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Instructional Design

A. Narrative Description of Range of Objectives and Rationale for Selection (limited to 1 page)

When starting the Football lesson plan there are many skills that the instructor must go over in order to efficiently play Football. When doing this lesson the
student will learn the rules of the game, how to play the game, and also history of the game. The student after finishing the football unit will have a better
understanding of the game of football and will also increase their ability to play the game. I believe that when planning on teaching the students different skills
to also make it fun and enjoyable. Although we will also be doing drills to focus more on improving the different skills we will also plan on playing different
activities that demonstrates the skills we are learning to show that the students are improving.

B. State Objectives Here: Focus should be on student performance – not activities. What will students know or be able to do? (limited to 1 page)

Unit Objectives (e.g. Bloom’s
The students will be able to properly throw a football. (S2.H2.L1, S4.H1.L1) Apply
2 The students will learn history and rules of the game of football. (S2.H1.L1) Remember/Understand
3 The students will be able to kick and punt the football. (S2.H2.L1, S4.H1.L1) Apply
4 The students will improve their locomotor skills. (S2.H2.L1, S4.H1.L1) Apply
The students will develop cooperative and adaptive skills to adjust to varying situations they are presented
with. (S2.H2.L1, S4.H1.L1) Analyze
The students will catch a football when thrown in his/her direction. (S2.H2.L1) Apply
The students will connect all of the skills needed to play football to execute a game-like situation. (S2.H2.L1,
S2.H5.L1, S4.H1.L1, S4.H3.L1, S4.H2.L1) Apply/Analyze

C. Identify State Standards – Benchmarks Addressed by Unit Objectives – How do objectives address these standards? (limited to 1 page)
S2.H1.L1 Applies the terminology associated with exercise and participation in selected individual-performance activities, dance, net/wall
games, target games, aquatics and/or outdoor pursuits appropriately.

When playing a sport in the physical education classroom it is important to know the proper terminology in order to play the game efficiently. This
standard is present in every objective other than objective 5, because it is vital that students understand exactly what they are doing and what it is
called so they can all reach a common ground. By understanding the proper name, they can more easily communicate to others what actions they
are taking in particular skills.

S2.H2.L1 Uses movement concepts and principles (e.g., force, motion, rotation) to analyze and improve performance of self and/or others in
a selected skill.

This fits under every objective, because, in order to be successful, students had to use many different movements. In each of the objectives this
standard was applied, for it was necessary to utilize the concepts pertaining to each skill in order to master it.

S2.H5.L1 Uses strategies and tactics effectively during game play in net/wall and/or target games.

This standard was met in objective seven in the unit plan. In order to play the game of football, the class had to learn all the different skills that
were beneficial to improving the gameplay. This standard and objective is very crucial, because you can teach the students the different skills of
the game, but being able to strategize and use different tactics throughout the game makes the difference.

S4.H1.L1 Employs effective self-management skills to analyze barriers and modify physical activity patterns appropriately, as needed.

This applies to objectives all objectives except for six, because the mastering of any skill requires self monitoring to improve. By evaluating one
self adjustments can be made to better the skill.

S4.H3.L1 Uses communication skills and strategies that promote team or group dynamics.

This applies to objective seven the most, because that is the objective when you start combining the different skills. By achieving this standard you
are playing as a team and are needing to use good communication in order to be successful as a team.
Pre-Assessment: Introductory Station Work with Each Skill followed by a Self-Ranking

T Formative
Lesson Instructional Activities/ Describe Specific Adaptations/
Lesson Date R Assessment
Objective(s) Strategies Differentiation
I (formal/informal)
Station Self Assessment: This day the
students are being put through many I instructed the class to partner up with who they
different stations that are used for wanted to since it was the first day of the unit. By
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4 practicing their skills to play the game. informal letting them pair up they will be more likely to try
I demonstrated with a student exactly harder. If there was an issues with the pairing then I
how each station worked so there would split them up.
would be no confusion.
Learning History of Football/Rules:
This day in class I will sit the students This day in class is more of a learning day. The
10/8/ down and go over the handout I am students will come in and warm up like they do
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giving them. When going over this I
everyday and then I will have the students sit down
will have the students help read and we will go over the handout.
randomly to ensure they are engaged.
Throwing a Football: The game being This lesson I will split the teams up evenly to ensure
played is called perfect pass. This that it is fair for the students to have a competitive
10/9/ game is a fun activity where they will game. This activity is focused on the students
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be working on throwing accurately
accurately throwing the football and also a relay. At
and also catching the ball. Emphasize the end the students will have to add up all their
good team work and to strategize. points to figure out who won which rounds.
Catching a Football: Today will be
Endzone trappers, this game ties in a
dodge ball variation except for with
Students who struggled with hand-eye coordination
bean bags. Students will slide bean
were given the opportunity to rejoin the game if they
bags at their opponent’s feet. If it hits
simply touched the ball when it was thrown to them
10/10 a student’s feet, they go to “jail.” In
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order to reenter the game, a teammate
informal in jail instead of actually catching it. This allowed
more students to become involved and not be
must throw a football to the partner
penalized for not developing the complete skill of
who then must catch it to come back
catching the ball yet.
in. This continues until one tam has
successfully eliminated all other
members of the opposite team.
Kicking/Punting a Football: The After about five minutes, students will use the
10/14 students will watch my demonstration “Mingle” strategy to create new pairings. This will
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on how to punt and kick the ball. They
be repeated two more times so students work and
will then pair up with a partner first interact with many different students of varying
working on accurately kicking and ability levels. Students then do not feel discouraged
then let them have fun and kick for if one of their partners is kicking more effectively
distance. than them, because they most likely will have one
partner who is of their similar ability level as well.
Playing a Mock Offensive Game:
Students will have the option to choose their
Today we will play flag football. The
position and will be placed on teams based on that
10/15 students at this point have their skills
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5, 4
fine tuned and ready to play the game.
informal selection. After playing one quarter, the students will
be given the option to change positions if they are
I will be stressing that the students
not satisfied with their current choice.
play safe and don’t get too aggressive.
Self-Ranking Completed Following the Offensive Game

Table 2.1 – Instructional Design – Unit Plan

T- Lesson integrates technology; R- Lesson uses reading strategies; I- Lesson demonstrates integration of content across and within content fields

Table 2.2: Narrative Description of Pre-assessment, Formative Assessments, and Summative Assessment (limited to 2 pages)
objectives Identify how the assessment will be
Describe the assessment to be Explain rationale for choosing
II. D, H, and L does this scored and/or the criteria to be
used this assessment
assessment used for evaluation.
With not being able to be on the unit
for a long time it is important to
The students will rank themselves with a
make the most of the time. By
scale ranging from 1-3 on ability and
D. Pre-Assessment having the students do a self
Self evaluation of skills confidence levels on each different skill
(Diagnostic) evaluation on their skills, it will help
to get an idea on what we need to work
me target what skills are needed to
on most
be worked on before tying it together
and play the game.
By having the students pair up and
work on the different skills I will The students will be graded on
H. Formative have their partner at the end of class participation and their effort in the class.
Partner evaluation
Assessment write down what the other partner Filling out the paper and being honest
- Informal was good at and what they need to with the student will help both the
work on and vice versa. The student student and the teacher.
will show their partner and then turn
in to me to help target what we need
to work on.

It is important that the students know

and understand the rules of the game
This is a multiple choice test that the
Formative Assessment they are playing. Football has many
students will fill out within the first
- Formal History and rules pre-test rules so having the students test over
couple days of starting the unit.
it will be a good baseline on what I
will need to cover more in class.
In the physical education classroom,
A note pad is used to write down what
there isn’t a lot of time or the right
the students are doing well and also what
Observation on them playing the atmosphere to have tests. Instead the
M. Summative they are struggling with. Students will
game students played the game and
Assessment get graded on their participation and the
observation took place to review the
effort. Also for using the proper
skills covered and see how much
terminology while playing the game.
they improved.

Narrative for Instructional Design

II. E.
The lessons are sequenced this way because they build upon the foundational skills needed to play football
effectively. Before students can work together to play the game of football, which requires the combination
Why are the lessons sequenced in this
of many different skills quickly, they must first develop the abilities necessary in such a way that they are
manner? automatic. Automaticity is crucial for football to be efficient and successfully played, so students must feel
confident in their skillset prior to the combination of all of the elements.
II. F.
To allow for the highest amount of student-understanding, I utilized many learning strategies. Learning
styles were the focus for these learning strategies, for I know that none of my students learn in the exact
same way as their peers. To accommodate for this, I typically began by verbally explaining what the goals
What learning strategies were incorporated of the day were and how they would be accomplished. This was targeted for the auditory learners. Then, I
into this unit? demonstrated how the activities were to be run and how they would function, which was beneficial for the
visual learners. By allowing students to then work together to figure out how to accomplish the goals set
before them, the tactile/kinesthetic learners also had an opportunity to connect with the activity and
understand exactly what skills were being developed.
How do the instructional strategies/activities By giving them all the instruction at the beginning it helped me to demonstrate how correction should be
address the learning objectives for this unit? made during game play by them.
II. G.
How will critical thinking and problem The students had to adapt to different scenarios throughout the unit. For example, when playing Endzone
trappers the students how to strategize how they were going to go about playing. The students were trying
solving strategies be implemented? Give to get others out by hitting their foot with a bean bag where throwing the football to your teammate will get
specific examples of use. them back in. The students will have to strategize in this game in order to win.
II. I.
How will technology be integrated within the
In this unit there was not a convenient way in being able to use technology in the classroom. Although I do
unit? Explain both teacher use and student like the idea of integrating it into the lesson, I did not find a way to make it work.
II. J.
How does the unit demonstrate integration of By utilizing fine and gross motor skills, developmental concepts are being integrated into the lesson. This
content across and within content fields? ties in human development and health ideas.
II. K.
Explain the literacy/reading strategies that
will be used throughout the unit. Give specific In this lesson, there is not much reading taking place. The students will have a handout in the beginning of
examples. (Remember that using text is not a the unit with the history and rules of the game that they will skim before beginning,
reading strategy)
II. L.
What specific adaptations or differentiated Due to the fact that there were different types of learners in this class, instruction was presented in a variety
activities were used to accommodate of ways (i.e. auditory, visual, and tactile). This differentiated instruction without taking away a large
individual learning needs for the whole class? amount of time from the lesson itself. It made the information much more accessible.
What specific adaptations or differentiated
When I noticed that some students were struggling with certain skills, we went back over the skills that the
activities were used to accommodate
students struggled with before connecting it with an activity. This allowed for a more solid foundation to be
individual learning needs for the identified built that would allow for future progression and application in game-like situations
sub-groups / students?

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