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Logical Framework Matrix (LFM)

• LFM is an analytical, design and presentational tool.

• LFM should thus not be seen as simply a set of mechanistic

GIS project management procedures, but as an aid to thinking.

Logical Framework Matrix (1&4) • When used properly LFM helps to make the logical
relationships between activities, outcomes, specific
objectives and overall aim more transparent.
Bela Markus

Bela Markus: GIS project management, MPG, University of Prishtina, 2016

LogFrame matrix LFM – first column

Narrative Indicators of Measurement Assumptions Aim
Achievement & Risks
• The higher level objective towards which the project is
Overall Measures of Sources of information expected to contribute (mention target groups).
Objectives achievement of Overall & methods used to
Objectives verify achievements Objectives
• The effect which is expected to be achieved as the result of
the project.
Specific Measures of Sources of information Assumptions affecting
Objectives achievement of & methods used to linkage between Outcomes
Specific Objectives verify achievements Specific & Overall
• The results that the project management should be able to
Outcomes Measures of Sources of information Assumptions affecting Activities
achievement of & methods used to linkage between
Outcomes verify achievements Outcomes & Specific • The activities that have to be undertaken by the project in
Objectives order to produce outcomes.

Activities Inputs - human & Costs - of human & Assumptions affecting

physical resources physical resources linkage between
required Activities & Outcomes

3 4
Bela Markus: GIS project management, MPG, University of Prishtina, 2016 Bela Markus: GIS project management, MPG, University of Prishtina, 2016

SMART objectives

„Clear objectives
and stakeholder commitment
drive successful projects.”
World Bank

5 6
Bela Markus: GIS project management, MPG, University of Prishtina, 2016 Bela Markus: GIS project management, MPG, University of Prishtina, 2016

Parcel Based Information Systems 1

LFM steps

Description Indicators Measurement Assumptions, risks

1. Aim 13 14

2. Objectives 11 12 8

3. Outcomes 9 10 7

4. Activities Resources Costs 6

5. Pre-conditions

7 8
Bela Markus: GIS project management, MPG, University of Prishtina, 2016 Bela Markus: GIS project management, MPG, University of Prishtina, 2016

LFM template The role of risks and assumptions


Project Assumptions
Purpose +
What are the factors and
conditions not under
the direct control of the
Outputs Assumptions
project, which are necessary
to achieve the objectives?
Which risks have to be
What external factors and
conditions must to be
Activities Assumptions
realised to obtain the
expected outcomes and +
results on schedule?

9 10
Bela Markus: GIS project management, MPG, University of Prishtina, 2016 Bela Markus: GIS project management, MPG, University of Prishtina, 2016


11 12
Bela Markus: GIS project management, MPG, University of Prishtina, 2016 Bela Markus: GIS project management, MPG, University of Prishtina, 2016

Parcel Based Information Systems 2


What are the factors and

conditions not under
the direct control of the
project, which are necessary
to achieve the objectives?
Which risks have to be
What external factors and
conditions must to be
realised to obtain the
expected outcomes and
results on schedule?

Bela Markus: GIS project management, MPG, University of Prishtina, 2016

Parcel Based Information Systems 3

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