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R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection UNIT - 7: PERMUTATION AND COMBINATION [JEE ~ MAIN CRASH COURSE] Factorial Notation ‘The product of first natural numbers is denoted by nt and is read as “factorial n”. Thus 2-3-dee (n= en s(n 1) (n=2) 3-21 n~Wl-n=n-(n—Dt Similarly, (2-1)! =(n-1)-(n-2)! (n=! Sn (n= 1)-(n=2)! =ne(n= 1) (n-2)-(n-3)! ‘Thus al and so on. ‘© If n and r are positive integers, then 2b 2B et 12-3r BEB Ber = Dre Dr +2) ‘I 123--@=1-r S041) 042) @- Den Enea) (9-2) r+) (n=D-n Exponent of Prime inn! Let p be a given prime and n any positive integer, then maximum power of p present in nl is Talal = | foc wher Ae] [2] were £4 denotes ie greaest bl bel bp integer function The above formula does not work for composite unter. Por example if peieeDe Gg marily jower of 6 prom 221 Distt Mewer ie [2] 4 [3] = 5, a5 5 is the number of integral 6]'lé multiples of 6 in 1,2, ... 32; and 6 can be obtained on multiplying 2 by 3 also, Hence forthe required number, we find the maximum powers of 2 and 3 (say r and s) present in 324; Using the above formula r = 31 and 5 = 14, Hence 2 and 3 will be combined (to form 6) 14 times, Thus maximum power of 6 present is 32! i 14. Fundamental Principle of Counting Multiplication rule If a work A can be done in m ways and another work B can be done in n ways and C is a work which is done only when both A and B are done, Addition rule If a work A can be done in m ways and another work B can be done in n ways and C is a work which is done only when either A or B is done, then number of ways of doing the work C is (m +n). Permutation Each of the different arrangements which can be made by taking some or all of a number of given things or objects ata time is called a permutation. In permutation order of appearance of things is taken into account "P,= number of permutations of r things out of m different things. = numbers of ways of filling up r vacant places with ‘different things (in each place exactly one abject is pu (n>) = numbers of ways of filling up n vacant places with ‘iflerent things. in ech place exactly one object is put) (@>) Office.: 606, 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi- Ph,; 0651-2562523, 9895508812, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASS R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES For example, the following six arrangements can be made with three distinct objects taking two at a time ab, ba, be, cb, ac, ca. Bach of these arrangements is called permutation. Different cases of permutations + The number of permutations of m different things on ‘The number of permutations of 1 different things taken all ata time = ml The number of permutations of things taken all at a time when p of them are similar and are of one type, q of them are similar and are of second type, 7 of them are similar and are of third type and rest pair The number of permutations of n different things taken r at a time when each thing can be repeated times: n’ taken r at a time: "P, are all different: Permutations under restrictions When particular objects are never together (gap method) Mlustration: Find the number of ways five girls and five boys can be arranged in row if no two boys are together. Sol In the question there is no any condition for arranging the girls. Now five girls can be arranged in 5! ways, XGXGXGXGXGX When girls are arranged, six gaps are generated as shown in diagram with" Now boys must occupy the places with “x” marked so that no two boys are together. Now five boys can be arranged in these six gaps in °P, ways. Hence, total number of arrangement is 5! P; When particular objects are always together Mlustration: Find the number of ways in which six boys and six girls be seated in a row so that all the girls sit together and all the boys sit together. Canaan) Coa Considering boys and girls as (wo units, there permutations = 2! 6! -6!=2- (61). Circular permutations © The total number of circular arrangements of persons is ™ = (n ~ 1) # The total number of different arrangements of n dire basin ides Hen Combination Each of the different groups or selections which can be made by taking some or all of a number of given things or objects ata time is called a combination, In combination, order of appearance of things is not taken into account. srent cases of combinations (selections) Case [Number of combinations of n die lent things taking rat atime (r-2) points in each of two parallel lines. Every point on one line is joined to every point on the other line by a line segment drawn, Within the lines. The number of points (between the lines) in which these segments intersect is () *C,=26"C, +2 (0) "C,=2-"C, "GQ X"C: (€) none of these Consider the five points comprising the vertices of ‘a square and the intersection point of is diagonals. How many triangles can be formed using these points? @4 66 ©8 @10 ‘The greatest possible number of points of intersection of eight straight lines and four circles (32 (b) 6) 76 (@) 104 ‘There are four parcels and five post-offices. In hhow many dfferemt ways the registration of parcel ‘ean be made @2%0 WH OS ws-# The number of ways of distributing eight identical balls in three distinct boxes s0 that none of the boxes is empty is @s 2 @ *e; ‘The number of ways in which nine students can be equally distributed among three sections is 91 ©s 6 (@) none of these 38, ‘There are three men and seven women taking a dance class. Number of different ways in which ‘each man be paired with a woman partner, and the four remaining women be paired into two pairs each of two, is (a) 105 (b) 315 (©) 630 @) 450 ‘The number of groups that can be made from five different green balls, four different blue balls, and three different red balls, if at least one green and fone blue ball is to be included (a) 3700 (©) 3720 (©) 4340 (@) none of these The number of ways in which 35 apples can be distributed among three boys so that each can have any number of apples, is (@) 1332 (b) 666 (©) 333 (a) none of these |. Total number of five-digit numbers having all different digits and divisible by 4 that can be formed using the digits (1, 3,2, 6, 8, 9) is equal (@) 192) 32 (©) 1152 @) 384 {A parallelogram is cut by two Sets of m lines parallel to its sides, The numberof parallelogramns thus formed is @ C(O)? wm ertey wcrey (@ none of these Number of divisors of = 38808 (except 1 and n) is @D He ©R Ww” ‘The number of ways of dividing 52 cards amongst four players $0 that three players have 17 cards ceach and the fourth player just one card is ) 2 ) s2 amy " 32! © (@) none of these m Ten persons, amongst whom are A, B, and C to speak at a function, The number of ways in which it can be done if A wants to speak before B and B wanls to speak before C is o> (o) 317! 6 (95-7! (2) none of these 1. The number of positive integral solutions of abe =30is (a) 30 ©8 () 27 (@) none of these UNIT - 7: PERMUTATION AND COMBINATION |JEE - MAIN 2019 CRASH COURSE] 47, Number of ways in which a lawn-tennis mixed double be made from seven married couples if no husband and wife play in the same set is (@ 240 () 420 © 720 (@) none of these |. Number of selections of six different letters that can be made from the words “SUMAN” and “DIVYA” so that each selection contains three letters from each word, is (@) 64) BG) 100 (a) 106 49. ‘There are four balls of different colors and four boxes of colors same as those of the balls. The number of ways in which the balls, one in each box, could be placed such that a ball does not go to box of its own color is @s 7 ©® (@) none of these ‘The exponent of 3 in 100! is @3 4 ©4852 SOLUTIONS Cus Css = Cas S-3r=r43ar=3 Qn)! nt 2) (Gn _}p =; ” E oP Regt = QnQn 1 = 9n(n = 1) en =5 = ricon —1y(m—2}(m + =ayritn— Don — 29m +1) = Lem +1) minim —2 =3. Cy In 142843! + 4L45! 4 nl, values St, 6 n! ate divisiblé by 5. Hence we have to find the remainder when I! +21 + 3! +4! = 33 is divided by 5 which is 3, Distinct n-digit numbers which ean. be formed using digits 2, 5, and 8 are 3”. ‘We have to find m so that 3° > 900 So the least value of n is 7. ‘The man can go in five ways and he can return in 5 ways. Hence, total number of ways are five x5=25, 740) 94a) ‘The number of possible outcomes with 2 on at least one die = (The total number of outcomes) = (The number of outcomes in which 2 does not ‘appear on any die) = 6* — S*= 1296 - 625 = 67 Required sum = 108. {If we fix 3 of the unit place, other three digits can be arranged in 3! ways similarly for 4, 5, 6.) Take AE as one letter ‘Then five letters can be arranged in ways. +445 46)= 6x18 = . 120 10.4) 12345678 ‘Two women cin choose two chairs out of 1, 2, 3, 4, in *C; ways, and can arrange themselves in 2! ways. Three men can choose 3 chairs out of 6 remaining chairs °C, ways and can arrange themselves in 3! ways ‘Therefore, total number of possible arrangements Cy x 21x 8C,x 31 = 4Py x Py 1140) X — X — X - X =X. The four digits 3, 3, 5, 5, can ved om ‘The five digits 2, 2, 8, 8, 8 can be arranged at (X) ways 3 lace in > =10 ways pl os ys Total number of arrangements = 6 x 10 = 60 ways 12,(¢) The letters of word COCHIN in alphabetic order are C, C, H, 1, N, 0. Fixing first letter C and keeping C at second place, rest four can be arranged in 4! ways. 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASS R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Similarly the words starting with CH, Cl, CN are 4! in each case. Then fixing first two letters as CO next four places when filled in alphabetic order give the word COCHIN Numbers of words coming before COCHIN are 4x 4)=4x24 = 96 13,(¢) Total — when number 7 is not there =9-9-8-7-8-857-6 8(81 — 48) = 1848 14,(€) The first 24 = 4! words begin with A, the next 24 begin with E, and the next 24 begin with H. So the 86th begins with Mf and it is the 86 — 72. = 4th such word. The first 6 words that begin with -M begin with MA and the next 6 begin with ME. So the desired word begins with MH and itis the second such word. The first word that begins with ‘MI is MHAES, the second is MHASE. Thus E is the leter we seek, 15(a)s Asie U+ ‘The pointed places to be filled by MXMM. Hence eed mambo of ways 314 {Since three vowels can be arranged in 3! ways also} 16.(b) The four odd digits 1, 3, 3, 1 can be arranged in the four odd places in —*" 6 ways and three even digits 2, 4, 2 can be arranged in the three even places in 31-3 ways. Hence the required 2 number of ways = 6 3 = 18. 17a) Total number of ways. of arranging the letters of the word BANANA is S160, number ‘of words in which two N's come together is oy 3 Hence the required number = 60 ~ 20 = 40 18.) First we seat six boys which can be done in G61 ways. Once they have been seated, the two brothers can be made to occupy seats in between or in extreme (ie., on dot place) XB, X By X By X By X ByX Box in "Py ways + Required number of ways = 7P, x 6! ways 19,4) Ea ofthe tee persons can leave te if atone ofthe ten oor (oer than 2nd rey and ene at which thy ete the Hi. Since the eave he fin a dita nary . Number of ways = "P, = 10 x 9 x 8 = 720 20.4) Six men can die ata ound bln St way. Now isso ne nx yeesl nme ecra ecg ee ‘These can be occupied by five women in °Ps, i.e. ae Total number of way = 61x 5! 21a Regie numberof ways = Hes te tt {Since clockwise and anticlockwise are same in case of ring) 22.0) Sie ttl number &f ways in which boys can cman) ny Powe RST = and he fe tik con bes setrigly nt eye Hence required number of ay are #13! ‘23.(c) First we seat seven women, which can be done by (7 - 1)! | ways Inany sch anangement seen men canbe seated in seven places marked x in ’P, ! ways: 7 Roqued number of aye = 6! 7 Fig. 2Asa) The possibilities are: From frst five Remaining questions 4 6 3 3 Required umber of choices SC x 865 450s °C, a5x I+ 1x 8x7, 8X7x6 2x1 3x2x1 = 140 + 56 = 196 25,(¢) Number of ways in which & voter can vote 196, +c, + C, + C, 0+ 45 + 120 + 210 = 385 264¢) First omit two particular persons. Remaining eight persons may be four in each boat. This can be =5% UNIT - 7: PERMUTATION AND COMBINATION |JEE - MAIN 2019 CRASH COURSE] done in 'C, ways. The two particular persons may be placed in two ways one in each boat Total number of ways = 2% °C, 2744) Required numberof tikes = 2 "Cy = ASE 28(c) Let there are n candidates then "C+ Cy +o °C, = 254 = 2 > Pa%anz8. 29,(¢) Four letters can be selected in the following ways (@—Alldifferent, ic. C. 0. R. G. ii) Two like and two different (ii) Three like and one different, i., three O and I from R, G, and C. The number of ways in () is “C, The number of ways in i) is 1 ‘The number of ways in (i) is 1 x °C, ‘Therefore, required number of ways = 1 +343 304(b) The otal number of two factor products = ™°C,, ‘The number of mumbers from 1 t0 200 which are ‘not multiples of 5 is 160. Therefore, total number of two-factor products which are not multiple of 5 is Cp Hence the required number of factors =O, = ¢, = 7180. 31a) A selection of three balls so as to include atleast ‘one black ball, can be made in the following three mutually exclusive ways: @ One black ball and two others 330) «8G, = 3x 152 45 (Gi) Two black balls and one other = 7G, «°C, =3x6=18 (Gi) Three black balls and no other = °C, = 1 Total numbers Of ways = 45. + 18 + 1 = 64 32.) Every section of two points on one Fine and two points on the other gives us a imaginary point Hence required number of ways ="C, x "C;, 33,€) To form a triangle, three points out of five can be chosen in °C; = 10 ways. But of these, the three points lying on the two diagonals willbe collinear So 10 ~2 = 8 triangles can be formed) 34,4) The required number of points =O x14 4C, x2 + EC x 4Cy) x2 = 28+ 12432x2= 104 35,(¢) Required number of ways are 54. {Since each parcel can be registered in five ways.) 36(b) Number of ways in which eight identical balls ccan be distributed imo three identical boxes so that none of the boxes in empty. 7x6 Ly Ie, 1x2 ="; a) 37.(b) Required number of ways = —2— =" (b) Req w= Ta Gy 2810 10-2 ee wom an eee in’ ways and canbe paired with tree men in 3 ways Remaining four women can be grouped into two coupes in tt ‘Total = ’C, - 3!» 3 = 630 3840) At east one green ball canbe selected out of Five green balls in 2° - 1, ie., in 31 ways. Similarly, a east one ble ball can be selected from four blue balls in 2*—1 = 15 ways. And at least one ted or noted can Bo select in (v1)! ways. Hence required number of ways = 31 15 x 8 = 3720 404b) The required number = ***-'c, 666. 41a) A number is divisible by 4 if the last two digits are divisible by 4 ‘Thus las t8o digits canbe 12, 16,28, 32, 36,68, 92,96. Thus 10s wo places can be filled in eight way. The remaining thee places can be filled with remaining four digits in 4C, - 3! ways. ‘Total number of such numbers = 8 - ('C; - 3!) = 192 42(€) Each set is having m+ 2 parallel lines and each parallelogram is formed by choosing two straight lines fom the fist set and two straight lines from the second set, Two straight lines ftom the first set can be chosen in" * *C, ways and two Straightline from the second set canbe chosen in 2 ways. Hence the oa numberof parallelogram formed wig este 43.0) Sine 38808 = 8 x 4851 = 89539 = 89K 7KTXIT 2x 3x In So, numberof divisors = 3 +1) 2+) @+1) aspen "Cy = 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASS R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES ‘This includes two divisors 1 and 38808. Hence, the required number of divisors = 72 - 2 = 70. 44,(a) For the first set number of ways “C,;. Now out of 35 cards left 17 cards can be put for second in ¥C,, ways similarly for 3rd in '8C,,' One card for the last set can be put in only one way. ‘Therefore, the required number of ways for the proper distribution 3st 18! 32! xt ra amy 45a) For A, B, C to speak in order of alphabets, 3 places out of 10 may be chosen first in 1 + °C, = 3 ways. ‘The remaining 7 persons can speak in 7! ways. Hence, the number of ways in which all the 10 persons can speak is 19¢,.71=10!, 101 6 46.(b) We have 30 = 2x 3. 5. So, 2 can be assigned to either a or b or ¢, i, 2 can be assigned in 3 ‘ways, Similarly, each of 3 and $ can be assigned in 3 ways, Thus, the number of solutions are 3 x 3x3=27. 47.40) We frst select three men out of seven in 7C, ways. Now, we exclude the wives of these two selected men and so select two ladies from the remaining five ladies in °C, ways. Let, B be two men and X,Y be the ladies playing in one set, then we can have (@ A and X plying against B and ¥. (i) A and ¥ playing against B and X. Bite air Wille) eM unpopulated wasteland.’ ‘Then total number of ways = "Cy °C; +2 = 21 x 10x 2= 420 48.(a) “SUMAN” “DIVYA” ‘A excluded from SUMAN = *C, - C= 40 +A included in SUMAN = ‘C, «Cy = 24 49,(e) Since number of derangements in such a problems is given by mf ‘Therefore, number of derangements are 50(6) Let Ein) denote the exponent of 3 in mn. The ‘greatest integer less than 100 divisible by 3 is 99. We have EQOON = E{L «2-344 + 99 - 100) = FG -6-9 -- 99) AIG: 13 2-3) = 334 E+ 2.36033) Now E(1 2.3.» 33) = 83-69-33) = AG DB 218-3) = M+ E0-2-3 1) and E(L + 2-3 + 11) = B36 +9) = AG NG -28-3) 34E0-2-3) 234154 ‘Thus £(100!) = 33 + 11 +4 = 48 Ni so ean) N Ui aT HSS @RKMALIKSNEWTONCLASSES

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