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a Resting On Ground (placed 1.0m below GL -to control against Sliding in critical situation)
b Smaller spans
c Working Stress Method
d Ground is Weathered disintegrated Rock. SBC =200kN.m 2
e No water table & No Uplift Pressure
Analysis basis and considerations
For TANKS of L/B <2
a Tank Walls are subjected to Bending Moments in both directions Horizontal aswell Vertical
b Water pressur results on wall in a Trianguler load
c If Height of the Tank is More then length , the panel bed Horizontally
d If Height of the Tank is Less then length , the panel bed Vertically
Bending Moments
a Horizontal -At Center of Span of Panel = p(L 2)/16 Causing Tension On outer Face of Mid wall)
b Horizontal -At Support of Panel = p(L2)/12 Causing Tension On water face)
c Bottom Portion h of each panel is Designed as Catilever
d Direct Tension On Wall Panel= PL= w(L-h)L/2, h= Min 1m or H/4
Auumptions for considering Thickness of wall and base slab

(i) Wall Thickness (tw) Should not be less than 100mm tw = 100 mm
(ii) Based On Length - (tw) = 50L+50, L is Tank Verttical
panel Length in meters tw = 50L+50 mm
(iii) Based On Height - (tw) = 30H+50, H is Tank Verttical
panel Heightin meters tw = 30H+50 mm
(iv) Tank Base Slab thickness (tb)= L/26 ( Based on
Control of Deflection) tb = L/26 mm

Design Of Tank Members for Following Cases at specific location

Wall Panel Designed for Max Bending Moment at specific location with
1 Water Pressure at a ht "h" from Base p = w(H-h)

2 Wall Outer Face at Mid Span Designed for Tension = p(L2)/16

3 Wall Inner Face Near to Support Designed for Tension = p(L2)/12

Wall Inner Face at Mid Span Designed Equavalent
4 Compression Force of Tension =
Wall Outer Face Near to Support Designed Equavalent
5 Compression Force for Tension =
Bottom 1m ht or "h=H/4" is designed for Cantilever
6 Moment= Inner Face = w(Hxh2)/6
Bottom 1m ht or "h=H/4" Outer Face is designed for
7 Equavalent Compression Force
For Safety Upper portion above "h" also will be checked
8 for Cantilever Moment-Inner Face
If Cantilever Moment is Design force Outer face
9 checked for Equavalent Compression = w(H2)/2
All 6 cases Checked for Min Reinforcement of 0.3% of
10 cross Sectional Area

In Case of Water Tank Middle portion of Base Slab is

subjected to Water Column above it where as Wall Load
11 is also acting at ends
Base Slabs are Designed as Raft Slabs with respective
12 loads in Middle and End portions

Middle portion Base slab is designed for Moments

13 created by full height of water column of tank p = g Water x H
14 End pertions of Base Slab are designed for Wall Load = g conc x tw x H
15 Net up lift Pressure due to Over Coming Load On Slab
Earth pressure on at bottom point of wall outer face due this force will be acting
16 to placing tank at a depth of 1.0m below Ground
pearth = g earth x h of h/3 from botto

Name of Work
Unit Name
Tank Capacity required 160 Cum

1 Tank Length L = 6.80 m
2 Tank Breadth B = 6.80 m
3 Tank Height H = 4.00 m
4 Free Board FB = 0.50 m
5 Slab Outer Size = 7.60 m
6 Saturated Soil Unit Wt g Soil = 17 kN/m3 =
7 Concrete Unit Wt g conc = 25 kN/m3 =
8 Cover to Walls = 35 mm
9 Cover to Base Slab = 50 mm
Constants and perameters
1 Grade of Concrete M30 = 30 N/mm2
2 Permissible Stress in Compression in Bending scbc = 10 N/mm2
3 Type -Grade of Reinforcement selected fy = 500 N/mm2
4 Permissible Tensile strength sst = 275 N/mm2
5 Permissible Compressive strength ssc = 190 N/mm3
6 Water Unit Weight w = 9.81 kN/mm3 =
7 Modular Ratio m= 280/3xscbc m = 9.33
8 Constant k = m x scbc / (m x scbc+ sst) k = 0.253
9 Lever Arm Factor j= 1- k/3 j = 0.916
10 Q=R= 1/scbckj Q=R = 1.160
11 Ht of Point D, 1m or H/4 h = 1.00 m

1 Tank Capacty Qty = 161.84 Cum
2 Wall Thickness "tw"
Min 100 mm Case1 tw = 100 mm
L x 50 + 50 Case2 tw = 390 mm
H x 30 + 50 Case3 tw = 170 mm
Wall Thickness =Max of above 3 cases tw = 390 mm
Assume, Wall Thickness "tw" as = 400 mm
3 Base slab Thickness "tb" = L/20+50 tb = 390.00 mm
Assume, Base Slab Thickness Mid Span "tb" as tb = 400.00 mm
Assume, Base Slab Thickness at Support " tbw" as tbw = 600.00 mm

Water Pressure "p" at a height "h" from Base

1 w x (H-h) p = 29430 N-m

Moment at Different Sections

1 Moments On tank Wall At Mid Span p(L2)/16 = 85053 N-m
2 Moments On tank Wall At Support p(L2)/12 = 113404 N-m
3 Moments On tank Wall At Bottom ht "h" w(Hxh2)/6 = 6540 N-m
Earth Pressure on Outer wall face acting at a height "h/3" from Base
1 Moment on wall outer face due to Earth pressure g soil x h x h/3 = 5667 N-m

Sample calculation for Monent at Mid Span = p(L2)/16 = 29430 x 6.8 2 / 16 =

Determination pull :-
As the Tank is Square the pull on All walls are equal
Directional Pull on Any Wall due to water = PxL/2 = 29430 x 6.8 / 2 =

Cantilever Moment
Cantilever Moment at Base , per Unit Length = w x Hx h 2 = 9810 x 4 x 12 =
6 6
This will cause Tension at water face till ht "h"


Base Slab is resting on Ground
All over coming loads like Load due to Liquid, Load due to Self weight of wall, Finishes on Slab, Vertical Loads due to
walls etc will be directly counteracted by corrosponding ground reactions. Hence, It is considered as no moments are
generated due to top overcoming loads.
Where as it is possible Moments are genereted on on base slab due to Ground Reactions
Thus Base Slabs are analysed as supported by Tank walls and Ground reactions as UDL.
Ground Reaction at middle of tank are due to water column and Self weight with finishes.
Ground Reaction at under Walls of tank are due to water column and Self weight with finishes and wall weight.
Moment at Different Sections for Base Slab Due to Water Column
Consider 1mt wide strip
1 Water Pressure on Base Slab w x (H-0.50) p = 34335 N-m
2 Self Wt of base Slab tb x gconc 0.4x 25 = 10000 N-m
3 Toatal load comong on Base Slab = 44335 N-m
Total Load 44335
4 Net Reaction by Ground to base slab Say NR = 44335 N/m
Area 1x1
5 Span: Wall center to wall center = 7.20 m
6 Moment on base slab due to Ground Reaction-Middle (NR x L2/16) = 128128.2 N-m
7 Moment on base slab due to Ground Reaction-Support (NR x L2/12) = 170837.5 N-m

orce will be acting at a ht
of h/3 from bottom

17000 N/m3
25000 N/m3


9810 N/m3
Check OK

85052.7 N-m

100062 N

6540 N-m

cal Loads due to Tank

no moments are

all weight.
Design of Wall Middle Section (Reinforcement at Middle Outer Face)

1 Design Moment 85053 N-m

Wall Thickness required 85053 x 1000

= =
1.16 x 1000

Ovaral Depth Required = 271 + 50 =

Assumed Ovaral Thickness =
Effective thickness = Assumed Ovaral Thickness- cover =

Check = Wall Thickness Assumed is Safe

2 Reinforcement Calculation For Upper Portion of Wall

Horizontal Reinforcement
Upper Portion is subjected to both bending as well Pull
Reiforcement for the both is in the horizintal direction
Hence Reinforcement should be provided for Net of the Both forces
x = d -T 365 - 400
= =
2 2
Ast for BM = M- Pull x x 85053 x 1000 - 100062 x 71 =
sst x j x d 275 x 0.9155 x 365

Ast for Pull = Pull 100062 364 mm2

= =
sst 275

Total Ast 848 + 364 = 1212 mm2

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Horizontally

Therefore ,
Net Ast Provided= Ast = 1000 x 201 = 1256.64 mm2
Check for min Area of steel
Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200

Area of Steel to be provided Is max of Design steel and Min Ast = 1256.64
If Design steel is > Min Ast , provide Design steel otherwise provide Min Ast

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Horizontally

Check Provide Design Ast

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Horizontally
This reinforcement is provided Horizontally at Middle of Outer Face of Wall Panel Above Point "D"till Top

Distribution Steel
Distribution Steel of Min % provide Vertically
Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200

Area of Steel to be provided Is max of Design steel and Min Ast = 1256.64
If Design steel is > Min Ast , provide Design steel otherwise provide Min Ast

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Vertically

This reinforcement is provided vertically at Middle of Outer Face of Wall Panel Above Point "D"till Top
Design Other Face (Compression Fsce) Reinforcement
Minimum Reinforcement of 0.3 %

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Horizontally
This reinforcement is provided Horizontally at Middle of Inner Face of Wall Panel Above Point "D"till Top

Distribution Steel on Compression face

Distribution Steel of Min % provide Vertically
Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200

Area of Steel to be provided Is max of Design steel and Min Ast = 1200.00
If Design steel is > Min Ast , provide Design steel otherwise provide Min Ast

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Vertically

This reinforcement is provided vertically at Middle of Inner Face of Wall Panel Above Point "D"till Top
270.7844 mm

321 mm
400 mm
365 mm

umed is Safe

71 mm

848 mm2

166 mm


160 mm

Provide Design Ast

anel Above Point "D"till Top



160 mm

el Above Point "D"till Top


168 mm
anel Above Point "D"till Top



168 mm

el Above Point "D"till Top

Design of Wall Support Section (Reinforcement at Inner Support Face)

1 Design Moment 113404 N-m

Wall Thickness required 113404 x 1000

= = 312.6749
1.16 x 1000

Ovaral Depth Required = 313 + 50 = 363

Assumed Ovaral Thickness = 400
Effective thickness = Assumed Ovaral Thickness- cover = 365

Check = Wall Thickness Assumed is Safe

2 Reinforcement Calculation For Upper Portion of Wall

Horizontal Reinforcement
Upper Portion is subjected to both bending as well Pull
Reiforcement for the both is in the horizintal direction
Hence Reinforcement should be provided for Net of the Both forces
x = d -T 365 - 400 113
= =
2 2
Ast for BM = M- Pull x x 113404 x 1000 - 100062 x 113 = 1111
sst x j x d 275 x 0.9155 x 365

Ast for Pull = Pull 100062 364 mm2

= =
sst 275

Total Ast 1111 + 364 = 1475 mm2

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 136

Provide 16 mm at 120 mm c/c Horizontally

Therefore ,
Net Ast Provided= Ast = 1000 x 201 = 1675.52 mm2
Check for min Area of steel
Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200 mm2

Area of Steel to be provided Is max of Design steel and Min Ast = 1675.52 mm2
If Design steel is > Min Ast , provide Design steel otherwise provide Min Ast

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 120

Provide 16 mm at 120 mm c/c Horizontally

Check Provide Design Ast

Provide 16 mm at 120 mm c/c Horizontally
This reinforcement is provided Horizontally at Support of Inner Face of Wall Panel Above Point "D"till Top

Distribution Steel
Distribution Steel of Min % provide Vertically
Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200 mm2

Area of Steel to be provided Is max of Design steel and Min Ast = 1200.00 mm2
If Design steel is > Min Ast , provide Design steel otherwise provide Min Ast

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 168

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Vertically

This reinforcement is provided Horizontally at Support of Inner Face of Wall Panel Above Point "D"till Top
Design Other Face (Compression Fsce) Reinforcement
Minimum Reinforcement of 0.3 %

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200 mm2

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06

= 168

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Horizontally

This reinforcement is provided Horizontally at Support of Outer Face of Wall Panel Above Point "D"till Top

Distribution Steel on Compression face

Distribution Steel of Min % provide Vertically
Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures
Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200 mm2

Area of Steel to be provided Is max of Design steel and Min Ast = 1200.00 mm2
If Design steel is > Min Ast , provide Design steel otherwise provide Min Ast

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 168

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Vertically

This reinforcement is provided vertically at Support of Outer Face of Wall Panel Above Point "D"till Top





e Point "D"till Top


e Point "D"till Top


ve Point "D"till Top


Point "D"till Top

Design of Wall Bottom Section (Reinforcement at Bottom Inner Face) when liqid is filled

1 Design Moment due to water on inner face of wall 6540 N-m

Design Moment due to earth on outer face of wall 5667 N-m
Net moment = moment due to water inside-moment due to earth outside 873 N-m
Wall Thickness required 873 x 1000
= = 27.43908 mm
1.16 x 1000

Ovaral Depth Required = 28 + 50 = 78 mm

Assumed Ovaral Thickness = 400
Effective thickness = Assumed Ovaral Thickness- cover = 365

Check = Wall Thickness Assumed is Safe

2 Reinforcement Calculation For Bottom Portion of Wall

Vertical Reinforcement On Inner Middle Face
Bottom Portion is subjected to Bending in Vertical due to cantiliver action
Reiforcement for the same is in vertical direction on inner face
Hence Reinforcement should be calculated for the vertical Bending

Ast for BM = M 873 x 1000 10 mm2

sst x j x d 275 x 0.9155 x 365

Total Ast 10 = 10 mm2

Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200 mm2

DesignSteel is less than Ast Min. So provide Mi Ast = 1200

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 168 mm

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Vertically

This reinforce ment is vertical on inner Middle portion from the bottom of Tank
Therefore ,
Net Ast Provided= Ast = 1000 x 201 = 1256.64 mm2

Present case of design consideration is to know the reinforcement due to cantiliver action of vertical wall at its
Distributio Steel
The other Direction Horizontal steel is considered as distribution and min % steel provided

Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200 mm2

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 168 mm

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Horizontally

This reinforce ment is Horizontally on inner Middle portion from the bottom of Tank till point D

Compression Face Main Reinforcement

Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200 mm2

DesignSteel is less than Ast Min. So provide Mi Ast = 1200

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 168 mm

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Vertically

This reinforce ment is Vertically on Outer Middle portion from the bottom of Tank till point D
Compression Face Distribution Reinforcement
Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200 mm2

DesignSteel is less than Ast Min. So provide Mi Ast = 1200

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 168 mm

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Horizontally

This reinforce ment is Horizontally on Outer Middle portion from the bottom of Tank till point D
Design of Base Slab Middle Section (TensionOn Top Face)

1 Design Moment 128128 N-m

Base Slab Thickness required 128128 x 1000

= = 332.3547 mm
1.160 x 1000

Ovaral Depth Required = 333 + 50 = 383 mm

Assumed Ovaral Thickness = 400
Effective thickness = Assumed Ovaral Thickness- cover = 365

Check = Base Slab Thickness Assumed is Safe

2 Reinforcement Calculation For Tension Face - Upper Layer of Base Slab Middle portion
Top Portion of mid base slab is subjected to Bending due to ground reaction for loads due to Vertical water
Column & Slab Self Wt
Reiforcement in both directions will be same
Hence Reinforcement

Ast for BM = Mx 128128 x 1000 1394 mm2

sst x j x d 275 x 0.9155354 x 365

Total Ast 1394 = 1394 mm2

Area of diffeDia = d Æ Õxd2/4

8mm = 8= Õ 50 mm2
10mm = 10 = Õ 79 mm2
12mm = 12 = Õ 113 mm2
16mm = 16 = Õ 201 mm2
20mm = 20 = Õ 314 mm2

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 144 mm

Provide 16 mm at 140 mm c/c

Therefore ,
Net Ast Provided= Ast = 1000 x 201 = 1436.16 mm2

Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200 mm2

Area of Steel to be provided Is max of Design steel and Min Ast = 1436.16 mm2
If Design steel is > Min Ast , provide Design steel otherwise provide Min Ast
Check Provide Design Ast
Provide 16 mm at 140 mm c/c
This reinforcement is provided in Both Directions on tension face - Middle Top Face of Base Slab

Reinforcement Calculation For Compression Face - Bottom Layer of Base Slab Middle portion
The other other face isn is considered as compression and min % steel provided

Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 400 x 0.30% = 1200 mm2

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 168 mm

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c

This reinforcement is provided in Both Directions on tension face - Middle Bottom Face of Base Slab
Design of Base Slab Support Section Tenson On BottomFace

1 Design Moment 228638 N-m

Wall Thickness required 228638 x 1000

= = 443.9697 mm
1.1599544 x 1000

Ovaral Depth Required = 444 + 50 = 494 mm

Assumed Ovaral Thickness = 600
Effective thickness = Assumed Ovaral Thickness- cover = 565

Check = Base Slab Thickness Assumed is Safe

2 Reinforcement Calculation For Bottom Portion under Wall

Bottom Portion of Base Slab is subjected to Bending due to Loads of Vertical water Column , Slab Self wt and
Vertical Wall
Reiforcement for the both is in direction of wall
Hence Reinforcement should be calculated for specific location

Ast for BM = Mx 128128 x 1000 1201 mm2

sst x j x d 275 x 0.9155354 x 565

Total Ast 1201 = 1201 mm2

Area of diffeDia = d Æ Õxd2/4

8mm = 8= Õ 50 mm2
10mm = 10 = Õ 79 mm2
12mm = 12 = Õ 113 mm2
16mm = 16 = Õ 201 mm2
20mm = 20 = Õ 314 mm2

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 167 mm

Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c

Therefore ,
Net Ast Provided= Ast = 1000 x 201 = 1218.56 mm2

Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 600 x 0.30% = 1800 mm2

Area of Steel to be provided Is max of Design steel and Min Ast = 1800.00 mm2
If Design steel is > Min Ast , provide Design steel otherwise provide Min Ast
Check Min Ast

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 112 mm

Provide 16 mm at 110 mm c/c

Therefore ,
Net Ast Provided= Ast = 1000 x 201 = 1827.84 mm2
Provide 16 mm at 110 mm c/c
This reinforcement is provided in both directions at end Support Section- Bottom Layer

Reinforcement Calculation For Compression Face - Top Layer of Base Slab End Support Section
The other other face isn is considered as compression and min % steel provided

Min Area of Steel 0.30% for Important Structures

Ast Min = 1000 x 565 x 0.30% = 1695 mm2

Spacing of reinforcement bars

Using Bar Dia 16 mm = 1000 x 201.06
= 119 mm

Provide 16 mm at 110 mm c/c

This reinforcement is provided in both directions at end Support Section-Top Layer

1 Tank Length L = 6.80 m
2 Tank Breadth B = 6.80 m
3 Tank Height H = 4.00 m
4 Free Board FB = 0.50 m
5 Slab Outer Size = 7.60 m
6 Saturated Soil Unit Wt g Soil = 17 kN/m3 = 17000 N/m3
7 Concrete Unit Wt g conc = 25 kN/m3 = 25000 N/m3
8 Cover to Walls = 35 mm
9 Cover to Base Slab = 50 mm
10 Assume, Wall Thickness "tw" as = 400 mm
11 Assume, Wall Thickness "tw" as = 600 mm



Case-1: Due to Horizontal force on Wall Panel at Middle Portion

At middle section of the wall

due to Horizontal Bending

Tension Face -Outer Face

01 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Horizontally The Reinforcement provided
Horizontally at Middle of Outer Face
of Wall Panel Above Point "D"till Top

Vertical Steel
02 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Vertically The Other Direction (Vertical
reinforcement) at Middle section
outer face of the wall

Compression Face-Inner
At Middle section of the

3 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Horizontally This reinforcement is provided
wall due to Horizontal

Horizontally at Middle of Inner Face

of Wall Panel Above Point "D"till Top
Vertical Steel

4 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Vertically


The Other Direction (Vertical

reinforcement) at Middle section

inner face of the wall

Case-2: Due to Horizontal force on Wall Panel at Support Portion
At Support section of the

Tension Face -Inner Face

The Reinforcement provided


5 Provide 16 mm at 120 mm c/c Horizontally Horizontally at Support of Inner

wall due to Horizontal

Face of Wall Panel Above Point

"D"till Top
At Support section of the

Tension Face -Inner Face

wall due to Horizontal

Vertical Steel
6 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Vertically

The Other Direction (Vertical
reinforcement) at support section
Inner face of the wall
At Support section of the

Vertical Steel Horzontal

Compression Face-Outer

wall due to Horizontal
7 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Horizontally This reinforcement is provided
Horizontally at Support of outer Face
of Wall Panel Above Point "D"till Top

8 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Vertically

The Other Direction (Vertical
reinforcement) at support section

Outer face of the wall
Case-3: Due to Cantilever force on Wall Panel at Middle Portion

At middle section of the wall

Vertical Steel
due to Cantilever Bending

Tension Face -Inner Face

9 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Vertically The Reinforcement provided
Vertical at Middle of Inner Face of
Wall Panel Base to Point "D"

The Other Direction (Horizontal

10 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Horizontally reinforcement) at Mid section Inner
face of the wall panel Base to Point

Horzontal steel Vertical Steel

Compression Face -Outer Face
At middle section of the wall

11 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Vertically

due to Cantilever Bending

The Reinforcement provided

Vertical at Middle of Inner Face of
Wall Panel Base to Point "D"

12 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Horizontally The Other Direction (Horizontal

reinforcement) at Mid section Inner
face of the wall panel Base to Point
Case-4: Due to Cantilever force on Wall Panel at Support Section

Horzontal steel Vertical Steel

At Support section of the wall

13 Provide 16 mm Dia at 160 mm c/c Vertically

due to Cantilever Bending

It is observed in above calculation that,

Moment developed due to the Cantiliver
effect is very much small and minimum
Reinforcement provided is many times
higher than the design steel due to
tension Face

14 Provide 16 mm Dia at 160 mm c/c Vertically cantilever. It is well knoen fact that the
Cantiliver action will much less near
support thus minimum % of the
reinforcement is suggested .
Vertical Steel
At Support section of the wall

15 Provide 16 mm Dia at 160 mm c/c Vertically

due to Cantilever Bending

It is observed in above calculation that,

Moment developed due to the Cantiliver
Compression face

effect is very much small and minimum

Reinforcement provided is many times
higher than the design steel due to
cantilever. It is well knoen fact that the
Cantiliver action will much less near
support thus minimum % of the
reinforcement is suggested .
At Support section of the wa
due to Cantilever Bending
It is observed in above calculation that,
Moment developed due to the Cantiliver

Compression face
effect is very much small and minimum

Horzontal steel
Reinforcement provided is many times
higher than the design steel due to
16 Provide 16 mm Dia at 160 mm c/c Vertically cantilever. It is well knoen fact that the
Cantiliver action will much less near
support thus minimum % of the
reinforcement is suggested .


Case-1: Designed for Ground Reaction due to Water Column at Middle Portion

01 Provide 16 mm at 140 mm c/c Reinforcement for Middle portion of Base

Tension Face Slab- Top Layer X Direction steel
-Top Face
02 Provide 16 mm at 140 mm c/c Reinforcement for Middle portion of Base
Slab- Top Layer Y Direction steel

03 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Reinforcement for Middle portion of Base

Compression Slab- Bottom Layer X Direction steel
Face -Bottom
04 Provide 16 mm at 160 mm c/c Reinforcement for Middle portion of Base
Slab- Bottom Layer Y Direction steel
Case-2: Designed for Ground Reaction due to Water Column and Wall Load near end portion

05 Provide 16 mm at 110 mm c/c Reinforcement for End (Support) portion of

Tension Face Base Slab- Bottom Layer X Direction steel
-Bottom Face
06 Provide 16 mm at 110 mm c/c Reinforcement for End (Support) portion of
Base Slab- Bottom Layer Y Direction steel

07 Provide 16 mm at 110 mm c/c Reinforcement for End (Support) portion of

Compression Base Slab- Top Layer X Direction steel
Face -Top Face
08 Provide 16 mm at 110 mm c/c Reinforcement for End (Support) portion of
Base Slab- Top Layer Y Direction steel
Design Is Done for PuneHq

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