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Original Lesson Plan:

 Students will practice their jumps by learning different ways to jump over the rope while on the
ground in a straight line. Focusing on the proper way of how to jump.
o Single Bounce: Start at one end of the rope and jump back and forth to the end of your
o Double Bounce: Same as the single, but now try it with a double bounce
o Backwards: Try either the single or the double going backwards down your rope
o Hop: Try either a single or a double using only one foot
o 180 spin: Jump with feet straddling the rope and spin around doing a double bounce.

 Students will follow the five skill cues of jump roping successfully.
o Ready
o Swing it
o See It
o Jump It
o Flip it

 Teacher teaches each skill cues starting from the beginning. Teacher goes over the ready
position as students watch. Students then get a chance to show teacher what it looks like.
Starting in the ready position, teacher then shows the students how to properly swing the jump
rope over. Students will begin in the ready position and add on the swinging the rope. This will
continue until all 5 skill cues have been incorporated. Students will then begin to jump rope on
their own putting everything together.

 Students will then practice the double bounce, backwards, hop, and 180 spin for 2 to 3 minutes
at a time.

 Students be assessed at the end of doing a forward jump rope completing it 5x consecutive
times. Teacher will use a skill cue checklist making sure students are completing all skills cues
Grade Level/Targeted Audience:

 2nd Grade students

Lesson Objective:

 I can demonstrate completing all 5 skill cues of jump roping in order to jump rope 5 consecutive
times successfully.


 50 minutes / 1 class

Description of Learning Activities:

 Students will use google to search for a variety of different ways to jump and students will
practice their jumps by learning different ways to jump over the rope while on the ground in a
straight line. Students will get to share one jump in front of the class.
 Students will follow the five skill cues of jump roping successfully.
o Ready
o Swing it
o See It
o Jump It
o Flip it
 Students will be in partners. One partner will be recording and the other partner will be
performing using Bam Video Delay for Coaching and Personal Training.
 Teacher demonstrates each skill component starting from the beginning. Teacher goes over the
ready position as students watch. Students then get a chance to perform as recorders (partner)
video them performing.. Performer and recorder will look over the video to see if performer did
it correctly/incorrectly discussing it with their partner. Starting in the ready position, teacher
then shows the students how to properly swing the jump rope over. Students will begin in the
ready position and add on the swinging the rope. Students then once again will review their
video to see if they did it properly. This will continue until all 5 skill cues have been
incorporated. Students will then begin to jump rope on their own putting everything together as
their partner records it trying to jump rope five consecutive times. After student has made a one
video of them jump roping partners will switch jobs. Performer will be the recorder, recorder
will be the performer.

Description of Assessment:

 Formative:
o Students create one full video of them jump roping practicing the skill cues of jump roping.
 Summative:
o Students be assessed at the end of doing a forward jump rope completing it 5x
consecutive times. Teacher will use a skill cue checklist making sure students are
completing all skills cues

The Bam Video Delay for Coaching and Personal Training is the technology tool I incorporated to

target collaboration between partners. It’s a video app that allows students to record a skill and

replay in slow motion to see themselves jump roping. One student must record and the other

student must be the performer so students are working together and sitting down while

breaking down the steps as they replay their videos. This technology and assignment could also

fall under critical thinking because students must know the five skill cues (ready, swing it, see,

jump it, flip it) and have to figure out what they did correctly or what they did incorrectly. The

content of the lesson is for students to learn how to properly jump rope using all five skill

components. The pedagogy and technology work together because students view themselves

jump roping with their partner trying to figure out what the skills cues they completed correctly

and what skills cues they need to work on. Having the students correct themselves and become

a better jump roper will meet the content of them learning the five skill cues and completing

them correctly as they worked cooperatively with a partner. All three (content, pedagogy, and

technology) intersect with each to complete the TPACK framework.

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