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An impact of biometric attendance on student’s academic performance

research proposal

Department of Business Administration


Submitted by
Tanseer Ahmed shaikh

Biometric time and attendance systems have become widespread in different industries such
as workforce management and are quickly becoming more and more useful in the education sector for
accurate student attendance tracking.

Biometric attendance systems are automated and provide a convenient way to quickly record student
check-in and check-out times. Biometric technology uses human physical and biometric characteristics
(which are unique for every individual) to ensure identification accuracy, prevent errors, and eliminate
proxy attendance — even from identical twins. Biometric technology also protects students from
identity theft because it uses sophisticated encryption to secure and protect user identity privacy.

Problem statement:
Nowadays student’s attendance creates big hindrance towards the academic performance/education
because the students know that our system has a lot of loopholes and from those loopholes, they get
the benefit. This study will surely find an impact of implementing the biometric fingerprint system on
student’s academic performance.

Research question:
How much biometric affect and improve the student’s academic performance.
Whether they improve their daily routine or not.

Research objective:
My basic objective of this research is to make sure the attendance of every student because when a
student reaches the classroom then he learns and gets success

Literature review:
Attendance is marked after student identification. For student identification, a fingerprint recognition
based identification system is used. Fingerprints are considered to be the best and fastest method for
biometric identification. They are secure to use, unique for every person and does not change in one’s
lifetime. Fingerprint recognition is a mature field today, but still identifying an individual from a set of
enrolled fingerprints is a time taking a process (Rishab, Prashant 2011).

Student absenteeism is a major concern for educators at institutions of higher learning. Brauer observed
that absences "create a 'dead,' tiresome, unpleasant classroom environment that makes [students who
come to classes] feel uncomfortable and the professor irritable" (Dey, S., Barman 2014)
Biometric person authentication is the task of verifying the person’s identity using human characteristics
or traits to restrict access to an intended service. Automatic attendance system is one of the
applications of biometric person authentication systems (Devadoss, S., & Foltz, J. 1996). Students
academic performance is affected by a number of factors such as gender, schooling, infrastructure,
parent guidance, social economic status, residential area of the student, tuition trends, and a number of
other factors (Jumoke, S., et al. 2015).

Parents, a socioeconomic status which includes professional and academic qualification, revenue and
occupational is also one an indicator which results in students gain in academic performances. So that
the students who have a background from sound economic backgrounds tend to perform better than
other students belong to low economical background families. Social and economic status of the student
is generally observed by the parent’s academic qualification and income standards (Farooq, Chaudhry et
al. 2011).

(Van Dinther, Dochy et al. 2011) that observed that the children who come from those families who
have a low source of income are not highly contributing towards learning outcomes and are having
problems in school behaviour and mostly they show negative attitudes towards the studies in the
school. According to the (Van Dinther, Dochy et al. 2011), those students who are coming from financial
poor background tend to show low performance and obtain low scores grades as compared to other
students of their counterpart.

Type of research design:

I will use quantitative research technique based on both primary and secondary data.

Area of study:
I will conduct this research on the government sector university, Shaikh Ayaz University Shikarpur.

Rishab, Prashant 2011 Rishab, Student Attendance System Based On Fingerprint Recognition and One-
to-Many Matching
Dey, S., Barman, S., Bhukya, R. K., Das, R. K., Haris, B. C., Prasanna, S. R. M., & Sinha, R. (2014). Speech
biometric-based attendance system. 2014 Twentieth National Conference on Communications

Devadoss, S., & Foltz, J. (1996). Evaluation of Factors Influencing Student Class Attendance and
Performance. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 78(3), 499–507.

Jumoke, S., et al. (2015). "Analysis of mobile phone impact on student academic performance in a
tertiary institution." International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 5(1): 361-

Farooq, Chaudhry et al. (2011)Factors affecting students quality academic performance a case study of
secondary school level." Journal of quality and technology management 7(2): 1-14

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