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PAPER 2 -Two-echelon supply chain models: Considering

duopolistic retailers’ different competitive behaviors

TYPE OF MODEL: Hypothetical
ENTITIES: 2 retailers and 1 manufacturer
It considers a two-echelon supply chain consisting of a monopolistic manufacturer
selling its product through two duopolistic retailers. The manufacturer sets a
wholesale unit price to the two retailers. Subsequently, the two duopolistic retailers
sharing a common marbet respond independently by setting the sale price and the
corresponding order quantity. Notations are as follows:
pi: the sale price charged to customers by retailer I where i=1, 2
Pi: retailer-i’s profit
PM: the manufacturer’s profit
w: the wholesale price per unit charged by manufacturer;
c: unit manufacturing cost
Qi: deterministic demand faced by retailer-i or quantity ordered by retailer-i
RT: the ratio of the manufacturer’s profit to the total profit of the duopolistic retailers.
Demand function is downward facing as:
Qi=(Di-ai*pi+b*pj) where i,j=1,2
where parameters Di>0, ai>0 and 0<b<ai. Di is the demand facing retailer-i if prices
are zero.b is the degree of substitutability between retailers
Finding their Cournot solution, i.e., each retailer independently set his retail price and
order quantity by assuming his rival’s sale price as a parameter.
P1= (p1-w)*Q1=(p1-w)*(D1-a1*p1+b*p1) (1
P2=(p2-w)*Q2=(p2-w)*(D2-a2*p2+b*p1) (2
Thus, retailer-1 will maximize P1 with respect to p1, treating p2 as a parameter, and
retailer-2 will maximize P2 with respect to p2, treating p1 as a parameter.
Optimal order quantities after determining p1 and p2 for individual maximum profits
Q1*=D1 + [a1*b*(D2+a2*w)+(b^2-2*a1*a2)(D1+a1w)]/(4*a1*a2-b^2) (3
Q2*=D2 + [a2*b*(D1+a1*w)+(b^2-2*a1*a2)(D2+a2*w)]/(4*a1*a2-b^2) (4
Eqn. 1 and 2 show the optimal reaction functions of the two duopolistic retailers for
any w set by the manufacturer.The manufacturer bnows the retailers’ reaction
functions for any w-value she sets. Hence the manufacturer’s profit will be
PM=(w-c)(Q1*+Q2*) (5)
Solving dPM/dw=0 will give the optimal wholesale price set by the manufacturer as:
It is derived that the sign of the second-order derivative of PM with respect to w is
the same as the sign of R1, where
R1=b^2(a1+a2)-2a1*a2*(a1+a2) + 2*a1*a2*b. (6)
Reorganizing the terms of the right-hand side of (6) will give
R1=(y2-a1*a2)*(a1+a2)+a1*a2*[2*b-(a1+a2)] (7)
w=c/2-[2*a1*a2(D1+D2)+b*D1*a2+b*D2*a1]/(2R1) (8)
Combining (8) with (1),(2) and (3) and (4)–(5) will easily yield the optimal policies and
the corresponding profits of the manufacturer and the duopolistic retailers.

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