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January 7 – 23, 2019


Palo, Leyte

Luke Geoffrey M. Raagas

Grade 12 – ICT Prograaming8

Day 1 – 3 January 7 – 9 2019

Day 1

My first day at LGU Palo as a work immersion

trainee, after the ceremony was finished we
were accommodated by an employee to assign
each individual at their own department, I was
relieved that I have 2 other classmates macky
Fabillo and Regine Domael who were also
assigned at the same location as I am, which is
the treasury department. There, we were
introduced to one of the supervisor of that
department: Ma’am. Chona E. Daloso( I forgot her surname to be honest, pardon)
and what do you know? I made a bad impression on the first day which was ironic
since that making an impression was what our W.I teacher: Ma’am. Daisy was
prioritizing. Apologise.

After the introduction with Ma’am. Chona the others followed, then we were
assigned at the business department I don’t know why but Ma’am. Chona still
seems to be a supervisor even at such a young age. We were on standby for a
couple of hours, minutes and then, I was called to assemble some paperwork which
they needed for over a 100, that’s right a hundred, I was shocked at first but
determined, I worked for more than an hour and I only finished 22 and lunch came
then finished the rest with the help of Macky ofcourse.

Day 2

Day 2 as a trainee, John Rich Zabala joined today

since he was still onboard from Bulacan to Leyte
so he has to take W.I. one day after ours was
finished to compensate his absence, and there
were other students wearing a uniform that
resembles of San Juaquin High School so overall
we were 7 at the department, It was awkward
but it still is a company so I was okay with it.

So one of the students from San Juaquin, Dexter and myself was assigned to
decorate Ma’am. Chona’s room he was cool. And after that like yesterday, I was
assigned with the same task but now there’s 3 of us so the work didn’t take 2 hours
for us to finish. Then afternoon came and we were still assigned to the same task
but we have more free time than usual.
Day 3

My 3rd day as a trainee, it seems one of the employee which she wanted us to call:
Ate Tintin entrust us to do a different task than what she originally gave us, which
was go around the LGU and find some members of a “Group” (I forgot so the name)
and ask for their permission. It was tough specially since she was quick to explain
where the departments are so I have to go to one department and ask where the
others, one by one as soon as I’m done with their permission, it was again, tough.

After playing cat and mouse, she assigned us a new task which is to list the people
who payed the garbage fee, I was hesitant at first since I have no confidence in my
penmanship but she just didn’t mind so I did it and it was a win-win scenario since
she gave us the Wi-Fi password. After that I was free as a bird from the afternoon
to 5pm.

Day 4 – 5 January 10 – 11 2019

Day 4

My 4th day as a trainee, I was assigned at the 2nd floor since there were to many
people were there so somebody needs to accommodate the employees with small
work like handing out the papers to other certain individuals. And like my normal
task are, just continued assembling the papers till afternoon.

But since we were free in the afternoon, Ma’am. Chona saw this opportunity and
gave us a task to clean some glass from tapes, and I
don’t know why she was surprised that we did it, “but,
you were the one who gave us this task so it’s only
natural right?” was what’s going on my head and she
gave us a new task but the same job, which is to clean
her room from the remaining tapes, which was a lot.
So we did.
Day 5

The 5th We were task to go to the gym and hand some papers to the people working
there, it was complicated since we don’t really know the people and where the
other departments are. And like the other days we just repeat the normal task we
were given.

Day 6 – 7 January 14 – 15 2019

Day 6

My 6th day as a trainee, I don’t really have much to say since

I don’t really have anything new to add. It was the normal
task like usual, after I’m done assembling I roam the LGU
and ask for permission again. But this time I actually know
where to go without asking for direction from other

All the boys were assigned to lift the chairs to prepare the day, it was a hustle
considering my weak body, and excessive sweating from the tiniest friction my
body creates.
Day 7

My 7th day as a trainee, it was more work than ever since I’m the only one at the
2nd floor at the moment, tasks were flying left and right after I’m done with a task
new ones comes out and it continued for more than an hour. And honestly I was
happy that Ate Tintin came and gave me a task because that’s the only thing I’m
quite accustomed.
And then the day past like the rest.
Day 8 – 9 January 17 – 18 2019

Day 8

My 8th day as a trainee, I was absent yesterday since my body can’t keep up the
cold resulting to a fever, although technically it isn’t considered as one as I asked
Ma’am. Chona if it was ok, but Regine just branded me I don’t have a choice. So I
work twice as hard to compensate, although not much task was handed that day.

It was the normal task, permission from the members and at

the gym, assembling papers and mostly free from noon

Day 9

My 9th day as a trainee, it was the typical day at my department, nothing really new
happened but frankly I’m kind of sad I’m just starting to know this people yet its
already ending, truly that time is short and fleeting. But it was still fun.

My task came and my routine is same as

ever, ask permissions go to the gym, and
assemble some papers.
Day 10 January 23 2019

Day 10

My last day as a trainee, since I got sick and was absent last time, I have to extend
to compensate, although I still am considered a trainee, due to the new batch
coming in I have more free time to do something else, so I used my all my time to
catch up and finish some personal task like signing my form and DTR while asking
for ratings and comment. Its sad really, that my last day turns out to be free as ever
but I didn’t mind since my shift was over last week.

This is my final report; it was fun see ya.

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