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Alejandra Gutierrez

1312 Brookhaven Dr. | El Paso, Tx 79925 | (915)241-2254 |

Certifications: TExES PPR Exam: Passed, July. 2018
TExES Core Subject Ec-6: Passed, April. 2019
TExES Bilingual Supplemental: Passed, January. 2019
TExES BTLPT: Passed, September. 2019
The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP)
Bachelors of Art
·Major: Applied Learning and Development Anticipated: December 2019
·Concentration: EC-6: Bilingual Generalist Overall GPA: 3.59/ 4.00
·Minor: Primary Grades Education/BIS Major GPA: 3.71/ 4.00

·Reserve for Graduate Credit: Instruction and Curriculum Graduate GPA: 3.40/4.00
Writing with a concentration in Bilingual Education
Dean’s list: Spring 2018, Fall 2017, Spring 2017, Fall 2016, Spring 2016, Fall 2015
Men & Women of Mines Award for the College of Education 2019
Relevant Experience:
Zach White Elementary School El Paso, Tx
Student Teaching Internship, Third Grade August 2019- November 2019
 Worked one-on-one with students who needed extra scaffolding on topics they didn’t comprehend fully
 Gave full lessons from beginning of the unit to the end, while intergrading activates that would enhance
different learning styles. (Auditory, visually, and kinesthetic.)
 Use technology such as videos and Class Dojo to enhance visuals and fairness on picking groups and
students randomly.
 Help enhance lessons to be fun and creative while encouraging students to use their bloom’s taxonomy
thinking. (Creating, evaluating, analyzing, applying, understanding, and remembering.)
Literacy/ Biliteracy work study at UTEP El Paso, Tx
September 2019- Present
 Development and preparation of materials for working with K-12 students in the area of biliteracy
America Reads Work Studies at UTEP El Paso, Tx
December 2015- May 2019
 Participated in community-engaged activities in public schools and UTEP literacy camp assisting with
tutoring for reading development. Through the years I mentored other university students into the program.
 Assisted in the coordination of the literacy camp and monitored implementation of tutoring sessions held in
public schools for those students who needed the extra help.
Document Translator El Paso, TX
July 2019- Present
 Translate legal documents from Spanish to English or vice versa for clients in immigration Law firm
Iglesia Bautista Trinity El Paso, Tx
August 2012- November 2016
 Junior Church Teacher and assisted in Sunday school, daycare, missions, community pantries

Texas State Teachers Association- Aspiring Educators (TSTA-AE) El Paso, TX
Member Fall 2016 – Present
 Positions held the social editor Fall 2016, treasurer: Spring 2017 , vice president: Fall 2017, and President:
Spring 2018- Spring 2019 .
 Contributed in organizing events, meetings, for different organizations, schools, and community events all
over El Paso.
Bilingual Educational Student Organization at UTEP (B.E.S.O.) El Paso, TX
Member August 2017 – Present
 Attended all regular member meetings, organization gatherings, and volunteer opportunities.
Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) El Paso, TX
Member August 2017 – Present
 Attended all regular member meetings, organization gatherings, and volunteer opportunities.
Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE) El Paso, TX
Member June 2019 – Present
 Attended all Regular member meetings and contributed with fundraising activities.
Student Organization Leadership Series (SOLR) El Paso, TX
August 2018– May 2019
 developed leadership skills as I practice the Social Change Model Provided by the Student Engagement
Leadership Center at UTEP
- Fluent in written and oral Spanish - Experience in working with others.
- Knowledgeable in thinking map and a holistic framework -Good communication skills.
- Proficient in MS Office Word, PowerPoint, Excel - Strong work ethic.
Canva, Prezi, and Google Docs. - Ability to learn from criticism
- Proficient in different student friendly apps - punctuality
- Presentation and organization skills - time management
- Budgeting, Extensive Fundraising skills -customer service.

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