EXAM Second Grading English GRADE 7

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NAME: _________________________________YR/SEC________________ SCORE: _______

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Write your answers on the space provided.

1. For items 1-25, identify the type phrase of the underline words. Write the LETTER of your answer
on the space provided.



Mark had passed the exam.
1 2 1.________
 His friend is good in cracking jokes. 2.________
3 4 3.________
 She found out I lost the camera. 4.________
5 6 5.________
 She is the stranger from our barrio. 6.________
7 8 7.________
 Alex is a good singer. 8.________
8 9.________
 I studied very hard to pass the exam. 10._______
 Because of the accident, I can no longer write with my hands.

11. A nod and head movement as a response to a question is an example of a ______________.

A. verbal communication C. voice communication
B. nonverbal communication D. vocal communication
12. Stephan asked the lady where the comfort room is. This is an example of a ______________.
A. verbal communication C. voice communication
B. nonverbal communication D. vocal communication
13. A nod and a hand gesture is characteristic of __________________.
A. verbal communication C. voice communication
B. nonverbal communication D. vocal communication
14. A communication that needs to use the voice is an example of ______________.
A. verbal communication C. voice communication
B. nonverbal communication D. vocal communication
15. It is the main component of the nonverbal communication in a conversation.
A. voice B. tone C. Intonation D. body language
16. Figures of speech is an example of __________ language.
A .Literal language B. Figurative language C. Musical language D. Poetical language
17. Dictionary meaning is an example of a __________ language.
A. Literal language B. Figurative language C. Musical language D. Poetical language
18. In what kind of text does figurative language is often used?
A. Prose B. News Article C. Comics D. Poems
19. In what kind of situation does literal language is often used?
A. Jokes B. Reporting C. Planting D. Spoken Word Poetry
20. What type of language embodies a hidden meaning?
A .Literal language B. Figurative language C. Musical language D. Poetical language
Identify the correct figures of speech. For items 21 – 30
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Hyperbole D. Personification
21. Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale.
22. Variety is the spice of life.
23. You were as brave as a lion.
24. The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky.
25. My love for you is as deep as the ocean.
26. The tsunami raced towards the coastline.
27. They are as different as night and day.
28. He's running faster than the wind.
30. My dad will kill me when he comes home.

Read the text and answer the following questions

Tomorrow is Jill's birthday. She is excited because she gets to pick where she will eat dinner. Will it be Mexican
food at the Big Enchilada House? Or will it be fried chicken at the Chicken Shack, or a big cheeseburger at Al's
Hamburger Palace. She just couldn't decide. Then there was always the Pizza Shop with that great pepperoni pizza.
How would she ever decide? Maybe she would just flip a coin.

31. The Summary of this passage is:

A.Jill has many restaurants to choose from for her birthday.
B. Jill loves Mexican food.
C. The Pizza Shop has the best pizza in town.
D. Jill will choose a place by flipping a coin.
32. Summaries help me...
A. understand what I'm reading
B. write about what I read
C. include the key points of a text
D. all of the above
33. A summary does what?
A. nothing
B. tells an opinion
C. makes an educated guess
D. explain a text with important information or key points
34. When writing a summary for a INFORMATIONAL text, what is a good thing to consider?
A. characters B. solution C. details and facts D. conflict
35. When writing a summary for a LITERARY text, what is a good thing to consider?
A. text B. features C. story elements D. topic details
36. Which is not a characteristic of a summary?
A. gist B. long C. short D. main
37. Where should a summary be based?
A. newspaper B. original piece C. another summary D. characters in the story
38. What are the words to be included in a summary?
A. author’s words B. writer’s words C. reader’s words D. viewer’s words
39. What are the things to be avoided in creating a summary?
A. Jokes B. Biases C. Opinions D. All of the above
40. What is the other term used in a summary?
A. test B. text C. gist D. quiz
Select the answer choice that identifies the independent clause in each sentence.
41. 1. By the time that he arrived at the house, the rest of the group already had left.
A. The rest of the group already had left
B. By the time that he arrived at the house
C. That he arrived at the house
D. The rest of the group
42. If it is raining, you should take an umbrella.
A. If it is raining
B. You should take
C. An umbrella
D. You should take an umbrella
43. When you go to the beach, be sure to bring sunscreen.
A. When you go
B. Be sure to bring sunscreen
C. To the beach
D. When you go to the beach
44. I know that you still are waiting.
A. I know that you
B. You are still
C. I know
D. Waiting
45. This painting is a work that has endured for many centuries.
A. This painting is a work
B. That has endured
C. For many centuries
D. A work that has endured
46. She is a lovely person; I have always liked her.

A. She is a lovely person

B. I have always liked her
C. Both answers A and B
D. Person; I have always
47. I was born after the Korean War began but before it ended.
A. After the Korean War began
B. I was born
C. Before it ended
D. But before it ended
48. The people in her office did not know, so she went to ask somebody else.
A. The people in her office
B. To ask somebody else
C. So she went to ask somebody else
D. The people in her office did not know
49. Allen, Pat, and John went together, and Doris, Shirley, and I met them there.
A. Allen, Pat, and John
B. Doris, Shirley, and I
C. And Doris, Shirley, and I met them there
D. Allen, Pat, and John went together
50. You will need some basic art supplies, for example, a sketch pad and pencils, to begin.
A. You will need some basic art supplies
B. A sketch pad and pencils
C. For example, a sketch pad and pencils
D. Some basic art supplies, for example

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