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What is happening in each picture?

What are the possible results, effects, or
consequences of these actions?

Designed by Prof. Mariflor Fajardo


Reading and Writing.

A. Read the article about Health.

There are no physical reasons to start

smoking. The body doesn’t need
tobacco the way it needs food, water,
sleep and exercise. In fact, many of the
chemicals in cigarettes, like nicotine
and cyanide are actually poisons that can kill in high
enough doses.
The body is smart. It goes on the defense when it’s
being poisoned. For this reason, people find it takes
several tries to get started smoking: First-time smokers
often feel pain or burning in the throat and lungs, and
some people feel sick or even throw up the first few
times they try tobacco.
The consequences of this poisoning happen gradually.
Over the long term, smoking leads people to develop
health problems like cancer, emphysema (breakdown of
lung tissue), organ damage and heart disease. These
diseases limit a person’s ability to be normally active –
and can be fatal. Each time a smoker lights up, that
single cigarette takes about 5 to 20 minutes off the
person’s life.
Smokers not only develop wrinkles and yellow teeth,
they also lose bone density, which increases their risk of
osteoporosis, a condition that causes older people to become bent over and their bones to break more
easily. Smokers also tend to be less active than nonsmokers because smoking affects lung power.
Smoking can also cause fertility problems and can impact sexual health in both men and women. Girls
who are on the pill or other hormone-based methods of birth control (like the patch or the ring) increase
the risk of serious health problems if they smoke.
The consequences of smoking may seem very far off, but long-term health problems aren’t the only
hazard of smoking. Nicotine and the other toxins in cigarettes, cigars and pipes can affect a person’s body
quickly, which means that teen smokers experience many of these problems: bad skin, bad breath, bad-
smelling clothes and hair among others. People who smoke usually can’t compete with nonsmokers peers
because the physical effects of smoking (like rapid heartbeat, decreased circulation, and shortness of
breath) impair sports performance. Their athletic performance is reduced.

B. Answer the following questions about the article.

1. Why do people start smoking?
2. What are the long term consequences of smoking?
3. What can smoking produce in your teeth, skin and bones?
4. What happens with your Athletic performance when you smoke?
The first conditional is used to express a possible condition and a probable result in the future.
If She has an emergency, she will call the 911.
If clause (cause) = Simple present tense Result clause = Future tense.
If they smoke lots of cigarettes, They will have yellow teeth.
* When the If clause comes first, there is a comma between the if clause and the result clause.

A. – Join the two clauses to form conditional sentences.

1. If you go to Mexico, ( ) they are hungry.
2. I will finish my homework ( ) if he doesn’t study.
3. Carlos won’t pass the exam ( ) you will listen to the Mariachis.
4. If you invite Santiago to your party, ( ) she will do the homework again.
5. They will buy a sandwich if ( ) if Zaida helps me.
6. If Mary makes many mistakes, ( ) he will give you a present.

B. - Complete the following sentences with the correct tense of the verbs given.
1. We_____________________(not/call) our mother, she_____________________(be) angry!
2. If Robert_________________(go) to the party, he______________________(drink) too much beer and
if he____________________(drink) too much beer, he___________________(need) a ride.
3. Sara_____________________(marry) Junior if he_____________________(ask) her.
4. If they___________________(practice) a lot, they____________________(win) the game.

Join the two sentences to form a conditional sentence, as in the example.
Cause Result

You have a sports car. You pay higher insurance.

If you have a sports car, you will pay higher insurance.

Cause Result

You eat vegetables. You are healthy.

It is sunny tomorrow. Liliana goes to the beach.

Oscar meets the right

He gets married.

I get dollars. I travel to New York.

She visits Buckingham

She goes to London.

Listening and Writing.
Look for the song “Count On Me” by Bruno Mars in YouTube and complete the lyrics of
the song.
If you ever _________yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, I_________ the world to find you_________
ever find yourself lost ______________and you can't see, I'll be the light to ____________
Find out what we're made of
When we ___________to help our friends in __________
You can ___________me like one, two, three, I'll _____________
And I __________when I need it I can count on you like four, three, two, You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends______________________, oh yeah
ooohhhh ooohhhh ooh yeah yeah
If you’re tossing and you're ___________and you just can't fall asleep, _________________beside you
And if you ever ___________how much you really mean to me. Every day I ____________you. (Chrorus)
You'll ____________have my shoulder when you ________
I'll never let go, ________________, You know you can
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Ooohhhh, ooohhhh ooh, You can count on me 'cause I can count __________…


A. Read the text about Internet dating strangers.

Meeting over the internet will cause problems. First, chat rooms can attract unpleasant people. Someone
can seem nice at first, but then become rude. Second, it is very easy for people to lie about themselves on
the internet. Moreover, people who are married or who already have a serious relationship may use the
internet to have an affair. So if you meet someone new on the internet, you will think you have found a soul
mate, but then you will be disappointed when the truth comes out. What’s more, surfing the internet you
do alone. If you are alone at your computer at home, then you are not in the real world meeting people
face to face. In addition, internet romance often develops very quickly, and can become very serious too
quickly. Always remember, meeting online is not real and cannot replace face to face contact.

B. Read the text again and check the statements that are true according to the
information you read.
True False
If you date by internet, your romantic life will be easier.
If you meet a date by internet, you will start a serious relationship.
If you want to find real love, then you will use internet dating.
If you use internet dating, you will find people who often lie about their romantic status.
Dating agencies will make money if more lonely people want to find love.


What is superstition? Discuss your ideas in groups and then read the definition.
Superstition n. a belief in the existence or power of the supernatural; irrational fear of the unknown.

Listening and speaking.

A. - Listen to the interview and check (√) the items in the first circles that the speaker
mentions. Write L (lucky) or U (unlucky) in the second circles.

B.- Listen to the interview again and answer the questions.

1. Why are black cats thought to be unlucky?
2. What do many people do if they spill some salt?
3. What examples of good luck charms does the interviewer mention?
4. What unlucky things does the interviewer mention?

C. - The superstitions below are common in the U.S. Discuss them in small groups and
decide if they are similar in your own culture.
* If you walk under a ladder, you’ll have bad luck.
* If you kill a spider, it will probably rain.
* You will receive money soon if your right hand itches.
* If you break something in your own house, it means that company is coming.

D. - If you know any other superstitions, describe them to your partners.

Reading and Writing.
A.- Read about British Superstitions.
Different parts of the country have their own particular superstitions designed to bring good fortune, health and
wealth to their house and occupants. Even outside the home certain things had to be done first. For example, to
protect the house from witches a rowan tree had to be planted, and under no circumstances must hawthorn be
brought into the house before May Day as it belonged to the Woodland God and would bring bad luck!
In days gone by food preparation was surrounded by so many taboos it is amazing anyone got anything to eat. Many
housewives believed that food would be spoilt if it was stirred 'widdershins' - that is, in the opposite direction to that
of the sun. Everyone knows that a watched pot never boils and in Dorset it is common knowledge that a slow-boiling
kettle is bewitched and may contain a toad!
Once at the table, there were numerous other things to watch out for. The best known of
course is not to have 13 people at the table, and should someone spill the salt, a pinch had
to be thrown over the left shoulder into the eyes of the Devil. Crossed Two women must not
pour from the same tea-pot, if they do, a quarrel will ensue. In Somerset a double-yolked
egg was viewed with concern as it foretold of a hurried wedding due to a pregnancy.
Knives at the table signify a quarrel, while a white tablecloth left on a table overnight means the household will need
a shroud in the near future. To pass on the stairs is unlucky, but to stumble going up foretells a wedding, but to break
a mirror means seven years bad luck. Weddings have a host of superstitions and woe betide the bride who ignores
them! These are well known and still carried out today.
No modern bride will allow her bridegroom to see her on the wedding day before she gets
to the church, and if she is wise she will not have put on her whole 'ensemble' before the
wedding day without leaving off some part of it. Usually she leaves her veil off or takes off
one shoe. To be kissed by a passing chimney sweep is very good luck, but it is a very lucky
bride these days who can find a chimney sweep on the way to the church! Centrally heated
houses have a lot to answer for!
When the newly married couple reach their new home, it is a tradition that the bride be carried over the threshold by
the bridegroom. This is to avoid the evil spirits that gather at the threshold. Choosing the pram before the baby is
born is quite safe, but it must not be delivered to the home until after the baby is born. In parts of North Yorkshire it
is the custom when visiting the new baby for the first time, to place a silver coin in his hand.
Carrying a new baby three times around the house will protect the child from colic. It was also believed that teething
troubles could be eased if the gums were rubbed with the mother's gold wedding ring.
It is easy to dismiss superstition as absurd, but only those who can break a mirror without a second thought are
entitled to do so.
Taken from: British Superstitions.

B.- Read the article again, and then match the two halves.
1. If you plant a rowan tree, ____ if the bridegroom carries the bride over the threshold.
2. If you stir the food in the opposite direction to that of
the sun, ____ you will have a hurried wedding due to pregnancy.
3. If you watch a pot, ____ you will have seven years of bad luck.
4. If you cross knives at the table, ____ you will have a quarrel.
5. If you see a doubled-yolked egg, ____ the food will be spoilt.
6. If you break a mirror, ____ you will protect your house from witches.
7. A bride will be lucky ____ if she finds a chimney sweep on the way to the church.
8. The newly married couple will avoid the evil spirits
gathered at the threshold of their new home ____ it will never boil.
9. If you bring the pram home before the baby is born, ____ if you carry it three times around the house.
10. A new baby will be protected from colic ____ it won’t be safe.


A.- Read and listen to Lily. How old do you

think she is? What does she wish for?
I’d love a baby brother. If I had a
baby brother, I would play with
him all the time. We’d have a lot
of fun. I’d be so happy! I wouldn’t
ask my mum and dad for anything

B.- Answer the questions.

1.- Does Lily have a brother?
No, she….
2.- How does she express her wishes?
If I had……I would…..
3.- What would she do with her brother?
4.- How would she feel?
5.- Why would her mum and dad be pleased?
Because she…

C.- Listen to Sam and Annie. What do they wish for?

I’d like to be taller. If I were
taller, I_____in the first team at
rugby. And if I__________really
well, I________captain. And
then if I________really hard,
maybe one day I__________for
England! My dad________so
proud of me!

I have two kids. I love them, but I

never have any time to myself. If
I______a free weekend, I_______
in bed all day. I_______magazines
and watch tv. Then I____all night
What would they do if they could?
and my children_____me. Oh
Sam isn’t tall. If he were taller... heaven!
. Taken from: New Headway Pre-Intermediate 4th student’s book

The second conditional describes an improbable or impossible situation and its result.
If I had a brother, I would play with him.
If clause (cause) = Simple past tense Result clause = Would + infinitive without to
If my mother knew the answer, She would tell us.
* When the If clause comes first, there is a comma between the if clause and the result clause.
* Were is often used instead of Was in the conditional clause.
Oswaldo would be a basketball player If he were taller.

Reading and Writing.

A.- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
There is a saying that money doesn’t buy happiness. Well, if
I_______(be) rich, perhaps I _____(not/be) happy, but I______(have) a
better class of problems. If I________(win) a lot of money in the lottery,
I _________(invest) half of it so I_________(not/have) to worry about
paying bills ever again. Next, I______(help) my relatives. I____(not/give)
them too much money, just enough that they _________(have) a
comfortable life. Then, I ______(spend) the rest, traveling around the
world first class, staying in the best hotels and having luxurious parties.
What about you? What_________(you/do) if you___________(win) the

B.- Write second conditional clauses to the given situations.

I don’t have enough time to finish my work.
If I had enough time, I’d finish my work.
1.- This laptop is very expensive. I can’t buy it.
2.- We don’t care the environment. Our children’s future isn’t bright.
3.- The away team is very strong. I think we can’t win this match.
4.- I can’t swim with you. I don’t know how to swim.

Complete the following sentences using your own words. Work with a partner:
compare and discuss your answers.

1.- If someone stole my cell phone,___________________________________________________

2.- Most people would be happier if __________________________________________________
3.- If I ever emigrated, _____________________________________________________________
4.- Students would work a lot harder in class if__________________________________________
5.- If I could change one part of my body, ______________________________________________
6.- The world would be a better place if________________________________________________
7.- English would be easier to learn if__________________________________________________

Reading. Mysterious Case.
It all happened on the night of 6th July. A large truck bumped into a building in the Maryland Street. The strange
thing was the truck had no drivers at all. The police started investigating
the case immediately. The locals ask a simple question: “Where is the
driver?” If the police want to solve this mystery, they will need the video
recordings of the street. One of the locals claimed that the truck had never
been seen in the neighborhood before. He said: “We’re deeply worried
about that truck. We want to know what‘s happening in our town. If we’d
seen that truck before, we’d solve this mystery now.”
The police have asked eleven people in the town till now. No one has
uttered a significant word about that night. The chief officer Amanda Slippers says that: “This looks like a tough
case. The truck plate belongs to this town, but nobody has seen it here. The owner of the truck moved from the
town years ago. And no one knows where he moved. If we found the owner, we would probably solve this
A witness on the crime scene reported more interesting details about the event: “There was a loud noise coming
from the truck while it was going towards the building and its speed.... I couldn’t believe its speed. If it had been
slower, I would have seen the driver seat. But all I saw was a red truck going inside the bakery as fast as it
could.” If a truck moves, then it has a driver. Well, maybe we should change this fact with a mysterious red
Taken from: Learn English with Yora.

Decide if the statements are true or false according to the text.

1. The locals knew that the red truck had an old driver. _____
2. The police have investigated all the people in the town._____
3. The video recordings of the street will help the police. _____
4. The locals haven’t seen the truck in the town before. _____
5. The truck bumped into the building very slowly. _____

A.- Listen to the conversation and answer the
questions in pairs.
1. Why is Dennis talking to Josie?
2. What does Dennis want to do?
3. Why is it difficult?
4. What kind of advice would you give Dennis?

B.- Listen to the rest of the conversation and match both parts of each sentence.

1. Would you be happy ___ a. If I had a cool car.

2. If you lived alone, ___ b. I would earn some money.
3. More women would be interested in me___ c. if you had a girlfriend?
4. If I had a job, ___ d. what would you study?
5. If you went back to school, ___ e. you would have a girlfriend.
6. I wouldn’t be happy ____ f. would you feel better?
7. If you had more self-confidence, ___ g. if I were a business man.

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