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Presented to fulfil of the requirement for finishing study in Madrasah Aliyah

Salafiyah Syafi’iyah period 2019/2020



ID Number : 14465

Advisor :





YEAR 2019



Presented to fulfil of the requirement for finishing study in Madrasah Aliyah

Salafiyah Syafi’iyah period 2019/2020



ID Number : 14465
Advisor :





YEAR 2019


Name : Komala Wafi Zulfa Kamila

ID Number : 14465

Title : Islamic Perspective on Career Woman

Has fulfiled requirement and approved to be proposed in examination.

Approving of



H. Ainun Na’im, M.Pd.I Komala Wafi Zulfa K.




By :


ID Number 14465

It has been approved by the supervisor and succesfully examinated in front of the

examiner with value : Enough / Good / Satisfactory .


Approving of

Supervisor, Examiner,

H.Ainun Na’im, M.Pd.I

Legitimizing of

Head Master,

H.Achmad roziqi, LC.M.HI


My gratitude to Allah SWT for his bless and guidance, so I can finish this


compiled based on data obtained from various sources of information.

Writing is stuctured to complete one of the tasks of MASS TEBUIRENG

JOMBANG. I am so thank to H. Ainun Na’im m.pd.i As teacher mentors who have

guided me in making this paper kindly. And to my parents who always give their

pray to me. Thank a lot to all of my friends who have helped and supported me in

completing this paper.

Although this paper already finished, but there is no people is perfect in this

word, so I really sure that this paper has many mistakes and shortcomings so that

this paper is very far from perfection. There for, it is my hope to get input of future

paper that I can correct the mistakes and shortcomings that exits in this paper in the

next paper.

I hope this paper can be useful especially for my own self and generally for

the readers. And I hope by reading this paper the reader can solve their preblem

Tebuireng 9 october 2019


Komala Wafi Zulfa K.


COVER .................................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................................ ii

RATIFICATION PAGE ........................................................................................ iii

PREFACE .............................................................................................................. iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................v


1.1 Background of Study ...........................................................................................

1.2 Formulation of Study ...........................................................................................

1.3 The Purpose of Study ..........................................................................................

1.4 Benefits of Study ..................................................................................................

1.4.1 Theorytical Benefits ..............................................................................

1.4.2 Practical Benefits ..................................................................................

1.5 Methods of Discussion .........................................................................................


2.1 Review and Related Literatures ...........................................................................

2.1.1 General description of career women ...................................................

2.2 Discussion ............................................................................................................

2.2.1 Definition of a Career Woman...............................................................

2.2.2 Problems of Career Women ...............................................................

2.2.3 Various Legal Opinions of Career Women ........................................

2.2.4 Careers Women of Islam Perspective ................................................


3.1 Cloncusion ...........................................................................................................

4.1 Suggestions ..........................................................................................................

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................

APPENDIX ................................................................................................................



YEAR 2019


1.1 Background of Study

World developments and experiences present another thing for women .

Guarantee for financial success, recognized existence and bearing the title of

independent requires women to pick up their dreams by studying to a higher level

of education, getting a prestigious job and getting a high position in the world of

work. This further gives the title to women who have jobs with the title "Career

Woman". All types of work can be occupied by womenfolk from work that

mobilizes thought to work that puts the muscles first. On the other hand there are

women who want to be housewives, but when financial problems confront the

survival of the household and require women to participate in earning a fortune with

all efforts to make women leave the house and work.

Problems arise when the housewife has more time for work or the child cannot

be cared for or has a higher income which ultimately impacts divorce hated by God.

Through this paper, I want to give a little description of career women in the Islamic

perspective accompanied by various opinions and solutions to career women so that

when the woman has the final decision to remain a career woman, she will still care

about the family.

In Islam there is no prohibition for women to play an active role in society.

Women have the right to express and develop their potential and abilities. Even,

under certain conditions, women are required to go to the community, for example,
there must be women who work as doctors to serve the needs of women. It’s just

that Islam advocates for women's activities outside the home not to sacrifice its

main obligations as a wife and mother.

1.2 Problem of Study

The problems to be resolved are:

1. What is meant by career woman?

2. What is the picture of the career woman of the time of the Prophet?

3. How to balance yourself between career and family according to Islam?

1.3 The Purpose of Study

The purpose of making this paper is expected that women can know:

1. Legal career woman

2. How to put yourself in a career.

3. How to balance yourself between career and family in accordance with

Islamic religious guidance.

1.4 Benefits of Study

1.4.1 Theorytical benefits

It is hoped that this research can be useful for us to build insight into

religious knowledge, especially in the field of career women

1.4.2 Practical benefits

This research is expected to be able to facilitate the readers in

solving career women problems.

1.5 Methods of Discussion

In this paper the methodology for discussion used are :

a. Source of data :

1. Library (literature research)

Collect the data derived from books that can be used as a source of


2. Website

Collect data from reference that can be used as a source of problems

b. Data analysis technique:

1. Deductive Methods

Deductive method is how the discussion begins by stating the

general sentence later described by explanatory sentences.

2. Inductive Methods

Inductive method is to begin with a discussion of how specific

statements, then the last drawn general conclusion.




YEAR 2019


2.1 Review and related literature

2.1.1 General description of career women

Perhaps many of the Muslims who are confused about the figure of a career

woman in Islamic view, not to mention because there is mentioned there is a

hadiththat says that it is not appropriate to hand over affairs to women. Are these

hadith saheeh? Does this mean that Islam is against women having their own jobs

and can only take care of household matters? Let's discuss together to find the

answers to the many questions that arise in the minds of all of us.

"It would not be fortunate if a people then hand it over to a woman, their

business." Perhaps the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhori is the source of fear and

confusion about the figure of women who work when viewed by Islamic views

It turns out that this hadith is a comment made by the Prophet when he heard

the story of the rapture carried out by the king of Persia against the kisra princess.

and it turns out also, there are some people who doubt the validity of the hadith

narrated by the Bukhori priest.

In fact, a career woman in Islam has a high enough position because it means

she can stand on her own. Islam has never ordered or imposed men to confine their

wives in their homes, contrary to what most ordinary people believe.

Women working and doing activities outside the home have been

exemplified by the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, namely Khadijah and Aisha.

Khadijah is a businessman who often travels far.

Even after marrying the Prophet Muhammad, Khadijah's wealth was used

in part to support da'wah. It is conceivable, if Khadijah did not work outside the

home, what about Islamic preaching in the early days?

While Aisha was a woman who was actively involved in a number of the

Prophet's activities. While the Prophet Muhammad was still alive, Aisha was often

involved in a number of war operations outside Medina.

After the death of Rasulullah, Aisha actively taught the teachings of Islam

to her friends. In a way, Ayesha was the teacher of the friends.

In fact, Ayesha had led troops in the Jamal War. From the camel, Ayesha

issued an attack order to her soldiers.

2.2 Discussion

2.2.1 Definition of a Career Woman

The following is the understanding of career women from various sources:

1. A woman who takes her career or work seriously

2. Women who have a career or who take their work life seriously (beating the other

side of life).

3. Women involved in professional activities (business, offices, etc.)

4. Career woman is a woman who is able to manage her life in a fun or satisfying

manner, both in her professional life (work in the office) and in fostering her


2.2.2 Problems of Career Women

The scene that can be seen in the morning, women in neatly dressed bags

carrying to go to their workplaces, are already familiar in all corners of this country.

"Career women" is the term they take on.

Basically there are several reasons for a woman's career including:

 To fill time. Usually this reason is given by a woman whose husband works

in an office and is able to fulfill his living needs.

 To increase family needs. Usually done by women who have a husband but

the needs have not been fulfilled for both children and daily needs.

 To support the family. Usually done by a woman who is completely

unmarried or has a husband who is sick and unable to support the family by


 Development of the industrial sector. Because the increase in activities in

the industrial sector occurred a massive absorption of labor. Due to

shortages, many workers are seconded, especially in jobs that do not need

and the mind is too heavy.

 In the developed world good working conditions and short working hours

allow women workers to share job responsibilities well.

 The progress of women in the education sector which consequently many

educated women no longer feel satisfied when only carrying out their role

at home.

Usually the problem arises when the wife has a greater income there are

two possibilities, the first possibility is that the wife is infatuated with what she

gets so that it results in divorce or the second possibility is that a wife like Siti

Khadijah who gave up her possessions to the Prophet Muhammad for the

struggle of the people.

Everything returns to how to educate parents about a child and the

authority of a husband before his wife.

2.2.3 Various Legal Opinions of Career Women

There are various opinions about these career women who are all based on

their own reasons, including:

I . Prohibit women for becoming career women

According to scholars who think like this, basically the law of a woman’s

career outside the home is forbidden, because by working outside the home there

will be many obligations she must leave. For example serving the needs of her

husband, taking care of and educating children and other things that are the duties

and obligations of a wife and mother. Though all these obligations are very tiring

requiring special attention. All these obligations cannot be fulfilled unless a woman

pays special attention to them.

This prohibition is based that the husband is obliged to guide his wife on the

path of goodness while the wife is obliged to obey it. Likewise with the world of

men and women, then Islam makes men outside the home to make a living for their

families, as the Apostle said :

‫ولهن عليكم رزقهن و كسوتهن بالمعروف‬

“And the rights of wives over you (husbands) so that you give them a

living and clothing in an appropriate manner.”

On the other hand, where women are made in the house to take care of

children, educate them, prepare their husband’s needs and household and other


Rasululloh sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam illustrates this in his noble words:

‫والمرأة راعية في بيت زوجها ومسؤولة عن رعيتها‬

“And women are leaders in their husbands’ homes and they will be held

accountable for those they lead.”

Besides that there is the saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him) ‘alayhi

wa sallam:

‫خرجت استشرفىها الشىطا ن‬

“The woman is aurot, if she comes out she will be proud of the devil.”

Regarding the polemic of the validity of this hadith, in terms of death it is

quite clear mentioning the release of women will make the devils get married. So

that at a glance in the impression that when a woman leaves the house, Satan will

ride it and will be a source of problems both for herself and for others.

Because of that many scholars who want to confine women in the house that

makes this hadith as a hadith gacoan. Everywhere that was mentioned was this


Nashiruddin Al-Albani clearly confirmed this hadith. [10] Because the

contents of this hadith are in line with his opinion of wanting to lock up women in

the house.
But on the other hand, not a few of the many hadith scholars who question

the position of this hadith. The reason there are several things, including:

1) In fact this hadith is not connected to RasulullahSAW, isnad munqathi

(disconnected). Because Hubaib bin Abi tsabit, one of the links in his

narrators is known as mudallis. He did not hear directly from Ibn Umar.

2) It is said this authentic hadith is in the Al-Ausath of At-Tabrani. Even

though Mujam At-Thabrani Al-Awsath is not a sunan book. At-Thabari

himself did not intend it as a valid book. He just simply collected the

ahadith (problematic). So that people know the evil. Unfortunately,

there are people who come later, instead authenticating the hadiths in

them. Imam At-Thabrani reads basically did not narrate the hadith in his


3) It is said that Ibn Khuzimah also validated this hadith. Even though those

words are none other than tadlis. Ibn Khuzaimah never confirmed this

hadith. In fact he explained illatnya. He wrote a title: Babu ikhtiyari

shalatil Mar ah fi Baitiha ala shalatil fil Masjid, in tsabatal haditsh.

The debate between the Muhaddits is endless about the validity of

this hadith. Some say it is a valid hadith but others say it is a problematic


So when there are some people who want to imprison women in the

house based on this tradition, not all agree to justify it.

II . Allows women careers outside the home

If there is indeed something very urgent for a woman's career outside

the home then this is permissible. But it must be understood that an

urgent need must be determined by the appropriate level as a famous

fiqhiyah rules. And this urgent need for example:

a. Households require basic needs that require women to work

For example, because her husband or her parents have passed away or her

family has been unable to provide for living due to illness or otherwise, while the

state does not provide guarantees to their families.

Look at the story that Allah said in Surah Al Qoshosh 23 and 24:

"And when Musa came to the Madyan country, he found a group of people

who were drinking his livestock, and he met behind a large crowd of two women

who were tethered to his cattle.

Musa said: "What do you mean by that?"

The two women answered: "We cannot drink our livestock before the

shepherds repatriate their livestock, while our father is an old man, so Moses gives

the livestock a drink to help both.

Then he returned to the shade and then prayed: "O my Lord, in fact I really

need something good that you sent down to me.

Then came to Moses, one of the two women, walking in shame, he said:

"Verily, my father has called you to repay your kindness to drink our livestock."

Consider the words of the two women earlier: "While our father is a parent

who has aged." This shows that both of them did the act because they were forced,

because their parents had advanced and could not carry out the task.

b. Women are needed by the community, and the work cannot be

done by men.

The thing that shows this is that in the time of Rosulullah there were women

in charge of assisting births, such as dukuns or midwives at this time. Also at that

time there were women who circumcised female children. And who knows that they

do this work outside the home.

In this age can be added, namely obstetrician women doctors, nurses during

childbirth, teaching staff who specifically teach women and the like.

Among the work of women that existed in the time of Rosululloh is what

was narrated by Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu ‘anhu said:" The Messenger of Allah

sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam fought with Umm Sulaim and some anshor women,

so they gave water and treated the wounded.

Besides that history records, some women who became the wife of

Rasulullah SAW also became career women, including:

 Siti Khadijah

Rasulullah SAW had a wife who did not just sit and hide in her room.

Instead, she is a woman who is active in the business world. Even before he married

her, he had formed a business partnership to the land of Sham. After marrying her,

it does not mean that his wife has stopped her activities.

Even the proceeds from the efforts of Khadijah's business very much

supported the preaching in the early days. At that time, there were no reliable

sources of funds to support Da'wah. The only thing is from the pocket of a loyal

donor, his wife, a famous businessman.

Of course it cannot be imagined if as a businessman, the figure of Khadijah

is the type of home woman who does not know the outside world. Because if so,

how he can run the business well, while he does not have the slightest access to

information behind the walls of his house.

Here we can understand that even a prophet's wife has the opportunity to

leave the house to take care of her business. Even though they already have children,

because history records that Khadija ra. blessed with several children of the Prophet


 Siti Aisyah

After the death of Khadijah, the Prophet was married to Aisyah radhiyallahu

anha, an intelligent, young and beautiful woman whose work in the midst of society

was undoubted. His position as a wife does not prevent him from being active in

the community.
While the Prophet was still alive, he often went out of Medina to participate

in various war operations. And after the death of Rasulullah SAW, Ayesha was a

teacher of friends who could give explanations and information about the teachings

of Islam.

Even Ayesha ra. did not want to miss to participate in war. So that the war

was called the camel war (jamal), because at that time Ayesha radhiyallahu anha

was riding a camel.

2.2.4 Careers of Women in Islamic Perspectives

Actually, the business (gait) of women is quite broad covering various

fields, especially those related to themselves, which are harmonized with Islam, in

terms of creeds, morals and problems that do not deviate from what has been

outlined or established by Islam.

Allah Ta'ala created men and women with different characteristics.

Naturally (sunnatullah), men have muscular muscles, the ability to do heavy work,

never give up, patience and others. Suitable for tiring work and in accordance with

the task of caring for the family properly.

While the form of difficulties experienced by women, namely: Containing,

giving birth, breastfeeding, nurturing and educating children, and menstruation

which causes unstable conditions, decreased appetite, dizziness, pain in the stomach

and weakening of mind, as cited in the Qur'an 'an :

"And We command man (to do good) to two of his father's mothers;

His mother had conceived him in a frail state which increased and weaned

him in two years."

When she gives birth to her baby, she must rest, wait for up to 40 days or

60 days in a state of illness and feel so many complaints, but she must also bear it.

Plus the period of breastfeeding and caring for which spent two years. During this

time, the baby enjoys the food and nutrition eaten by the mother, thereby reducing

her stamina.

Therefore, Dienul Islam wants women to do work / career that is not in

conflict with the nature of their womanhood and not confine their rights at work,

except on aspects that can maintain their self-respect, glory and composure and

protect them from harassment and appearance.

Dienul Islam has guaranteed a happy and peaceful life for women and does

not make it necessary to work outside the home in normal conditions. Islam imposes

upon the shoulders of men to work hard and toil to support their families.

So, while the woman is not or has not been married and is not in the waiting

period ('iddah) because she is divorced by her husband or left dead, then her

livelihood is charged to the shoulders of her parents or other children, based on the

details mentioned by our fiqh scholars .

If the woman is married, then the husband takes over the burden and

responsibility for all his affairs. And if he is divorced, then during the ‘idah

(waiting) period, the husband is still obliged to provide a living, pay the pending
dowry, provide for his children and to pay for their nurturing and breastfeeding

costs, while the woman was not the least demanded from this.

In addition, if the woman does not have a person who is responsible for their

needs, then the Islamic state that is obliged for their livelihood from Baitul Mal the


Actually, Islam never prescribes to confine women in the house. Not as

many people understand. Look at how the Prophet Muhammad forbade people who

forbid women from coming to the mosque.

Narrated from Ibn Umar he said, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi wa

Sallam said:" Do not prevent women from going to the mosque, while their

home is better for them ".

From Abdullah Bin Umar he said, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wa

Sallam said:" If one of you asks for permission (to worship in the mosque) then

don't prevent it ".

Narrated from Abu Hurairah he said, verily the Prophet sallallaahu

‘Alaihi wa Sallam said:" Do not prevent women from going to the mosque, but

let them come out without fragrance. "

Even though there were certainly many men in the mosque. And the journey

from the house to the mosque as well as the return, will surely meet with opposite-

sex people who are not mahram.

Even the Nabawi mosque in the time of the Prophet Muhammad did not

have a hijab. Unlike our mosque today that has a barrier to it. In the prophetic

period, the position of male worshipers and female worshipers was only separated.

Male rows on the front and female rows on the back. The little boy behind the male

shaf and the female child are in the front row of the female shaf. And there is no

cloth, walls, plants or any sort of barrier between the rows of men and women.

So if it is said that the woman is haram out of the house, she must be

confined more in it, it does not seem to be in accordance with what happened during

the time of the Prophet Muhammad and salafus-shalih.

In leadership and politics, women are not justified to be male leaders.

Proponents of women's emancipation accuse this provision of discrimination based

on gender, and by Western democracies it is considered a violation of human rights.

Despite criticism and harassment from anti-religious groups, such Divine

provisions must not be amended for any purpose, except for reasons justified by the

Shari'ah. This is based on the word of God which means:

"Men are leaders for women, because Allah has exaggerated some of them

(men) over other parts (women), and because they (men) have spent a portion of

their wealth."

Men are qauwamuna ‘alan nisa’, leaders, carers and educators for women.

It is not the opposite that men are led, controlled and supported by women who

have a lack of reason and worship. It is appropriate that those who have strengths

and perfection sympathize and love those who are weak and deficient.
Likewise, the rich must help the poor and those who can help those who

cannot. With these advantages, it is appropriate for men as leaders.

2.2.5 Solution

Women may go outside and pursue a career. If there is a need for a woman

to work out of the house, then she must fulfill some shariah requirements so that

her career does not become an illegal work. The conditions are:

 Meet the courtesy of a woman coming out of her house in terms of clothing

or otherwise.

 Get permission from her husband or guardian. It is obligatory for a wife to

obey her husband in terms of goodness and haram for him to disobey her

husband, including leaving the house without his permission.

 The work does not have kholwat and ikhtilat (Mixed mix) between men and

women who are not mahram. As the word of God:"And if you ask them

for a need, then ask from behind the hijab."

Also the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him) ‘alayhi wa


‫ال يخلون رجل بامرأة إال مع ذي محرم‬

"Let not a man be alone with a woman except with his mahram."

A Muslim woman to look special she must be able to maintain respectability in the

association. Must limit yourself in the association. Moreover, a woman who already
has a husband must be careful with something that can cause the wrath of God, one

of which is the limitation of association with non-muhrim.

 Does not cause slander ,Women who have a career outside the home do not

cause slander. This can be done by covering his entire body in front of

foreign men and away from all things that indicate slander, both in dressing,

decorating or even fragrance (using perfume).

 Can still do their duties as a mother and wife for their family, because that

is their basic obligations.

 The work should be in accordance with the tabi'at and its nature as in the

fields of teaching, midwifery, sewing and others.

Career tips for women:

 Choose a career that does not approach mudharat, does not make

yourself pawned holiness. This means a career that makes it

possible not to have a khalwat with male coworkers, does not dress

except heed Islamic shari'ah, does not have to go home late at night

or early in the morning, and does not often live outside the city,

away from her husband and children.

 Determine the allocation of time to establish good relations with

husband and children, and have a regular schedule of silaturrahim

with parents, in-laws, and close neighbors.

 Always put the interests of her husband and children above other

 Not too ambitious in a career, but also does not hold back or ignore

their own potential.




YEAR 2019


3.1 Conclusion

Career women have many definitions or interpretations that are clearly

career women are women who are involved in the world of work both in the

business, teacher, or profession, she is a career woman.

Career women have been around for a long time, there are depictions of

career women in the time of the Prophet, including:

In the time of the Prophet Muhammad there were women in charge of

helping give birth, such as a dukun or midwife at this time. Also at that time there

were women who circumcised daughters, and who knew that this work they were

doing outside the home, apart from that among the wives there were also career

women including Siti Khadijah who was involved in the business world and Siti

Aisyah whose intelligence became her a teacher who is highly respected by anyone.

A woman who is very busy in her career must keep in mind her obligations

as a wife and mother to her children because that is the obligation that she will be

responsible for in the hereafter. As a wife, a woman must be able to serve her

husband well, he should also be able to be motivator for her husband to do

something good and leave bad things. women work and profession is very possible.

With notes, from the beginning even before deciding to get married, the priority is

the household. So, if one day you have to choose one, a career can be released with
sincerity. make this commitment with your partner, so that problems do not arise

related to this in the future such as family economic problems.

3.2 Suggestion

It is time for us to understand how great this deen is in each of his legal

products, sticking to it, making it a law that applies to all the rules in our lives and

believes fully, that he will always be suitable and appropriate in every time and

place. There is no form of discrimination and injustice, whatever its form, including

in the career of both men and women. Women may have a career while paying

attention to ethics, do not cause slander and do not neglect their duties as a wife and


From some of the criteria above, it seems difficult for us to find the career of women

who currently can meet these requirements except very little. In fact, what we see

a lot is that every woman's career right now in the office, factory, sales or other is

full of ikhtilat, unfamiliar clothing and a lot of slander. Therefore, the believing

women should be devoted to Allah, afraid of His painful adzab, not because only a

few coins are willing to brave the prohibitions of Allah and His Messenger. When

in fact many of these career women are not because of urgent needs or because of

other shar'i reasons, but maybe only because they pursue world ambitions. Allah

knows best.

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