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Multifaceted analysis of ECG and its

derived parameters for decision

making using Fuzzy logic
S.K. Dinesh Kumar, S.R. Divya,J. Jenifer Vimala,R,J. Sujith

Department of BioMedical, Jerusalem college of Engineering, Chennai-600 100

Abstract — Heart rate turbulence (HRT) is the return to equilibrium of heart rate after a premature ventricular contraction.
HRT was calculated using two different parameters such as turbulence onset (TO) and turbulence slope (TS) for the
prediction of mortality. HRV represents a physiological phenomenon which consists in the oscillations in the interval between
consecutive heart beats. The HRV analysis can make an assessment for both stress evaluation and cardiac health. Our project
aims at analysing mental stress during various occasions by comparing to HRV using LabVIEW. HRV parameters such as
mean RR, RMSSD, pNN50 and LF/HF are calculated for mental stress detection. Further a comparative analysis has been
made between normal subjects and apnoeic patients in order to show the variations of parameters.

Keywords: TO, TS, Mean RR, RMSSD, pNN50 and LF/HF

and evaluating the features derived by the individual

I. INTRODUCTION ECG data are necessary.
During past decades, cardiology experts have recognized In this scenario, soft computing techniques and knowledge
important relationships between the autonomic nervous representation methods may provide several benefits
system (ANS) and cardiovascular mortality. As consequence, both in terms of quality and expressiveness of taken decisions.
experimental proofs for an interdependence Starting from this consideration, this paper proposes
between a propensity for lethal arrhythmias and signs of an enhanced ECG-based decision making system useful to
either increased sympathetic or reduced vagal activity have evaluate the cardiac health level of a given person by
encouraged the development of quantitative markers of combining ontological methodology and a type-2 fuzzy
autonomic activity. Heart Rate Variability (HRV), which inference mechanism modeled through the Type-2 Fuzzy
refers an accurate measure in milliseconds in the variation Markup Language (Type-2 FML). In detail, our proposal of
in the intervals between heartbeats, is one of the most ECG-based decision making system is based on the design
promising such markers. The HRV analysis is not only a of
noninvasive tool for assessing cardiovascular system 1. A complex ontology representing personal HRV
function, but is also useful for evaluating the function of characteristics and all features which may influence
the ANS in regulating human organs and muscles (Lin them such as exercise, rest, pressure, disease, and so
et al. 2010). One of the most widely accepted and low-cost on;
diagnostic procedures useful for deriving and evaluating 2. a Type-2 FML-based fuzzy logic system inferring the
the HRV is surely the electrocardiogram (ECG), i.e., a human nervous level with aim of preventing cardiovascular
transthoracic interpretation of the electrical activity of the mortality by analyzing the collected personal
heart over time captured and externally recorded by skin HRV features.
electrodes. Therefore, ECG data are normally acquired for The integration of the three soft computing techniques
clinical diagnosis of cardiac function with the aim of (ontologies, type-2 fuzzy inference mechanism and FML)
identifying patients at risk for a cardiovascular event or provides several benefits to our proposal of ECG-based
death (American Heart Association et al. 1996). decision making system. Indeed, our system is able to
With the development of advanced signal processing 1. Improve expressiveness of the medical knowledge by
methods such as wavelets and fast fourier transform (FFT), using a simple representation in the form of the
the diagnostic power of the ECG data is strongly increased semantic sentences which may make easier the understanding
due to the huge set of features which can be extracted from of the results of HRV analysis;
the ECG signal. This expanded set of features enhances the 2. provide a valid support to medical decisions based on a
medical staff capabilities to diagnose the cardiac function type-2 fuzzy inference mechanism capable of modeling
quality of a patient. However, the manual managing of this the human reasoning model in a better way than
expanded set of features by medical staffs results in a very type-1 inference engines thanks to their capability of
complex task. As consequence, to support physicians in merging the knowledge related to various domain
their decisional activities, automatic methods for representing experts opinions;
3. achieve interoperability feature to implement the same
ontological fuzzy-based application on different hardware  Central sleep APNEA (CSA) occurs when the brain
platforms by means of employing the Type-2 does not send the signal to the muscles to take a breath
FML. and there is no muscular effort to take a breath.
To prove the suitability and good performances provided
by the proposed system, two different kinds of tests,  Obstructive sleep APNEA (OSA) occurs when the
respectively, based on a qualitative and quantitative brain sends the signal to the muscles and the muscles
approach, have been led in the experimental section. In make an effort to take a breath, but they are
particular, the first one is used to show the feasibility of our unsuccessful because the airway becomes obstructed
approach for cardiac diagnosis by means of a system and prevents an adequate flow of air.
behavioural analysis performed by medical experts. In
detail, after evaluating several decision surfaces representing  Mixed sleep APNEA, occurs when there is both central
system behaviour, medical experts have validated sleep APNEA and obstructive sleep APNEA.
as corresponding to the real situation, the human nervous
level value (and the related cardiac health) computed by .
our system. The second experiment, instead, allows to
effectively quantify the performances of our proposal in C.HEART RATE VARIABILITY
terms of two well-known conformance measures: precision
and recall. In detail, in this second test, our system is Heart rate is the number of heart beats per unit time,
exploited to accomplish a classification task which typically expressed as beats per minute (bpm). Heart rate
involves some students during an exam. The obtained variability (HRV) is a physiological phenomenon which analyses
precision and recall values proves the good performances how the RR intervals, changes over time. HRV varies for
of our proposal. different orthostatic positions like supine and standing positions.
An indirect measurement from the ECG signal is the HRV. HRV
A. HEART RATE TURBULENCE analysis provides a quantitative marker of the autonomic nervous
system (ANS) because the regulation mechanisms of HRV
originate from sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
Heart rate turbulence (HRT) is the return to
equilibrium of heart rate after a premature ventricular
contraction (PVC). It consists of a brief speed-up in heart rate,
followed by a slow decrease back to the baseline rate. An D.AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM
important feature of HRT is that PVCs occur naturally in most
adults, so measuring the characteristics of a given person's HRT The Autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the part of
offers a non-invasive way to evaluate his or her cardiac function the peripheral nervous system that acts as a control system,
without applying artificial external stimuli. functioning largely below the level of consciousness, and
controls visceral functions. The ANS affects heart rate, digestion,
The values of HRT parameters have to be a statistically respiratory rate, salivation, diameter of pupils, micturition
significant predictor of the probability of dying from cardiac (urination) and sexual arousal. Whereas most of its actions are
disease after a patient suffers amyocardial infarction. HRT can involuntary, some such as breathing work in tandem with the
also be used to predict death in patients with congestive heart conscious mind.
failure from a lethal arrhythmia. HRT has nothing to do
with turbulence in fluid dynamics. It is classically divided into two subsystems:
Parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) and sympathetic
B.SLEEP APNEA nervous system (SNS) have shown in figure1.1. With regard to
function, the ANS is usually divided into sensory and motor
Sleep APNEA is a disorder characterized by a reduction
or pause of breathing (airflow) during sleep. It is common among
adults becoming more common in children. Although a diagnosis
of sleep APNEA often will be suspected on the basis of a
person's medical history, there are several tests that can be used
II. HRV Measurement Using Conventional Methods
to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment of sleep APNEA can be
either surgical or nonsurgical. The clinical use of heart rate variability analysis is
widespread as ECG data are sufficient for further analysis, thus
An APNEA is a period of time during which breathing providing a non-invasive method in the assessment of autonomic
stops or is markedly reduced. In simplified terms, an APNEA activity. It is notable that the RR-intervals, being only an aspect
occurs when a person stops breathing for 10 seconds or more. If of the whole ECG data set, contain such relevant information
a person stops breathing completely or take less than 10% of a about the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
normal breath for a period that lasts 10 seconds or more, this is
an APNEA. This definition includes complete stoppage of There are two main methods for quantifying heart rate
airflow. Other definitions of APNEA that may be used include at variability. They are:
least a 4% drop in oxygen in the blood, a direct result of the
reduction in the transfer of oxygen into the blood when breathing  Time domain methods
 Frequency domain methods
During sleep, the brain instructs the muscles of breathing to take
a breath.
The basis of all methods is a tachogram, where the RR-
intervals are plotted against the beat number. The fluctuating
heart rate becomes visible as a time series shown in fig 3.6.

Fig. 1 RR-interval tachogram

A. Time Domain Analysis

The time domain methods include standard statistical

methods such as calculating standard deviations (SDNN [ms]) or
graphing density distributions of successive RR-intervals. HRV
triangular index (HRV-TI) is a standard measure that helps to
discriminate normal from reduced heart rate variability. It can be
obtained by dividing the total number of RR-intervals by the Fig. 2 Power spectrum analysis of heart rate time series
number of RR-intervals with the value that has been counted to
Power spectral density (PSD), using parametric or
be most frequent in the total RR-interval series.
nonparametric methods, provides basic information on the power
distribution across frequencies. Fig. 1.3 shows the power
B. Frequency Domain Analysis
spectrum analysis of a heart rate time series. One of the most
The frequency domain analysis is used to identify the commonly used PSD methods is the Discrete Fourier Transform.
underlying rhythms of heart rate time series. They represent Methods for the calsulation of PSD may be generally classified
different oscillating physiological processes. Applying the Fast as nonparametric and parametric. In most instances, both
Fourier Transform (FFT) to the heart variability signal, the signal methods provide comparable results.
is decomposed in its constituent harmonic frequency
components. A power spectral density graph shows how the total The advantage of the nonparametric methos are
power, usually indicated as power spectral density measured in
ms2 is distributed as a function of the various frequencies  Simplicity of the algorithm used
measured in Hertz (HZ). The power corresponds here to the  High processing speed
variance of the signal at certain frequency shown in fig 3.7.
The advantage of parametric methods are

 Smoother spectral component that can be distinguished

independent of preselected frequency bands.
 Easy post processing of the spectrum with an automatic
claculation of low and high frequency power
components with an easy identification of the central
frequency of each component
 An accurate estimation of PSD even on a small number
of samples on which the signal is supposed to maintain

The basic disadvantage of parametric methods is the need of

verification of the suitability of the chosed model and of its
 The HF power spectrum is evaluated in the range involving only very short Holter recordings may not lead to
from 0.15 to 0.4 Hz. This band reflects meaningful results .
parasympathetic tone and fluctuations caused by
spontaneous repiration known as respiratory sinus Two phases of HRT, the early sinus rate acceleration
arrhythmia. and late deceleration, are quantified by 2 parameters termed
 The LF power pectrum is evaluated in the range turbulence onset (TO) and turbulence slope (TS). Turbulence
from 0.04 to 0.15 Hz. This band can reflect both onset is calculated
sympathetic and parasympathetic tone. as:TO=(RR1+RR2)−(RR−2+RR−1)(RR−2+RR−1)×100 [%]TO=
(RR1+RR2)−(RR−2+RR−1)(RR−2+RR−1)×100⁢ [%] where
 The VLf power spectrum is evaluated in the range
from 0.0033 to 0.04 HZ. The physiological RR−2 and RR−1 are the 2 R-R intervals immediately preceding the
meaning of the band is most disputable. With VPC coupling interval, and RR1 and RR2 are 2 R-R intervals
longer recordings it is considered representing immediately following the compensatory pause . Turbulence
sympathetic tone as well as slower humora and slope is defined as the maximum positive regression slope
thermoregulatory effects. There ae some findings assessed over any 5 consecutive sinus rhythm R-R intervals
within the first 15 sinus rhythm R-R intervals after the VPC .
that in shorter recordings VLF has fair
representation of various negative meotions,
worries, rumination etc.
 The TP is a net effect of the possible E. HRT Calculation
physiological mechanisms contributing in HR
variability that can be detected in 5-mins Calculation of the HRT parameters turbulence onset
recordings, however sympathetic tone is (TO) and turbulence slope (TS). Turbulence onset is the relative
considered as a primary contributor. change of R-R intervals (red lines) from before to after the VPC.
 The LF/HF ratio is used to indicate balance Turbulence slope is the slope of the steepest regression line fitted
between sympathetic and parasympatheic tone. A over the sequences of 5 consecutive sinus rhythm R-R intervals
decrease in the score might indicate either within the 15 R-R intervals after the VPC. The light blue
increase in parasympahtetic or decrease in lines are the 11 possible regression lines. The dark blue line is the
sympathetic tone. It must be considered together steepest one used for TS calculation shown in fig 3.9.
with absolute values of both LF and HF to
determine what factor contributes in autonomic

C.Non-linear methods

Given the complexity of the mechanisms regulating

heart rate, it is reasonable to assume that applying HRV analysis
based on methods of non-linear dynamics will yield valuable
information. The most commonly used non-linear method of
analysing heart rate variability is the poincare plot. Each data
point represents a pair of successive beats, the x-axis is the
current RR-interval, while the y-axis is the previous RR-interval.
HRV is quantified by fitting mathematically defined geometric Fig. 3 TS Slope Calculation
shapes to the data. Other methods used are the correlation Hence, in normal subjects, the initial brief acceleration of sinus
dimension, nonlinear predictablility, point wise correlation rate after the VPC is characterized by negative TO, and the
dimension and approximate entropy. Detrended fluctuation subsequent rate deceleration is characterized by positive TS.
analysis is also a non-linear method used.
D. Quantification and measurement of HRT
The HRT pattern is frequently masked by heart rate
variability (HRV) of other origins. Thus, averaging responses to The ECG is acquired from different subjects and there
a number of VPCs is needed to characterize the pattern stress level is analyzed using the fuzzy logic. The stress level was
accurately. Consequently, HRT is usually assessed from Holter found to be extremely varying based on age. The performance of
recordings as an average response to VPCs over longer periods . the subjects higher on age were found to be distinct from the
From such recordings, the so-called VPC tachogram is performance of young aged subjects. From which we were able
constructed, aligning and averaging the R-R interval sequences to predict the association of ECG wave as a function of stress.
surrounding abefore VPCs, the coupling interval and
compensatory pause, and at least 15 subsequent sinus R-R A feedback for the nervous patients has been provided
intervals. The average needs to include a sufficient number of with a musical therapy and the comparison of their parameter are
VPCs for reliable construction of the VPC tachogram. Studies tabulated below.
TO values will be lesser than zero and TS will be greater than
Table 1 Time-domain and frequency-domain parameters for 2.5.
nervous subjects
Tabulation of TO and TS
Before musical therapy After musical therapy
AN EA D SUB1 -8 3.99
N SUB2 -10 4.09
SUB 0.2 92. 33 1.1 0.5 35. 35 1.4 SUB3 -8 4.096
6 6 84 18 72 15 56 SUB4 -5 3.093
SUB 0.2 238 73. 0.8 0.7 80. 60 2.0
7 07 .11 3 17 22 54 12 SUB5 -11 4
SUB 0.1 234 83. 0.8 0.6 85. 55 1.1 SUB6 -5 3.98
8 9 .28 33 5 54 78 18 SUB7 -3 3.96
SUB 0.2 158 56. 0.6 0.5 48. 28 1.3 SUB8 -10 3.97
9 8 .28 66 20 66 41 22
SUB9 -4 3.05
SUB 0.3 266 63. 0.5 0.4 10 29 1.9
10 4 .98 33 37 56 3.5 02
1 Table 3 HRT analysis


HRV characterization can be taken as a parameter for
Sleep APNEA is a serious sleep disorder that occurs the analysis of the mortality rate in the post myocardial infarction
when a persons breathing is interrupted during sleep. It normally patients, in stress management as a feedback, in assessing cardiac
occurs for higher aged peoples. The mean of RR-interval and abnormalities, for diagnosing cardiac abnormalities in smoking
pNN50 for apnoeic subjects is very low when compared to and non smoking persons.
normal subjects. And LF/HF for apnoeic subject is very high
when compared to normal subjects Although all of our participants had normal findings on
ECG we cannot rule out the presence of any cardiovascular
SUBJECTS MEANR- RMSSD PNN50 LF/HF disease entirely. HRT characterization can be used for analysis of
R the mortality rate after a premature ventricular contraction
SUB 1(ab) 0.09 3.4 0 67.5 (PVC). Other than ECG, PPG signal can also be used to the
evaluation of HRT which is more convenient to use under
SUB 2(ab) 0.097 6.4 0 85 various occasions.
SUB 3(ab) 0.09 1.6 0 36
SUB 4(ab) 0.078 1.24 0 58
SUB 5(ab) 0.048 31.4 10 4.128 REFERENCES

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