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International Relations

[Rohingya Crises]
[Ethnical, Political and Economical lines]

Submit to: Dr, Shahrukh Hashmi

Submitted by: Ahsan Ali Memon
CMS: 011-17-0050

21 first century is known as postmodern era of human history, where people have authority
to stand for their rights and demands, to govern themselves, to put forward their ideas, and have
rights to enjoy their freedom. However in this era of modernization there are some nations still
being daunted from having freedom and being killed brutally. Practicing genocide is the major
flaw amongst most of the states. Genocide (the deliberate killing of a large group of people,
especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group) is not a modern day problem most of the
states from early 18th century are being target of genocide hence some of the examples from 20th
century can easily be recalled (1915, ethnic Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire, The
holocaust in 1933, Cambodia in 1975 and list goes on and on). Same is the case with Myanmar’s
rohingya minority. It is the case of government practicing genocide over its civilians. The roots of
rohingya’s are connected with 8th century The rohingya people of South Asian origin, dwelled over
a free kingdom of Arakan currently known as Rakhine state in up to date Myanmar, by the 9th to
14th century rohingya came into contact with Islam through Arab traders.1784 hundreds of
thousands of people from Ankara were fled to Bengal after the King Bodawpaya conquered
Burma. In 1790 British sent a diplomat to assist refugees in order to establish the town of Cox’s in
Bangladesh. From 1824 to 1942 The Grate Britain captured Burma (Myanmar) and made it a
province of British India. From 1942 to 1948 japan invented Burma and British were retreated and
Burmese native and nationalist attacked Muslim communities who they thought were benefited
from British colonial rule after some time Britain set free Burma from Japanese occupation with
help of Burmese freedom fighter and nationalist led by Aung San. 1948 tension increased between
government of Burma and rohingyas, some of them resisted Burmese government. In 1962 General
Ne Win and his party took a hard line against rohingya people, in 1977 more than 200,000 rohingya
were sent to Bangladesh, with the allegations of army abuses. 1978 Bangladesh struck a U.N.-
brokered deal with Burma for the repatition of refugees, under which most rohingya returned and
then in 1982 a new immigration law redefined people who migrated during British rule as illegal
immigrants. 1991 was the year in which 250,000 rohingyas which were fled to Bangladesh they
said they were forced to labor, raped and religiously persecuted by Myanmar Army meanwhile
army said they were doing so in order bring law and order in Rakhine. 1992 to 1997 almost 230000
people returned to Rakhine under the repartition agreement. However in 2012 riots between
rohingya and Rakhine Buddhist people killed mostly 100 people including majority of rohingyas
in addition to this tens of thousands of people were sent to Bangladesh and the rest were forced to
live in camps.

The history of rohingya is not seem to be new however it is the struggle from 8th
century. Rohingyas are being executed and mistreated not only because of the fact that British
people did not had good relations with Burma and captured them or because of repartition
agreement but also on the basis of their ethnicity and their religion, political line and of Rakhine
state’s economic position as well are the governing body behind all the crises in Burma in recent

Hundreds of rohingya people have been killed on the basis of their religion and ethnicity
since June 2012 and are being targeted by Buddhist. Buddhism in Myanmar predominantly of the
Theravada tradition, practiced by 89% of the countries’ population. The issue started between
rohingya Muslim and Rakhine Buddhist on a women who was first raped and letter was murdered
by three rohingya Muslims men and hence this issue has become breaking news for Buddhist
people which enlighten the spark of revenge amongst them due to which western Rakhine broke
out into violence. However the overall outcome of that violence took rohingya Muslims into great
trouble and Buddhist people started war against them. The Burmese military came into action in
order to reduce violence by using tear gas and firing at mobs. However the October 2012 rohingya
muslims were more targeted and sweep occurred by Buddhist inform of formulating vigilante
mobs who surround homes and camps of rohingya muslims and razed their home into flames in
response rohingya people tried to escape through boats toward Bangladesh shore which were told
to immediately return to Burma however alarming situation occurred when the local government
and national government involved in violence taking accounts from history rohingyas do not have
good relation with Burmese as Burmese are the head of state and have law making authorities they
have made explicitly racist policies against rohingyas because of which they are impeach of the
crime against humanity against rohingyas however due to these policies they are being targets of
potential acts of genocide this is to say that when the news of Buddhist girl widely spread but
government of Burma without any investigation they helped Buddhist people in violence against
rohingya muslims and took this issue at the level where it become apartheid and ethnic cleansing.
This support of government for Buddhist people has strengthen their cruel attitude and strengthen
their terror against rohingya people. Consistency of these acts has discriminate the rohingya people
and hundreds of monks came in front with hate speech to pursue people of Burma against rohingya

Keeping in view ethnical line other factor which has a great impact is Political and
governmental interference. Analyzing Myanmar that it is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia,
before 2008 there was military rule in Myanmar hence after 2008 Burmese constitutional
referendum was held in which Union of Myanmar was changed to the Republic of the Union of
Myanmar however after 2010 election a pro-democracy leader and opposition leader Aung San
Suu Kyi came in front and formed National Human Rights Commission working as peace
promoter in Myanmar and hence this struggle got her a big achievement of Noble Price and hence
emerged as noble laureate hence this thing emerge few questions that Why Aung San Suu Kyi is
silent in the case of Rohingya crises? And why she has not taken any action against what is referred
internationally as the genocide? Keeping these questions in mind it is widely accepted that
Myanmar is not only multi-ethnic, but also politically divided. Opium and jade have made certain
communities who has definite territories financially independent. Communities such as Shan,
Kachin, Karen and other are very strong and have their armies too in addition to this Chinese
presence and their linkage with these ethnic groups add more bargaining power, as a result
Myanmar army is trying to portray cruel power on the other hand military regime is always been
known for their close relations with China. When election took place in November 2015 the party
Aung San Suu Kyi belongs to NLD (National league of Democracy) won the election but

unfortunately she could not become president of Myanmar, due to previous regime’s constitutional
amendments and restrictions. However after winning the elections the NLD had limited powers to
over decision making. Myanmar’s focus was “Peace Process” within and between various ethnic
and militias has been a bigger challenge for the NLD government because military regime
internally and china externally are two powerful actors against their peace promotion. It is clearly
stated that the military is driving force behind calling the shots in Rakhine state which creates
trouble for Aung San Suu Kyi to pursue her goals however being in government their party does
not have enough authority to take actions against Military forces because of predefined laws and
constitutions, So the expectation from NLD is relatively low in order to raise voice for justice
against Rohingya ethnic group another consequence being a leading party of Burma its priority is
Burmese people not Rohingya who are in minority as Burma is state with dominancy of Buddhist
people it would create trouble for NLD to tackle current situations of Rakhine state.

Apart from politics and ethnic problem economy of Myanmar is also playing a crucial
role against Rohingya Muslim because of the fact that being a Buddhist dominant country Muslim
rohingyas rights are being daunted however foreign direct investments and economic trade has
great contribution in countries over all GDP. Myanmar own resources are more than enough to
make it worthwhile country on the globe and hence majority of those resources are at Rakhine
state where rohingya refugees are living in their camps hence this state which is rich in minerals
despite of it, it is considered as poorest area of Myanmar however the rohingya muslims are
considered as extra burden on the state, state do not provide them jobs and opportunities to grow
up because most of business are occupied by Buddhist elite. This is the reason behind saying that
rohingya Muslims issue is not only a religious and political but it is also economically driven.
Going through past history Buddhist people and Rohingya people did not had a good shared history
and because of not giving rohingya a complete identity as citizen and residents of Myanmar so the
central government do not recognize their business as legal another consequences is foreign direct
investments. Burma has good relations with China and India in terms of economical trade and
investments however Rakhine is the coastal area and economic zone for Myanmar. Rohingya
muslims are being hindrance, fights between Buddhist and Rohingya people has become a threat
to the other states which ultimately reduces the investment of foreigners which cause a great
reduction in countries GDP. Economic trade is also effected, natural resources of Rakhine consist
of natural gas, timber, natural gems, hydro power and list goes on and on and those resources
should be dig out and allocate them in order to strengthen countries economy keeping in view
costal importance Rohingya people also become an obstacle in trade routes as well so the
government and military has strong argument to clean Rohingya Muslims from their coastal area.

In conclusion, Myanmar issue is not a modern day issue that can be tackled on finger tips.
The roots of Rohingya crises are from early 8th century and are strong enough that it will take
upcoming 15 to 20 years to resolve it. It would be very simple to tackle this issue if it would be on
single factor but it is the combination of political, religious, ethnical and economical problem. In
my opinion neither it is the fault of Rohingya Muslims and nor of Myanmar. Some critical events
and misunderstandings cause a worldwide issue the rape and murder of a girl and attacks of
rohingya muslims on army troops but these could have been tackled easily by given separate
representation and separate territory in collaboration with Bangladesh hence this thing could have
built a moral status of both of the states and would be beneficial for Myanmar and Bangladesh.


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