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Breaking the chain

A Narrative Proxy Event for Clan Tremere

I want to thank all the players for their participation, feedback,

and support. This event is for you! While I wish that I could have
named you all individually, we have a great amount of response, with
over sixty players signing up for this event. In the interest of
providing you all with a timely result, only the characters who
suffered Final Death are featured by name in the proxy. To those whose
character met their demise, I hope that the final moment of your
characters is fulfilling and provides with closure as you move into
whatever character comes next.
Adam Tomplait
AANST Masquerade: Tremere

Content Warning: The World of Darkness is not a good place. This

writing contains fictional descriptions of blood, violence, minor
torture, and death.

Written by Adam Tomplait, US2005085963, AANST Masquerade: Tremere

Breaking the Chain
Part 1. A Most Political Setting
You were very careful not to alert Vienna to your arrival in Liesing, Austria. Your own
various abilities to move undetected have obviously been augmented by those in the higher
echelons of the clan. You manage to cross borders within Europe without so much as a single
stop or search. This is what a true hold on the mortal populace looks like, and it is likely only due
to the holdings of old Kindred on this side of the world.
The ritual site is small, craggy hill in east Liesing. Curiously, it looks as though the grass
and vegetation at the site have been burned away. You suspect a bit of pyromancy. As you
arrive, Lord Edward Bainbridge stares at a set of
architectural plans. Those of you that have seen the
fragments recognize the sacred geometry that has
been carefully etched into the concrete on the
ground. There are small differences, as though an
amalgamation of your research. Lord Bainbridge
nods and then traces a finger into the ground where
grass once populated the landscape. The barren
stone gives way to his will as he traces another
circle and connects it to another nearby set of
sacred geometry.
“You refuse the consequences of your actions?” you hear from another direction. You turn
your head slightly to see Pontifex Alexander Short speaking with Lord Astrid Thomas. Astrid
says nothing, bearing the brunt of this tongue lashing.
“Perhaps then,” another voice says while approaching, “She can come work for me.”
Pontifex Caroline Wain, wrapped in a heavy woolen robe, approaches the two with eyes fixated
at Pontifex Short. “I will likely have an opening after this is all done,” she says in a somber tone.
Pontifices Short and Wain stare at each other for a long moment before Short breaks off the stare
and walks away from the ritual site to a nearby car. Your gaze wanders back to the ritual site
itself. You can tell that it has been carefully crafted into the stone overlooking the hill. The various
circles, glyphs, and connected lines are built like small trenches.
“Trenches to collect the blood needed to power the ritual,” says Magister and Tremere
Justicar Anastaz di Zagreb. He sighs briefly before remarking, “A lot of blood.” He kneels
slightly, tracing a finger close to one of the glyphs. “And maybe more than that,” he says to no
one in particular. He looks lost in thought, like a soldier staring down an opposing force with no
chance of escape.
His attention is captured by the arrival on Coucilor Abetorius with four Apprentices in
tow. The Apprentices are carrying a large stone table. He turns and looks at Abetorius and his
Apprentices, staying nothing. The Apprentices shuffle past the pair and bring the table to the
middle of the ritual site.
“Is this the original?” de Zagreb asks, staring at the table. It quickly becomes obvious that
is trying to determine if the object was conjured.

Written by Adam Tomplait, US2005085963, AANST Masquerade: Tremere

“The altar from the ritual that gave our
Founders immortality,” Councilor Abetorius
responds. “No doubt this will give you the bond
to Lord Tremere you wish for this foolishness.”
Abetorius watches as his Apprentices position
the table for a directing Lord Abigail. “He will
destroy you,” Abetorius says to di Zagreb with a
matter of fact tone. Anastaz di Zagreb says
nothing. The Apprentices return to the
Councilor’s side.
“Your debt with me is cleared,” di Zagreb
remarks. Councilor Abetorius says nothing more
and turns to leave the way he arrived. You and the rest of your assembled Clanmates begin to
make your own preparations for the ritual. There is already time lost this evening due to the haste
at which this effort has come together. There is no more left to waste.

Part 2. The Ritual Begins, Power of the Blood

Each of you is led to an individual circle that has been drawn into the stone. Each circle is
connected in the place, forming a pattern of sacred geometry. Magister di Zagreb steps to the
altar in the middle, and motions to Sébastien Delacroix,
who steps forward holding a censer. Normally used to hold
incense, no smoke rises from this object. Instead tonight, it
will serve as a vessel to channel power into the ritual.
The Magister places the censer in the middle of the altar
and looks around at each of you assembled Tremere.
“You should know,” he says, “They will likely call this
treason. However, I’ve come to understand that it’s only
treason if you fail.” He gives that a smirk as he begins
looking over the scroll on the altar when face becomes
somber. “Jean Brisette! Abram!” he calls out. “I need you
Jean and Abram look a little confused at first but walk
forward toward the altar. As they leave their circles, Lord
Edward Bainbridge makes corrections in the layout of the ritual site, removing the circles where
they once stood. The three meet at the altar. Magister di Zagreb explains to both that the ritual
requires immense cost, and the two of them have been chosen to make the ultimate sacrifice in
order to enact the ritual. The sympathetic connection of the altar is not enough. In order to power
the ritual, it requires the two to sacrifice their lives to forge the link to Lord Tremere. Abram and
Jean do not falter, they stand on either side of the altar with confidence, each holding a hand out
above the altar as Magister di Zagreb begins to chant.
You feel the power of the place begin to rise. You can swear that Austria isn’t supposed to
have Northern Lights. It’s beautiful the way the light shows as evidence of the power that is now
in this place. One by one, you each open your veins in your own way, and begin to bleed into the
trenches that have been carved. As the power rises, you realize that you are not so much giving
your blood as much as the stone carvings are taking your blood.

Written by Adam Tomplait, US2005085963, AANST Masquerade: Tremere

For Jean and Abram, this is all much more violent. You watch as their vitae streams from
their wrists and collects at the base of the censer. Their wrists go dry, and you know they have no
more left to spill onto the altar. Both start to convulse as though they are having a seizure. You
watch in horror as a red energy begins to seep through their pores to the point of becoming
visible. The energy begins to open wounds on their skin as the red hue spills out. In a flash, both
are consumed in flames brighter than you have ever seen. When the light dissipates, both are
gone. Magister di Zagreb does not lose his chant for even a second as this happens. The censer
begins to glow with the same red light. The gathered members of Clan Tremere, yourself
included, join in the evocation as instructed when you arrived.
The ritual has only just begun, and you have lost two of your number.

Part 3. The First Backlash, the Beast Revealed

The nature of the Beast is a curious thing. Some scholars would say that it is brought out
by heinous acts against the kindred soul’s natural state of Humanity. The nature of the soul is still
something the kindred do not understand fully. Even those kindred who adopt a Path of
Enlightenment only truly manage to place their beast within a carefully crafted cage that it
constantly throws itself again in hopes of breaking. A kindred’s humanity is the safeguard against
the Beast and the irreversible state of Wassail, when the Beast has assumed full control.
The censer glows bright red upon the altar in the middle of the ritual site. Some of you
begin to feel your Beast stir within you. The whispers tell you to take the power for yourself.
Disrupt this ritual and claim your place at Mehujael’s side. You do not falter and instead double
your efforts with renewed vigor in your chanting. The censer glows a bright red as the energy
reaches a crescendo, finally giving a bright flash that stings your eyes. The blast moves through
your body, but you feel something inside you break. For a moment, the Beast thrashes against
the chains of your morality, and this time it manages to break a few of the links in its chains. Your
knowledge of Thaumaturgy tells you that you have fallen victim to the backlash of the energy of
the ritual, and your soul has been changed as a result. The cense continues to glow as you
steady yourself against the result of the backlash. You will have time to consider matters of the
soul if you survive. (Consequence: Loss of one permanent Morality dot.)
The wave of energy passes through the rest of you without incident. You continue chanting
as you see others among you have been more greatly affected than you. The censer continues to
glow, with Magister di Zagreb monitoring it with great attention. It is at this moment that you hear
a roar from somewhere on the field. Trevor Mulholland has left his circle and is charging the
altar. He does not look like himself, but instead looks possessed. The lore of the Kindred state is
something that some might call innate, and you know that the worst has occurred. Mulholland’s
Beast has taken over, and he is now in Wassail.
Trevor is met at the altar by Magister di Zagreb. The two clash and are thrown onto the
altar by the force of Mulholland’s charge. The censer rocks slightly and you can feel the balance
of the energy of this place begin to tip. Already two lives have been lost to get your this far. Loss
of the power now would be catastrophic. The censer threatens to fall completely before Tomás
Javier Vogelstein-Rivera, called L0ckh3sh by his fellow hackers, is there to brace it. T.J. holds
the censer in the middle of the altar as Magister di Zagreb grabs Trevor and forces him to the
ground. Trevor is unable to wrest himself from the Justicar’s grasp as his body begins to boil from
the inside. The Magister’s Cauldron of Blood goes longer than it should, seeming to bleed into the
time typically reserved for those kindred with the supernatural speed granted by Celerity.

Written by Adam Tomplait, US2005085963, AANST Masquerade: Tremere

Trevor Mulholland quickly succumbs to Magister di
Zagreb’s assault. His boiling vitae spills through his eye sockets,
nose, ears, and mouth. Trevor enters torpor for one blissful
moment before the Justicar presses his assault and with one
final effort renders Trevor Mulholland to ash just beside the altar
that was used to forge the clan. The Magister wastes no time as
he stands and looks across the altar at T.J. Both their gazes go
to the censer, its base wrapped in T.J.’s hands. The bright red
energy from it seems to spread over his hands and his face
shows the slightest amount of pain.
“I’m sorry,” di Zagreb says softly before the energy moves
up T.J.’s arms and throughout his body. In his final moments he
closes his eyes and lets the energy take him, knowing that his
fate is sealed.

Part 4. Rage of the Founder

The ritual continues, certain disaster averted. A dense fog
rolls into the place, hiding the once beautiful lights in the night.
The ominous haze comes in quickly, marking its unnatural
nature. You can swear that you hear a thunderclap as part of the
fog parts and Tremere, Primus of House and Clan, floats down
Man on Fire, Boris Hrženjak
from the night. His feet make a distinct sound as they land on the
stone of the ritual site. Tremere takes a moment to look at the assembled of the Clan.
“You dare?” he asks to all of you. In a moment, he lashes out. It is a spell you do not know,
and you are sure that it is only possible due to the Founder’s immense Generation. He proclaims
an incantation as tendrils of pure magical energy lash out at many of the assembled Warlocks.
Suddenly many of the assembled Tremere cry out in pain. Some grasp at their foreheads, a
piercing pain driving through like a spike. Others find themselves stumbling over the words of the
chant that only moments ago was much easier. The rest of the affected feel their bodies wither
where they stand as their physical bodies become damaged by Tremere’s magic. You manage to
regain yourself and continue chanting. (Consequence: Permanent Attribute Loss)
“My Lord, you must st-“ Magister di Zagreb begins to say as he makes his way toward
Tremere. He barely manages to get his words out before Tremere points at him. With a subtle
movement of his hand, Magister di Zagreb is thrown from the center of the ritual site and into the
fog by Tremere’s empowered Control. Tremere looks satisfied with himself for a moment as he
turns back to all of you. “Your defiance is noted,” he says as he walks through your ranks, “And
you will all be put to death for this.” He begins another incantation, and you recognize it as Theft
of Vitae¸ however it is different. The language of the spell tells you that it is older and more
Tremere points his finger at you, and you feel more that just your vitae leave your body.
The spell reaches into your very being and not just your vitae, as the very Generation of your
vampiric power from your body. The essence of those affected is a faded blue shade as it floats
from their chests and into the hands of Tremere. In an instant his hand closes into a fist as he
consumes the very Generation of the victims. (Consequence, Character gains Lesser
Generation Flaw)

Written by Adam Tomplait, US2005085963, AANST Masquerade: Tremere

The spell is stopped as Darcy Cahdan, with his eyes fixated on Tremere, steps from his
circle and begins casting a spell. Tremere moves with supernatural speed and hurls a ball of pure
flame at Darcy. The fire of the Flame Bolt glows so bright that you are forced to squint. The ball of
pure, white hot flame consumes the Warlock as Tremere quickly hurls two more that are just as
bright as the first with a speed unknown to any other kindred in this place and perhaps, in
existence. The horror of the act almost causes a pause in the ritual before you steel your resolve
and return to your chant. Tremere smirks and grabs the kindred closest to him. Ignatius Serrano
barely has any time to react before Tremere’s hand finds his throat. Ignatius claws at the
Founder’s hand and fights back with everything he has.
“Everything I have done,” Tremere rants, “I have done for House and Clan!” Tremere utters
another spell and Ignatius is immediately Engulfed in flame. Tremere stares into Ignatius’ eyes as
he burns. “Scream,” the Founder commands. Against his will, Ignatius cries out in pain before
being rendered to ash. “None of you possess the strength to do the things I have done!” Tremere
yells out over the place. His rage is almost palpable.
You do not see the tree fly through the night as much as you hear it. The leaves rustle
violently through the air as the trunk of the tree and its exposes roots hurl toward Tremere's back,
but before the mighty tree can make contact Tremere spins about, Flicking it into splinters.
Although her first attempt failed, Rivkah Buchler is unshaken. She stands defiant, having broken
from her circle to attempt the assault. Rivkah evokes another spell in the hopes of Engulfing
Tremere but the power of the Antideluvian is no match for his descendent. Still, Rivkah remains
determined, her anger rivaling even Tremere’s as she attempts to invoke a Firestorm to surround
herself. Those standing nearest to her are forced to dodge out of the way or risk the flames.
Tremere remains unfazed even as his robes turn to charred rags. He casts his tattered robes
away and stares at Rivkah as he advances toward her.
Distracted by the defiant of Rivkah, Tremere fails to see Lords Haake, Thomas, and
Ldescu as the trio Engulfs him. Despite the combined might of the three Lords, there is minor
damage to his body and his Fortitude heals due to the power of his blood. Having suffered harm
at the hands of his line, you feel a rush as Tremere lashes out with pure mental acumen. His
Psychic Assault rips through Rivkah and the three Lords. Blood begins to flow from their noses
and is visible on Rivkah despite the Firestorm. Not to be outdone, Rivkah launches nearby piles
of stone at Lord Haake, managing to push the Lord out of Tremere's view. With one final look of
intent, Tremere lets out one more Psychic Assault, immediately sending Rivkah, Lord Thomas,
and Lord Ldescu into torpor. He walks over to their fallen bodies and looks out over the rest of
“Would anyone else like to die tonight?” he asks casually. With a matter of fact gesture,
Rivkah and the two Lords are Engulfed by Tremere’s magic and sent to final death in blazing
glory. The thunder cracks again and your attention it brought upward to a nearby cliff. There a
shadowy figure looks down upon the ritual. “Mehujael!” Tremere yells with satisfaction. “I told you
that House Militant is filled with the best and strongest warriors. This is my vision for the world!”

Part 5. Breaking the Chain

Tremere begins lashing out at some of you with Movement of the Mind. You are thrown
from your circles, and you do your best to keep your chant going. Some of you no doubt fail,
though in the chaos no one seems to notice. All through Tremere’s rampage, the power continues
to build. The light from the censer is still bright and getting brighter. The ritual site comes to an

Written by Adam Tomplait, US2005085963, AANST Masquerade: Tremere

eerie calm. Even the wind dares not make a sound. You notice the small pebbles and rocks
around the site begin to float slightly.
A beam of pure white light shoots out from the censer, finding its way into the chest of
Tremere. He cries out in pain as the beam holds him there, bringing him to a knee. His tattered,
burned clothes thrash as his chest begins to glow a shade of red. As you watch, the red energy in
Tremere’s chest travels down the white light and back into the censer, turning it white. After all of
the energy has been taken from Tremere, the beam returns into the censer. It glows with the
white light. The figure on the mountaintop begins to move. You notice it begin to dart down the
mountain with frightening speed.
Ethel Rhodes is covered in the dirt and blood that has been spilled this night. While
everyone near her is breaking from the established goal, Rhodes looks quizzically at the altar.
The ritual has turned to chaos as some of the kindred have begun breaking rank to defend
themselves from the approaching member of the Second Generation. What was once an
organized effort of Clan Tremere’s best and brightest has turned into a horrific tale of blood and
fire. Rhodes begins walking toward the altar, counting on her fingers as she approaches the
“If the magic is in the object, and the object is magic,” Rhodes begins to say to no one in
particular. “That means that canceling the magic on the object should therefore cancel the magic
within..” she trails off as she approaches the altar calmly. She holds her hands just over the
censer and begins to recite a simple Countermagic spell. The space between her hands and the
censer begins to glow as she finishes. “And then you close the function,” she says with a smile as
she finishes the spell.
The censer goes dark. Rhodes spins on one heel and nods at the assembled.
“First. Outside. Inside. Last,” she says with a grin, “FOIL.” Her victory is short lived as the
censer explodes in pure magical energy, sending a wave out over the altar. Rhodes takes the
brunt of the energy, which dissipates as quickly as it appeared. Rhodes picks herself up, the force
having knocked her down. She looks confused for a moment before chuckling briefly.
“Oh,” she says. The wind rises, and her body begins to turn to dust slowly. She leans
slightly against the altar, resting. Everything seems to stop as everyone watches. Rhodes stands
there with a satisfied look, safe with the knowledge that she’s made the right choice. The dust
finally reaches her face then, and she remains for only a moment longer before being taken by
the wind.

Part 6. Power of the Pyramid

Tremere rises from his kneeling position. The look of rage is completely gone from his
face. Instead he is calm, and you might even see a tinge of regret on his face as he looks at the
assembled members of Clan Tremere. He moves to speak, but there is a rustling in the trees.
With lightning speed, Tremere casts one more spell. This is not a spell of destruction like the
others he has casted tonight. This is protection. Blue energy races out from his fingers as he taps
into the earth of the ritual site itself. All along the outer perimeter, energy pours out and goes
skyward, creating a dome over the entire site. You recognize this to be the most advanced
warding circle that you have ever seen.
Mehujael races down the mountain and stops short just before the ward. He stands there,
his face showing no expression. He and Tremere regard each other for what seems like an
eternity before Mehujael breaks the silence.

Written by Adam Tomplait, US2005085963, AANST Masquerade: Tremere

“You would have been King of our new world,” he says. Tremere smirks at him.
“I was not created to submit,” Tremere replies. Mehujael says nothing before turning and
slowly disappearing into the night. Tremere moves to the middle of the ritual site, where the altar
used to originally create the clan still stands. He traces his somewhat wizened fingers along the
stone as though he is remembering things long lost.
“My Lord?” speaks the voice of Pontifex Caroline Wain asks, piercing the silence.
Tremere turns from the altar to face her, a jutting finger now points to each of you in turn.
“I should destroy you all for your defiance,” he declares, “How dare you challenge me in
this place!” A ball of white-hot flame begins to grow in his hand as his rage rises again. Fear rises
again in the assembled kindred; however, it does not come to pass. The ball of pure fire slowly
fades as Tremere brings his free hand to his forehead. He rubs his hand across his brow
thoughtfully for a moment. He brings his hands to his sides as he closes his eyes and looks
skyward. He turns toward the altar again. After a short moment, figures begin to appear in a circle
around the altar from nowhere. You recognize the Council of Seven very clearly through their
manifestations and uses of Psychic Projection. The Seven surround the altar and look to Lord
“This should never have been allowed to happen,” he says in a scolding tone. “You most of
all Etrius. Meerlinda,” he says, pointing at the two remaining original members of the Council.
“And you, Grimgoth. You disappoint me.” Tremere paces a bit at he continues looking at them.
“Only one of you dared to see Mehujael’s influence,” he says, pointing to Thomas Wyncham.
“This tells me something important,” Tremere says. He suddenly stalks back to the altar and
drives a single fist through it, breaking it in half. The warding circle disappears.
“What we are doing now is not working!” he exclaims. The rage in the Founder’s voice
visibly shakes the Council. Without another word to them, he turns to face you all. “Go home and
secure our Chantries,” he commands, “The Jyhad nears its end and we must protect ourselves.”
He walks among you all now, looking at each of you. “No longer will our fates be tied to the whims
of Mehujael. It is time to reform House and Clan.” Tremere looks at you all one final time with a
smirk of confidence adorning his face. “I will address you all in a month’s time. For now, gather
those members of House and Clan and tell them what has happened here. Tell them how a
united Clan Tremere is stronger than even one of Caine’s childer!”

You sleep a peaceful slumber despite the destruction wrought tonight. Some of you have
lost friends, allies, and even family. Despite your feelings of being unsure of the future of the
Clan, and perhaps even yourselves, tonight you sleep peacefully. You have stared down both a
member of the Second Generation and Lord Tremere himself and returned with this story. You
know, however, that some of you bear a permanent reminder of these events. A wound that
refuses to heal despite your best efforts.

Written by Adam Tomplait, US2005085963, AANST Masquerade: Tremere

Breaking the chain
A Narrative Proxy Event for Clan Tremere

The Nature of Consequences

What follows is the nature of your random consequences. These will be shared with you and your
Storyteller privately. Here are some simple explanations of how your character gained these

Loss of Access to Herd (Restores per BNS Rules pg 98)

This consequence is the result of your character using so much of their vitae to help empower the
ritual. You find yourself gorging on your Herd for so much blood that you exhaust your resources.

Character Gains Lesser Generation Flaw (Cannot be bought off)

During the conflict, Lord Tremere used a spell against you based on Theft of Vitae that instead
weakened your Generation. If you already have the one dot version of this Flaw, it is upgraded to
two dots.

Loss of One Permanent Morality Trait (Cannot be repurchased with XP)

During the first magical backlash, part of your soul was ripped from you due to magical backlash
of the ritual. Your maximum Humanity or Path Rating is now 4.

Loss of a Permanent Social/Physical/Mental Attribute (Cannot be repurchased with XP)

During the ritual, Lord Tremere used a spell infused with a dark energy on you. Your maximum
total Social, Physical, or Mental Attributes is permanently reduced by 1.

Butcher’s Bill
The following characters suffered Final Death:

Jean Brisette
Trevor Mulholland
T.J. Vogelstein-Rivera
Darcy Cahdan
Ignatius Serrano
Rivkah Buchler
Ethel Rhodes

Written by Adam Tomplait, US2005085963, AANST Masquerade: Tremere

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