SKF General Conditions For Technical Assistance and Advice PDF

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SKF Ge n e r a l Con dit ion s for t e ch n ica l a ssist a n ce a n d a d vice

VALI D FROM 20 10- 01- 0 1

1 . Ap p lica b ilit y
These General Condit ions shall apply in full on t ech nical assist ance, professional fess and disbur sem ent s) relat ing t o t he Adv ice cov ered by
adv ice an d ot her consult ancy t y pe ser vices ( includin g en gineering t his Agreem ent .
con sultancy services or application en gineering serv ices) ( "Adv ice")
provided by SKF t o a t hird part y ( " Recipient" ) unless ot herwise ex plicit ly 6 . I n t e lle ctu a l Pr op e r ty
agr eed in w rit ing by SKF. No ot her pr ov isions shall be applicable, SKF shall ret ain contr ol an d ow nership of all inv entions, designs and
regar dless of whet her t hey were ex plicitly rej ect ed or not in an y copy righ t an d any ot her int ellect ual pr opert y ow ned, cont rolled or
individual case. Th e services t o be perform ed by SKF hereun der shall be possessed by SKF. The Part ies agree t hat SKF shall own all right, tit le
con clusively deem ed t o be su bj ect t o t hese General Con dit ions, w hich and int erest in and t o all Result s ( “Result s” sh all m ean any ideas,
shall supersede an y provisions, t er m s and conditions cont ained i n inv ent ions, discoveries, k now- how , dat a, docum en tat ion, r epor t s,
Recipient’s purchase order or ot her com m unicat ion f rom Recipient t o m at erials, writ ings, desi gns, com put er sof tw ar e, pr ocesses, principles,
SKF. SKF’s perf orm ance is ex pr essly con dit ion ed upon Recipient ’s m et hods, t echniques and ot her inform at ion , r ecor ded in any f or m , that
accept ance of t hese Gener al Condit ions w it hout m odificat ion. are discov ered, conceiv ed, reduced t o pract ice or oth erw ise generat ed as
a result of or in connection wit h an y Advice perf orm ed un der t hese
2 . Scop e o f t h e Ad vice general conditions by or on behalf of SKF or t he Recipient , and any
The scope, pur pose an d th e int ended use of t he results of t he Advice pat ent , tr ade secret , copy right or ot her int ellect ual property r ights
shall be determ ined by SKF, unless oth erw ise is agreed in writing. SKF pert aining t o any of the foregoing.) The Recipient shall m ake full
shall incur n o liabilit y or obligat ion t o t he Recipient arising out of any disclosur e of all Result s. I f and t o t he ex t en t t he Recipient has gener at ed
ot her use or applicat ion t hereof by t he Recipient . Result s, t he Recipient hereby assigns and t ransfers, w it hou t addit ional
con siderat ion, t o SKF all right , t it le an d int er est in and t o such Result s.
3 . Te rm o f p ro visio n of Ad vi ce / Fe e a n d pa ym e n t te rm s SKF shall be en t it led t o apply f or an d obt ain in SKF's ow n nam e pat ent s,
Dat es or periods f or t he prov ision of t h e Advice are approx im at e and are design right s or any ot her legal prot ection on Result s. The Recipient
giv en for inform at ion pur poses only . A delay in pr ov ision of th e Advice, shall, an d shall cause it s em ploy ees and agent s t o execut e, or cause t o
including com plet ion of t h e Advice lat er t han th e dat e or dat es prov ided be ex ecut ed, all papers necessar y t o eff ect t he f oregoing, inclu ding
by SKF, sh all not const itut e a breach of con tr act an d shall not ent itle t he assignm ent s as necessary or u sef ul to v est all right , tit le an d int erest in
Recipient to any rem edy unless SKF h as guarant eed a date for and t o t he Results in SKF, w ith ou t additional con sideration.
com plet ion of t he Advice in a writt en w arrant y which ex pressly m odifies
t he pr ov isions of t hese general condit ions. Fees an d pay m ent t erm s shall 7 . Lim it a t ion o f lia b ility a n d in d e m n it y
be agreed separat ely . The obligations of SKF arising out of t he prov ision of t he Adv ice are
strict ly lim it ed t o t he professionally com pet ent perf or m ance of t he
4 . Co n fid e n t ia l I n fo rm a tio n Adv ice. SKF cann ot an d does n ot m ak e any prom ises, gu ar an t ees or
Each part y un dert ak es for it self an d for it s em ploy ees, agents an d warrant ies, ex pr ess or im plied, t hat t he Adv ice w ill have an y influence on
represent at iv es t o tr eat t he ot her part y's Confidential I nform ation t he product or process perf or m ance or t hat it will im pr ov e Recipients
( "Confiden t ial I nform at ion " shall m ean any an d all inform ation relat ed t o profit abilit y or t hat t he product or process will be fit for a part icular
t he processes, pr oduct r an ge, int ern al affairs an d/ or business of t he pur pose. SKF furt her does not gu ar ant ee att ainm ent of t he intended
par ties (and t heir affiliat es) - including but n ot lim it ed t o t echnical, result of t h e Advice. This is a com m ercial agreem en t bet ween business
pract ical and com m ercial infor m ation - t hat a part y m ay disclose t o t h e ent ities, and, ex cept as oth erwise specifically pr ovi ded her ein, ALL
ot her part y direct ly or indirectly in w rit ing, orally , or oth erw ise) as st rict ly WARRANTI ES, EXPRESS AND I MPLI ED, ARE SPECI FI CALLY DENI ED AND
con fidential and n ot disclose or com m u nicat e such Confident ial EXCLUDED BY SKF TO THE FULL AND MAXI MUM EXTENT PERMI TTED BY
I nform at ion t o any t hir d part ies. Confiden tial I nfor m ation m ay be LAW. This is an agreem ent for t he com m ercial sale of ser vices and any
disclosed only t o t hose represent ativ es and em ploy ees of a part y t o t ransf er of goods by SKF t o Recipien t is incident al to t hat com m ercial
whom such disclosur e is necessary f or t he pur pose of t he Advice. SKF pur pose. This is not a con t ract for t he sale of goods nor sh ould it be
shall, howev er, be ent itled t o com m unicat e t he Reci pient ’s Confident ial int erpret ed as such by any cour t , arbitr ation panel, gov er nm ent agency
I nform at ion t o anoth er com pany w it hin t he SKF Gr oup. SKF shall see t o it or legal t ribu nal. I f SKF fails t o provide the Advice in a pr ofessional
t hat such com pany adheres t o t he provisions in t hese general con dit ions. m anner th en t he Recipien t sh all prom pt ly not ify SKF t her eof in writ ing,
Neither party m ay use t he oth er part y 's Confident ial I nfor m ation f or any specifying t he problem s, an d SKF sh all prom ptly carry out an
ot her pu rpose t han t he int ended use of t he result of t h e Advice (see inv est igation. SKF sh all at it s own ex pense use reasonably endeav ors t o
Section 2 above). No obligat ion of use, disclosure or confident ialit y shall rem edy a defect iv e Adv ice. SKF's obligat ions shall not ex t en d t o defect s
apply to infor m at ion which ( i) was k now n by t h e receiv ing par ty ( or an which ar e due t o t he Recipient n ot com ply ing w ith inst r uctions given by
affiliat e of th e r eceiv ing par t y) prior t o receipt f rom t he ot her part y ; ( ii) SKF or w hich are caused by im pr oper or abn or m al use or by ev en ts
was k nown t o t he pu blic prior t o receipt by t h e receiving part y fr om t he out side the con tr ol of SKF or w hich are due t o t h e Reci pient having
ot her part y or w hich becom es kn ow n t o t he public subsequent t o receipt provided SKF wit h incorrect or incom plet e inform at ion. The abov e
from t he ot h er par t y t hr ou gh n o fault of t he receiv ing par t y or t he m ent ioned obligat ion of SKF t o rem edy a defect ive Adv ice is t he only
receiv ing part y's em ployees, agent s or represen tat iv es; ( iii) su bseq uent rem edy av ailable t o Recipient . I N NO EVENT SHALL SKF BE LI ABLE FOR
t o r eceipt by th e receiv ing par t y from the ot her part y , is m ade av ailable MONETARY CLAI MS OF ANY KI ND, WHETHER BASED UPON CONTRACT,
t o t he receiv ing part y ( or an affiliate of t h e receiving part y ) by a t hird TORT LI ABI LI TY (I NCLUDI NG NEGLI GENCE), STRI CT LI ABI LI TY OR
par ty which is legally ent it led t o do so; ( iv) if such disclosure is r equired OTHERWI SE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE ( I NCLUDI NG, BUT NOT
by law , cour t or der or st ock regulat ions or ( v) is dev eloped by t he LI MI TED TO, LOSS OF USE, PROFI TS OR REVENUE OR CLAI MS OF
receiv ing par t y ( or an affiliate of t he receiving part y ) indepen dent ly of RECI PI ENTS CUSTOMER, OR SPECI AL, I NDI RECT OR CONSEQUENTI AL
t he ot her part y's Confiden tial I nform at ion. Each party shall pr ovide LOSSES, OR PENAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE), ARI SI NG OUT OF,
proper an d secure st orage for t he ot her part y's w ritt en Confident ial CONNECTED WI TH, OR RESULTI NG FROM ANY USE OR RELI ANCE BY
I nform at ion. All copies of t h e ot her par t y's Confident ial I nform at ion w ill RECI PI ENT OF THE ADVI CE. Recipient shall reim burse SKF for all costs
be ret urned t o t he ot her part y im m ediat ely upon t he request of t he ot her and dam ages pai d or pay able by SKF t o a third part y as a consequ ence
par ty , unless such docum ent s ar e required as a part of a part y 's int ern al of SKF provi ding Adv ice t o t he Reci pient , unless such cost and dam ages
decision m ak ing pr ocess or m aint enance of com pan y r ecor ds. are du e t o SKF hav ing been grossly negligen t.

5 . Re cip ie n t 's W a r r a n ty 8 . Ar b it ra t io n a n d ap p lica b le la w

The Recipient warr ant s t hat use by SKF of desi gns or inst ruct ions All dispu tes arising in connect ion w it h t he prov ision of Adv ice shall be
provided by Recipien t or on behalf of t he Reci pient sh all not cause SKF t o finally sett led u nder t he rules of Arbit rat ion of t he I nt ern at ion al Cham ber
infringe any patent , regist ered tr adem ar k , copy right , design ri ght or of Com m erce by on e or m ore ar bit rat ors appoint ed in accordance wit h
sim ilar rights pr ot ect ed by law . Recipient sh all defend, hol d h arm less an d t he said rules supplem ent ed as necessary by t he procedural rules of law
indem nify SKF against any claim s of infringem ent and r esult ing dam ages of t he coun try of SKF's place of business m ost closely conn ected w it h t h e
and ex penses ( including, w it hout lim it ation, at t or ney and ot her Adv ice. All such disput es sh all be gov ern ed by t he su bst an tial law of t he
cou nt ry of SKF's place of business.

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