Neurofibromatosis Involving The Fibula in An Adult Patient: Case Report

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Case Report:

Involving the Fibula in
an Adult Patient
By Julieanne P. Sees, DO and Joseph N. Daniel, DO

linical manifestations of neurofibromatosis type-1 Case
(NF-1), also known as von Recklinghausen dis- A 42-year-old female presented with a complaint of
ease, are commonly known to present as a broad right ankle pain exacerbated with prolonged standing
spectrum of abnormalities of the skin, soft tis- and ambulation, admitting to minimal relief with rest.
sues, nervous tissue, and bones. A conclusive diagno- Her only known past medical history is significant for
sis of NF-1 is made when two of seven criteria have type 1 neurofibromatosis and a surgical history signifi-
been established as defined by the National Institutes cant for resection of a neurofibromal soft tissue mass
of Health Consensus Development Conference (Table of her left leg. On physical examination, the right
1). The literature documents most orthopaedic charac- lower extremity revealed a normal neurologic and vas-
teristics encompassing spinal deformation, congenital cular examination with intact motor function from
tibial dysplasia, and features of excessive osseous and level L2 to S1. She was tender to palpation about the
soft tissue growth as recognized in children. The pur- anteroromedial and anterolateral aspects of the ankle
pose of this paper is to report fibular involvement in and within the sinus tarsi region. The ankle was in
an adult patient presenting with ankle pain. equinus, with Achilles tendon tightness, and had limi-
Neurofibromatosis type 1 exhibits musculoskeletal tation in ankle range of motion of 5 degrees of dorsi-
involvement most commonly as spinal deformity, con- flexion and 5 degrees of plantarflexion. There was an
genital tibial dysplasia, including bowing and increased fixed valgus of the subtalar joint. The
pseudoarthrosis, and bone and soft tissue overgrowth. patient was unable to perform an independent heel
For children, the essential objective is early recogni- rise. The back, abdomen and extremities revealed
tion. For adults, notably from 36 to 50 years, the litera- multiple flat, smooth bordered, brown skin lesions,
ture acknowledges 75 percent of clinical concern is and there was evidence of axillary freckling.
more often related to malignancy.4 In our case report, Radiographs of the right lower extremity revealed
we recount a woman with neurofibromatosis type 1 evidence of significant cortical thinning to that of a
presenting with debilitating ankle pain secondary to twisted ribbon or “penciling” and pseudoarthrosis of
isolated fibular involvement, which to our knowledge the distal fibula with severe valgus malalignment of
has not been previously recorded in the literature. the tibiotalar articulation. There was no evidence of

40 | Practical Neurology | January/February 2010

Case Report: Neurofibromatosis

Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5

Fig. 1. Pseudoarthrosis of distal fibula resembling a twisted ribbon. Figs. 2 and 3. AP and lateral views of severe tibiotalar malalignment and
hindfoot valgus deformity. Figs. 4 and 5. AP and lateral views four months status post ankle and subtalar arthrodesis.

tibial bowing (Figures 1-3). Magnetic resonance gene mutation is located on the long arm of chromo-
imaging of the right ankle demonstrated no evidence some 17q11.2, affecting neurofibromin—a regulatory
of neurofibroma or mass within the soft tissues protein of cellular growth.1,2,5
about the ankle. Conclusive diagnosis is confirmed upon the estab-
Consideration for nonoperative treatment includ- lished presence of two of seven criteria as denoted by
ing bracing was presented and may have been a the National Institutes of Health Consensus
more viable option with earlier recognition of the Development Conference (Table 1).2
condition. Surgical treatment was explained with There is a vast range of involvement particularly
design of a calcaneal osteotomy, ankle and subtalar observed at the largest children’s hospital database
arthrodesis and Achilles tendon lengthening. The (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Neurofibromatosis
patient chose to proceed with the operative interven- Center), with pediatric recognition as plexiform neu-
tion, managed initially postoperatively with non- rofibromas, spinal deformity, limb-length inequality,
weightbearing of the right lower extremity for six congenital tibial dysplasia, pectus deformity, and
weeks. Images revealed evidence of healing ankle hemihypertrophy (Table 2).4
and subtalar arthrodesis (Figures 4-5). She was con- Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF-2), previously known as
verted subsequently to a short leg walking cast for bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis or central neurofi-
an additional six weeks. bromatosis, occurs in about one in 50,000 persons
with its gene defect found on the long arm of chromo-
Discussion some 22.3 The characteristic finding is acoustic nerve
The first description of neurofibromatosis is credited tumors, but interspinal and intercranial pathology is
to Tilesius von Tilenau in 1793. In 1882, the common, as well. Neurofibromatosis 3, known as seg-
German pathologist Dr. Friedrich Daniel von mental neurofibromatosis, is thought to be a somatic
Recklinghausen became the first to correlate the ori- mosaic of NF-1, linking components of NF-1 with
gin of the condition with tumorous cells arising from additional involvement of a single body segment.
the sheaths of nerves. Recently there has been description of a fourth type,
Neurofibromatosis is the most common single gene schwannomatosis, believed to be a mosaic form of NF-
disorder found in humans. It has an autosomal domi- 2 involving multiple deep painful schwannomas.4
nant trait with variable penetrance and thus there are Although manifestations of NF-1 vary from one
multiple forms of the disorder with a numbered classi- individual to another, the genetic penetrance of the
fication scheme developed by the National Institutes NF-1 gene is close to 100 percent.5 The clinical pic-
of Health. Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF-1), previously ture besides apparent skin changes includes skeletal
known as von Recklinghausen disease, is the most features of scoliosis dysplasia, penciling or twisted
common form, affecting one in 3,500 individuals. The ribbon appearance of ribs, scalloping of vertebral

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Case Report: Neurofibromatosis

Table 1 Diagnosis of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 by NIH Table 2 Cincinnati Children’s Hospital NF Center’s
Consensus Development Conference Criteria Statistical Composite of Incidence in Children with NF-1
• Café-au-lait spots, more than 6, at least 15mm in greatest diame-
ter in adults and 5mm in children
• Neurofibroma, 2 or more, or one plexiform neurofibroma
• Axillae or inguinal freckling
• Optic glioma
• Lisch nodules (iris hamartomas), 2 or more
• Distinctive osseous lesion
• First-degree relative with NF-1

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of a long bone, cortical bone cysts, and Osteopathic Medicine, Stratford, NJ.
pseudoarthrosis. Joseph N. Daniel, DO is Associate Professor and Chief,
Current literature accounts one case of sponta- Department Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Medicine and
neous pseudoarthrosis of the tibia of an adult,6 how- Dentistry of New Jersey School of Osteopathic Medicine,
ever in a thorough search of our literature there is Stratford, NJ.
no mention of isolated fibular deformity in child or 1. Goldberg NS, Collins FS: The hunt for the neurofibromatosis gene. Arch Dermatol
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the clinical spectrum of the adult population with 13. Johnston CE II: Congenital pseudoarthrosis of the tibia: results of technical variations
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neurofibromatosis is essential for the timely diagno- 14. Dobbs MB, Rich MM, Gordon JE, Szymanski DA, Schoenecker PL: Use of an
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15. Dobbs MB, Rich MM, Gordon JE, Szymanski DA, Schoenecker PL: Use of an
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42 | Practical Neurology | January/February 2010

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