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Joseph Allen Dagum. De Vera Ms.

Rhea Estrera
12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – A 21st Century Literature

Phantasm of Fecundity
By: J.A.D.D, 2019

The midst of the night kisses my skin as I gently lift my feet of the ground as the world
seems to be like in an oblivion where I can only hear a mellifluous sound. The cold wind touches
my lips as the whirl of the air blows my hair and all I think is that I am like a somnambulist, an
epoch in my life where I did not expect love from others for I was so bamboozled because of
different challenges. I did not expect that a glamorous and comely man to caught my attention, at
first I was so desultory and demure as he good to everything and I was in nothing, ineffable as I
am I went close to him as I see sadness in his eyes and became more eager to add felicity in his
life. With a small amount of courage and determination I talked to him, and indulge the moments
we both were happy as we seem to laugh. His calm voice penetrates my wholeness as his darling
sweet words burst ‘mi Corazon’. I was so blandishing at that moment as I do not know how to
present my self unto him as I was so shy. What I did next is that I turn around as I see the situation
like I was a repertoire. So move along for I see that my imagination is so delusional and the
epiphany of reality struck me that a man will always preserve its virility and his dream of having
a family. Then the next thing I knew a drop of water falls down to my forehead as the chirping of
the birds calls my name as the sun rays gently wakes me up as I realize that my dream is so

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