How To Ask A Woman Out On A Date - 2 Amazing Mind Hack Tips For Surefire Seduction Success!

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How to Ask a Woman Out on a Date - 2

Amazing Mind Hack Tips For Surefire

Seduction Success!

By now you must have asked a woman out on a date. Whether she said yes or no, the fact that you're
reading this article means you need help.
Perhaps she just wasn't what you were looking for, perhaps she wasn't the one you were looking for,
perhaps you weren't the one she was looking for - either way, asking a woman out shouldn't be
something to fear and should most definitely not be difficult, which is why I'm here, to offer you some
advice when it comes to asking the ever elusive female out and to guarantee that her answer is always

How to Ask a Woman Out On a Date - 2 Amazing Mind Hack Tips for Surefire Seduction Success!

Mind Hack Tip #1: First impressions are the most important. This old adage holds especially true in the
world of dating, where all you ever get is one chance to make a great impression and seal the deal.

The first impression she should have of you is one of confidence and self-assuredness. Make sure you
are well groomed (this is always a bonus in women's books) and that, when talking to her, you keep your
tone of voice cool and casual. If you must talk about personal things, be modest. No girl likes a man
who's too full of himself.

Mind Hack Tip #2: Absence is longing.

There is a direct correlation between the amount of time you are with her and the faster she gets bored
of you. So, use this tip to keep things going for as long as possible! When you're certain that she's
interested in talking to you at last, don't hang around her. This will only give off the feeling of neediness
to her.

Instead, focus on being unavailable, so that the times she DOES get to hang out with you will seem that
much more special. Keep this up and eventually you'll find that she will volunteer her phone number in
an effort to find a way to get in touch with you!


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