Manipulatives Primary Day 2

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Theme: Manipulatives Day 1 Level: Primary

Students will be able to understand the movement pattern to jumping rope
Students will be able to move safely use the jump rope around other students

1. The student demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to
perform a variety of physical activities building from Pre-Kindergarten-Kindergarten.
2. The student demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles strategies, and
tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
5. The student exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in
physical activity settings.

Teacher observation of student safety
Teacher observation of students using the jumping rope moving pattern
Students need to be aware of other students moving around the gym
Different size jump ropes for different size students
1 jump rope per student
Activity 1: Big Wheel
1. Demonstrate the arm circle motion using both hands.
2. Students moving around the gym making arm motion while the music is playing and stop when
the music stops.
3. Add in a jump. Whenever students hands cross their face, they jump with both feet

Activity 2: Jump Rope

1. Each student needs one jump rope and lays it on the ground full length
2. Practice bouncing over the rope, double bounce, then spin and bounce
3. Once students can bounce, they will pick up the rope in one hand
4. Practice arm circles with catching rope in toes stepping over the rope and then practicing again
5. Challenge students to see if they can jump rope fully

Closure: Review proper way to return the jump ropes

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