Lights Backup

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Lights in the Swamp:

General PC mechanics:

Attributes: Accurate, Wits, Discreet, Persuasive, Quick, Courage, Grit,


Derived Attributes:

Initiative: In order of Vigilant, then Wits

Defence: Quick-Armour penalty

Blight Threshold: Half of Courage

Toughness: Half of Grit

Encumbrance: All of Grit

Every PC also has one Cursed number per mystic power (all PC's start
with one mystic power). If a Doomed number shows on any dice then the
PC whose number it matches gains on Blight and the game master gains a
Curse Token.

Curse Tokens:

The GM can use Curse Token's for multiple things, commonly:

• They may spend Curse Token's to power specific traits on each

• Emphasize a bad spot a player character is in by forcing them to re-
roll (limit once per roll)
• Change a result of 1 on any armour, damage or ammo die to instead
break or jam the equipment being used

New Equipment Categories:

Stockpiles are an abstract of the extra provisions the player is carrying

with them such as Ammo, Medicine, Ritual Materials and Camping
supplies. Each of these is measured in different die sizes from d4 to d12
and takes up one encumbrance per die size. Whenever the players use any
of these stockpiles the player rolls the matching dice. On a 1 the stockpile
dwindles to a smaller die size.

Guns are now common place in the system. Most of them will have the
Loaded (dX) trait next to them. When firing them roll the matching die
with the d20. On a 1 that die dwindles, if a d4 dwindles the weapon needs
re-loading. Taking one action and one roll of the ammo stockpile per die
size restored up to it's original cap.

Armour functions as in Symbaroum but now takes up 1, 2 or 3

encumbrance for light, medium and heavy armour respectively.

Both armour and weapons are susceptible to damage in the swamp. If you
roll a 1 on an armour or damage check respectively they reduce their die
size by one until repaired. With a curse token spent they reduce an
additional die size.

Ranged Weapons:

Name Damage Qualities Cost

Hunting Rifle d10 Single Shot 13 Solids
Monster Hunter D10 Loaded d4 39 Solids
Abyss Slayer D10 Single Shot, Massive 65 Solids
Crossbow d8 Single Shot, Bolts, 3 Solids
Repeating Rifle d8 Loaded (d8) 7 Solids
Military Rifle D8 Loaded (d8), Precise, 35 Solids
Snub Nosed Rifle D8 Loaded (d8), small 35 Solids
Shotgun d8 Point blank, Loaded (d4) 7 Solids
Gentlefolk's d8 Point blank, Single shot, small 21 Solids
Barn Sweeper D8 Point blank, Loaded d4, semi- 35 Solids
Revolver d6 Small, Loaded (d6) 5 Solids
Chain Revolver d6 Small, Loaded (d10) 30 Solids
Cavalry Revolver D6 Small, Loaded (d6), Point Blank 25 Solids
Ladies Revolver D6 Small, Loaded (d4), concealed 15 Solids

Gameplay Styles:

Players are either, in town, travelling, at camp or in a scene.

Scene play works as expected.

While travelling the day is divided into four segments. At least one of
which must be spent asleep. At the end of the day the game master gains a
doom token for every player character who has forgone rest.

When travelling one player is elected as the pathfinder and may move the
group a while making a Wits check, often modified by terrain. With the
pathfinder usually taking the brunt of any fall out for failure.

When the player's make camp they all roll their supply die and are allowed
to make one camp action each. Camp actions are often granted by powers
but the following are available to all characters:

• Rest: Sleep and rest your head to prevent fatigue cursing you.
Additionally removes 1d4 Blight
• Keep Watch: Roll Vigilant to stay alert as you watch over the others.
If no one successfully Keeps Watch then the GM may introduce a
conflict or take two Curse Tokens
• Bandage up: This requires two players and costs a Medicine
Stockpile roll. One player acts as the healer and must make a Wits
check and the other to get bandaged up for 1d4 Toughness or reduce
any injury by 1 in severity if successful.
• Fix it up: Using a Repair Kit and Wits a character may unjam one of
their guns or repair damaged armour and weapons by one die size.

In town players may do any number of camp actions (while still paying for
supplies if needed) but may also shop for equipment, get professional
repairs and medical treatment and check notice boards or other sources for
work. This need not be tracked with segments and the need for rest like

Going Over (Your Thresholds):

When Blight or Damage overtakes your threshold you're at risk of injury.

First use a d4 to determine which attribute suffers:

Damage Blight
1 Accuracy Wits
2 Discreet Persuasive
3 Quick Courage
4 Grit Vigilant

Then increase it's injury level by the amount of harm you are over:

1 The attribute suffers -3

2 The attribute suffers -5
3 Any Rolls Made with the Attribute must roll twice and take the
worse result.
4 You may not willingly roll this attribute. If GM action calls for this
attribute to be rolled you automatically fail. Often catastrophically.

If there is still Blight/Damage left to assign roll another attribute and

repeat the process.

A character dies or is claimed by the blight if ever:

• They need to fill in a harm box but can not.

• They take excess harm equal to their original threshold in one
instance (e.g. if someone with 10 grit and 5 Toughness is sitting at 4
damage and takes a further 6 they immediately perish from the force
of the blow).

Casting Powers and Rituals:

Mystic powers are signified by having a die number in brackets next to
their name. This is called the risk die. When you cast a power you first
pick the Force with which to cast it (2 at minimum) and roll that many risk
dice with the d20. For each double among the risk die you gain 1 Blight,
for each triple 2 and so on. In return for this it also increases the force of
your power for each blight you accidentally take on. Additionally, unless
noted, Mystic Powers use Vigilant to cast.

For Example: Jameson has just completely failed his armour roll against a
giant, blighted bird's talons. Not wanting to take damage (or risk the
grasping claws) he uses his mystic power Uncanny Reflexes (1d4) which
allows him to prevent Damage equal to his Force as a reaction. He sets his
force at 6 to nullify most of the nine damage and rolls 6d4 along with his
Vigilant check.

He succeeds at his Vigilant check and his d4 results were: 1, 1, 2 4, 4, 4

Meaning that Jameson gained 3 Blight: One from the double and two from
the triple for his little stunt. By way of mercy this also increases the force
(and therefore damage avoided) by three and allows Jameson to avoid the
entire attack.

It's important to note that even if Jameson had failed his vigilant check he
still would have taken all the blight he rolled.


In addition to normal actions you may also spend your movement action to
reload 1 die size worth of loaded into a weapon (and roll your ammo

You may also take cover where appropriate. Cover grants you an extra 1d4
armour against any non mystical ranged attacks. People may spend a
movement action to flank you and negate this where possible.


Dead Eye Gunslinger

Novice: You may spend your Novice: The character may
movement action to increase your sacrifice their movement action to
damage die by 1 size. fire a second shot. This may only be
done if the combat action is also
Adept: Additionally your dead-eye used to fire. The shots are rolled
shot hits a specific target on the separately and may (but do not have
enemy. This causes normal damage to) be aimed at the same target.
but also the desired effect, a weapon
is dropped, they fall to the ground, Adept: The character can fire two
they are temporarily blinded. shots in a single combat action.
Whichever the case the target loses
a combat action to deal with the Master: The character may fan the
situation. hammer on revolvers. Continuing to
make shots with them until he runs
Master: Your dead eye no longer out of ammo or misses.
takes a movement action.
Additionally you can ricochet shots
off of walls and trees and ignore
enemies cover.

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