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Statement at the Ministerial Conclave of the 2018 PMNCH Partners’ Forum


The Government of Malawi: Reaffirms to the earlier commitments of 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2017 on
Family Planning as well as Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health.

In support of FP2020 and Every Woman Every Child, Malawi commits to ensuring universal access to,
and coverage of, sexual reproductive health and rights information and services, with specific focus on
all adolescents and young people through promoting wider method mix choice including Long Acting
Reversible Contraceptives (LARCS) with the goal of “no parenthood before adulthood,” and in the spirit
of the SDGs’ “leaving no-one behind.” Increase Contraceptive Prevalence for all women to 60% by 2020.

Likewise, Malawi is committed to increasing the budgetary allocation for family planning commodities
and youth programming.

Malawi is further committed to reducing teenage pregnancies by 5% per annum through 2030, in line
with the Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP II) set targets (2017 -2022). This will be done through ending
child and early forced marriages and ensuring that girls complete their secondary education to
safeguard young people in anticipating better youth participation necessary for harnessing the
Demographic Dividend.

Implement the Adolescent Girls and Young Women Strategy in collaboration of the ministries of Youth,
Gender and Education to address the challenges of adolescents and young women so that they achieve
their full potential.

Ensure quality, integrated community health services which are affordable, culturally acceptable,
scientifically appropriate, and accessible to every

Household through community participation.

Accelerate the reduction of maternal, newborn and child mortality through:

- Ensure the provision of quality maternal, newborn and childhood services in our Health Facilities
with quality indicators reaching Global Standards;
- Work to address equity gaps and avail disaggregated data and childhood services in our Health
Facilities with quality indicators reaching Global Standards;
- Work to address equity gaps and avail disaggregated data for planning as well as monitoring of
different segments of the population to help detect and tackle inequalities;
- Universally implement birth and death registration
- Reduce the mortality rate among children under the age of 5 years to less than 20 per 1000 live
births by 2030
- Reduce the mortality rate among newborns to less than 12 per 1000 live births by 2030
- Reduce the pregnancy related maternal deaths to less than 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030;
and above all, the Government of Malawi shall Emphasize on Survive, Thrive and Transform
Goals and Targets in every setting

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