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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology Student: Egao, Vanessa Jones C.

Section: Block 260



Brand Name: Lanoxin_______________________________Generic Name: Digoxin_______________________ Drug Classification: Cardiac Glycoside

Dosage, Route & Frequency Drug-Drug & Drug-Food Side Effects Adverse Reactions (By
Drug Action Indications Contraindications
Recommended Prescribed Interactions (By System) System)
Digitalizing Dose HF: Inhibits sodium/potassium ATPase DRUG: Amiodarone may Rapid digitalization Hypersensitivity to digoxin. Dizziness, headache, CNS: Fatigue, muscle weakness,
Adult: PO 10–15 mcg/kg (1 mg) in pump in myocardial cells. Promotes increase concentration/toxicity. and for maintenance Ventricular fibrillation. diarrhea, rash, visual headache, facial neuralgia,
divided doses over 24–48 h IV 10– calcium influx. Supraventricular Beta blockers (e.g., metoprolol), therapy in CHF, atrial disturbances mental depression, paresthesias,
hallucinations, confusion,
15 mcg/kg (1 mg) in divided Arrhythmias: Suppresses AV node calcium channel blockers (e.g., fibrillation, atrial flutter, Cautions: Renal
drowsiness, agitation,
doses over 24 h conduction. Therapeutic Effect: diltiaZEM) may have additive effect paroxysmal atrial impairment, sinus nodal dizziness. CV: Arrhythmias,
Child: PO/IV <2 y, 40–60 on slowing AV nodal conduction. tachycardia. disease, acute MI (within 6 hypotension, AV block. Special
mcg/kg; 2–10 y, 20–40 mcg/kg; HF: Increases contractility. Potassium-depleting diuretics (e.g., mos), second-or third- Senses: Visual
>10 y, 10–15 mcg/kg (1.5–2 mg) Supraventricular Arrhythmias: Increases furosemide) may increase toxicity degree heart block (unless disturbances. GI: Anorexia, naus
Neonate: PO/IV 30–50 mcg/kg effective refractory period/decreases due to hypokalemia. functioning pacemaker), ea, vomiting,
Premature neonate: PO/IV 20 conduction velocity, decreases heart Sympathomimetics (e.g., concurrent use of strong diarrhea. Other: Diaphoresis,
recurrent malaise, dysphagia
mcg/kg rate. norepinephrine) may increase risk of inducers or inhibitors of P-
arrhythmias. HERBAL: Ephedra may glycoprotein
Maintenance Dose Absorption: 70% PO tablets; 90% PO liquid increase risk of arrhythmias. Licorice (e.g.,cyclosporine),
Adult: PO/IV 0.1–0.375 mg/d and capsules. may cause sodium and water hyperthyroidism,
Child: PO/IV <2 y, 7.5–9 Onset: 1–2 h PO; 5–30 min IV. retention, loss of potassium. FOOD: hypothyroidism,
Peak: 6–8 h PO; 1–5 h IV.
mcg/kg/d; 2–10 y, 6–7.5 Meals with increased fiber (bran) or hypokalemia,
Duration: 3–4 d in fully digitalized patient.
mcg/kg/d; >10 y, 0.125–0.25 mg/d high in pectin may decrease hypocalcemia.
Distribution: Widely distributed; tissue
Neonate: 6–7.5 mcg/kg/d levels significantly higher than plasma absorption.
Premature neonate: 3.75 levels; crosses placenta.
mcg/kg/d Metabolism: Approximately 14% in liver.
Elimination: 80–90% excreted by kidneys;
may appear in breast milk.
Half-Life: 34–44 h.

Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE) Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE)
Assessment & Drug Effects Intervention/ Health Education
 Take apical pulse for 1 full min, noting rate, rhythm, and quality before administering drug.  Report to physician if pulse falls below 60 or rises above 110 or if you detect skipped beats or other changes in rhythm, when digoxin
 Be familiar with patient's baseline data (e.g., quality of peripheral pulses, blood pressure, clinical symptoms, serum electrolytes, creatinine is prescribed for atrial fibrillation.
clearance) as a foundation for making assessments.  Suspect toxicity and report to physician if any of the following occur: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or visual disturbances.
 Lab tests: Baseline and periodic serum digoxin, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Draw blood samples for determining plasma digoxin  Weigh each day under standard conditions. Report weight gain >1 kg (2 lb)/d.
levels at least 6 h after daily dose and preferably just before next scheduled daily dose.  Take digoxin PRECISELY as prescribed, do not skip or double a dose or change dose intervals, and take it at same time each day.
 Monitor for S&S of drug toxicity: In children, cardiac arrhythmias are usually reliable signs of early toxicity. Early indicators in adults (anorexia,  Do not to take OTC medications, especially those for coughs, colds, allergy, GI upset, or obesity, without prior approval of physician.
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, visual disturbances) are rarely initial signs in children.  Continue with brand originally prescribed unless otherwise directed by physician.
 Monitor I&O ratio during digitalization, particularly in patients with impaired renal function. Also monitor for edema daily and auscultate  Encourage periods of rest and assist with all activities.
chest for rales.
 Observe patients closely when being transferred from one preparation (tablet, elixir, or parenteral) to another; when tablet is replaced by
 Assist the patient in assuming a high Fowler’s position.
elixir potential for toxicity increases since 30% of drug is absorbed.  Provide quiet environment: explain therapeutic management, help patient avoid stressful situations, listen and respond to expressions
Nursing Diagnosis: of feelings.
 Risk for Decreased Cardiac Output
Planning: Evaluation:
 After 16 hours of nursing interventions, the patient will demonstrate adequate cardiac output as evidenced by vital signs within acceptable  After 16 hours of nursing interventions, the patient demonstrated adequate cardiac output as evidenced by vital signs within
limits, dysrhythmias absent/controlled, and no symptoms of failure (e.g., hemodynamic parameters within acceptable limits, urinary output acceptable limits, dysrhythmias absent/controlled, and no symptoms of failure (e.g., hemodynamic parameters within acceptable
adequate) limits, urinary output adequate)

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