Step 1 Hints

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Step 1 Hints


Formula for negative predictive value

Formula for incidence and prevalence
Definition of Attributable Risk
Bimodal distribution
Consent for Minors
Pearson Correlation Coefficient
Changes in the Elderly
Preventative medicine: stop mammogram screening @ 75 y.o. (not
in First Aid)


Histone methylation and acetylation

Adenosine Deaminase deficiency
DNA Topoisomerase: fluoroquinolones inhibit DNA gyrase
(prokaryotic topoisomerase II)
Definition of Chaperone Protein
BAX gene Activation  inactivates bcl-2
Indirect ELISA, Direct ELISA description
Polygene (not in FA) a gene whose individual effect on a
phenotype is too small to be observed, which can act together with
others to produce observable variation
Locus Heterogeneity
Pedigrees of X-linked recessive, dominant, and mitochondrial
Duchenne- accelerated muscular breakdown mutation in
Edwards syndrome  death usually occurs within 1 year of birth.
Elevated Nuchal translucency  Down’s syndrome
Vitamin A Function, Deficiency and excess
Rash around nose, eyes, mouth and anus  Zinc Deficiency
F2,6BP (page 102 FA) regulation in fasting state, cAMP leads to
elevated protein kinase A
Complex 1 of Electron Transport Chain
Enzyme deficient in Galactosemia
Symptoms of Hyperammonemia
Epinephrine  Metanephrine
Tryptophan becomes niacin  NAD+/NADP+
All the glycogen storage diseases and lysosomal
Carnitine Deficiency
Ketone Bodies
1g fat = 9kcal
Fasting and Starvation
HMG-CoA is converted to mevalonate 2/3 of plasma
A-I activates LCAT (chylomicron)
Familial hypercholesterolemia IIa


Stain for Nocardia  Ziehl – Neeson (carbol fuchsin)

Capsule + protein conjugate serves as antigen in vaccines
Special Culture Requirements
Urease Positive bugs
Bacterial virulence factors
C. Tetani and C. Botulinum toxin mechanism: both are proteases
that cleave SNARE proteins required for neurotransmitter release.
Streptolysin O ASO used to diagnose rheumatic fever
Beta hemolytic gram positives cause complete hemolysis (page
129 FA 2014)
Treatment for MRSA  vancomycin
Scarlet Fever (picture of strawberry tongue)
Sydenham Chorea
Kill bacterial spores by steaming at 121 degrees Celcius for 15
Kid with pet turtle gets bloody diarrhea  salmonella
Deer Fly  Francisella Tularensis
Treatment for Chlamydia
Naegleria fowleri transmission  swimming in fresh water lakes
via?  cribiform plate
African Sleeping Sickness
Undercooked Meat  toxoplasmosis (hydrocephalus)
Leishmaniasis  sandfly
Onchocerca volvulus (learn everything)
C. Sinensis
T. Solium
Viral Genetics: recombination and reassortment
EBV infects B cells
CMV infects immuno-compromised patients can cause pneumonia
HSV-1 Temporal Encephalitis
PicoRNAvirus (Everything)
Segmented viruses
Postexposure treatment for rabies  wound cleansing and
vaccination +/- rabies immune globulin
Gp41 fusion and entry
HBsAg associated with polynodosa
+ Leukocute esterase – E.Coli UTI
CMV congenital infection manifestations in neonate
Hemolytic anemia penicillin G,V
Rifabutin favored over Rifampin in patients with HIV due to less
CP-450 stimulation


Para-aortic lymph nodes

Superficial Inguinal Lymph Node
MHC I Loci, and Binding
Positive selection  capable of binding surface self MHC
molecules survive
TNF Alpha mediates Septic Shock
C3 deficiency
Hypersensitivity types (HIGH YIELD)
Anti-glutamate decarboxylase – Type 1 diabetes Mellitus
Omalizumab – IgE antibody

General Path
Apoptosis (everything)
Reversible injury  mitochondrial swelling
Inflammatory phase of wound healing
Iron Poisoning
P53  transcription factor for p21, blocks G1  S phase

General Pharm
Potency and efficacy curve graphs
Answer is CYP3A4 (metabolizes 50% of drugs, not in FA.)
NorEpi vs. isoproterenol graphs
Clonidine is used offlabel for ethanol and opioid withdrawal
Interstiial nephritis caused my methicillin, NSAIDsS, furosemide.


Foramen Ovale becomes fossa ovalis

Fick Principle equation
Cardiac and vascular function curves
What happens in phase 2 of ventricular action potential
Wolf Parkinson-White Shortened PR interval on ECG
Atrial Natriuertic Peptide
B-Type Natriuertic peptide
Atrial Fib  No discrete P waves, (holiday heart, patient that
doesn’t usually drink, had a wknd of celebration and alcohol)
Solitary Nucleus of medulla responds to elevated BP
Glossopharyngeal nerve to solitary nucleus of medulla responds to
increased and decreased BP
Tetralogy of fallot is due to abnormal neural crest cell migration
Ventricular free wall rupture
Eccentric hypertrophy in dilated cardiomyopathy
Myxoma associated with multiple syncopal episodes
Cholestyramine decreases LDL

Patient with Acromegaly, which protein does growth hormone

cause excess of? JAK
Which microbe colonizes central catheter
Girl gets into accident and aspirates tooth, what lobe if x – ray is
taken standing up?

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