Sap Ihc

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In this IMG activity, you create the transaction types that you need for internal and external

payments which
can be executed manually or automatically. These transaction types are bank-area independent.

In this IMG activity you set up clearing partners to which you want to forward external payment orders.

All payment orders for external recipients (the recipient's account is not in the same bank area as the payer of
the payment order) are forwarded to a clearing partner.
Make Basic Settings for Payment Processes

In this IMG activity you make bank-area-dependent settings.


Processing Transaction Types in Bank Area

Here you specify which transaction types are allowed in a bank area and how you want to post them:

If a transaction type is not available here, it cannot be selected or used when a payment order is created in a
bank area.

Correspondingly, the system cannot process an IDoc if the transaction type used for the inbound IDoc has not
been defined for each bank area to which a posting is to be made.

Settlement Accounts

Here you define the following accounts:

 Current accounts for provisional postings

 Settlement accounts for provisional and final postings

Note that the entries for final postings are only logical in combination with the settlement posting type.

The transaction type and business partner fields are optional. This lets you further differentiate between the
accounts you want to post to. If you differentiate by transaction type, ensure that credit/debit indicator
corresponds to the transaction type attributes.

Always define the settlement and provisional accounts in the currency of the current accounts that will be
posted to finally.

Posting Data

Define the posting parameters here that the system needs in order to post the current account items. The
transaction type field is optional. Make sure that the transaction type and the credit/debit indicator match.

Settlement Rates

In the case of a currency conversion, the exchange rate type you enter here is used to calculate the amounts
for posting to the current accounts and the settlement amounts for posting to the current account system. If
there is a currency conversion for debit items, the selling rate is transferred, and the buying rate is transferred if
the currency is converted for a credit item.

The secondary rates are rates used to calculate the payer or offsetting account item. The system uses the
difference between the primary and secondary rates to calculate the settlement items.

The clearing partner field is optional. In the case of external payments, you can use this field to define rate
types based on the clearing partner.
Accounts for Clearing Partner

Enter current accounts for each clearing partner here for clearing payment orders that have been forwarded.
Postings are made to these offsetting accounts when payment orders are forwarded to a clearing partner for
external payments.

Offsetting accounts must be created for each clearing partner and currency in which payment orders should be
forwarded to the clearing partner. You can also define different accounts for the different settlement categories.

Payment Method Data

You define the payment method here which will be contained in the outbound IDoc to a certain clearing partner.

If no suitable entry is found for an outbound IDoc, the system forwards the original payment method and
payment method supplement as contained in the inbound IDoc.

You can also define the payment method in the outbound IDoc for manual payments. Enter a transaction type
for manual payments and leave the delivered payment method field empty.

Communication Data

Enter the parameters for communication between an IDoc and a clearing partner here. Define the following
parameters for each currency in which you want to forward payment orders to a clearing partner:

 Communication parameters for sending IDocs with ALE:

o Partner type of the recipient

o Partner number of the recipient

o Message code

o Message function

When the outbound IDoc (with which a payment order is forwarded to a clearing partner) is generated,
these values are transferred to the control record. They are required for sending the IDoc and for
correct inbound processing in the recipient system. The message code and message function fields
are optional and their values are freely definable. However, they must correspond to the entries in the
partner profile applying to inbound IDocs in the recipient system. This lets you determine whether the
recipient should process the inbound IDoc as an incoming IHC payment for cross bank area payments
(transaction code PEXN) or as an incoming FI payment for external payments with payment program
F111 (transaction code PEXC).

 Posting parameters:

o Bank country

o Bank key

o Account Number

These account details are written to the outbound IDoc as the sender bank details and are used to
identify the sender in the recipient system.
To carry out cross bank area payments, a sender account must be entered here in the recipients SAP
In-House Cash component. This account must correspond to an account in the current account system
of the recipient IHC bank area.
For carrying out external payments in the FI of the recipient, account details must be entered here (any
but they must be unique) for identifying the sender when the Inbound IDoc is processed in the recipient
In order to be able to identify the IDoc sender and process the IDoc in the recipient system the
following must apply: The account must correspond to the account details of the clearing partner
entered in the recipient system for processing inbound IDocs. You can find the account details in the
Set Up Creation of Payment Requests for Inbound IDoc in FI activity. The bank details entered are
only used for internal identification and can be selected at your discretion. They do not have to
represent a real bank account.
By selecting different account details, payment requests can be created in different company codes in
the recipient system.


Enter the recipient (clearing partner) to which the system should forward an external or cross-bank-area
payment as an IDoc.
In this activity you can determine which IHC transaction type should be the default setting for each of the five
different transactions for creating IHC payment orders (internal, external, bank transfer, debit memo, expert

Define Transaction Type for Automatic Payments


You have to specify how incoming payment orders from subsidiary companies are to be processed or posted.

The relevant bank area is first determined, based on the payer bank data (bank number), where the payer
holds a current account. The BCA business partner corresponding to the subsidiary company is also

In this IMG activity you can then specify the transferred transaction type dependent on a range of payment
order data. This includes:

 Payer bank data

 Payment recipients country

 ...

In addition, you can activate the #Do Not Post# indicator to prevent any provisional or final posting regardless
of the transferred transaction type.
The transaction type can be made dependent on other data contained in the payment order (transported
payment method, +/- sign, and so on). If not all key fields are specified, the #most suitable# entry is determined
for a payment order. The key fields to the right are the least significant.


You have defined the transaction types.

Set Up Route Processing


In this IMG activity you create a set of rules for each bank area to determine routes. A number of rules are
assigned to a route. You can use the wide-ranging field selection for the payment order to define these rules.

The system checks the entries in these fields when it processes a payment order. If a rule, filled accordingly,
applies, the route is inserted in the list of found routes. The system selects the route with the highest priority.

The clearing partner is determined on the basis of the selected route. See also: Assignment of routes to
clearing partners in Customizing under Make Basis Settings for Payment Processes.


You have assigned the clearing partner to routes in Make Basis Settings for Payment Processes. The assigned
routes are then available as input help when you define the set of rules.

A graphical tool is available to assist you in creating the set of rules. For more information, see Help ->
Application Help.
Set Up Creation of Payment Requests for Inbound IDoc in FI

In this IMG activity you enter all settings for creating FI payment requests if incoming payment IDocs are
forwarded from an IHC Center to FI for external payment with the F111 payment program.

1. Definition of the clearing partner

Define a corresponding entry to identify the clearing partner for each clearing partner permitted to send
payment IDocs to FI for further processing by means of the F111 payment program.

a) Account details for a clearing partner

Enter account details (bank country, bank number, account number) and the sender type and number that a
clearing partner transferred in the fields of the payment IDoc when payment orders were forwarded for
processing with the F111 payment program (control record and segment E1IDB02 Qualifier 'BA').

b) Posting accounts for a clearing partner

Maintain the company code, partner account and partner account type for each clearing partner, dependent on
the logical message PAYEXT (=> credit/debit indicator credit) or DIRDEB (=> credit/debit indicator debit). You
can select G/L, customer or vendor accounts from the corresponding account type selection. The currency field
is optional. It allows you to differentiate between company codes and accounts on the basis of the transaction

c) Parameters for creating payment orders for a clearing partner

Maintain the payment method selection, the payment method supplement, the house bank group or the house
bank account in the company code to be used for each clearing partner dependent on the payment currency,
the payment method, the payment method supplement and instructions 1-4.

You can also specify, when a debit memo is forwarded to FI for external payment, whether or not it should be
presumed that the clearing partner has permission to debit the drawee and if this is to be treated in the same
way as your own permission to debit the drawee.

You can also define whether or not a payment request should be created with a payment block, meaning that it
always has to be explicitly released for payment, or if a certain instruction key should be used.

The payment currency, payment method, payment method supplement and instructions 1-4 are optional and
allow you to differentiate between the parameters in more detail on the basis of data supplied in the payment
IHC Account Determination from External Bank Account

In this IMG activity you define the data that the system requires to find the responsible in-house cash center for
an incoming account statement and to post the items there.
During posting the system uses the account statement date as posting date and the value date of the
respective account statement item as value date.

 If the posting date is in the future, the system creates a planned item provided no currency conversion
takes place. If a currency conversion takes place, the account statement date must be in the past or be
the same as the payment transaction date so that the system can process the account statement item.

 If the posting date is in the past or is the same as the payment transaction date, an item is created in
the in-house cash center. During the general ledger transfer the system determines the posting period
based on the posting date.


The in-house cash center manages a separate account at the in-house cash center bank for each company


1. Choose New Entries.

2. For each entry, enter the house bank of the in-house cash center in the first three columns ( bank
number, bank account, currency). You only have to enter the currency of the house bank account if
you have several foreign currency accounts with identical account numbers at the house bank.
3. In the following two columns, (bank number and partner bank account), enter the bank details of the
paying partner.
4. In the following two columns (bank area and account number) enter the account of the in-house
cash center that the incomi payments are to be posted to.
5. Save your entries.


The system proceeds as follows for the account determination:

6. It searches for an entry where the first five columns (house bank, house bank account, house bank
account currency, partner bank, partner bank account) agree with the data of the incoming account
statement. When it finds an entry, it creates an item for the account assigned in the in-house cash
7. If it does not find an entry, the system searches for an entry without bank partner details where
the first three columns agree with the data of the incoming account statement. When it finds an entry, it
creates an item for the account assigned in the in-house cash center.
Set Up Account Determination for Incoming Payment

In this IMG activity you specify the FI account and In-House Cash Center to which you want to post the inbound
bank statement.

You also define a header account for payments for which the system was unable to automatically determine a
Define Transaction Types for Incoming Payment

In this IMG activity you determine how incoming bank statements are processed and updated. This involves
defining the transaction types dependent on the bank area and different bank statement details.

If you have charge items, the transaction type for charges is used for posting.


You have defined the transaction types and set up account determination for incoming payments.

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