CRS Type 3

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International Journal of Cardiology 227 (2017) 143–150

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Cardiorenal acute kidney injury: Epidemiology, presentation, causes,

pathophysiology and treatment
Luca Di Lullo a,⁎, Antonio Bellasi b, Domenico Russo c, Mario Cozzolino d, Claudio Ronco e
Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, L. Parodi—Delfino Hospital, Colleferro, (Rome), Italy
Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, ASST Lariana, Como, Italy
Division of Nephrology, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy
Department of Health Sciences, Renal Division, San Paolo Hospital, University of Milan, Italy
International Renal Research Institute, S. Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Cardiovascular disease and major cardiovascular events represent main cause of death in both acute and chronic
Received 24 August 2016 kidney disease patients.
Accepted 6 November 2016 Kidney and heart failure are common and frequently co-exist; this organ – organ interaction, also called organ
Available online 09 November 2016
cross-talk led to well-known definition of cardiorenal syndrome (CRS). Here we'll describe cardiovascular
involvement in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). Also known as type-3 CRS or acute reno-cardiac CRS, it
Acute kidney injury
occurs when AKI contributes and/or precipitates development of acute cardiac injury.
Type-3 cardiorenal syndrome AKI may directly or indirectly produce an acute cardiac event and it can be associated to volume overload,
Biomarkers metabolic acidosis and electrolytes disorders such as hyperkalemia and hypocalcemia; coronary artery disease,
Renal replacement therapy left ventricular dysfunction and fibrosis have been also described in patients with AKI with consequent direct
negative effects on cardiac performance
© 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2. Definition of type-3 cardiorenal syndrome

Cardiovascular disease and major cardiovascular events represent 2.1. Acute kidney disease
main cause of death in both acute and chronic kidney disease patients.
Kidney and heart failure are common and frequently co-exist; this As previously described, type-3 cardiorenal syndrome is character-
organ – organ interaction, also called organ cross-talk leads to well- ized by acute worsening of kidney function leading to heart disease.
known definition of cardiorenal syndrome (CRS). A novel consensus Wide spectrum of cardiac dysfunction includes acute decompensated
definition and classification about CRS was proposed in 2008 by the heart failure (ADHF), acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and arrhythmias
Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative workgroup ([1], Table 1) and identified as defined by RIFLE (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, End-stage kidney disease)
five CRS sub-types according to disease's onset. and AKIN (Acute Kidney Injury Network) criteria [4,5].
Here we'll describe cardiovascular involvement in patients with AKIN criteria contributed to previous RIFLE ones adding serum creat-
acute kidney injury (AKI). Also known as type-3 CRS or acute reno- inine increase of 0.3 mg/dl, or more, in a timelapse of 48 h [6]; at present
cardiac CRS, it occurs when AKI contributes and/or precipitates develop- time RIFLE and AKIN criteria are validated in over half-million patients
ment of acute cardiac injury. worldwide [7].
AKI may directly or indirectly produce an acute cardiac event and it AKI actually represent an independent cardiovascular risk factor for
can be associated to volume overload, metabolic acidosis and electro- mortality in hospitalized patients especially in those on renal replace-
lytes disorders such as hyperkalemia and hypocalcemia; coronary ar- ment therapy (RRT),
tery disease, left ventricular dysfunction and fibrosis has been also AKI is particularly preminent in over 65 aged patients with infec-
described in patients with AKI with consequent direct negative effects tions at admission, underlying cardiovascular disease, hepatic cirrhosis,
on cardiac performance [2,3]. respiratory distress, chronic heart failure and hematologic neoplasia.
AKI is prevalent and incident in intensive care units (ICU), mainly
⁎ Corresponding author. due to sepsis, major surgery proceedings, hypovolemic status with
E-mail address: (L. Di Lullo). low cardiac output heart failure and drugs' management [8].
0167-5273/© 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
144 L. Di Lullo et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 227 (2017) 143–150

Table 1
Classification of cardio-renal syndrome.

Type Denomination Description Example

1 Acute cardiorenal Heart failure leading to AKD Acute coronary syndrome leading to acute heart and kidney failure
2 Chronic cardiorenal Chronic heart failure leading to kidney failure Chronic heart failure
3 Acute nephrocardiac AKD leading to acute heart failure Uremic cardiomyopathy AKD-related
4 Chronic nephrocardiac Chronic kidney disease leading to heart failure Left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic heart failure due to kidney failure
5 Secondary Systemic disease leading to heart and kidney failure Sepsis, vasculitis, diabetes mellitus

Based on recent findings, AKI seems to involve almost 70% patients Cardiac failure is certainly the most common cause of death in end-
in ICUs (among these, 5 to 25% can develop severe AKI) with mortality stage renal disease patients [16] with higher incidence than hepatic
rates ranging from 50 to 80% [8]. failure, massive transfusion, older age (N 60 years), respiratory and
neurologic failure [17].
2.2. Acute cardiac dysfunction
4. Pathophysiology of type-3 CRS
Acute cardiac dysfunction includes broad spectrum of cardiac
diseases from ADHF to ACS, arrhythmias and cardiogenic shock; to
It's clearly established that kidneys play a crucial role in regulating
better define what do we mean with “acute cardiac dysfunction” we
body water and blood volume; at the same time, kidneys are involved
have to relate to European Society and American Society of Cardiology
in electrolytes balance (such as sodium and potassium levels), help in
guidelines [9,10].
regulating blood pH and provide to excretion of nitrogen and other
ADHF still represent most common acute cardiac dysfunction syn-
toxic molecules.
drome all over the world and it can be defined as new-onset, gradual
Kidney holds neuroendocrine functions as underlined by production
or rapid, worsening of pre-existent heart failure with signs and symp-
of erythropoietin and renin to regulate both erythropoiesis and system-
toms requiring immediate therapy [11]. Main pathophysiological path-
ic blood pressure.
way is represented by increased ventricular filling pressures in the
Therefore kidney is mainly involved in the excretion of the majority
presence or absence of cardiac output's decrease. Increased filling
of drugs and tubular cells maybe provide to regulate leukocyte activa-
pressures lead to pulmonary and systemic congestion irrespective of
tion and cytokines production in inflammatory processes [18].
underlying (chronic ischemic heart disease) or incoming (severe hyper-
As kidney's function is impaired, acid – base and electrolyte imbal-
tensive disease) clinical events [11].
ance, fluid overload (i.e. pulmonary edema, pleural effusion), atrial dis-
Cardiac valvular disease, atrial fibrillation, arterial hypertension as
tension (leading to arrhythmias, since to atrial fibrillation), gut mucosal
well as noncardiac comorbidities (renal dysfunction, diabetes, anemia)
edema, hematologic dysfunction (anemia, platelets and white blood
and medications (especially non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
cells dysfunction) and altered drug excretion occur [19].
and glitazones) can contribute to ADHF development [11].
At the same time, platelets and leukocytes dysfunction, together
Renal dysfunction affects mortality rates in ADHF patients from 1.9
with delayed wound healing, may encourage infectious processes 'till
(mild renal disease) to 7.6% (severe renal dysfunction) according to
to sepsis also due to widespread inflammation [19].
Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry database [12].
Pathophysiologic cross-link between kidney injury and heart
Adverse prognostic factors are mainly represented by low ejection
dysfunction has to be clearly understood.
fraction, low systolic blood pressure, hyponatremia and older age.
As it's clear that heart failure leads to decrease in tissue perfusion
Independent predictive 1-year mortality risk factors are provided by
also involving renal physiology, on the other hand AKI itself can affect
older age, male sex, low systolic blood pressure at hospital admission,
heart by direct and indirect pathophysiologic mechanisms (Tables 2, 3).
renal dysfunction and inflammatory status as underlined by elevated
serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) [13].
Probably AKI and ADHF could be identified as two sides of the same
coin and a vicious cycle is established: AKI leads to heart dysfunction
and heart disease affects progressive kidney failure (Fig. 1).

3. Epidemiology of type-3 CRS

Defining incidence and prevalence of type-3 CRS is quite difficult due

to lack of epidemiologic data at present time.
At the same time it's possible to collect data derived from single
population studies; among them a 2147 per million population AKI
incidence was reported in northern Scotland population-based
study [14].
Another prospective, multicenter, community-based study in 748
AKI patients reported common death's causes: infections (48%), hypo-
volemic shock (45.9%), respiratory distress (22.2%), heart disease
(15%), disseminated intravascular coagulation (6.3%), gastrointestinal
bleeding (4.5%) and stroke (2.7%).
In more recent retrospective AKI study following traumatic disease,
cardiac arrest was reported as cause of death in 20% patients. Other
causes of death were cerebrovascular accidents (46%), sepsis (17%),
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (7.3%) and respiratory insuffi-
ciency (3.2%) [15]. Fig. 1. Pathophysiology of CRS type 3 and the potential vicious cycle.
L. Di Lullo et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 227 (2017) 143–150 145

Table 2 In animal experiments it has been shown that left ventricular dila-
Summary of potential contributing causes for AKI contributing to CRS type 3. tion, increased left ventricular end diastolic and end systolic diameters,
Prototypical condition increased relaxation time and decreased fractional shortening can occur
Contrast-induced AKI Post-inflammatory GN
48 h after renal injury [25].
Drug-induced AKI Rhabdomyolysis During AKI is also described an hyperactivity of SNS with abnormal
Major surgery Acute pyelonephritis secretion of norepinephrine impairing myocardial activity by several
Cardiac surgery Post-obstructive uropathy ways: direct norepinephrine effect, impairment in Ca2+ metabolism, in-
crease in myocardial oxygen demand with potential evolution to myo-
cardial ischemia, myocardial cells β1-adrenergic mediated apoptosis,
4.1. Direct AKI effects on heart function stimulation of α1 receptors and, finally, activation of RAAS. β1-
adrenergic stimulus on juxta-glomerular cells simplifies renal blood
Pathophysiological interactions between kidney and heart during flow reduction and stimulates further renin secretion by RAAS.
AKI have been referred to “cardio-renal connectors” [20], like activation Abnormal and uncontrolled RAAS activation leads to angiotensin II
of immune (i.e. pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines release with consequent systemic vasoconstriction and elevation of vas-
release) and sympathetic nervous systems, hyperactivity of RAAS and cular resistance; on the other hand, angiotensin II itself directly modifies
coagulation cascade. myocardial structure promoting cellular hypertrophy and apoptosis
Most of experimental available data are focused on immune cardio- [26].
renal connectors, especially on renal ischemia and reperfusion injury; In experimental model of renal ischemia, authors postulated how
animal models shown as AKI encourage an immune response character- increased RAAS activity could be accountable for diminished coronary
ized by secretion of pro-and anti-inflammatory mediators such as struc- response to adenosine, bradykinin and L-arginine [27].
tural and functional changes in immune cell responsiveness; leukocytes These data probably underline that AKI could directly account
function is also affected with alterations in adhesion. It is well known as for impaired coronary vaso-reactivity and increased susceptibility to
leukocytes play an important role in cardiac dysfunction following acute ischemia and other major cardiovascular events.
coronary disease; blocking leukocyte activity can protect against Other animal models were allowed to discover how AKI can contrib-
myocardial damage [21]. ute to altered permeability of lung vessels, with resultant interstitial
Circulating levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα), edema and bleeding, mediated by inflammatory mediators, altered ex-
interleukin-1 (IL-1) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) seem to increase immedi- pression of epithelial sodium channel and aquaporin-5 expression [28].
ately after renal experimental ischemia and, together with other As mentioned above, myocardial cells apoptosis and neutrophil
cytokines as well as and interferon-alpha (IFN-α), they have direct activation greatly contribute to pathophysiologic pathways of coronary
cardio-depressant effects underlined by reduction in left ventricular artery following AKI leading to lethal major cardiac events as can be
ejection fraction and elevation of left ventricular end diastolic and seen in rat transgenic models [29].
systolic volumes and areas [22]. Cardiac myocyte apoptosis and neutrophil infiltration represent two
Cytokines release can affect myocardial cells directly on their of the most important contributors to the pathophysiology of myocardi-
contractility or by close interactions with extracellular matrix leading al infarction during AKI [30].
to negative inotropic effects; complete cellular mechanisms are still Best evidence for a cardio-renal link between AKI and cardiac
unclear but they probably involve secondary mediators such as fibrosis is beta-galactoside-binding lectin galectin-3 whose mRNA ex-
sphingolipids, arachidonic acid and intracellular Ca2+ alterations [2]. pression is up-regulated after renal ischemia; it is also implicated in
In animal models, infusion of TNF-α results in decrease of left ven- the development of myocardial fibrosis and heart failure in AKI and its
tricular diastolic pressure with secondary coronary vasoconstriction; inhibition can delay progression of myocardial fibrosis [31].
more infusions cause time-dependent dysfunction (regional contractil-
ity alterations) of left ventricle and its dilation lasting up to 10 days (95).
Together with left ventricular systolic dysfunction, several diastolic ab- 4.2. Indirect effects of AKI on heart function
normalities are observed, including slow relaxation of left ventricle
and raised left atrium filling pressure to indicate an increase in left ven- As renal function goes down, it can result in significant path-
tricle diastolic stiffness. TNF-α acute infusion directly increases oxygen physiological derangement, leading to cardiac injury.
consumption by myocardial cells affecting contractility and excita- First of all, oliguria can lead to sodium and water retention with con-
tion–contraction coupling [23]. sequent fluid overload and development of edema, cardiac overload,
In the presence of renal ischemia, rat hearts show increased expres- hypertension, pulmonary edema and myocardial injury.
sion of adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 together with myocardial Furthermore, electrolytes imbalancement (hyperkalemia primarily)
apoptosis (this is not true in case of bilateral nephrectomy) to prove can contribute to raised risk of fatal arrhythmias (see dedicated section)
that systemic inflammation, and not AKI, plays an immediate role in and sudden death.
myocardial damage and dysfunction. Acidemia also can affect myocytes' metabolism and it can be ac-
Also patients with chronic heart failure show increased levels of pro- countable for pulmonary vasoconstriction, increased right ventricular
inflammatory cytokines associated with higher rates of impaired left afterload and negative inotropic effect.
ventricle remodelling, chronic cachexia and mortality [24]. Finally, sudden accumulation of uremic toxins (i.e. nitric oxide
synthase-modulating guanidine-succinic acid and methyl-guanidine)
can lead to myocardial infarction and other organ and tissues dysfunc-
Table 3 tion [32]. Uremia itself can directly affect myocardial cells contractility
Summary of susceptibilities for CRS type 3. through myocardial depressant factors and promoting pericardial
Risk modifying factors effusions and pericarditis [33].
Type-3 CRS is also characterized by lung, brain and liver involve-
Age Congestive heart failure
Sex Pulmonary disease ment. Lung injury is mediated by neutrophil's infiltration and cytokines
Coronary artery disease Chronic kidney disease release, while uremic encephalopathy represent AKI effects on brain
Hypertension Systemic vascular disease due to inflammation and volume overload.
Hypercholesterolemia Systemic immune disease Hepatic involvement is usually represented by development of
Diabetes mellitus Infection/sepsis
hepatorenal syndrome.
146 L. Di Lullo et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 227 (2017) 143–150

As mentioned in previous paragraph concerning direct effects of AKI

on cardiac function, neuroendocrine system is involved in type-3 CRS
pathophysiology since both kidney and heart can activate sympathetic
nervous system (SNS) and renin – angiotensin – aldosterone system
(RAAS) [34,35].
In response to systemic and renal hemodynamic changements, baro-
ceptor and intrarenal chemoceptors lead to SNS and RAAS activation;
SNS activation directly affects intrarenal hemodynamics and stimulates
renin incretion. SNS activation can lead to cardiomyocyte apoptosis and
increases the release of neuropeptide Y, a vascular growth factor ac-
countable for neointimal formation and following vasoconstriction
On the other hand, RAAS activation stimulates sodium reabsorption
at proximal tubule and determines efferent arteriole constriction, lead-
ing to an increase of intraglomerular pressure and filtration fraction to
maintain a valid glomerular filtration rate (GFR) despite decreased
renal blood flow.
Unluckily, iperactivation of RAAS can also contribute to vasocon- Fig. 2. An hyperechogenic renal cortex with low cortico-medullary ratio in an AKI patients
with acute renal failure.
striction due to angiotensin II production; angiotensin II provides
direct negative effects on cardiovascular system, increasing preload
and afterload, inducing apoptosis and activating NADPH oxidase in en- evaluation in interlobulary arteries [44]. Renal ultrasound is also crucial
dothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, renal tubular cells and in differential diagnosis of obstructive nephropathies.
cardiomyocytes. NDPH oxidase activation results in abnormal formation Echocardiographic pattern is not diagnostic showing an increase
of reactive oxygen species [36–40]. in atrial volumes or areas as indices of volume overload, pleural or
pericardial effusion and it's often associated to lung comets evidence
on thoracic ultrasound [45] (Figs. 3, 4).
4.3. Electrophysiological effects

Electrolytes' alterations directly affect cellular membrane potentials

5.2. Biochemical diagnosis
with development of potential fatal arrhythmias. Classical ECG aspect of
hyperkalemic patients is represented by tenting of T wave due to rapid
5.2.1. Biomarkers of type-3 CRS
and consistent changes in extracellular potassium levels leading to in-
During last decades, and especially during last 5–10 years, a large
creased activity of potassium channel (and inactivation of sodium chan-
amount of potential biomarkers have been proposed for the diagnosis
nel) with faster repolarization and inclination to arrhythmias.
of type-3 CRS (Table 4). Among AKI novel biomarkers (each with pros
Thus, hyperkalemia reduces resting membrane potentials (both atri-
and cons), some of them seem to be particularly interesting, such as
al and ventricular), induces ST – T segment abnormalities (i.e. elevations
neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL), kidney injury mole-
in V1 and V2) simulating an ischemic pattern. In some patients,
cule-1 (KIM-1), interleukin-18 (IL-18), interleukin-6 (IL-6), Cystatin C
hyperkalemia can simulate a Brugada-like pattern, characterized by
(CysC), N-acetyl-β-d-glucosamide, liver-type fatty acid-binding protein
right bundle branch block and persistent ST – T segment elevation in
(L-FABP), Netrin-1, Klotho and Midkine.
at least two precordial leads.
On the other side, several cardiac biomarkers are routinary
Hypercalcemia is accountable to short ventricular action potential
employed in clinical practice: biomarkers of myocardial necrosis,
duration during phase 2 and ECG shows shortening of QT interval; it
such as Troponins T (cTnT) and I (cTnI) and markers of heart failure as
can also produce ST – T segment abnormalities simulating ischemic pat-
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and its inactive N-terminal fragment
tern because Ca2 + plays a central role in regulation of cardiac cycle
(NT-proBNP) [25].
(contraction and relaxation) [41].

5. Diagnosis of type-3 CRS

5.1. Ultrasound diagnosis

Ultrasound evaluation of type-3 CRS patients shows several patterns

both on kidney and heart examination.
Kidney size and echogenicity provide primary features to discern
between acute and chronic nephropathies always remembering how
kidney volume and longitudinal diameters correlate with patient height
and body surface [42,43] and that chronic renal failure does not exclude
normal or enlarged kidneys (e.g. early stages of diabetic nephropathy,
HIV-related glomerulonephritis or cast nephropathy).
A hyperechogenic renal cortex with low cortico-medullary ratio is
predictive of chronic nephropathy [42,43] (Fig. 2). At the same time
cortical hyperechogenicity can also present in acute tubular necrosis
or systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis [42,43]. In these cases, en-
larged renal parenchyma may suggest a condition of edema in the
acute setting.
Doppler and color Doppler evaluation can be crucial in the diagnosis
and prognosis in the acute setting, mainly in relation with diastolic flow Fig. 3. Left atrium enlargement in AKI patient with acute renal failure.
L. Di Lullo et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 227 (2017) 143–150 147

nephrotoxic insult to proximal tubular cells; KIM-1 urinary levels

seems to be highly specific for ischemic AKI (such as acute tubular
necrosis, ATN) [25].
L-FABP is a protein mainly produced in the liver and expressed on
hepatocytes and renal proximal tubular cells; it can be filtered by
renal glomeruli and reabsorbed in the proximal tubular cells; if renal
proximal tubular cells are injured, L-FABP urinary levels rapidly increase
[46] but later in respect of NGAL.
IL-18 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine detected in the urine after
ischemic tubular damage, associated with AKI mortality and sepsis.
Klotho is another proximal tubule transmembrane protein that in-
hibits renal phosphate excretion; AKI is characterized by an acute, bur
reversible, deficiency of klotho levels and a reduction in klotho levels
could be associated to AKI [47].
Netrin-1 is a laminin-like protein whose blood levels can increase in
AKI patients; it can be detected in urine after 1 to 3 h after ischemia –
reperfusion following renal injury [48].
Finally, Midkine is a heparin-binding protein shown to increase its
expression in ischemic renal injury; its urinary levels represent a
Fig. 4. Severe pericardic effusion in AKI patient with acute renal failure.
sensitive biomarker for early AKI detection [49].

5.2.2. AKI biomarkers 5.2.3. Cardiac biomarkers

NGAL is a protein of the lipocalin superfamily and it is normally Cardiac biomarkers are commonly employed in daily clinical prac-
expressed (at low levels) by neutrophils and several epithelial cells tice. BNP is a vasopeptide hormone released by left ventricle in response
(kidney, lung, stomach and gut). NGAL seems to play an important to wall stress and modified by a prohormone (proBNP).
role in limiting oxidative damage in acute and chronic kidney diseases ProBNP and BNP are found in the kidney and glomerular filtration
and it represents the earliest kidney's biomarker of ischemic damage. process has a role in the clearance of NT-proBNP.
CysC is a cysteine protease inhibitor produced and secreted by BNP/NT proBNP ratio is the best diagnosis and prognostic markers in
all nucleated cells and its blood levels are not affected by age, sex, race patients with acute renal failure [50].
or muscle mass. It's freely filtrated at glomerulus and completely The PRIDE study has highlighted how NT-proBNP levels in patients
reabsorbed by tubular cells and not secreted (it's not normally found with eGFR b60 ml/min/1.73 m2 are the best predictors of clinical out-
in urine). comes [51].
KIM-1 is a transmembrane glycoprotein, normally undetected in the BNP and NT-proBNP provide fundamental information in patients
urinary samples, that it can be found in the urine after ischemic or with renal dysfunction although it has been to remember that
NTproBNP seems to be reduced in patients undergo hemodialysis by
high-flux membranes.
Troponins are highly sensitive and specific for ischemic myocardial
Table 4
Potential biomarkers in acute kidney injury.
injury and they correlate with outcomes in kidney disease patients
Biomarkers of AKI, acute cardiac dysfunction and type-3 CRS Heart-FABP (H-FABP) is a non enzymatic protein increasing during
Potential biomarkers for early detection of AKI cardiac ischemia and it holds more than 80% sensitivity for diagnosis
NGAL of acute myocardial infarction in the period of 30–210 min after symp-
toms' onset [54], faster than CK-MB activity and cardiac troponins but it
Cystatin C
IL-18 shows limited diagnostic value in kidney disease patients.
N-acetyl-β-(D)-glucosaminidase (NAG)
L-FABP 5.2.4. Biomarkers of both heart and kidney
Netrin-1 Many biomarkers can be associated both to kidney and heart acute
disease; higher levels of Cys-C seem to be associated with increased
left ventricular mass and concentric left ventricular hypertrophy and
Potential biomarkers for differential diagnosis of AKI they could be an independent predictor of major cardiovascular events
in a 12 month follow-up period of non-ST elevation acute coronary syn-
Potential for prognosis of AKI drome (ACS) patients [55].
NGAL IL-18, another AKI biomarker, has been indicated as associated with
Cystatin C aterogenesis, coronary artery disease, lipidic plaque instability and
N-acetyl-β-(D)-glucosaminidase (NAG)
myocardial infarction; high IL-18 levels have also been described in
Potential biomarkers for inflammation and immune response acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) patients with clear impact
Urinary IL-18 on long term cardiovascular outcomes [56].
Tumor necrosis factor receptor-1 (TNFR-1)
Combination of H and L-FABP seems to play a role in defining both
Urinary vascular cell adhesion molecules-1 (VCAM-1)
Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) kidney and heart injury, since H-FABP levels have been correlated
with BNP levels in patients with ADHF. Both serum H-FABP and urinary
Early detection of acute cardiac dysfunction
L-FABP may be able to detect ongoing myocardial damage involved in
cTnT, cTnI the progression of ACS [57].
Myoglobin Finally, serum H-FABP appears as an independent predictor of
Myeloperoxidase (MPO) cardiac events on 1-year follow-up evaluation in patients with ACS,
C-reactive protein (CRP) also showing a greater predictive capacity for cardiac events rather
than cTnT [57].
148 L. Di Lullo et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 227 (2017) 143–150

6. Management approach to type-3 CRS patients therapies. Prevention of left ventricular volume overload is critical to
maintain adequate cardiac output and systemic perfusion.
To better provide complete management of type-3 CRS, best treat- Diuretics, especially loop diuretics, are the gold standard in ADHF
ment strategy is probably to identify various stage of disease (according and type 3 CRS therapy since they provide to reduce fluid overload
to RIFLE/AKIN criteria), from patients at high risk of developing AKI to and improve symptoms (beneficial effects on patients' dyspnea and
stage 3 AKI patients, those who present a kidney failure requiring edema); on the other side, inappropriate diuretic therapy can worsen
renal replacement therapy. kidney's injury during AKI.
Therefore, diuretic therapy has been associated with increased risk
6.1. Patients at high risk of developing AKI of death in AKI patients showing no benefits in kidney's function recov-
ery [58]. Despite of these clinical evidence, diuretics remains first choice
Risk factors for developing AKI are age older than 75 years, CKD therapy in ADHF patients. Continuous infusion of furosemide has been
(estimated GFR 60 ml/min/1.73 m2), cardiac failure, atherosclerotic recommended for improved efficacy as far as combination therapy thi-
peripheral vascular disease, liver disease, diabetes mellitus, nephrotoxic azides diuretics.
medications, hypovolemic status and sepsis [7].
Avoiding or minimizing nephrotoxic medications and procedures is
an important strategy to prevent AKI. Antibiotics (aminoglycosides) and 7. Renal replacement therapy
contrast medium represent main nephrotoxic agents employed in
intensive care units and their employment should be reduced. Combi- Once pharmacological treatment fails in AKI patients and oligo-
nation therapy with vancomycin and aminoglycoside or angiotensin- anuric renal failure is established, renal replacement therapy has to
converting enzyme inhibitors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs been started and it represents a cornerstone in the management of
and diuretics can lead to renal tubular injury and volume depletion. severe kidney injury although several aspects of RRT remain still
Preventing hypoperfusion is a cornerstone to avoid an acute kidney controversial.
injury and volume depletion should be corrected. A vasopressor may be The timing of RRT initiation is strongly dependent by clear impair-
added after adequate volume resuscitation in hypotensive patients to ment of renal function with electrolytes and acid – base imbalancement,
maintain mean arterial pressure. Strict monitoring of fluid balance is hpercreatininemia and severe fluid overload not responsive to pharma-
fundamental to avoid volume overload, especially in patients with cological treatment [59].
higher filling pressures and signs of right heart dysfunction due to in- Clinicians are not always confident in estimating potential recovery
creased preload [7]. from kidney injury and this fact can complicate any decision in starting
As previously discussed, AKI biomarkers may be helpful to target
6.2. Stage 1 (risk)
which patients will recover renal function [60,61].
Timing of RRT initiation can impact on clinical outcomes; for exam-
Patients at risk are confident with AKI criteria and they can develop
ple, early application of RRT in patients with severe sepsis might be ben-
severe AKI 'till acute renal failure. These patients should be treated as
eficial [18] but, at the same time, early “classic dose” of continuous
previous group (patients at high risk). In addition, they need urine anal-
veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH) does not provide complete or par-
ysis, routinary blood tests, biomarkers, and ultrasound to investigate
tial renal recovery [62].
etiology, make diagnosis, and plan the treatment. Underlying and cor-
It's also demonstrated that avoiding or delaying RRT is strictly asso-
rectable diseases should be treated. Close monitoring and supportive
ciated with higher mortality and increased hospitalization rates [63,64].
care should be provided [25].
Fluid overload represents major outcome parameter in AKI patients
on CRRT (continuous renal replacement therapy) [65]; starting RRT
6.3. Stage 2 (injury) with low rates of fluid retention may improve renal and cardiovascular
outcomes [65].
Stage 2 patients are characterized by high risk of morbidity/ RRT can be stopped when improvement in renal function is clearly
mortality due to renal injury. Patients need conservative therapy and evident as pointed up by increased urine output and decrease in
functional hemodynamic monitoring to guide resuscitation, especially serum creatinine levels in patients with constant CRRT dose. A urine
pulse pressure variation in ventilated patients, should be considered. output of more than 400 ml/day can represent a cut-off value, while a
Clinicians have to provide optimal intravascular volume status, mean 15–20 ml/min creatinine clearance could allow CRRT withdrawal [66].
arterial pressure, cardiac output, and oxygen carrying capacity (e.g., he- CRRT and intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) both present pros and
moglobin). Maintenance of electrolytes and acid–base homeostasis cons; when correctly applied, both CRRT and IHD can achieve good met-
should be ensured. Drug dosing and their blood levels have to be in abolic control in many randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses
the therapeutic range to avoid incorrect storage [25]. [67], although CRRT seems to be associated with best outcomes and
more frequent renal recovery in critically ill patients in comparison
6.4. Stage 3 (failure) with IHD [67].
Together with CRRT and IHD therapies, some “hybrid therapies”
At this stage the patient is at the highest risk of death and has a high have been proposed, such as sustained low-efficiency (daily) dialysis
probability of extrarenal complications including CRS. RRT or extracor- (SLED) and extended daily dialysis in which IHD techniques are adapted
poreal kidney support should be considered if pharmacological therapy to provide longer dialysis sessions [68–70].
doesn't work, kidney injury is severe, or there is risk of developing life- Some clinical trials have not found any difference between SLED and
threatening complications. Final chapter will be dedicated to renal re- CVVH in terms of cardiovascular stability and mortality rates, but SLED
placement therapy [25]. seems to be associated with short duration of mechanical ventilation
Cardiac dysfunction may occur in any stage of AKI, but mainly in this [71].
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