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Alisse Young BEC418 Assessment 1 Part B

Monday: Reading. Tuesday: Reading. Wednesday: Reading. Thursday: Reading. Friday: Reading.
 We are learning to  We are learning to use  We are learning to use  We are learning to understand a  We are learning to understand a
understand a non-fictional connections and prior connections and prior non-fictional text in order to be non-fictional text in order to be able
text in order to be able to knowledge to understand knowledge to understand able to answer inferential to answer inferential
answer inferential non-fiction texts. non-fiction texts. comprehension questions. comprehension questions.
comprehension questions.
SC: I am successful when… SC: I am successful when…  We are learning to summarise facts.
 We are learning to use the text
SC: I am successful when…….  I can make inferential  I can make inferential
connections to the text from
to inform our writing.
connections to the text from SC: I am successful when…….
other texts, my own
 I can read a non-fiction text
other texts, my own
experiences and world events
and gain understanding
experiences and world events SC: I am successful when…….  I can read a non-fiction text and gain

 I can make inferential  I can use my prior knowledge  I can read a non-fiction text and

connections to the text to complete sequencing gain understanding  I am able to convert the information
tasks. I find into my own words.
from other texts, my own
experiences and world
 I can use the text to answer
book review questions.

Use comprehension Draw connections “Identify features used in “Identify features used in Use comprehension strategies to
strategies to build literal and build literal and inferred meaning
inferred meaning and begin
between personal imaginative, informative imaginative, informative and begin to evaluate texts by
to evaluate texts by drawing experiences and the and persuasive texts to and persuasive texts to drawing on a growing knowledge
on a growing knowledge of worlds of texts, and share meet the purpose of the meet the purpose of the of context, text structures and
context, text structures and responses with others text, and understand how text, and understand how language features (VCELY257)
features (VCELY257) (VCELT251)” texts vary in complexity texts vary in complexity and
and technicality depending technicality depending on
on the approach to the the approach to the topic,
topic, the purpose and the the purpose and the
intended audience intended audience
(VCELA277)” (VCELA277)”
Earth Focus instruction: Shared Focus instruction: Shared Focus instruction: Shared Focus instruction: Shared Focus instruction: Shared
(Student reading. Read PM writing reading. Re-visit PM reading. Read PM writing reading. Re-visit PM writing reading. Read PM writing
B) book. Pg. 32 snake bite writing book. Pg. 32 snake book. Pg. 18 how to catch book. Pg. 18 how to catch books. Pg. 32 snake bite
procedure. Highlight bite procedure. Highlight the train procedure. the train procedure. procedure and pg. 18 how to
features: goal, materials, features: goal, materials, Highlight features: goal, Highlight features: goal, catch the train. Briefly highlight
steps, diagrams etc. steps, diagrams etc. materials, steps, diagrams materials, steps, diagrams features: goal, materials, steps,
Explain rotations. Send Explain rotations. Send etc. Explain rotations. etc. Explain rotations. Send diagrams etc. compare
differences and similarities.
Alisse Young BEC418 Assessment 1 Part B

each group off once they each group off once they Send each group off once each group off once they Explain rotations. Send each
understand their task. understand their task. they understand their task. understand their task. group off once they
understand their task.
Using text to sequence. Sequencing. Working in Predictions. Teacher group. Book review.
How to wash your dog pairs, find the correct title, First looking at the front Speak about predictions Five questions that require the
sequencing task. Provide goal, materials, utensils cover of the book, Slam from previous day. Identify book and their comprehension
students with work and steps. Sequence steps Dunk! Write down what features, title, contents skills to answer. Answer on
sheet. Students are in correct order and glue you think this book is page, subheadings, sheet and then glue into
required to identify the onto A3 paper. Once about and whether this diagrams, photographs, reading scrap book. What is
goal, materials and finished, swap with book is a fiction or non- captions, index, glossary. the subheading on page 4?,
steps/method and re- another pair and ensure fiction text. Write down Each student to turn around how many players are on the
write them in their the steps have been what features you think and read from page 1 court at one time?, what is the
reading books. Use steps sequenced correctly. this book might have. silently. I will come around semi-circle at each end of the
provided to sequence the Silent independent reading Write down any and conference with each court called?, list one fact and
steps on following page. once finished. connections you can make student. Observing goals, one opinion about this book,
2) underline the correct to yourself with this setting new goals if previous who would you recommend
first step (using text) 3) book/about basketball. have been met, noting this book to?.
write another step you Write your answers in dot observations and Silent, independent reading
might do at the points and glue sheet into interesting/new words, once task has been completed.
beginning. 4) write a step your reading scrap book. students will then find their
you might end with. 5) definition and I will verbally
Draw diagrams to explain the definition to
demonstrate the 3 build vocabulary. Discuss
captions. whether any other
connections have been
made now that we’ve read
the book. Reflect on
predictions were they
accurate etc.
Silent, independent reading
Silent independent once task has been
reading once finished. completed.
Alisse Young BEC418 Assessment 1 Part B

Critical Student B required Completed activity quite Students struggled to Students were able to Recalling is slowly improving,
reflection assistance to read the efficiently. Some writing write down features but verbalise the features that students may be able to start
worksheet. Once she was small/unclear making gave valid and informed they struggled with when summarising. Will need to be
understood what was it difficult to read/decode. reasons about what the doing their predictions. Set covered as a whole class,
asked of her she was able As this lesson was book might be about. new goal for student B. refresher for those already
to complete the activity. developed by other doing it.
students the procedures
were quite basic, these
were everyday activities
that students should have
prior understanding of
therefore giving them a
chance to make
connections to
Saturn Procedural texts. Predictions. Look at photo Teacher group. Book review. Mars (student B): iPads. Using
(student Working in pairs within of the front cover of Speak about predictions Answer book review to research
A) your group to create a “Surprising secrets of from previous day. Identify questions on A4 sheet and facts about 2 different topics.
procedure (how to make seahorses”. Fill in the title features, title, contents glue into reading scrap 10 facts per topic. Summarise
toast, how to brush your and authors. Answer page, subheadings, book. Summarise the and write in reading book.
hair, how to get ready for following questions in your diagrams, photographs, information on page 6, Must choose topics that they
school etc.) must have lined reading book: Do you captions, index, glossary. Title, Authors, what page is haven’t researched before.
goal, materials, utensils think this book is a fiction Each student to turn the glossary on? What does Silent, independent reading
and steps. Must use or non-fiction text: why do around and read from the diagram on page 2 tell once finished.
explicit, descriptive you think this?, what do page 1 silently. I will come you. How many times does
language. Will be cut out you think this book is around and conference the seahorses fin move in
and Earth will have to about?, what connections with each student. one second?, What do
sequence the steps can you make to this Observing goals, setting seahorses anchor
tomorrow. book?, are these new goals if previous have themselves to? Why do
Note: Do not number connections to yourself or been met, noting they do this?, Where does
steps. another text, what do you observations and the Pygmy seahorse hide?,
think will happen within interesting/new words, Which gender seahorse
this book?. Write your students will then use carries the babies?, What
Alisse Young BEC418 Assessment 1 Part B

Silent, independent answers in full sentences dictionary or glossary (if does the glossary tell us?
reading once task has and glue into your reading applicable) to find the What is a swim bladder?
been completed. scrap book once complete. definition of the new word List one fact and one
Silent to build vocabulary. opinion about this book.
Discuss connections to Silent, independent reading
self, world and other texts. once task has been
Reflect on predictions completed.
were they accurate etc.
Discuss possible
predictions for
similar/relevant texts.
independent reading once Silent, independent
task has been completed. reading once you have
finished reciprocal reading.
Reflection: Reflection: Reflection: Reflection: Reflection:
Teacher group to share Teacher group to share Teacher group to share Teacher group to share Teacher group to share what
what they learnt, what they learnt, what they learnt, what they learnt, they learnt, connections they
connections they made connections they made to connections they made to connections they made to made to the book or one fact
to the book or one fact the book or one fact and the book or one fact and the book or one fact and and one opinion about the
and one opinion about one opinion about the one opinion about the one opinion about the book. book.
the book. book. book.
Critical Students have a decent Activity was successful, Whole group have a sound Activity reflects, summarises This lesson promotes research
reflection understanding of student A answered all understanding of the and requires students to skills and ICT use. I allowed
procedural texts and questions in full and in- features of non-fiction give their opinion regarding free choice to encourage
therefore were able to depth sentences. Student texts. Their predictions the book. Reflections and consistent work although some
ensure they had all A finished relevantly were relevant and student summarising help to students within group may
requirements. Explicit quickly; I could have added A was able to make improve comprehension. All have benefited from having
language is still being more questions to extend relevant connections to students worked well, using more guidance and having a
developed and will be this activity. themselves and other the book to complete their topic selected for them.
focused on in writing. known texts. review.
Alisse Young BEC418 Assessment 1 Part B

The lesson plans I have provided have detailed a week of reading lessons for 2 of 4 reading groups of which my focus students are a part of. I have planned
my lessons in line with the Tullamarine instructional model. The model includes, an introduction (where learning intention and success criteria is covered),
focus instruction (topic overview and shared reading, i.e. PM benchmark shared reading and what the students will be doing within work time), work time
(40 minutes inclusive of at least 15 minutes silent, independent reading within reading lessons) and reflection (of the lesson: what you enjoyed, what you
learnt, what you want to know). As part of my full control it is my responsibility to plan all classes, including reading lessons (5 per week). At Tullamarine
Primary School, reading lessons include shared reading, reading rotations and silent, independent reading. I have used the data I collected to inform my
teaching and planning as well as consultations with my mentor teaching while ensuring to align with the group plan decided upon by the ¾ team each week
in planning. Students are split into ability groups for reading rotations, these ability groups are decided by current Fountas and Pinnell (Fountas and Pinnell,
1996) reading levels and essential assessment pre-tests. I have selected books in accordance with the levels my focus students and majority of the group
are currently working towards. The current literacy focus at Tullamarine Primary School is non-fiction texts, particularly procedural texts for the 3 /4
cohort. When planning these lessons and throughout my entire placement, in all subjects, I ensured to adhere to the high impact teaching strategies. These
lessons cover all 10 strategies, particularly strategy 1: goal setting (students help the teacher to set new goals for their learning. We discuss why this goal
was decided and how this goal will be achieved), strategy 2: structuring lessons (throughout my time at Tullamarine Primary all of my reading rotations
included predictions, reciprocal reading and a book review. This became familiar for students and through suitable repetition of these activities the
students knew what to expect and how to achieve the desired outcome) and strategy 10: differentiated teaching (the range of abilities in my class required
significant differentiation, I have done this by providing each group with suitable books and activities while ensuring I am providing explicit instructions with
the opportunity for extension tasks available.) (Department of Education, 2019)

Through the assessments I undertook of my focus students, particularly the Fountas and Pinnell running records, (Fountas and Pinnell, 1996) a common
problem for both students were their comprehension skills and lack of vocabulary. The on-demand data showed me where the students are currently
sitting while the Essential Assessment post-test I undertook showed that student A misunderstood 8 concepts in the range of 2.5-4, one being the ability to
“identify features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text, and understand how texts vary in complexity and
technicality depending on the approach to the topic, the purpose and the intended audience (VCELA277)” (VCAA, 2017) for this reason I developed the
Alisse Young BEC418 Assessment 1 Part B

procedural text activity. The post test for student B showed that she misunderstood 10 concepts within the range of 1.5-3. One being the ability to “Draw
connections between personal experiences and the worlds of texts and share responses with others (VCELT251)” (VCAA, 2017) for this reason I have
included a number of connection experiences within the lessons. It is vital to include an ICT task within reading lessons although, from my
observations/data collection I realised that sequencing skills are more beneficial for Earth group (student B) as they need to build this skill before they are
able to summarise as this is a metacognitive skill that is enhanced through critical thinking and is required when researching. Aloqaili (2012) states that
there is a direct correlation comprehension skills and critical thinking. Aloquili (2012) also states that there is a strong relationship between prior knowledge
and critical thinking. (Aloquili, 2012) This aligns with the research provided by the Department of Education and Training 2018 that states: To build
comprehension skills students should be using prior knowledge to make connections before, during and after reading the text, make predictions before,
while reading and reflect on these predictions once finished reading and summarising the text they have read although sequencing and ability to retell is
vital in this skill. (Department of Education and Training, 2018) For this reason, I have included: sequencing, predictions, making connections to self, text,
world and reviewing/inferencing tasks within the lessons.

Through my observations and discussions with my mentor it became clear that this class require a lot of repetition, this is beneficial to the whole class as “a
single exposure is usually inadequate for good long-term retention” (Kang, 2016). This is why our shared reading at the beginning of each lesson is quite
similar if not the same within each lesson. I have used two PM benchmark books and completed the week by comparing the two books. Comparing and
contrasting is also a skill the students are working on within all aspect of their learning.

I have included a range of teaching strategies including hands-on activities, written tasks, time to share/reflect and work sheets. The hands-on activities
allowed students to express their creativity and gave physical elements to help visualise the correct sequence. Both focus students benefit from having a
range of activities and these rotations have provided that.
Alisse Young BEC418 Assessment 1 Part B


Aloqaili, A. S. (2012). The relationship between reading comprehension and critical thinking: A theoretical study. Journal of King Saud University-Languages
and Translation, 24(1), 35-41.

Department of Education (DET), 2018. “Guided reading lessons” State Government of Victoria. Retrieved from:

Department of Education (DET), 2019. “High Impact Teaching Strategies”. State Government of Victoria. Retrieved from:

Kang, S. H. (2016). Spaced repetition promotes efficient and effective learning: Policy implications for instruction. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and
Brain Sciences, 3(1), 12-19.

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2017. “Victorian Curriculum: English; Literacy” Retrieved from:

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