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Case Study – Rainbow Illusion

Name of Student

Affiliated University

Date: 29-08-2019
Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Determining the Strength of Rainbow Illusion ............................................................................................. 4
Beneficial Approach of Implementing strengths in Rainbow Illusions ......................................................... 4
Situational Pressure of Fraud in Rainbow Illusion ........................................................................................ 5
Distributed Computer System vs. Centralized System ................................................................................. 6
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
References .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Rainbow Illusion
Executive Summary
The illusion of a rainbow is a business that provides teenage women with fit-to-wear garments. There
are 30 retail outlets in the business. The business promotes youthful employees to be hired as their
salesman to greet their client as well as provide entire product data. To operate their finance
department, the business often uses Generated Software system. Everything is performed digitally to
make invoices, handle money and marketing method. It will assist remove faults and flaws as there are
managers for each shop section. In this study, the power of the business is performed that contributes
to a firm's development. In this report contextual impacts are also included which promote employees
to undertake offenses. Rainbow Illusion may lead to prevent any fraud or theft that can harm the
credibility of the firm by constructing employee allegiance. There will also be a discussion of the
centralized automated scheme.

The illusion of a rainbow is a apparel shop dedicated to both the production and sale of ready-made
women's outfit. Their primary concentrate is on designing a ready-to-wear wardrobe primarily for
teenagers. In New South Wales and Victoria, they have 30 shops distributed throughout. Generally,
young entities are the label salesman and attendant as they are employed on regular salaries. According
to their hours of operation, such individuals earn wages on a regular basis and partnership is exercised
to gain bonuses. Their management system is the ancient-fashioned farewell in which the shop assistant
digitally produces the receipts. Rainbow Illusion's entire scheme operates digitally where this is the
salesman's duty to measure the store product rates, produce any quantity of premium or sell, compute
the other tax, and lastly create a payment. Then the shop assistant controls the money and provides
client with a payment file, save one for client and the other for the bank. Then the obligation of the
supervisor involves reviewing all type of receipts or money payment. Accurately measure a whole day's
complete savings, and then create a software device folder. Otherwise the owner gives this document to
the company's top department (Appelbaum, D., Kogan, A., Vasarhelyi, M. and Yan, Z, 2017). Through
implementing real power, the business can control its income. In practicing, the transfer fees and cash
payments processes not that all the companies have such excellent authority. Thereby, they should be
divided to differentiate any deficiencies in the activities of loan deals and drills of cash payments. But it
works that Rainbow Illusion is effective because they have a solid attitude to recognizing the real power
required to create a brand popular and prosperous (Adamyk, 2017).
Determining the Strength of Rainbow Illusion
Rainbow Illusion has different characteristics that make the business popular from its region. The
business is paying much attention to implementing a great marketing technique. Following are the
strengths that may control the transaction of sales.

1. The primary business power is that the majority of employees in their shops are youthful
individuals. They call teens hiring their salesman, store manager, and advisers. The primary aim
of employing them is to give them, as per their operating hours, a half-time hour-based work
with salaries.
2. The second power of a business is to give grants and bonuses for those who give support to
boost the sales of the shop. This generates good worker rivalry as they are youthful and have
more power.
3. The firm's youthful employees are also a force in a manner that they can operate very quickly to
contend for the incentives and rewards that they will if they boost the firm's selling. This
promotes the careful handling and guidance of clients during each move.
4. The business means the hourly approach of hiring the employees. It helps to reduce the firm's
costs. The business also performs the four-stage payment technique to save the business from
any corruption. They pursue a handbook scheme involving the salesperson, the shop assistant,
and the shop's director.
5. The branch's supervisor is accountable for preparing a weekly top bureau survey. The retail
manager delivers the tax forms, bills, and money with a survey file to the top department
6. The study involves the product’s entire sale through transaction data. This scheme helps reduce
any possibilities of abuse and scam.

Beneficial Approach of Implementing strengths in Rainbow Illusions

The business is now a major ready-to-wear fashion label. Many policies have been implemented by the
business to define the characteristics that will contribute to brand achievement. As if recruiting
employees with youth enables the business to foster fresh skill. To achieve rewards, these teenage
people act successfully. They will participate in bringing forward an advanced concept to increase the
firm's turnover. The business hires most of the employees on the scheme of regular salaries. This will
assist to decrease the expense of employing a full-time individual with three quarters of money and
those who work as an hour on salaries. Part-time work can encourage youthful individuals to register for
it because they may pay their school fees. The business also prefers money transfer handbook
introduction. This will assist lessen any scam or fraud-related hazards. The employees will become more
cautious to handle the money and correctly generate the receipts. The business also appears to evaluate
each store's annual accounts. This will assist the worthy employee to produce a reward quantity (Ives,
B., Hamilton, S. and Davis, G.B., 1980).

Another benefit that helps to achieve power is that the business assigns a given job of each employee’s
member. When the obligation is assigned to one member with respect to particular job ability, that
employee is liable for particular undertakings. If anything incorrect occurs, the company will easily
acknowledge the reliable official. It can follow missed information or assess how a particular money
transaction could have registered when an organization provides each official its specific obligation.
More to add, the official responsible for a specified job may provide information on the assignment.
Being in control of this particular assignment provides people a sense of honor that usually helps them
need to conduct as well as might be anticipated. This enables the business faster and efficiently finishes
the assignments. The business calls that particular employee to reply that question as a consequence
(Adamyk, 2017). Each individual's distribution of distinct tasks helps to remove errors and failures, thus
creating a genuine competition between staff to operate more effectively. This also reduces the
possibility of any business theft or scam. These benefits assist the Rainbow Illusion Firm achieve benefits
and revenues in brief spam moment.

Situational Pressure of Fraud in Rainbow Illusion

Scams don't just occur at all levels of the organization, but usually, it's the people who have the
authority on the manner to tax evasion. Irrespective of how systematic the act of ethics of the
organization is, irrespective of the number of norms and methods being implemented, this scam occurs
and is presented by the fact that there are three conditions, i.e., situational stress, opportunity or
purpose, and safety controls. The probability of being a scam or deception casualty can result in a
business dealing with severe harm. The outcome can harm the company's five percent annual profit. A
big proportion of these frauds were an after-effect of a few people’s off-the-top voracities whose
actions caused terrible results that broke down entire organizations and affected an enormous amount
of people. According to a study, half percent of the business across the entire globe can go through
some schemes or fraud (Bales, K. and Fox, T.L., 2011).

The possible explanation may be multiple, but the outcomes are so destructive that the firm can be
closed. There are different situational stresses the entire organization that causes individuals to commit
fraud. Several situations in Rainbow Illusion; stress contributes to the use of corruption. The stress
which causes individuals to make frauds is the economic stress which continually promotes staff to
undertake crime. Rainbow Illusion’s system may also be a justification to violate the law as their scheme
is not really modernized. They use very standard operation methods and digitally generated the
receipts. This can guide an individual to create fake and additional invoices so that additional money
from that fake payment could be collected and added to his wallet (Hess, M.F. and Cottrell Jr, J.H.,
2016). The fraud of dual payment generation is so prevalent this day that it can be identified even when
a business frequently oversees its loan declaration. The reason is that an individual who do the fraud
also inserts against such an additional proposal a sensible item. So it's quite difficult to capture the firm's
fraud. As a businessman profoundly supervising stuff is difficult for Rainbow Illusion. Some other cause
that promotes corruption is that you might have encountered personal problems that might stimulate
you to behave insincerely. Designs in this category involve: having significant financial misfortunes,
retaining a culture that is impractical, highly near to family obligations. The culprit believes which
extortion is the primary route out of conquering this situation in such instances. But having something
more than a single tag test and welcoming the register is crucial. Similarly, through making chance trips,
it is essential that an outcast arrive and hold a glance and sacrifice the inspection each year (Bales, K.
and Fox, T.L., 2011).

Rainbow Illusion's insufficient inner checks are also situational stress. These insufficient internal
management policies are primarily the precise justification under the absence of bravery to pursue the
correct protocol in planning the positive action, assumptions and moment it takes. Internal checks aid
ensures these processes are worked out, examined and monitored in depth. Without any use of internal
management, the safety of the employee is not ensured by a company. This will cause the employees to
displease the firm's confidence and stop from making a comprehensive mistake in their effort. At a
certain stage, supervisors are investing their energy and effort in recruiting, hiring and training fresh
employees. Of particular, peers and associates will discuss the sincerity of fiscal documents and
organizational documents. In addition, privacy issues occur due to lack of consideration with respect to
security and privacy. Often, Rainbow Illusions are not supervised as anyone can obtain financial details
and customer documents that involve sensitive data, which affects safety breakdowns in accounts. This
will become the justification for employees to integrate theft or misrepresentation of advantages.
Employees can also acknowledge kickbacks to conceal frauds or robbery (Iyer, N. and Samociuk, M.,

By arranging a comprehensive collection of activities and techniques, Rainbow Illusion can alleviate the
problems of getting n financial reporting. Making each employee accountable for personal behavior,
unique company lead requirements and law enforcement ensure that transactions take place in a strong
way. Ensuring that ready, efficient, skilled and competent workers perform chores on their own
prevents errors, inaccuracies, and distortion. It is necessary to monitor and maintain internal
management structures. Free assessments ensure compatibility with rules inside and within the state
which are useful once exercised (Hess, M.F. and Cottrell Jr, J.H., 2016).

Distributed Computer System vs. Centralized System

The decentralized computing scheme is an integrated and linked collection of pcs. These are allocated to
various duties. The primary scheme oversees them and the other is accountable for performing the
allocated assignment and submitting it to the primary scheme. A distributed scheme, though, is a
restricted scheme in which one department operates duties and employment. Distributed computation
includes a collection of systems, all connected over a scheme, and located at particular positions. At
alone problem and mutual goal, they bring a bullet. Each of these first systems is self-governing,
customizable, eclectic, and willing (Banerjee, S. and Hecker, J.P., 2017).

In relation to the distributed process, such mechanisms offer a higher value and implementation ratio.
This is on the basis that adding tracking devices to the scheme is more effective than controlled
machines. In comparison to the distributed server handling scheme, that is progressively having
computing energy. Decentralized computing includes a collection of processes, all related to a scheme,
and located in specific sites. The primary reason businesses develop the Decentralized scheme is
because it operates on various duties but is linked with a single device. It is customer-friendly in such a
manner that it is not very costly and has smaller likelihood of loss. Another important point in relation to
the aim of this scheme is that it gives much more prominence to skill than to integrated handling
structures. Without standardization, organizations can incorporate and alter web development and
computing authority according to the company's demands and requires. Reduction in registration power
and storage costs is due to accessible web administrations such as AWS, and associations around the
globe have begun to use this transport scheme due to its features that help match and fix the business
system's problems (Celli, M., Bernardini, G., Gangemi, R. and Pichetti, L., 2016).

It is found that Rainbow Illusion is a youthful female-friendly company. For those teenage girls who had
no moment to create their own dresses, they intended ready-to-wear dresses. To preserve the
business's scheme, they use a Centralized Software system. Due to its characteristics and efficiency, this
scheme is appropriate. The primary cause of this scheme is adopted is because it is price-effective and
performs reliably. It's characteristics of business continuity assistance retrieve the company's missed
information. The company also employs youthful employees to easier and faster satisfies the clients.
Their welcoming conduct and excellent brand understanding have a very positive effect on the firm's
purchase. Their handbook invoice generation scheme also allows accelerate the method and save the
client's extra time. This scheme works out to be the power of the business and it also improves sales as
the business also provides incentives or bonuses for its employees. There are, however, few company-
related disadvantages that may promote employees to scam or error. This can be prevented through
regular monitoring of the management system. The business should also employ audit employees to
make an occasional unexpected trip to monitor the history of the business. Rainbow Illusion must also
operate on training their employees with fresh innovation and enable them to do their utmost to
accomplish their duties. To satisfy all the personnel employees, the firm must be polite. This will assist
the firm to be loyal and remove the danger of any theft or scam.
Adamyk, O., 2017. Audit of Accounting Staff in Computer-Based Environment.

Appelbaum, D., Kogan, A., Vasarhelyi, M. and Yan, Z, 2017. Impact of business analytics and enterprise
systems on managerial accounting. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 25,
pp. 29-44.

Bales, K. and Fox, T.L., 2011. Evaluating a trend analysis of fraud factors.. Journal of Finance and
Accountancy, Volume 5, p. 1.

Banerjee, S. and Hecker, J.P., 2017. A multi-agent system approach to load-balancing and resource
allocation for distributed computing. In First Complex Systems Digital Campus World E-Conference 2015.
Springer Cham, pp. 41-54.

Celli, M., Bernardini, G., Gangemi, R. and Pichetti, L., 2016. International Business Machines Corp.
Centralized system management on endpoints of a distributed data processing system. U.S. Patent 9,
Volume 485, p. 151.

Hess, M.F. and Cottrell Jr, J.H., 2016. Fraud risk management: A small business perspective. Business
Horizons, 59(1), pp. 13-18.

Ives, B., Hamilton, S. and Davis, G.B., 1980. A framework for research in computer-based management
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Iyer, N. and Samociuk, M., 2016. Fraud and corruption: Prevention and detection.. Routledge.

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