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son92019 EC to hole referendum on MMOCES election wit district level elections | General News 2019-03-28, GhanaWeb"7” Youtube loon Fscchook leon Twitter loon ‘Searen Ghanaiob Login You are here: ios So + Article 733723 General News of Thursday, 28 March 2019 EC to hold referendum on MMDCEs election with district level elections ‘The Electoral Commission (EC) will conduct the district level elections for assembly members together withthe referendum on the election of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives in the last quarter ofthis yea ‘This will be the latest step in the Akufo-Administration’s promise to oversee the eetion of MMDCEs within 24 months of eletion into office, tw coincide with the District Assembly elections in 2019 The government had earlier sid it expected the referendum to be conchided by September 2019, ‘The Commission is thus exp sé to undertake a limited voter registration exercise in May. This exercise will take place in all district offices ofthe Commission, per outcomes ofan Inter-Pasty Advisory Committee ([PAC) Meeting held on Wednesday, Ina press release signed by EC Chairperson, Jean Mensa, the Commission says it will publish time table and the roadmap forthe district level lctions in a week's time. ‘The Government in February 2019 laid the Bill to amend the Constitution to allow forthe election of MMDCEs. ‘The Ministry of Local Goverment and Rural Development had earlier presented the Bill onthe amendment of some aticles in the 1992 Constitution back in October 2018, ‘The articles slated for amendment are Article 243 (1) on the appointment of MMDCEs by the President and Article 5S (3), which prohibits the involvement of politcal parties in district-level elections ‘On the roadmap forthe election, the government has indicated that the election process would be in three phases; Pre-Referendum Activities, Referendum Activities, Post-Referendum Activities and the amendment of Article $5(3) of the 1992 Constitution, ‘The Pre-Referendum processes consist of the formation of an election committee, which was established in 2017 and the review of legislation and preparation of background document, ‘The regional consultations and sensitization to raise and prepare forthe referendum have also been conducted Per Article 290 (4, at least 40 per cont af the citizens are expected to vote atthe referendum with 75 per cent af them backing the Billo be passed by Parliament and assented toby the President. htps:hww. ghanaweb, com/GhanaHomePagaiNewsArchivelEC-1o-hold-relerendum-or-MMDCES-claction-wih-dstictlove-elections-738723 42 son92019 EC to hole referendum on MMOCES election wit district level elections | General News 2019-03-28, tr NG EY 82:5 OF TESA ADU COMMITTEE PAC MEETING GE naa ee ‘ie Bec comma at ne hes egy 2, De tpl Py fae Comat Ate cosa gee ed Sheet Perot: ett cer Rta 1 beater {Uae orow consent Pate at wat ogra enn tet eer ah ey ets: eat ee 2h Contin ian eaten cs part Sed Ect setscccoain bi enone pnb tee 4.7 Connen anteater sao 20 Pera ot aay 4. cnn tg eee cp ob ae ncn on ‘esianetonyeroe oe 1 The seco eft dey emer gat on eto ‘epson bon nse ony oan ‘tgmunent bor Gr Tat 2 Decne norte Gomer moro pan senate ess ote es foetal Set Tank 1 Election 2020; Lazy Abfo-Addo's Ministers wil cause NPP's defeat = Leer ‘Ali: Addo ‘chetlsdsr-oCNPP Asuiuare hugs: Mahama dt ie -NDC + Thores evidence of govt vaining hugs to destabilise 2020 pols "NDC 1 Read al related atlles Comments: This aticle has 2 comment), give your comment htps:hwwa. ghanaweb. com/GhanaHomePagaiNewsArchivelEC-1o-hold-selerendum-or-MMDCEs-clection-wih-dstictlovel-elections-738723

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