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NAME: …………………………………………. CLASS:……………………..


For Examiner’s
Arahan Use
1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 33 soalan. Section Total Marks
2. Jawab semua soalan.
3. Tuliskan jawapan untuk Bahagian A, Bahagian B, Bahagian C dan Bahagian D A 15
andadi ruang yang disediakan di dalam kertas soalan ini.
B 10

Instructions C 25
1. This question paper consists of 33 questions.
2. Answer all questions.
D 20
3. Write your answers for Section A Section B , Section C and Section D in the space
provided in this question paper. Total 70

This Question Paper Contains 14 Printed Pages

Section A
[15 marks]
[Time suggested: 25 minutes]

Questions 1 to 8 are based on the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and choose the
best answer.


Rules and Regulations
1. The English Language essays should not exceed 500 words.
2. Essays can be handwritten or typed using Microsoft Word for Windows (double spacing).
3. Applicants must accurately fill the entry form and submit it together with the written essay.
4. All essays submitted will not be returned.
5. All essays must reach us before 29 September 2019.
6. This competition is open to all upper secondary students.

1. The notice above tells us that

A entry forms must be sent in before the participants submit their essays
B only Form Four and Five students are eligible to participate
C the closing date is 26 September 2019
D all entries must be typed.

2. The sign tells you that you have to

A use coins only C give the exact amount
B keep cash ready D use the right currency


 Read e-book
 Use handkerchiefs instead of tissues
 Use less paper towels.
 Sign up for paperless billing.

3. Choose the most suitable name for the campaign based on the poster above
A Save Money Save The Paper C Go High Tech Use Less Paper
B Reduce Paper Save The Trees D Pay Bill and Save The World

4. Which of the following is true?
A Hotel guests can take a flight to the hotel.
B Hotel guests are entitled to a free shopping trip.
C Hotel guests only need to pay RM 177 for two nights.
D Hotel guests can enjoy this promotion until 30 June 2019.

5. To get a dessert and drink, ABS cardholders

A can redeem from all the outlets all over Malaysia
B can order any set meals available on the menu that worth RM 25
C need to spend at least RM 25 at Hanis Café on à la carte menu
D have to have your meal in the café

6. From the bar chart above, we can conclude that
A inability to communicate contributes as the second main reason for unemployment
B location of youth from house to work place plays an important role in unemployment
C the main reasons for unemployment are inexperience and low pay
D most youth are able to meet the qualification standard set by the company

KOTA KINABALU: Police detained nine motorcyclists and confiscated their vehicles during
“Ops Samseng Jalanan” which was conducted at several locations here early this morning.
District police Chief Assistant Commissioner M. Chandra said the operation was aimed at curbing
illegal racing at Jalan Coastal, Jalan Lintas, Jalan Tuaran Bypass and Jalan Sulaman.
“We detained the motorcycle owners to have their statements recorded for investigation under the
Road Transport Act 1987.

7. What is the aim of “Ops Samseng Jalanan”

A To detain motorcyclists C To control unlawful racing
B To confiscate the vehicles D To issue summons

Nancy could not sit still. Her hands were cold, her body was shivering and she had butterflies in
her stomach. She had to deliver a speech in the school hall during assembly. In a few minutes, the
master of ceremony would call her to the rostrum.

8. From the extract above, we can conclude that Nancy was

A unwell
B nervous
C frustrated
D uncomfortable

Questions 9 – 15 are based on the following passage.

Jayce Crowder began noticing when he was in kindergarten that he 9____________

different from his classmates. They had two hands. He had one. It started when one boy
10__________ teasing him. Jayce’s bubbly enthusiasm soured to 11__________________. He
would return to his home with questions: Why was I different? Why me? Why?
A few weeks later, Jayce’s mother came home from her job as an orthodontic assistant
12_____________ turned on the TV to a news story about a six-foot-three eighth grader from
Washington, Iowa. Trashaun Willis, then 14, had become an Internet sensation 13___________
posting videos of his slam dunks and, like Jayce, he was missing most of his left arm. Jayce’s
mother called him in to watch the video. He was 14_________________, watching dunk after
monstrous dunk. Jayce watched the boy in the video then looked at his hand and then he smiled.
Watching Trashaun had simply became an inspiring moment for Jayce—he saw a thriving
15_____________ with a seemingly similar congenital defect.

9. A. look 14. A. stuck Write the answers for

B. looks B. mesmerized question 1-5 in the space
C. looked C. distraught below
D. is looking D. inquisitive

10. A. is 15. A. player 1 9

B. are B. friend
C. was C. rival 2 10
D. were D. role model
3 11
11. A. sadness
B. seriousness 4 12
C. happiness
D. gratefulness 5 13
12. A. but 6 14
B. and
C. so 7 15
D. because
13. A. while
B. after
C. before
D. during

Section B
[10 marks]
[Time suggested: 25 minutes]

Questions 9 – 15
Read the following information and answer the questions that follow



The world’s largest turtles, leatherbacks,

can grow to 2 metre long and weigh up to a
massive 900kg. They have broad front flippers,
hind flippers, a triangular head and a large, black,
speckled shell. But unlike other species of sea
turtles, the leatherback’s shell isn’t hard. Instead,
it is quite soft and flexible.


The leatherback turtle has made a surprise return to nest in Rantau Abang Beach in
Terengganu, Malaysia. Workers from the state’s Turtle and Marine Ecosystem Centre hatchery
managed to recover 41 eggs during the recent nesting.
Leatherbacks have been around for the past 75 million years and have survived cycles
of near extinction. In the 1950’s, up to 10000 female turtles would lay their eggs on the Rantau
Abang beach yearly. However, by the 1980’s the number had fallen to 800. According to one of
the Ecosystem Centre workers, pollution and over-fishing have been the causes for the
decrease in the number of female turtles coming to Rantau Abang Beach to nest.


Besides the decline in the female turtles coming to Terengganu

to lay eggs, another problem is the general decrease in the population of
the leatherbacks, causing them to be classified as an endangered
species. A lot of the eggs do not make it to adulthood as firstly, a lot of
the eggs are poached by locals who sell them illegally in the nearby
markets. The state has now banned the sale of leatherback turtle eggs. Another reason for the
decrease in the population of leatherbacks, is that since the year 2000, a lot of the eggs did not
hatch because they were infertile. This is because very few male leatherbacks come to this
beach so most of the eggs do not get fertilised and so they do not hatch.


Malaysian scientists are planning to use advanced reproductive

biotechnology to fertilise this haul of leatherback eggs. They will use the
semen from the green turtles and try to fertilise the leatherback eggs in
order to get new hatchlings. Cloning is another method being studied in
the biotechnology programme.
Terengganu beaches are also landing site for the Olive Ridley and Hawksbill, both
belonging to the species of green turtles. The green turtles are second largest species after the

Peter is writing a note on leatherback turtle on his travel journal. Using words from the article
given, complete his note below. Use only one word for each blank

The Leatherback Turtles in Terengganu Beaches

 In the 1950’s – 10 000 turtles lay eggs in Rantau Abang beach yearly.
 In the 1980’s – only 16.________________________________ turtles lay eggs in the same beach
Causes of decrease (according to the Ecosystem Centre workers)
 17.___________________________________________________________________.
 18.___________________________________________________________________.
 General decrease of the leatherback turtle population.
 Turtle 19. ____________________________________ are poach and sold illegally by the locals.
 A lot of the turtle eggs are infertile.
Other Species of turtle found in Terengganu beaches
 Olive Ridley
 20.___________________________________________________________________.

Using words from the article, label parts of the leatherback turtle below. One of the parts has been
labelled. Use no more than two words for each black.

Section C
[25 marks]
[Time suggested : 50 minutes]

Questions 26 to 31 are based on the following passage.

1 November 18, 1994. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and slipped on my

pyjamas. Ordinary things on an ordinary night, but I was still anxious, eyeing the
full moon. My husband was asleep. Agitated, I walked around the house, checking
for … for what? I wandered into my son’s room. Ben was sleeping. I pulled the
covers around him and kissed his forehead. 5

2 I walked downstairs to check the fireplace. The fire was almost out. I climbed
upstairs and fell into bed, but an hour later, panic woke me. I wandered the halls. It
was still in the house. A thin veil of smoke lingered in the air. I forced myself to go
back to bed. Within an hour, I was awake again. I stood in the children’s room.
The house seemed smokier than it did before, but how could that be when the fire
burned out 10 hours ago? I opened a window, returned to bed, and fell into a
dead sleep.

3 I heard screams. It was my husband. “Sarah! Get out of the house!”

4 Hearing the panic in his voice, I bolted upright. I ran to the bedroom door and
swung it open, and I was blown back, knocked to the floor. Searing heat and black
smoke overtook me, burning my skin. Through the deafening roar of fire, a smoke 15
alarm whined like a mosquito. I gasped for breath and crawled across the floor,
gagging. The smell of that fire was something I will never forget. It was not the cosy
smell of a campfire but the putrid stench of synthetic carpeting, drywall plaster, and
household appliances melting, the toxic cloud of our life disintegrating.

5 Without knowing how, I had Ben in my arms and was at his bedroom window. 20
When I opened it, ashes and smoke blew through as the heat was pulled toward
us. There was fire behind me, a 30-foot drop to concrete below.

6 My husband shouted from another window, “Hold on! I’m coming – I’m going to
jump!” Then the sickening sound of bones against cement. I screamed his name,
but he did not respond. I started to cry, but there was no time for panic. 25

7 I lowered Ben out his window as far as my arms would stretch so he could breathe.
I held only his tiny hands, his body dangling. I was in the centre of the firestorm. I
choked, spitting out black grease. Blisters rose on the backs of my legs; the pain
became unbearable. I had to do something. But there was no grass below, no
trees or bushes. 30

8 My brain searched for options. If I held Ben while I jumped, I could crush him. I had
to let go of his hands. I knew that if I did it, he might break bones or suffer a bad
injury. But if I did nothing, I would burn to death, and he would fall. Stretching my
body to make his drop as short as possible, I lowered him as far as I could, until I
was holding just the ends of his chubby fingers. The smoke was so thick, I could 35
not see him. I begged God to protect him. I let go. At that very moment, My
husband shouted, “Drop him! I’m here!”

9 I scrambled out the window. I took a deep breath, then fell. I heard the thump of a
hip against concrete, but it was as though it happened to someone else. I felt
nothing. My husband yanked me to my feet. Ben was clutched to his chest. “I 40
caught him,” my husband said. We looked at each other in disbelief. We were
alive. All three levels were consumed, flames shooting out the windows. We ran.

10 Days after the fire, cars pulled up to my mom’s house with donations. Calls came from
friends, and they suggested a benefit concert. By night, my husband and I were
plagued with nightmares. By day, we were surrounded with love. We had 45
been given the chance to feel something most people would never know – to be
held by hundreds of unseen hands – a comforting yet overwhelming sensation.
Grateful, yes, and we were also tired of being grateful and needy.
Adapted from Reader’s Digest (November,2015)

26 (a) From paragraph 1, who was Ben?

……………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

27 (a) From paragraph 2, what does It in line 7 refer to?

……………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 4, which word has the meaning of giving the feeling of comfort and
……………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

(c) From paragraph 6, why did the writer start to cry?

……………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

28 (a) From paragraph 7, what does the sentence ‘But there was no grass below, no trees or
bushes’ imply?
……………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 8, state two options that the writer had that might not work?
…. ……………………………………………………………………….…………[1 mark]
……………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

29 From paragraph 9, why did the writer feel nothing when she fell?
……………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

30 In your opinion, what had caused the fire and what could the family do to avoid it?
……………………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

31 The writer wrote the drama that happened in her life.

Write a summary of what the writer and her husband did to save themselves
and Ben from the fire.

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the
original meaning.

Your summary must:

be in continuous writing form ( not in note form )
use materials from lines 13 to 42
not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below.

Begin your summary as follows:

When the writer heard the panic in her husband’s voice …



Section D
[20 marks]
[Time suggested: 35 minutes]

32. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.


My small grandmother is tall there,
straight-back, white broderie anglaise shirt,
pleated skirt, flat shoes, grey bun,
a kind, old smile round her eyes.
Her big hand holds mine,
white hand in black hand.
Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye.

It was true after all; that look.

My tall grandmother became small.
Her back round and hunched.
Her soup forgot to boil.
She went to the awful place grandmothers go.
Somewhere unknown, unthinkable.

But there she is still,

in the photo with me at three,
the crinkled smile is still living, breathing.
Jackie Kay

(a) In Stanza 1, what is suggested by the phrase ‘white hand in black hand’

……………………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

(b) In Stanza 2, how did the grandmother behave when she became much older?

……………………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

(c) Which five word phrase tells you that the grandmother had passed away?

……………………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

(d) You come across a bunch of old photographs of you as a child and your family members. What
would you do with them? Provide a reason to support your answer.


……………………………………………………………………………………………..[2 mark]

33. The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English.

Dear Mr. Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Sing to the Dawn - Minfong Ho

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are”

Based on the novel that you have read, how far is this true? Give your opinions about the statement
and support your answer with close reference to the text.

…………………………SOALAN TAMAT……………………………

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