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Instruction Manual Hönle-MuC

#43900 - #43950

The Hönle-MuC (Micro-Universal-Controller) is an all-purpose lamp controlling unit for use

in one or two lamp systems. The Hönle-MuC is completely responsible for all signal
handling, analysis and failure monitoring. The connection to the user’s SPS or similar high-
level power control is possible through the use of two 25-pin SubD connectors, meaning no
supplementary wiring is needed, and that universal adjustment of the interface according to
different customer requirements is possible. Via an illuminated display, all information and
error-modes are able to be read at anytime. An integrated failure-memory enables
comprehensive error tracking. The administration of various device configurations and
settings through its software makes the universal applicableness of the Hönle-MuC possible.

• Complete signal handling and failure analysis for 1 or 2 lamp systems
• Direct connection of control signals to the EPS, with failure analysis (set-value and monitoring
of the lamp voltage)
• Integrated lamp-limit function
• Regulation of DC-fans (up to 40V / 50A), including optional speed monitoring
• Regulation of PWM-fans, including optional speed monitoring
• Separate shutter control for every lamp-head, including optional failure monitoring
• Temperature measurement in the lamp-head through a KTY sensor
• Separate operating hour counters for the lamp, EPS and MuC
• Separate counters for start-up and shutter cycles
• Customer interface through a SubD connector (separate for each lamp), with signals as
o Digital In: LampOn and ShutterOpen
o Digital Out: UV-ready, shutter is open, shutter is closed
o Digital Out: 7 programmable output signals (depending on the model)
o Analog In: External set-value (0 – 10V)
o Analog Out: Feedback of lamp-head temperature and lamp voltage
• External E-Stop port
• Optional RS232/RS485 interface (CAN in production stage)
• LCD text display to show status/error information
• Integrated error-memory, able to store the last 60 errors

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Instruction Manual Hönle-MuC
#43900 - #43950
User Menus

Altogether there are 5 different menus, with each separate menu responsible for a certain
system component. The menus are: Module 1/2, EPS 1/2, Lamp 1/2, Customer Interface and
Failure-memory. To switch between menus, press the “menu” button until the desired menu
is selected. If more options are available in a menu than can fit onto the screen, the desired
option may be reached by using either the Ÿ or ź buttons. If after a certain time no button is
pressed, the screen will automatically revert back to the Module 1/2 menu screen.

Menu: Module1 / Module2

This menu gives an overview of the current operating conditions of the entire system. In this
view the lamp status, shutter status and (if relevant) any current errors can be read.

EPS Power: Shutter Status:

The current EPS ( ) = Shutter closed
Status: Module 1 Status: Module 2
power level as a ) ( = Shutter open
percentage ( ( = Shutter error

Lamp Operating Time: Lamp Status:

The operating hours counter begins O = Lamp OFF
counting as soon as the EPS sends the Status Bar: W = Waiting for lamp
ready signal. The counter can be reset See below ready status
as necessary (refer to section * = Lamp ready
“Resetting the Lamp Operating Hours E = Error – EPS
Counter”) ? = No ON signal – EPS

Status Bar for Error Messages

All error messages will appear in the status bar. Each error message defines an error and
which group it belongs to, as described in the following table.

Group Error Group Error

Group = LMP1 or LMP2 Group = EPS1 or EPS2 Group = HMuC
Error in Lamp-head 1 / 2 Error in EPS 1 / 2 Error MC-Controller
Error Description Error Description Error Description
TS Thermo Switch TE Temperature Error IC Internal Error
S1 Shutter Signal, both = 1 PE Phase / Network Error TW Temperature Warning
S0 Shutter Signal, both = 0 LE Lamp Error TE Temperature Error
FN Fan Speed Error MS Master / Slave Error
TW Temperature Warning SE Accumulated Error
KE Short Circuit /
Short Circuit to Ground

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Instruction Manual Hönle-MuC
#43900 - #43950
Manual Power Setting (if applicable)

If the system configuration is set to SWMode=Int or SWMode=Auto, then the current power
value of each respective lamp can be displayed on the control panel.

Select the value to be changed by

using the arrow keys, then press Adjust to desired value 0-100%
“enter” to confirm and confirm with “enter”

On the display, the current value for the EPS will always be displayed. When the module is
in StandBy-Mode (i.e. the shutter is closed), the stand-by value will shown. The desired
operating value can still be changed in this mode.

Resetting the Lamp Operating Hours Counters

The lamp operating hours counters operate independently of each other, and as such can be
individually reset e.g. after a lamp change

Select the appropriate counter to Using the arrow keys, change the
be reset using the arrow keys and text from NO to YES and press
press “enter” “enter” to reset the counter

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Instruction Manual Hönle-MuC
#43900 - #43950
Viewing the Shutter Tally Display / Start-up Counter / Operating Hours EPS

In the menu Modul 1/2 move through the display using the ź key until the following is
Counter for module 1 Counter for module 2

Counter for Shutter Openings

Counter for EPS Start-ups

Operating Hours EPS

Note: These counters cannot be reset through the software back to 0.

Viewing the Device Type / Software Version / Serial Number / Temperature

In the menu Modul 1/2 move through the display using the ź key until the following is

Device Overview

Software Version

Current Internal
Temperature in the MuC
MuC Operating Hours
(cannot be reset) MuC Serial Number

High Temperature Cut-out:

To protect the electronics, the Hönle-MuC utilises internal temperature monitoring. If the
internal temperature is >60°C a warning will appear on the display. If the internal
temperature becomes >70°C, all connected loads (i.e. the contactor to the lamp, fan etc.) will
automatically be switched off and an error message will be displayed on screen.

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Instruction Manual Hönle-MuC
#43900 - #43950
Menu: EPS1 / EPS2

This menu displays all information relevant to the two EPS’s.

Information about EPS1 Information about EPS2 SW: (Set Value)

The current set value for the voltage of
the EPS

UL: (U_Lamp)
The confirmed value from the EPS of
the current lamp voltage

Digital Status Signal from the EPS:

Explanation of the individual bits:

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Phase / Network error
Master / Slave error

Accumulated error

Temperature error

Short circuit
Lamp ready

Lamp error
Unit is on

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Instruction Manual Hönle-MuC
#43900 - #43950
Menu: Lamp1 / Lamp2

This menu displays all information relevant to the lamp units and the affiliated fans.
Depending on the individual fan type (DC or PWM), the value adjacent to FAN is shown as a
voltage (for the DC) or as a percentage (for the PWM).

Display for DC-Fan TEMP: (Lamp-head Temperature)

Current exhaust air temperature from the
lamp-head (measured with a KTY

Display for PWM-Fan FAN: (Fan Speed)

Depending on the fan type, the fan speed
is displayed as a voltage or as a
percentage value

Digital Status Signal from the Lamp/Fan: Digital Relay Output to the Lamp/Fan:
Explanation of the individual bits: Explanation of the individual bits:

4 3 2 1 2 1
Solenoid Valve / Shutter
Shutter ist closed

Contactor for fan

Thermo switch

Shutter is open

Fan OK

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Instruction Manual Hönle-MuC
#43900 - #43950
Menu: SubD1 / SubD2

This menu displays all information relevant to the customer interface. Information about the
analog/digital I/O signals is shown here.

Us: (External Set Value)

Externally set voltage value for the lamp
power 0-100%. If the internal set value is
chosen in the configuration, -int- will be

On: (Input LampOn) SHOP: (Input Shutter Open)

Indicates whether the signal to switch the Indicates whether the signal to open the
lamp on has been given through the SubD shutter has been given through the SubD
connector connector

Viewing the Status of the Occupied Digital Outputs

In the menu SUBD 1/2 move through the display using the ź key until the following is
displayed. At the customer interface (SubD1/SubD2) of the MuC, there are 3 separate digital
outputs for each lamp unit, with the following functions being available:

ready: (Digital Output ready)

When the UV lamp has achieved ready status, the
digital output of the SubD connector will be set

SHclosed: (Digital Output Shutter closed)

This digital output of the SubD connector will be
set when the shutter is closed

SHopened: (Digital Output Shutter opened)

This digital output of the SubD connector will be
set when the shutter is open

Each of the outputs are invertible through the device configuration (as defined by the type of
device), so that the output signals specified above depend on whether the device is configured
as low or high active.

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Instruction Manual Hönle-MuC
#43900 - #43950
Viewing the Status of the Programmable Outputs

The Hönle-MuC has 7 further programmable outputs available on each SubD connector

In the menu SUBD 1/2 move through the display using the ź key until the following is

Function of each Digital Output:

From these two lines, the respective function of
the programmable outputs can be read. The
operations currently implemented can be
deciphered by combining one letter from the top
line with the one directly below it, and by then
referring to the table (shown below).

A0-6: Programmable Outputs A0-A6

Shows the current status of the 7
programmable outputs A0-A6

The function of the outputs depends upon what type of device it is connected to, and can be
found in the following table:

0 Output is always OFF

1 Output is always ON
LE Output for EPS – Lamp error
KE Output for EPS – Short circuit / Short circuit to ground
PE Output for EPS – Phase / Network error
TE Output for EPS – Temperature error
NO Output for error, no EPS present (no ON signal registered from the EPS)
MS Output for EPS – Master / Slave error
SE Output for EPS – Accumulated error
EE Output for EPS-error (KE + PE + TE + MS)
SH Output for shutter error
FN Output for fan error (no FanOK signal)
TW Output for temperature warning, lamp-head (temperature > threshold)
UW Output for temperature warning, MC-Controller (internal temperature > 60°C)
UE Output for temperature error, MC-Controller (internal temperature > 70°C)
TS Output for thermo switch in the lamp-head (temperature error, lamp-head)
TF Output for FN + TS + UE

Each of the outputs are invertible through the device configuration (as defined by the type of
device), so that the output signals specified above depend on whether the device is configured
as low or high active.

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Instruction Manual Hönle-MuC
#43900 - #43950
Viewing the Status of the Analog Outputs

In the menu SUBD 1/2 move through the display using the ź key until the following is
U_LA: Analog Output U_Lamp
The analog output for feedback of the current
lamp power. Scaling occurs according to the
calibration configuration of each unit.

U_RT: Analog Output Temperature

The analog output for feedback of the current
temperature in the lamp-head. Scaling occurs
according to the calibration configuration of each


The Hönle-MuC contains an error-memory able to store up to the last 60 errors. All error
messages are stored in this section, along with the corresponding time (as according to the
operating hours counter) that the error occurred. After more than 60 error events have
occurred, the oldest entry will subsequently be deleted with each new error that occurs.

Page Number: 00-19

The most recent error is always situated on
page 00 in the first position. With every new
entry, the old errors are automatically pushed
down one row.

Error Code:
For internal use only

Time of Error Occurrence:

According to the operating hours counter Error Description:
See table below

Group = LMP1 or LMP2 Group = EPS1 or EPS2 Group = HMuC

Error in Lamp-head 1 / 2 Error in EPS 1 / 2 Error MC-Controller
Error Description Error Description Error Description
TS Thermo Switch TE Temperature Error IC Internal Error
S1 Shutter Signal, both = 1 PE Phase / Network Error TW Temperature Warning
S0 Shutter Signal, both = 0 LE Lamp Error TE Temperature Error
FN Fan Speed Error MS Master / Slave Error
TW Temperature Warning SE Accumulated Error
KE Short Circuit /
Short Circuit to Ground

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Instruction Manual Hönle-MuC
#43900 - #43950
Control Panel Operation

The Hönle-MuC is designed to be operated through external interface signals, but depending
on the software configuration, it may also be operated via the integrated control panel. If
necessary, utilising the integrated control panel allows separate device configuration of each
device type. If control panel operation is chosen, the following key controls are valid:

Lamp Ignition: Open Shutter:

Press this button Press this button
to start both lamps to open both

To operate the Hönle-MuC through the integrated control panel, no signal is allowed to be
received through either of the SubD connectors.

Status LEDs

The Hönle-MuC indicates the current operating conditions through 2 LEDs.

Network Error LED:

This LED will light up Status LED:
when a problem with Gives the current
the supply voltage of status of the lamps
the MC-Controller and shutters (refer
occurs to table below)

Key for Status LED:

Off Both lamps are OFF
Blinking green Warming-up period
Bright green Ready for operation
Orange At least one shutter is open
Blinking red Error
Blinking red (long – short) Error has occurred, lamps have been switched off

Resetting the Settings

The Hönle-MuC is able to be restored to its factory settings, according to the particular device
type. After resetting, the operating hours counter and the error log will remain unchanged.

Hold down the *
key for five
seconds, move the
cursor to YES,
then press “enter”

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