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1. Lesson Plan Information

Subject/Course: Sciences Name: Edgar Andres Galindo
Grade Level: 3rd Date: Tuesday 5th June Time:8:10 am
Topic: Habitats, Landscapes, Forms of relieve Period: 4th

2. Expectation(s)
 Expectation(s):
1. Observing landscapes
2. Observing different forms on nature
3. Observing habitats.
4. Relating landscapes to habitats.
5. Learning vocabulary

 Learning Skills:
1. Understanding concepts and apply them
2. Answering questions about choices
3. Identifying him/herself in the topics
4. Describing landscapes and habitat and their characteristics.
5. Justifying their choices
6. Applying the topics to real life

3. Content
What do I want the learners to know and/or be able to do?
1. Using grammar structures and vocabulary to answer questions given by teacher and students in a round table.
2. The students will be able to use grammar and vocabulary to talk and ask about the topic in present, future and
hypothetical situations
3. Students will observe some videos about the different habitats they can find in their city, so then they can go to
these habitats
4. Understanding how the content is related to their context and daily life in their city

4. Teaching/Learning Strategies

For this step the teacher will use the I have never game that I presented in the activity 1. This is an activity to
introduce the present perfect and different departments or regions of the country. The teacher will write some verbs
in past participle in the board, cities and regions of the country and the habitats that can be found in different
landscapes of those regions. Then he will set the example:
I have never swum in the pacific region beaches.
The students will continue. In this way the teacher will introduce the topic in terms of language and content.

For this step the teachers will present a present a video with the videos from different habitats and in what regions
of the country can they be found. Else the teacher will present a series of characteristics and animals that can be
found in each habitat. Then he will present a series of pictures and students will say if they what habitat is the

picture and if “They have been there” or “They have seen those animals” if they have been there, they will mention
two activities they have done being there.

Consolidation and/or Recapitulation Process

The teacher will assign a different habitat to groups he has previously set. The groups will be given 5 minutes to
prepare a 2 minutes’ presentation of each habitat. Then they will have to go in front of the class to answer the
questions his partners have about each habitat. The teacher will have to guide the activity and answer the questions
fro the group if they do not know the answer.


1. Match the the description with the picture according to the habitat described.
Then name each habitat and circle with red color the habitat you have visited.

Freshwater – Desserts – Grassland – Tundra - Ocean

A. Body of salt water that covers almost three fourths of the earth's surface.
Some animals that live there consist of salt water fish, sharks, sea turtles,
whales, dolphins, etc.

B. A region so arid because of little rainfall that it supports only sparse and widely
spaced vegetation or no vegetation at all. Some animals that live in the desert
are snakes, camels, certain reptiles, etc.

C. One of the vast, nearly level, treeless plains of the arctic regions. Some
that live here are polar bears, grey wolf, snowy egret, etc.

D. An area which the natural vegetation consists largely of grasses, characteristic

of sub-humid and semiarid climates. Some animals that live in the grasslands
are deer, bears, bobcats and several other mammals.

E. A body of wáter that is fresh or not salt. Some things that live in fresh water are
fish, snapping turtles, otters, etc.

2. Think about the school trips, family trips or vacation. Have you ever been in one of these habitats
(Freshwater – Desserts – Grassland – Tundra – Ocean). Write the name of the please. What habitat was that place?
Describe the place with your own words including plants and animals you saw.

The place I visited is called ___________________________


3. Look at the following habitats, there are some of them that have been previously explained by the teacher some
other not. Choose one of the habitats that hasn’t been explained and prepare a 5 minutes presentation including a
poster about it for next class.

CONCLUSION: How will I conclude the lesson?

The teacher will finally have a feedback conversation with his/her students to make sure all doubts are answered
and the topic is understood by all the students.

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