heteroge- ultrasound contrast agents is based on their reflective proper-
neous materials that can be injected into tissues and cause a ties, which means that they must be particulate, too large to
local increase in the echogenicity of tissue vasculature with cross capillary gaps, and too small and too pliable to obstruct
multiple backscattered echoes. Unlike radiographic contrast blood flow. Typically these consist of microbubbles of gas
agents (intravenous pyelography dye) or MRI contrast agents encapsulated within a lipid or protein.22,32,33 As such, they can
(gadolinium) that work in solution and can demonstrate demonstrate areas of increased blood flow within tissue, but
not areas of capillary leakage. Of interest, unlike other con-
Incident sound beam Reflected sound beam trast agents, intravascular adhesion and retention of micro-
bubbles may occur in areas of vascular wall inflammation.32,33
Thus vascular wall changes that lead to fibrinogen or platelet
adhesion and clot formation may be more sensitively detected
by certain types of ultrasound contrast agents than by solu-
θi θr
ble contrast materials used in MRI and CT. It is possible that
ultrasound contrast may find new applications in neuromus-
Air cular disorders such as inflammatory muscle or nerve disease.

Glass Focusing
Ultrasound beams can be focused in one dimension to mini-
mize beam width (the width of the sound out of plane with
the image created).3,30,31 This type of focus is different than
optical focusing, which occurs in three dimensions, a prop-
erty readily demonstrated with paper, a magnifying glass, and
bright sunlight. The end result of ultrasound focusing, like
Transmitted sound beam optical focusing, is enhanced resolution. By narrowing the
width of the sound, there is a reduction in the out-of-plane
Fig. 1.14.  This figure represents the transmission and reflection of averaging that takes place within an image, and therefore
sound energy from air to glass, when the incident sound is oblique to resolution is improved. For imaging focal swelling in a nerve
the reflecting material. Note that θi equals θr, and that θt is determined in a cross-sectional image, this property is of value because it
by the relative ratio of the acoustic impedance of air to glass. allows for more precise identification of the point of maximal

A Backscattering B Backscattering, with low anisotropy

C Backscattering, with high anisotropy D Backscattering, with complete

anisotropy (mirror)
Fig. 1.15.  This figure shows how structures with no (A), mild (B, as in nerve), marked (C, as in tendon) , and complete (D) anisotropy reflect incident
energy, showing an inverse relationship of backscattering to inherent anisotropy (structures with high anisotropy have little backscatter; see Fig. 1.23
for comparison).

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12 Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound

enlargement of the cross-sectional area of the nerve. Focusing enhancements in temporal resolution are not only possible
can be done by shaping the array in a convex fashion, phas- but may be critical for studying subtle quick movements, such
ing the sound wave pulses of the individual elements in the as fibrillation potentials in muscle,35 and adaptive instrument
transducer and by careful study of the natural focusing that design may be of future value.
follows any sound beam. Multiple focal zones can be obtained
in some images, but this requires that different pulses are
used for different focal distances, which therefore reduces the Ultrasound Instrument Function:
frame rate (see temporal resolution). Driving the Transducer and Image
For the ultrasonographer, the optimal focus of the ultra-
sound beam is often illustrated on screen by a small arrow
to the right of the image (see Fig. 1.6). It points to the depth The ultrasound machine carries out a number of important
where the image quality is typically optimal, and can be tasks, some of which have been discussed already, such as
adjusted in terms of depth and in terms of how thick the sound pulse frequency and phasing and image display. The
band of focus is. When measuring small structures, such as complexity or accuracy of these functions is not dependent
nerves, it is important to optimize the focus to the appropriate on the size of the instrument nor its display screen, but rather
depth. For example, when following the median nerve from the sophistication of its underlying technology. Some instru-
the wrist through the forearm, several changes in focal depth ments are now run by laptop computers and provide com-
are necessary to optimize the image of the nerve as it passes petitive image resolution. Ultrasound instrumentation can be
under the flexor digitorum superficialis and then the pronator broken down into efferent and afferent functions, which will
teres.34 Novice clinicians frequently forget to adjust the focal be described in sequence.
zone, an error that makes following a nerve as it approximates
the surface or dives beneath muscles more challenging. More
detailed discussions of probe design and focusing are available Efferent Ultrasound Functions: Beam
elsewhere.3,30,31 ­Formers, Pulsers, Coded Excitation,
­Amplifiers, and Transmit/Receive
Resolution Functions
The goal of ultrasound is optimizing resolution of structures The efferent functions of ultrasound instruments are sim-
of interest. An objective test of this ability can be provided pler than its afferent functions and begin with the beam for-
by a phantom, which is conceptually similar to an eye chart. mer.3,33,34 The generation of a sound pulse requires several
A phantom is any type of tissue model that can be scanned.3 devices. The first is a pulser that takes power line electricity
Such items often are agar filled, with suspended smaller objects and translates it into brief pulses of voltage. The device is
that simulate tissue structures that can be readily imaged with not dissimilar to the stimulator on an EMG machine, which
ultrasound, and different designs are available for purchase. delivers single or multiple timed pulses of voltage or amper-
The ability to resolve such smaller items (either objects in the age of a set duration. In the ultrasound instrument, how-
phantom or letters on an eye chart) is a measure of resolution. ever, this is somewhat more complex. Ultrasound probes
A phantom can be used to compare resolution of different consist of arrays of piezoelectric transducer elements, and
transducers and different instruments. each element receives a separate input from the pulser (one
In ultrasound, axial resolution refers to the ability to per scan line). As such, an ultrasound instrument’s pulser
distinguish nearby objects in the direction of sound travel; operates hundreds of channels, rather than the single or dual
lateral resolution is in the direction perpendicular to this stimulator systems found in most electrodiagnostic instru-
(which would be across scan lines). Axial resolution is ments (see Fig. 1.8). To further complicate the process, for
related primarily to the pulse length of the emitted sig- the purposes of multiple focusing and image enhancement
nal, which is frequency dependent, and the lateral resolu- there are often coded timing variations (coded excitation)
tion relates to beam width, which relates more to focusing. in the order in which the transducers are activated. Thus a
Therefore, when evaluating different instruments, it is series of pulse delay switches are automatically built into the
critical to look beyond a single technical reference (such as instrument.
transducer frequency), and to compare image quality in tis- In tandem with the pulser is the amplifier, which deter-
sues of interest. mines the intensity of the insonated sound. Once the pulse
Temporal resolution in ultrasound refers to the ability of sequences are ready for relaying to the transducer, there is a
ultrasound to discriminate quick motions in tissue.3 Higher final gate. This is a transmit/receive switch in the instrument
frame rates allow for better imaging of motion and smoother that following each pulse sequence automatically switches off
definition of it. Higher temporal resolution involves narrower the emit (efferent) function of the transducer and turns on its
focuses and reduction of persistence and averaging of images. receive (afferent) function, so it can analyze returning echoes.
The latter provide a means of controlling random artifacts The transducer is in the receive mode the vast majority of the
such as speckle, but tend to reduce temporal resolution. time—typically 99.0% to 99.9% of the time—although more
Because the quality of a static image is easily compared with emit time is required for Doppler imaging. Pulse duration,
MRI or CT, there is a bias to design ultrasound instruments to sequencing, and on/off time cycles are preset based on the
maximize static image quality. Interventional/vascular radi- type of imaging (Doppler versus B-mode), transducer type,
ologists and clinical subspecialists have provided much of the focusing, and imaging depth used. Direct operator control is
impetus for real-time motion and blood flow detection. Given usually restricted, however, to only modulating the amplitude
the complexity and flexibility of ultrasound instrumentation, of the emitted signal.

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Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound 13

Afferent Functions of the Instrument attenuation of ultrasound energy as it passes through tissue,
Once the tissue has been insonated with a single pulse, the both in transmission to the target and in reflection back to the
instrument switches to receive and responds to the return- transducer. As such, instruments are all designed to amplify
ing echoes. The instrument then switches back to deliver- later echoes based on a standard estimate of the degree of soft
ing sound pulses. This cycle is repeated continuously during tissue attenuation (see Tables 1.1 and 1.2). However, some
imaging. tissues cause more or less absorption of sound than the pre-
determined average, and in these cases, prudent adjustment
of near and far gain on the time gain compensation panel
Amplifiers and Time Gain Compensation can result in a more representative image of the structures
After the piezoelectric elements convert returning echoes of interest.3 Alternatively, adjustments are sometimes help-
into electrical impulses, they need to be amplified to create a ful for reducing noise from certain irrelevant layers in an
display. Most instruments also contain a time gain compen- ultrasound image. The time gain compensation panel (see
sation panel to modify the process when needed by the ultra- Fig. 1.2), has a characteristic display control, and it controls
sonographer. The echogenicity of unmodified distant echoes the degree of amplification at different depth layers. Adjust-
is much less than that of near echoes. This is because of the ments to this panel are most helpful when imaging through
tissues that excessively attenuate sound, such as fibrous tis-
sue, or fail to attenuate it, like cystic or vascular structures
(Figs. 1.16 and 1.17).

Ultrasound instruments also use filters to enhance images.
As mentioned, attenuation is frequency dependent, with
higher frequency signals being disproportionately attenu-
ated as sound traverses a distance. Also, sounds emitted by
a transducer have a modest range or bandwidth of frequen-
cies. As echoes return from deeper structures in tissue, the
highest-frequency sounds are attenuated more than the low-
est-frequency sounds in this bandwidth. As such, the ratio of
high frequency noise to high-frequency signal is increased in
deeper tissues. Many instruments selectively filter out more
A high-frequency sounds from the bandwidth for returning
echoes of increasing latency, such as the ones from deeper lay-
ers.3 This graded use of the filter with depth improves the sig-
nal-to-noise ratio. Harmonic imaging can also be useful. As



Fig. 1.16.  These two figures provide examples of shadowing. A,
B-mode cross section of the anterior tibialis about halfway between the
knee and ankle. The two images show the same data, on the left dis-
played in color (white being brightest, then green, then red, then blue
being darkest). On the right is a standard gray-scale image. The promi-
nent, echogenic, and collagen-dense central aponeurosis of this muscle
reflects a greater proportion of incident sound than expected and as
such, the muscle deep to this layer, particularly in the lower right por-
tion of the image where the membrane is thicker is less echogenic (or
more blue). On the upper left, where there is no aponeurosis, the muscle
is somewhat hyperechoic (green). These changes are subtle, but are of
some importance if analyzing tissue echogenicity. Color display is not Fig. 1.17.  This figure provides an example of enhancement. A cross-
routinely used, but in this case highlights the subtle shadowing associ- sectional image of the medial gastrocnemius. On the right, the image
ated with an aponeurosis. The bone edge of the tibia completely reflects is taken with only minimal pressure applied to the transducer, and a
sound, so the bone substance appears as black in both images. B, A large vein is present. Deep to this is an area that is relatively hyperechoic
cross section through the deltoid in a patient with post-traumatic myo- (arrows). On the left, the image is taken with increased pressure, the
sitis ossificans. The calcification in muscle (arrow) causes significant vein is compressed and the hyperechoic area disappears, indicating that
shadowing (S ) in some areas shadowing out the otherwise prominent this is an enhancement artifact secondary to the presence of relatively
presence of the bone edge of the humerus (H ). hypoechoic blood in the overlying venous structure.

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14 Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound

indicated, sometimes harmonics of the insonated frequency

are less subject to distortion than the fundamental frequency,
and this can be used to advantage in certain types of ultra-
sound imaging.

Persistence is a form of image averaging over time in ultra-
sound that improves spatial resolution. This removes random
speckle (the unpredictable echo changes that result from the
positive or negative interference of backscattered sound), and
other artifacts. However, as persistence increases, temporal
resolution decreases.3 Instruments that appear to be ideal
because of simplified panel configurations have more preset
and unalterable imaging features. Such preset configurations A
may emphasize persistence and stability of an image, and
therefore temporal resolution may be sacrificed. If the need
of an instrument is to detect rapid tissue or needle movement,
more setting flexibility may be helpful.

Amplitude (A)-Mode Imaging

Both EMG and ultrasound began with the use of oscil-
loscopes3,4 (Fig. 1.18) using a standard A-mode display. In
A-mode a single line of ultrasound data only is displayed,
with the X axis representing echo latency (which corresponds
to distance or depth) and the Y axis representing echogenicity
(e.g., echointensity amplitude). This should be familiar
because it is the typical display for EMG or NCS, where the
X axis is latency and the Y axis is amplitude of the electrical
signal (voltage). For an electromyographer it can be puzzling
to understand how ultrasound evolved into a real-time 2D
image, while EMG has remained as a single real-time linear
display. With ultrasound, a change in amplitude comes from
an echo, which is generated by a fixed anatomic structure in a
distinct spatial and temporal relation to the transducer’s inci-
dent sound pulse. With electrodiagnosis, a change in ampli-
tude comes from measurable progressive ion movements
along the length of excitable tissues within any radius of the
recording electrodes. Although it is possible to triangulate
bioelectrical signals and to localize them accordingly, this is
complex and not routinely performed with electrodiagnostic
instruments. The key difference is that in ultrasound, ampli-
tude variations (echoes) occur in a temporal pattern deter- B
mined by the location of the reflecting anatomic structure,
which immediately lends itself to spatial display. In electrodi- Fig. 1.18.  These are photographs of oscilloscopes used in original ultra-
agnosis, spatial relationships can only be inferred. sound research at Wake Forest University in the late 1960s. A, This image
shows how images were captured using a Polaroid camera. B, This image
shows the traditional A-mode display familiar to most ­electromyographers.
Brightness (B)-Mode Imaging
One alternative to A-mode imaging is B-mode, or brightness
mode imaging. In this case, instead of displaying amplitude a 2D map of width and depth. However, this type of display
by variations in signal amplitude on the Y axis, amplitude is does have some minor limitations.
represented by varying the brightness of the trace. Higher-
amplitude signals are brighter than lower-amplitude signals.
The audio recording of an EMG signal parallels B-mode Compression
imaging in that the louder the sound of the sound of the EMG Displaying amplitude as brightness instead of vertical dis-
signal, the greater its amplitude. Because time, in ultrasound, placement is somewhat more problematic than one might
is equivalent to distance, if one uses brightness to represent expect. The human eye can readily distinguish subtle varia-
amplitude it opens up a display screen for multiple paral- tions in height but distinguishes variations in light intensity
lel A-mode recordings. As a composite, this allows varying poorly by comparison. Further, although there is a direct lin-
degrees of brightness to represent anatomic structures within ear relationship between measured and perceived height, the

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Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound 15

relationship between measured and perceived brightness is

exponential36 and intuitively much less clear. A simple experi-
ment helps clarify this. In the dark, a single flashlight has a
substantial effect on the ability to see, an effect that is far from Posterior
doubled by the addition of a second flashlight. In fact, it is not vitreous
clear exactly how many flashlights would be needed to double
the perceived intensity of ambient light. As a result, to repre- Choroidal detachment
sent brightness on a display screen in a proportionate way, it
cannot simply be linear; it must be an exponential increase.
Furthermore, the increase needs to be adjusted to compensate Vitreous
for any pupillary constriction that accompanied the increased
brightness. Not surprisingly, there are no simple formulas
for doing this in such a way as to provide the same intuitive
sense of proportion of height and amplitude as in A-mode. Of
interest, the formulas used for determining how amplitude is
translated into brightness vary from manufacturer to manu-
facturer and instrument to instrument, and are often empiri-
cally determined by image aesthetics of select tissues of the A
manufacturer’s choice.
A-mode is commonly used in ultrasound of the eye and
orbit.37 The technique provides a more quantitative approach to Vitreous Choroidal
assessing echogenicity. It not only provides an accurate assess- detachment with detachment
blood layering
ment of reflective strength from structures within the eye but
also a means of comparing reflective strength from a known
ocular structure (such as the posterior scleral wall) and that of
an unknown mass within the eye. Unlike B-mode gray scale
parameters, A-mode amplitude to decibel ratios (compression
metrics) are standardized across different instruments and man-
ufacturers in ophthalmology ultrasound devices. There remain
problems, however, with ceiling effects of the display as appar- Sclera and
ent in Figure 1.19. At this time, A-mode is not routinely avail- tissues
able on most commonly used nonophthalmology instruments. Vitreous

M-Mode Imaging B
M-mode is useful for measuring latency changes in moving
tissue. This technique depends on selecting a single chan- Fig. 1.19.  B-mode (A) and A-mode (B) images of the orbit. The A-mode
nel of information from B-mode ultrasound and displaying image is from a horizontal beam in the center of the image. Note that
how it changes over time (Fig. 1.20).3 This display is more A-mode records amplitude variations in only one linear direction and
that the amplitudes correspond to variations in brightness. It is difficult,
like an electrocardiogram (ECG) tracing, with the time base
however, to interpret the echogenicities displayed because the peak
measured in tenths of seconds. This technique can be used amplitude of the signals cannot be determined as a result of a limited
to measure muscle contraction or fasciculation contraction range of display mode (ceiling effect). Also note the substantially greater
time.35 It should be noted that electrodiagnostic techniques information conveyed by B-mode. (From Waldron RG, Aaberg TM: B-scan
measure the duration of the muscle action potential, which is ­ cular ultrasound, eMedicine from webMD. Updated January 2009. Available at
a surface membrane–only event lasting on the order of 10 ms,
whereas ultrasound measures actual mechanical contraction
and relaxation time, on the order of 200 to 300 ms. expressions and movement. The presence of a face surrounded
by amniotic fluid is an ideal environment for the technology
(Fig. 1.21).3 In clinical practice, however, most ultrasound
Digital Conversion imaging is still done in 2D planes (although technically this
All modern ultrasound instruments use analog digital conver- is really 3D imaging—depth, width, and time). Video is not
sion to display signals. This permits averaging for persistence routinely included in most published ultrasound papers and
as well as for interpolation or smoothing.3 Such adjustments 3D images are relatively uncommon. As such, readers of the
can affect perceived echogenicity. Some instruments provide literature do not routinely find such images other than as
user control of these functions, and adjusting these controls online supplements.38 At this time little has been published
may help enhance imaging of different types of structures. on the use of 3D imaging in nerve or muscle.

3D and 4D Imaging Color Doppler

With computer-based technology, 2D images can be recon- Many ultrasound instruments have the capacity to demon-
structed into 3D and 4D images. The technique is at its strate tissue movement and blood flow using the Doppler
most dramatic when creating realistic videos of fetal facial effect.3 The Doppler effect is a change of the frequency of

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16 Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound

of neuromuscular ultrasound, it turns out that most of the

information is coded by 2D dimensional color-flow Doppler
or Doppler power displays. When examining tissue, such as
nerve, for increased blood flow, it is often helpful to use power
Doppler imaging. This type of imaging is less subject to noise
contamination, and is better for detecting slow flow and look-
ing at smaller or deeper vessels than spectral Doppler imaging.
The results of Doppler power displays are mainly qualitative
and may vary somewhat across instruments. Nonetheless,
these displays provide a simple and reliable means for assess-
ing for the presence or absence of changes in tissue vascularity.
Of interest, ultrasound color allows for information coding in
terms of hue and saturation in addition to brightness (lumi-
nance), and color displays therefore allow for coding of use-
ful information not available from simple gray scale imaging.
A Future Doppler technology may assist in the assessment of
muscle contraction and nerve movement. Readers wishing to
explore color Doppler imaging in greater detail may find Fred-
erick Kremkau’s textbook a useful starting point.3

Image Storage and Manipulation

Many modern instruments can store a final image and allow
postprocessing manipulations.3 At their simplest these include
annotation (arrows and text) and distance measurements, but
many instruments can further alter the display by changing
5 mV other features such as gray scale and compression. Such prop-
erties are useful for record keeping and research.
5 ms

Quantifying Ultrasound Findings
Fig. 1.20.  A, A cross-sectional B-mode image of the tibialis anterior Spatial Dimensions of Tissue
midway between the knee and ankle. The thin green vertical line in Ultrasound instruments are ideal for measuring spatial vari-
this image is used to create the M-mode display below which shows ables such as thickness, width, depth, area, and volume. Edge-
changes in this single line as the muscle changes over time. The plus to-edge resolution with ultrasound is more precise than that
signs mark the onset of a compound muscle action potential cre- obtained with CT or MRI, and all instruments are designed
ated by supramaximal stimulation of the peroneal nerve at the fibu-
to make measuring spatial parameters simple and quick. In
lar head. The duration of the actual mechanical contraction of the
muscle is 241 ms, which is much longer than the compound muscle
practical use a few simple linear measures of structures such
action potential duration, and only reflects the timing of electrical as the kidneys can be used to estimate kidney volume based on
changes across the membrane. Also note that the peak displacement of formulas established in cadaveric studies,8 but similar formu-
the muscle (peak contraction time) occurs about 71ms after onset. B, The las have yet to be developed for muscle or nerve. A few cave-
compound muscle action potential of the same muscle recorded with ats are warranted with linear measures: The first is that depth
stimulation of the peroneal nerve at the fibular head and surface elec- measurements are based on the speed of sound in tissue, and
trodes straddling the plane of this image. Note the striking difference this varies slightly among different types of tissue. Width mea-
in duration; by ultrasound the duration is 241 ms; by nerve conduction surements depend on the assumption that ultrasound waves
studies it is 10 ms, demonstrating the difference between the mechani- are transmitted through tissue in a straight line, yet refraction
cal and electrical behavior of muscle.
does occur when sound crosses planes of tissue with different
acoustic impedance (such as muscle and fat). In calculating
sound energy by a moving object, familiar as the increasing volumes, any linear errors of measurement are magnified by
pitch of a train whistle as a train approaches (and its decreas- multiplying width, length, and depth, which should be cor-
ing frequency as it recedes). Returning echoes demonstrate a rected for if comparing ultrasound volume measurements
similar effect, and Doppler principles are used to generate the with CT or MRI. Measurement error in ultrasound therefore
timing mechanisms of automatic sliding glass door openers. is minor and, to some extent, predictable. Understanding
The physics of ultrasound Doppler are complex and its ultrasound physics can be useful in addressing such minor
details are beyond the scope of this text because at this time few errors if clinically indicated.
papers have been published on blood flow or tissue motion in
nerve or muscle. Nonetheless, this is an area of likely growth
in the field of neuromuscular ultrasound. Initially much of the Quantifying Tissue Movement
focus of color Doppler was on the detection of abnormal vas- Although ultrasound provides accurate estimates of the
cular blood flow, for the purpose of identifying critical occlu- movement of blood in the cardiovascular system readily and
sion or pending occlusion of major vessels. For the purpose quickly,3 solid tissue movement is not easily calculated39 This

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Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound 17

Fig. 1.21.  This is an example of a 3-dimensional (3D) image now routinely available for depicting the detailed surface anatomy of a fetus. In practice,
3D imaging is most informative for structures surrounded by fluid or involving fluid filled structures. The technology is still evolving. (From Wladimiroff
JW, Eik-Nes SH, editors: Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Edinburgh, UK, Elsevier.)

does not necessarily imply that tissue movement is more dif- quantifiable aspects of sensation are separate from the more
ficult to measure than blood movement, but rather reflects subjective aspects of perception:
the years of engineering invested in ultrasound technology
for studying hemodynamics. Although ultrasound-based The variables of sensory discrimination are radically different
calculations of blood flow are not exact measurements they from the variables of perceptual discrimination. The former are
are reliable enough surrogates to be used routinely in clini- said to be dimensions like quality, intensity, extensity and dura-
cal decision making. Nerves and muscles move, including fas- tion; dimensions of hue, brightness and saturation, of pitch,
ciculations, fibrillations, nerve subluxation, and nerve sliding, loudness, and timbre, of pressure, warm, cold and pain. The
and standard ways to measure these movements have yet to be latter are dimensions of the environment, the variables of events
developed. Descriptive rating scales are occasionally used and and those of surfaces, places, objects, of other animals and even
can be reliable even if they are not fully validated. Research of symbols. Perception involves meaning: sensation does not.
in this area is progressing, however, and in the future more To see a patch of color is not to see an object, nor is seeing the
quantitative measures of muscle and nerve movement may form of a color the same as seeing the shape of an object. To see
become standardized using technology such as color tissue a darker patch is not to see a shadow on a surface…to have a
Doppler imaging. salty taste is not to taste salt…to feel a local pain is not to feel
the pricking of a needle, to feel warmth on one’s skin is not to
feel the sun on one’s skin.
Quantifying Echogenicity
Since Heckmatt and Dubowitz40 described the increased echo- —J. J. Gibson41
genicity of affected muscles in Duchennes muscular dystrophy
30 years ago, investigators have been intent on finding ways to Ultrasound instruments have been designed to maximize
measure echogenicity. Despite the substantial improvements perceptual discrimination, not pure sensory discrimination.
in instrumentation in these three decades, quantifying echo- This process, by design, sacrifices accurate representation of
genicity remains problematic. The reasons for this relate to the tissue echogenicity if it detracts from accurate perception.
tension between the use of ultrasound to optimize image aes- In like manner, human eyes sacrifice brightness discrimina-
thetics and the use of ultrasound to measure physical parameters tion by the design of the pupillary reflex, which constricts or
of insonated tissue. Antiglare sunglasses are a useful analogy. dilates the pupil to minimize the distracting effects of changes
These reduce apperception of total light intensity (glare) in in ambient illumination. Further, some quantifiable visual
one’s environment for the benefit of enhancing the ability to variables are of greater importance than others in daily life.
see objects within it; a trade-off most users feel is worthwhile. A For example, size discrimination is, in general, of greater
similar trade-off has been made with current ultrasound instru- importance than brightness discrimination. A 10-fold varia-
mentation, but such an approach has drawbacks. tion in brightness of the environment, which happens com-
Ultrasound instruments are designed to maximize tis- monly because of relative cloud cover, does little to influence
sue recognition and diagnosis. Recognition is defined as behavior, but a 10-fold variation in the size of a nearby pri-
an awareness that something perceived has been perceived mate demands immediate attention (Fig. 1.22).
before (e.g., recognition). This definition is similar to what Different ultrasound instruments use different algorithms
we typically mean by diagnosis, in which it is implied that we to relate display brightness to echogenicity, and these are not
have seen a similar disease pattern before. Although it would standardized across instruments. Only in A-mode instru-
seem that quantifying the physical aspects of one’s environ- ments used for ophthalmologic examinations has there been
ment would go hand in hand with recognizing it or perceiving an attempt by manufacturers to adhere to an imaging standard
it, in fact, they are by no means equivalent. This distinction is in this regard. Of course, brightness is also easily manipulated
a focus of an entire field, Gestalt psychology, which explores by angle of insonation (see Tissue Anisotropy, as follows),
the nature of recognition. In the world of human experience, gain or power settings, time gain compensation settings, and

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18 Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound


One dot = 7500 people

Fig. 1.22.  Two separate types of population density maps. A, This is a B-mode map, showing population density as a manifestation of brightness. The
problems discussed in the text are readily apparent in this image because it is difficult to ascertain which of the following four cities has the greatest
population density: Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, or Dallas. B, This is a bump map showing the same data displayed in terms of height. Here it is
possible to easily distinguish population density levels in different cities and to clearly see that New York has the greatest population density by far of
all the cities represented. The human eye is simply better designed to analyze height ratios than brightness ratios.

selection of transducer frequencies. Further complicating recorded signals from nerve or muscle tend to convey much
the display of brightness is the influence that tissue param- less information than do changes in their temporal profile.
eters have on brightness display; thicker layers of fat, skin, or For example, the placement of surface or needle electrodes
overlying tissues by necessity will alter the intensity of echoes has profound effects on amplitude.4 Slight movements of sur-
returning from a deep structure, and it is difficult to com- face electrodes may change the recorded compound muscle
pensate accurately for such effects. Given the multiplicity of action potentials by 50% or more, and slight EMG needle
these variables, the display of echogenicity has been used to movements lead to even more profound motor unit action
primarily enhance resolution rather than as a measure of the potential changes. Such movements have relatively little effect
intensity of reflected echoes. on latencies, conduction velocities, durations or interpoten-
Of interest, the amplitude/intensity problem has a parallel in tial intervals,4 parameters, free of such random variation, that
electrodiagnosis. The changes in the amplitude of electrically are more likely to convey meaningful information regarding

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Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound 19

Fig. 1.23.  Cross-sectional images of the median nerve at the wrist. A, An image in which the angle of insonation of the probe is just slightly off the
vertical. In this situation the tendons are hypoechoic compared with the nerve. On the right, the transducer is perpendicular to the tendons at the
wrist; here they are hyperechoic compared with the median nerve. B, An M-mode trace (shown in the top image, divided by a thin green line) as
the transducer is moved from the off perpendicular plane (top figure on the left), through the perpendicular (top figure on right) and off perpendicular
in the other direction, and then reversed and brought back to the perpendicular three times. Note that the nerve does demonstrate some anisotropy
in that it is slightly brighter when the transducer is perpendicular, but the difference with the tendons is far more striking. The tendency for the human
eye to enhance contrast makes it more difficult to see the nerve anisotropy in the B-mode image (A) as opposed to the M-mode image (B).

pathology than signal amplitudes. Furthermore, selection the incident sound at an angle equal to the angle of incidence
of different filter settings, thickness of intervening skin and in reference to a central axis. Tissues that have high levels of
fat, or even directional changes in needle electrodes, all have backscattering have low anisotropy and tend to look the same
profound influences on recorded amplitudes in a fashion not regardless of the angle of incident sound, whereas tissues that
dissimilar to that seen with ultrasound. Electrodiagnostic act more like a pure reflector and have high anisotropy look
instruments are designed to measure amplitudes (intensity) much brighter when the transducer is perpendicular and
more precisely than ultrasound instruments, but in fact, even much darker when it is not. Unlike routine MR or CT images
when amplitude is measured accurately, it is not as informa- in which the directional source of imaging energy is relatively
tive as temporal data. constant, with ultrasound subtle changes in the angle of inci-
The brightness problem in ultrasound is a choice of instru- dence of the transducer reveal variations in anisotropy in tissue
ment design. It is possible to engineer instruments to reliably (see Fig. 3.4), can help distinguish different types of adjacent
measure and record variables such as echogenicity in a stan- tissues, such as tendon (high anisotropy) and nerve (low
dardized fashion, but until there is adequate evidence to sug- anisotropy). This relationship is demonstrated in Figure 1.23.
gest that this would be of clinical significance, it will not be Skilled ultrasonographers use these shifts in transducer angle
pursued. The development of color Doppler and blood flow to provide valuable eye-hand feedback that not only helps
analysis was a more complicated task. The brightness problem interrogate tissue but also interprets what is reflected back.
of ultrasound is an accepted limitation of current technology,
but the fact that it is rarely a subject of debate or discussion
should not imply that future research and improvisation in Shadowing
the area will be unfruitful. Other artifacts result from signal attenuation. A classic exam-
ple occurs with calcified tissues, such as calcific arteries. These
tissues do not transmit any sound and either reflect it back to
the transducer or backscatter it in other directions. As such,
Artifacts no returning echoes are seen deep to the calcific tissue, but
Ultrasound imaging is associated with a variety of artifacts, instead a shadow appears with linear edges.3 Shadows are use-
many of which are self evident and few of which lead to sig- ful because few changes in tissue are dense enough to cause
nificant problems when interpreting images. It is helpful to them to appear, and they immediately draw attention to
identify and name some of the more common artifacts to pathology (see Fig. 1.16).
facilitate operation of the instrument and provide accurate
descriptions of image display.
Enhancement is the inverse of shadowing. Some structures,
Tissue Anisotropy for example cysts, generate no echoes and transmit virtu-
Tissue anisotropy can create an apparent artifact, but actu- ally all the sound energy that is directed through them (see
ally, it turns out to be a rather valuable aspect of ultrasound Table 1.2). This tends to make the structures immediately
imaging. Each tissue is different in terms of how it reflects deep to the cyst appear brighter.3 This is because the instru-
light. Some create much more backscatter3 (Fig. 1.23; also see ment is programmed to expect a certain loss of sound energy
Fig. 1.15) and some act more like mirrors, reflecting almost all as it passes through tissue, and when this does not occur,

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20 Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound

Two factors tend to drive the cost of an ultrasound instru-
ment. The first is image quality, the second is the range of
functions. The most expensive instruments tend to have
both high-quality image displays and numerous ranges of
functions. In neuromuscular ultrasound the image qual-
ity of superficial soft tissue structures is probably the most
valuable feature. Color Doppler blood flow capabilities are
secondary, and yet likely to be an important capability as
illustrated in subsequent chapters. Range of frequencies, 3D
imaging, large display screens, ergonomic utility, gel warm-
ers, multiple transducers, postprocessing capabilities, and
portability are of less concern, but can be important to the
needs of the individual user. It is sometimes difficult for
novice ultrasonographers to fully appreciate the exact needs
they have for instrumentation, so leasing a new machine or
Fig. 1.24.  This is a cross-sectional image of the radius taken at the level purchasing a used one may provide useful experience with
of the mid-forearm. On the left, the image is obtained with an 18-MHz the technology that can help guide a subsequent purchase.
probe, and on the right a 10-MHz probe. Note the series of small linear For accounting purposes, most instruments can be assumed
reflections beneath the bone edge. These represent serial reflections of to have at least 4 years of effective use, yet many instruments
the sound off the transducer and then the bone. More lines more closely
continue to be of value for several more years. Ultrasound
interspaced are seen on the left because of the higher frequency of the
transducer and the multiple superficial reflectors. The artifact is sensitive
technology is advancing at a moderate pace, and investing
to the angle of the transducer because if it is held just off the perpen- in the best appropriate technology is critical. Performing an
dicular to the bone the sound echoes reflect away from the transducer. ultrasound examination takes time, and better equipment
enhances efficiency, accuracy, and patient care, factors that
need to be given due consideration when deciding on how
to invest.
the default mechanism of the instrument displays the result Instrument manufacturers in ultrasound vary from large
as distal enhancement. Recognition of this phenomenon is multinational corporations (General Electric) to moder-
useful in drawing conclusions about the tissue superficial to ate-sized companies (Esaote) and any number of smaller
the enhancement. Increased echogenicity deep to a structure companies. The largest companies compete in the manu-
raises the possibility that it is a cyst or vascular structure (see facturing of multiuse premium instruments with multiple
Fig. 1.17). Color flow Doppler is often helpful in distinguish- features, whereas smaller companies tend to focus on niche
ing between static fluid in a cyst and slow flowing blood, as markets. Here the competition is less intense, and innova-
in the case of arteriovenous malformations or pseudoaneu- tions are more likely to be forthcoming. Larger companies
rysms. This distinction is best made before performing a nee- sometimes follow the fortunes of the smaller companies that
dle aspirate of a suspected cystic lesion. are competing in niche markets, and buy up the ultimate
winner. Product development is continual in newer areas
of ultrasound, so careful attention to newer manufactur-
Other Artifacts ers, and familiarity with instrumentation principles are of
Reverberation artifact occurs when the transducer or some importance in purchasing an instrument for neuromuscular
superficial tissue structure acts as a sound reflector (Fig. 1.24).3 ultrasound.
The effect, like looking into a three-way mirror, causes multi-
ple equally spaced images of a reflection to appear. These have
a naturally artifactual appearance and are generally easy to Service and Training
recognize. Other artifacts occur but generally are self evident. For novice users in particular, but for all users, access to
Like their counterpart of optical illusions studied by psychol- service and the stability and quality of ultrasound represen-
ogists, understanding ultrasound artifacts can enhance practi- tatives are considerations in selecting an instrument. For
cal appreciation of the mechanics of ultrasound display. physicians in large group practices or academic centers, there
is often an ultrasound manufacturer that already has an insti-
tutional presence, and this is a good place to start when look-
Practical Considerations Regarding ing at instruments. An established representative tends to be
Neuromuscular Ultrasound available and in a strong position to discount the instrument
or to provide attractive lease or used equipment options. The
Selecting an Instrument for Purchase representative also provides a standard for comparing other
Almost everyone who uses, or wants to use, ultrasound develops potential vendors (and representatives). An unsatisfactory
an interest in strengths and weaknesses of commercially avail- representative can lead to difficulties that negate many tech-
able instruments. Because these range in price from $20,000 to nical advantages available on an instrument, so this aspect of
$200,000, such interest seems warranted. This portion of the equipment purchase should not be overlooked. It should be
chapter highlights the different commercially available features noted that relatively few representatives at this time under-
of an instrument that may influence purchasing decisions. stand the nature of neuromuscular ultrasound, and educating

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Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound 21

them will help them demonstrate aspects of the instrument the fetus. The theoretic risk of ultrasound relates to its ability
that are most relevant to neuromuscular patients. to heat tissues. Of tissue, perhaps the most vulnerable to ultra-
sound is the eye.43-45 With even very brief bursts of high-inten-
sity ultrasound, cataracts may be induced. Imaging the optic
Instrument Size nerve or eye requires that the ultrasonographer be well versed
Instrument size is problematic because larger instruments use in the proper instrumentation for the procedure and its risks.
up more space, generate more heat, and are hard to use outside Temperature probes or hydrophones are available to measure
of a central location. If the ultrasonographer intends to share heat increases in tissue and ambient sound energy for those
the instrument with another user, or to use it off-site, size is wishing to quantify thermal effects of ultrasound imaging.
even more problematic. For practical reasons, physicians who
wish to use ultrasound and who also perform EMG and NCS
will want to have ready access to the instrument in the EMG
Who Should Acquire an Ultrasound
laboratory. Particularly for new users, this ready availability Instrument?
is critical because it is difficult to resist the temptation of set- This book highlights the role of ultrasound in the evaluation of
tling for the limitations of electrodiagnosis if it means waiting a variety of common neuromuscular disorders. Any physician
for access to imaging. Of particular help is the use of a por- who practices electrodiagnostic medicine, or who sees patients
table battery strip, so the instrument need not be unplugged with common neuromuscular problems, is likely to improve
and restarted as it moves from room to room. Anything that the care of patients by acquiring an instrument and learning
delays mastering the initial learning curve for ultrasound will how to use it. Not only is it useful for identifying neuromuscu-
delay the return on the investment of time and resources in lar pathology, it also has the potential to identify musculoskel-
the instrument, so making the instrument accessible is criti- etal pathology in those with normal electrodiagnostic studies.
cal. Larger or brighter display screens on some instruments are Those with a responsibility for educating students or residents
occasionally of interest, particularly if the instrument is used will find that the instrument significantly enhances their appre-
for teaching residents or fellows. Image quality and resolu- ciation of local anatomy and stimulates an interest in pathol-
tion are more important than screen size, and many modern ogy. The experience at the author’s academic electrodiagnostic
instruments are equipped with ports for an LCD projector that laboratory has shown that ultrasound has helped residents learn
can provide broadcasting of images for use in teaching con- electrodiagnosis in a more flexible and less rote manner, and
ferences. Ergonomic features are easier to design on the large enhances their ability to participate in interventional proce-
instrument platforms and are of importance for repetitive use. dures such as botulinum toxin or steroid injections. The abil-
ity to have ready access to the instrument while seeing patients
who might benefit from imaging, and the presence of a suit-
Training EMG Technologists in Ultrasound able amount of time and inclination for a physician to master
A trained, nonphysician, ultrasonographer is unlikely to be able the learning curve are critically important (Fig. 1.25). Given
to perform neuromuscular ultrasound at first because this is the growing quality of imaging instruments and rapid growth
rarely an area of emphasis for most training programs or radiol- of imaging technology, it is likely that imaging will occupy an
ogy practices. On the other hand, they bring useful instrumenta- increasingly important role in the diagnosis and management
tion skills to the job. Because ultrasonography technologists are of patients in the future, and experience with ultrasound will be
among the highest paid technologists in clinical medicine, how- invaluable in promoting better use and interpretation of more
ever, such assistance comes with a price. In the author’s experi- sophisticated imaging technologies such as positron emission
ence, electrodiagnostic technologists can be trained to perform tomography (PET), MRI, or CT. Given the current price and
ultrasound of common nerve entrapments, and their ability to advantages of ultrasound imaging equipment, those interested
correlate electrodiagnostic findings with the results of the elec- in neuromuscular imaging would be ill-advised to delay incor-
trodiagnostic studies, along with their level of comfort with porating this technology into their clinical practice.
instrumentation and neuromuscular patients make them quick
learners. Ultrasound also helps make them better in electrodiag-
nosis because it provides feedback on the anatomy of structures
that are routinely under study. As with any procedure, however,
it is tantamount that the interpreting physician have sufficient Like EMG, ultrasound is an active, interrogatory technology.
experience and training to be able to perform the procedures There is something fundamentally different about looking at
independently, supervise technician conduct of procedures, a frozen image on a screen and actually performing a study in
troubleshoot technical problems, keep up with advances in real time. In part, this is because of the motion of the trans-
instrumentation, and apply new discoveries as they evolve. ducer and kinesthetic feedback involved in holding it, elements
The American Association of Neuromuscular and Electro- that contribute to our ability to inform vision. The image that
diagnostic Medicine (AANEM) is working on standards of we see when performing ultrasound is more than just a series
training suitable for physicians who wish to perform neuro- of brighter and darker pixels on our retina, it’s a cortically
muscular ultrasound.42 derived reconstruction of space reconstructed from a series of
multiple angles and movements of the transducer and of tis-
sue. Studies of how humans view a complex structure, such as
Safety the face, reveal that it is composed of a mosaic of multiple eye
Ultrasound is the safest imaging modality in use, and there movements taking in not just an image, but multiple close-ups
are few, if any, reports of any physical harm resulting from the and wide angle views of the finished whole.46 Felipe Fernan-
technique.3 It is the standard imaging procedure for looking at dez-Armesto,47 in Truth, A History and Guide for the Perplexed

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22 Chapter 1—Basic Principles of Ultrasound

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