Test Paper - 01: Uhfr'Kkl

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Enroll No. :

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Date : Total Marks : 200

Evaluator's Signature Student's Signature

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 1 7231940683


(A) The Question paper is divided into different unit and parts. The number of questions to be attenmetd and
therir marks are indicated in each unit and parts.

iz'u&i= fofHkuu ;wfuV ,oa Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA izR;sd ;wfuV ,oa Hkkx esa ls fd;s tkus okys iz'uksa dh
la[;k vkSj muds vad ml ;wfuV ,oa Hkkx esa vafdr fd;s x, gSaA
(B) Attempt answer either in Hindi or English, not in both, For Language Papers. Answer in concerned
language and script, unless directed otherwise to write in Hindi or English Specifically.

mÙkj vaxzsth ;k fgUnh Hkk"kk esa ls fdlh vyx ls fgUnh ;k vaxzsth esa mÙkj nsus ds fy, u fy[kk x;k gksA
(C) The candidated should not write the answer beyond the prescribed limit of words, failing this, marks will be

vH;fFkZ;ksa dks vius mÙkj fu/kkZfjr 'kCnksa dh lhek ls vf/kd ugha fy[kuk pkfg,A bldk mYya?ku djus ij
vad dkVs tk;saxAs
(D) Candidates are directed that they should not write (answer) out side the border line in every page. Answer
written out side the border line will not be checked by the Examiner.

vH;fFkZ;ksa dks funsZf'kr fd;k tkrk gS fd iz'uksaÙkj iqfLrdk esa izR;sd i`"B esa cukbZ xbZ ckMZj ykbZu ls ckgj
izR;qÙk ugha fy[ksaA ckMZj ykbZu ds ckgj fy[ks x;s mÙkj dks ijh{kd }kjk tk¡pk ugha tk;sxkA
(E) If there is any sort of ambiguity/mistake either of printing or factual nature then out of Hindi and English
version of the question, the English version will be treated as standard.

;fn fdlh iz'u esa fdlh izdkj dh dksbZ eqnz.k ;k rF;kRed izdkj dh =qfV gks] rks iz'u ds fgUnh rFkk vaxzsth
:ikUrjksa esa ls vaxzsth :ikUrj ekU; gksxkA
(F) If the question-answer Booklet is torn or not printed properly, bring it to notice of invigilator and change the
question- answer booklet otherwise the candidate will be liable for that.

;fn iz'uksÙkj iqfLrdk dgha ls dVh&QVh ;k veqfnzr gS] rks fujh{kd ds /;ku esa yk nsa rFkk mls cnyok ysa
vU;Fkk mldk nkf;Ro vH;FkhZ dk gksxkA

Special Notes/ fo'ks"k uksV %&

If there is any wrong information filled by the candidate or any attempt is made to damage it or any marking
as indentification is done, his candidature for the entire examination shall be rejected by the institute, for
which he will be liable.

vH;FkhZ }kjk ;fn vks-,e- vkj i=d xyr lwpuk Hkjh tkrh gS ;k mls fdlh izdkj dh {kfr igq¡pkbZ tkrh
gS vFkok ml ij fdlh izdkj dk igpku fpà vafdr fd;k tkrk gS] rks laLFkk }kjk lEiw.kZ ijh{kk gsrq
vH;fFkZ;ksa fujLr dh tk ldsxh vkSj mlds fy, vH;FkhZ mÙkjnk;h gksxkA

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 2 7231940683

Note :- Attempt all quesiton. Answer the following question in 15 words each. Each question carries 2 marks.
uksV %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsaA fuEu iz'uksa dk mÙkj 15&15 'kCnksa esa nsaA dqy 20 iz'u izR;sd iz'u ds 2 vad fu/kkZfjr
gS aA (20× 2)

1. Define Ethics
uhfr 'kkL= dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s \

2. Elaborate the concept of Absolute Good'?

*ije 'kqHk* dk laizR;; D;k gS\

3. Define Attitude?

eukso`fÙk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,\

4. Explain the meaning of aptitude?

vfHko`fÙk ;k vfHk;ksX;rk dk vFkZ le>kb,\

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 3 7231940683

5. Name any 5 virtues?

fdUgha 5 ln~xq.kksa ds uke crkb,\

6. What are the different types of intelligence ?

cqf) ds fofHkUu izdkjksa ds uke crkb,\

7. What is the scope of Metaethics ?

vf/kuhfr'kkL= dh fo"k; oLrq crkb,\

8. Explain the meaning of 'integrity'

*lR;fu"Bk* dk vFkZ Li"V dhft,\

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 4 7231940683

9. Name any 5 Indian traditional social values?

fdUgha 5 Hkkjrh; ikjEifjd lkekftd ewY;ksa ds uke crkb,\

10. On what ethical principle the Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is based upon ?

fuxeh; lkekftd nkf;Ro ¼CSR½ fdl uSfrd fl)kar ij vk/kkfjr izfØ;k gS\

11. What are the Universal Values, Give some examples.

lkoZHkkSfed ewY; D;k gksrs gSa] lksnkgj.k Li"V dhft,\

12. What report of ARC is related to Ethics and Integrity, cite the title of the report also.

iz'kklfud lq/kkj vk;ksx dk dkSulk izfrosnu uSfrdrk o lR;fu"Bk ls lEcaf/kr gS] mldk 'kh"kZd Hkh crk,aA

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 5 7231940683

13. On what context and objectives the Nolan committee was set up ?

uksyu lfefr dk xBu fdl mís'; o lUnHkZ esa gqvk \

14. What is the concept of SVADHARMA mentioned in the GITA.

xhrk esa mYysf[kr *Lo/keZ* dh vo/kkj.kk D;k gS\

15. What is Gandhiji's ANAASKTA YOGA ?

xka/khth dk *vuklDr ;ksx D;k gS\

16. What are the prerequisites of the FREEDOM OF WILL ?

*ladYi dh Lora=rk* dh iwoZ ekU;rk,a D;k gSa\

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 6 7231940683

17. Which Human actions are studied & analysed in Ethics ?

uhfr'kkL= dh fo"k;oLrq ds varxZr dkSuls ekuoh; deZ vkrs gSa \

18. What is Environmental ethics ?

i;kZoj.k uhfr'kkL= D;k gS \

19. Explain the state of Ethical Dilemma.

uSfrd nqfo/kk dh voLFkk dks Li"V djsaA

20. The life of Swami Vivekananda is full of ethical teachings, mention any 2 such teachings.
Lokeh foosdkuan dk thou uSfrd f'k{kk ls ifjiw.kZ jgk gS] dksbZ 2 f'k{kk,sa crkb;sA

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 7 7231940683

Note :- Attempt all quesiton. Answer the following question in 50 words each. Each question carries 5 marks.
uksV %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsaA fuEu iz'uksa dk mÙkj 50&50 'kCnksa esa nsaA izR;sd iz'u ds 5 vad fu/kkZfjr gSaA (20×5)
21. Explain briefly the process of Socialisation.

lekthdj.k dh izfØ;k dks la{ksi esa le>kb,\

22. The impact of Peer group in the inculcation of ethical values remains an important factor, How ?
uSfrd ewY;ksa ds iks"k.k esa lgdehZ@lkFkhx.k dk izHkko ,d egRoiw.kZ dkjd jgrk gS] dSls \

23. Explain the concept of Tririna & Panchrina with their utility.
f=_.k o iap_.k ds fl)kar o.kZu mldh mikns;rk ds lkFk dfj,\

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 8 7231940683

24. Describe the notion of STHIT-PRAJNA mentioned in Bhagavad-Gita.
xhrk esa mfYyf[kr *fLFkrizK* dh vo/kkj.kk dk o.kZu djsaA

25. Describe different modes of psycho stress management.

ekufld ruko izca/ku dh fofHkUu jhfr;ksa dks la{ksi esa O;[;kf;r djsaA

26. Compare the terms Ethics & Morality.

,fFkDl (Ethics) o ekWjSfyVh (Morality) dk rqyukRed fo'ys"k.k djsaA

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 9 7231940683

27. Explain the terms Belief, Values, Ethics & Attitude and their mutual relations.

fo'okl] ewY;] uSfrdrk o eukso`fÙk 'kCnksa ds muds ijLij laca/kksa ds lanHkZ esa of.kZr djsaA

28. Highlight the contribution of Education institutions in value inculcation.

ewY; iks"k.k esa 'kS{kf.kd laLFkkuksa ds ;ksxnku ij izdk'k Mkysa\

29. How Gandhi's principle of Trusteeship is derived from Panchmahavrt.

xka/khth dk U;kl/kkfjrk dk fl)kar fdl izdkj muds iapegkozr ls mRlwr gS\

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 10 7231940683

30. Elucidate Gandhi's theory of Causation.

lk/ku lk/; lac/a kksa ij xka/khth ds fopkjksa ij izdk'k MkysaA

31. Explain briefly the Ethical teachings of Mahaveer Swami.

egkohj Lokeh ds uSfrdrk lEcU/kh fopkjksa dk laf{kIr o.kZu djsaA

32. Explain briefly the Ethical teachings of BR Ambedkar.

MkW- ch-vkj- vacsMdj ds uSfrdrk lEcU/kh fopkjksa dk laf{kIr o.kZu djsaA

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 11 7231940683

33. Solution of present major moral problems of India, lies in value education, How ?

orZeku Hkkjr dh izeq[k uSfrd leL;kvksa dk lek/kku ewY; f'k{k.k ls lEHko gS] dSls \

34. How concept of RTA is a primitive Ethical idea ?

*_r dh ladYiuk* ,d vkfn uSfrd fopkj gS] dSls\

35. Write a short note on Emotional intelligence and its use in administration.

*laosxkRed cqf)* dk vFkZ rFkk iz'kklu esa bldh mi;ksfxrk ij laf{kIr uksV fy[ksaA

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 12 7231940683

36. Elucidate the important moral principles mentioned the Bhagavad-Gita and their Utility in administration.

Hkxon~xhrk esa of.kZr uSfrd fl)karksa dh iz'kklu esa mi;ksfxrk ij izdk'k MkysaA

37. Explain the meaning and characteristics of political aptitude.

jktuSfrd vfHko`fÙk dk vFkZ o fo'ks"krk,a Li"V djsaA

38. What are the preferred Foundational Values in an administrator.

,d iz'kkld ds vUnj okaNuh; ewyHkwr ewY; crkb;sA

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 13 7231940683

39. On what basis integrity is given paramount importance of all administrative values ? Explain with example.

lR;fu"Bk dks lHkh iz'kkldh; ewY;ksa esa lokZf/kd izeq[krk D;ksa nh tkrh gS] lksnkgj.k Li"V djsaA

40. What has been the importance of Theory of PURUSHARTH in Indian tradition.

Hkkjrh; ijEijk esa iq:"kkFkZ dk egRo bafxr djsaA

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 14 7231940683

Note :- Attempt all quesiton. Answer the following question in 100 words each. Each question carries 10
marks. (6 × 10)
uksV %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsaA fuEu iz'uksa dk mÙkj 100&100 'kCnksa esa nsaA izR;sd iz'u ds 10 vad fu/kkZfjr gSaA
41. You are posted as a district S. D. M. & are responsible for conducting the general elections to be held after a week.
Suddenly your mother suffers a heart attack and is admitted in ICU of a hospital in your home town, 250 km
away from your present district. The doctor has advised you to see your mother at the earliest as there are at least
50% chances of her not surviving. You are her only son and she also requests you to come to be with her in her
last time. You request the election commission for an urgent leave but your request is rejected. In such a condition,
what would you do & why? Explain your act in detail.
vki ,d ,l-Mh-,e- ds :i esa rSukr gSa vkSj ,d lIrkg ckn vk;ksftr gksus okys vke pqukoksa ds lapkyu dk mÙkjnkf;Ro vki
ij gSA vpkud vkidh ekrkth dks fny dk nkSjk iM+rk gS vkSj mUgsa vkids x`g uxj ds ,d vLirky ds xgu fpfdRlk d{k esa
HkrhZ djk;k x;k gS] tks vkids orZeku ftys ls 250 fdeh- nwj gSA muds MkWDVj us lykg nh gS fd vki vfr'kh?kz viuh ekrk th
ls vkdj fey ysa D;ksafd muds thfor jgus dh laHkkouk 50 izfr'kr gh gSA vki muds ,dek= iq= gSa vkSj mUgksaus Hkh vkils vkxzg
fd;k gS fd vki vafre le; esa muds lkFk jgsaA vkius pquko vk;ksx ls vR;ko';d vodk'k ds fy, fuosnu fd;k ysfdu mls
vLohdkj dj fn;k x;kA ,slh ifjfLFkfr esa vki D;k djsaxs vkSj D;ksa\ vius d`R; dh foLrkj ls O;k[;k djsaA

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 15 7231940683


42. You are a sincere police officer. One day, you get information that a mob consisting of more than 100 persons has
caught a person who was attempting to rape a school girl aged 12 years. On reaching there, you find that the mob
is very angry and is not willing to leave the accused. Some of the persons are even having some weapons. You
have only 2 policemen with you. What will be your course of action? Aslo give the justification for your action/s.
vki ,d ftEesnkj iqfyl vf/kdkjh gSaA ,d fnu vkidks tkudkjh feyrh gS fd 100 ls vf/kd yksxksa dh HkhM+ us ,d ,sls O;fDr
dks idM+ j[kk gS tks ,d 12 o"khZ; Ldwyh Nk=k ds lkFk cykRdkj djus dk iz;kl dj jgk FkkA ogk¡ igq¡pus ij vki ns[krs gSa fd
HkhM+ cgqr vkØksf'kr gS vkSj vfHk;qDr dks NksM+us ds fy, rS;kj ugha gSA dqN yksxksa ds ikl dqN gfFk;kj Hkh gSaA vkids lkFk dsoy
2 iqfyl dehZ gSaA vki D;k dkjZokbZ djsax\s viuh dkjZokbZ@;ksa dk Li"Vhdj.k Hkh nsaA

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 16 7231940683


43. You have gone for an eat-out with your family to a very well known restaurant. All the members of your family
are vegetarians. They can't even think of consuming some non-vegetarian food/drink. After all of you have
consumed the soup, you get to know that it was a non-vegetarian soup, served wrongly due to a mistake of co-
ordination. However, other members of your family are still unaware of this information and have enjoyed the
soup. How would you react and why?
vki ,d lqizfl) jsLrjk¡ esa lifjokj [kkuk [kkus ds fy, x, gSaA vkids ifjokj ds lHkh lnL; 'kk[kkgkjh gSaA os ek¡lkgkjh [kk|
;k is; ysus ds ckjs esa lksp Hkh ugha ldrsA tc vki lHkh yksx lwi ih pqds gksrs gSa] rHkh vkidks irk pyrk gS fd og ek¡lkgkjh
lwi Fkk] tks xyrh ls vkidks ijksl fn;k x;k FkkA gkyk¡fd] vkids ifjokj ds vU; lnL; vHkh rd bl tkudkjh ls vufHkK gSa
vkSj mUgksaus lwi dk vkuUn fy;k gSA bl fLFkfr esa vkidh D;k izfrfØ;k gksxkh vkSj D;ksa\

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 17 7231940683


44. You are an Rajasthan Commercial Tax Officer and posted as Deputy Commissioner, Commericial Tax. One of
the wealthiest businessmen in your area attempts to give you a costly gift on Diwali but you politely refuse to
accept it. Some days later, in the birthday party of your son, his son who is a classmate of your son comes and
gives the same gift. your son & other members of family are very happy to get that gift. In this situation, what
would be your course of action and why?
vki jktLFkku okf.kT;d lsok ds vf/kdkjh gS vkSj okf.kT;d foHkkx esa mik;qDr ds :i esa rSukr gSaA nhikoyh ds volj ij vkids
{ks= dk ,d /kuk<~; O;olk;h vkidks ,d dherh migkj nsus dk iz;kl djrk gS] ftls vki fouezrk ls vLohdkj dj nsrs gSAa dqN
fnu i'pkr~ vkids iq= ds tUefnol ij ml O;olk;h dk iq= tks vkids iq= dk lgikBh gS] ogh dherh migkj nsrk gSA vkidk
iq= vkSj ifjokj ds vU; lnL; ml migkj dks ikdj cgqr izlUu gSaA bl fLFkfr esa vki D;k djsaxs vkSj D;ksa\

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 18 7231940683


45. You are aspiring to become an RAS officer and you have cleared various stages and now you have been selected
for the personal interview. On the day of the interview, on the way to the venue you saw an accident where a
mother and child who happen to be your relatives were badly injured. They needed immediate help.
What would you have done in such a situation? Justify your action.
vki vkj-,-,l- vf/kdkjh cuus ds bPNqd gSa vkSj vki fofHkUu pj.kksa dks ikj djus ds ckn O;fDrxr lk{kkRdkj ds fy, pqu fy,
x, gSaA lk{kkRdkj ds fnu tc vki lk{kkRdkj LFky dh vksj tk jgs Fks rc vkius ,d nq?kZVuk ns[kh tgk¡ ,d ek¡ vkSj cPpk tks
fd vkids fj'rsnkj Fks] nq?kZVuk ds dkj.k cqjh rjg ls ?kk;y gq, FksA mUgsa rqjar lgk;rk dh vko';drk FkhA
vkius ,slh ifjfLFkfr esa D;k fd;k gksrk\ viuh dk;Zokgh dk vkSfpR; le>kb,A

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 19 7231940683


46. There is a disaster-prone State having frequent landslides, forest fires, cloudbursts, flash floods and earthquakes,
etc. Some of these are seasonal and often unpredictable. The magnitude of the disaster is always unanticipated.
During one of the seasons, a cloudburst caused devastating floods and landslides leading to high casualties.
There was major damage to infrastructure like roads, bridges and power generating units. This led to more than
1,00,000 pilgrims, tourists and other local trapped across different routes and locations. The people trapped in
your area of responsibility included senior citizens, patients in hospitals, women and children, hikers, tourists,
ruling party's regional president along with his family, Additional Chief Secretary of the neighbouring State
and prisoners in jail.

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 20 7231940683

As a civil services officer of the State, what would be the order in which you would rescue these people and why?
Give justifications.
,d vkink&izo.k jkT; gS] ftlesa vDlj HkwL[kyu] nkokuy] es?k foLQksV] vkdfLed ck<+ vkSj Hkwdai vkfn vkrs jgrs gSaA buesa
ls dqN ekSleh gSa vkSj vDlj vuuqes; gSaA vkink dk ifjek.k ges'kk vizR;kf'kr gksrk gSA ,d ekSle ds nkSjku] ,d es?k foLQksV
ds dkj.k fouk'kdkjh ck<+ vkSj HkwL[kyu gq, ftuls vR;f/kd nq?kZVuk,a gqbAZa lM+dks]a iqyksa] vkSj fo|qr mRiknh ;wfuVksa tSlh cqfu;knh
lajpuk dks c`gr~ {kfr igqaphA blds QyLo:i 1]00]000 ls T;knk rhFkZ;k=h] i;ZVd vkSj vU; LFkkuh; fuoklh fofHkUu ekxksZa vkSj
LFkkuksa ij Qal x,A ftEesnkjh ds vkids {ks= esa Qals gq, yksxksa esa ofj"B ukxfjd] vLirkyksa esa ejht] efgyk,a vkSj cPps] in;k=h]
i;ZVd] 'kkld ikVhZ ds izknsf'kd v/;{k vius ifjokj lfgr] iM+kslh jkT; ds vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo vkSj tsy esa dSnh 'kkfey FksA
jkT; ds ,d flfoy lsok vf/kdkjh ds rkSj ij vkidk vkns'k D;k gksxk ftlesa vki bu yksxksa dks cpk,axs vkSj D;ks\ vius mÙkj
ds i{k esa rdZ nhft,A

Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 21 7231940683


Riddhi - Siddhi Circle, Jaipur 22 7231940683

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