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REGISTER NUMBER - 1713101043103




CHENNAI – 600 106


22-NOVEMBER-2017 to 06-DECEMBER-2017

(15 DAYS)


First of all , I would like to extend my gratitude to our Managing Secretary and our beloved Principal for
providing with this wonderful opportunity to pursue our course along with internship well.

I am also very thankful for our respectable Head of the Department who encouraged us to learn not only
our education well but also punctuality,perfection at our work and discipline as well.

And am also bounded to thank my highly skilled faculties in the field of teaching for sharing their
valuable knowledge to us efficiently.

The last but not the least , I feel very happy to thank Mr. ELANGO , member of the accounting
department for providing us with the opportunity to pursue my internship in the eminent company TI
CYCLES OF INDIA and Mr.BABU for sharing us a lot of important information about the company and
it’s working who has spared a lot of his precious time for explaing about a lot about the company.
And Mr.GOUDHAMAN , the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER for certifying us the official certificate
of INTERNSHIP and also the others who have provided us with food at right time daily during the times
of our internhip.

This period will surely hold a lot of importance in my life as I have learnt a lot not only for now but also
for my future.









I feel immensely happy to share a few words about the very eminent company TI
CYCLES OF INDIA which had provided me a very good platform to complete my very first
internship successfully well. Let me say a brief note about the company , A pioneer in the Cycles market,
TI Cycles, formed in 1949, has constantly come up with new trends in line with evolving consumer
needs. TI Cycles’ vision is “To be the most preferred brand in fitness, recreation & personal mobility
solutions”. It strives to give its customers not only a bicycle but a lifetime experience.

TI Cycles have introduced fun and entertaining stores across the length and breadth of India. The
company has been proactive and was first bicycle company to change the cycle retail landscape, both in
urban and rural areas. With the first urban store in 2007, Hercules is sold in over 200 exclusive urban
stores known as 'BSA Hercules Exclusive Stores' which have revolutionised the way people buy bicycles
in India. These stores are a one-stop premium shop for all Hercules, BSA & Montra products and have a
customer friendly ambience which serves as a model for other bicycle outlets in the country. In 2010, the
company started “Hercules BSA Cycles” to provide the urban retail buying experience in smaller towns.
In just over a year’s time, there are over 200 of these rural stores. For its retail innovation, the company
recently received the certificate of appreciation for 'Excellence in Rural Retailing' at the ET Retail
Awards 2011.

TI Cycles has plants at Chennai, Nasik and Noida, major Warehouses at Guwahati, Durgapur, Patna and
Cuttack and regional offices, through which it serves it nationwide 2500 plus dealer network. Certified
with ISO 9001:2000, OSHAS 18001-2007 and ISO 14001-2004, TI Cycles is a quality and customer
centric organization


The First brand is still as young as ever, signifying strength and passion. The range of Hercules Ryders is
for urban adults for them to ride towards a healthier, happier self. The Hercules Popular brand of
"standard" bicycle is a market leader in the segment.

Faster, lighter and stronger than any cycle ever created in India, Montra brings international standard
carbon frame bike for the first time in India. Montra, meaning “My Track” is the bike that lets you ride
our your aspirations, that lets you choose your own path .

.BSA – TRACK & TRAIL Track and Trail is the ultimate destination for everything in cycles -
from the best of international bicycles and world-class accessories to a network of people with expertise
on technology, performance and the intricacies of cycling.

Let us see about the objective and experience of internship in the upcomings ,

There must an objective for every work we do, if we have accomplised the objective it is obvious that we
are successful in our work . My very first internship is a great study of my life time, let me give a brief
note about my study during my internship period and it’s objectives . As I have got only book knowledge
for more than fourteen years of my lifestime , this very first practical knowledge in my field of commerce
was very amusing and has got its enriched values which will be helpful for me not only now but also for
future . The main objective of my internship study is not only to work in the field of accouning well and
learn about the practical application of accounting but also to develop certain invaluable qualities and
discipline like being punctual , paying sincere attention towards my work , keeping calm and being polite
at the workplace. My internship study has developed me these qualities as well .

As I think that it is an important position of a B.COM HONOURS student to work in an organisation,

sometimes without pay, in order to get or gain work experience or satisfy requirements for qualifying our
special Degree in COMMERCE. We the students of HONOURS Department have been offered with a
wide varities of field in order to pursue of internship to gain multifaceted knowledge like ACCOUNTING
, MARKETING , HUMAN RESOURCES , LOGISTICS , and so on . Nowadays in the present very
competitive world , having a degree alone cannot differentiate us from fellow colleagues so it is important
to pursue internship while pursuing a degree so that we will surely have that applicative knowledge in our
course of study . Moreover one can find so many links about future career opportunities and employers
too, so this helps us to find our future job at present itself . And also it give us a platform to test-drive our
knowledge too and one can also get the needed grounded experience as well . The next important thing is
one can find a ROLEMODEL at the work area and the way the BOSS treats the employees , the way how
to be social with other colleagues as well to achieve the target well . It enables us to get or acquire faster
knowledge about business as we are exposed to it well beforehandedly . If we are good at our work it
fetches us a good network with top officials so that few of them will be glad to extend their helping hand
incase if there is need in our future .
Atlast , to conclude we would surely get an experience for our lifetime that would surely help us at a point
in our life for sure as we are not learning the subject and its practical application well but also other good
values and discipline that would fetch us so many values including lifetime good friends and other
supporters as well . So the objective is to learn something by doing work rather wasting our vacation
doing nothing useful .

So finally , I have achieved my objectived and can so say that I have successfully accompished my very
first internship by learning not only the subject well but also certain good values as well. This would
hopefully differentiate me from other colleaguesss.

To start with , let me say the reason why I have selected the field of ACCOUNTING inspite having so
many choices in the fields of HUMAN RESOURCES , FINANCE , MARKETING , RETAIL
AND INSURANCE and OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT . The very basic reason is that
ACCOUNTANCY was my subject of learning in my very first semester as I have learnt it subjectly I
wished to learn its practical application to prosper well in this subject . So fortunately I had my internship
in the accounting department in the so called eminent TI CYCLES OF INDIA .

ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT holds a very important key in the functioning of whole company well .
The accountants over there worked perfectly good to add values to the company . The department has
nearly fifty plus employees who works at the sub – departments of it . There were beautiful and cozy
cabins for the higher officials and the employees as well . The working people over there has got an
important work of transforming the hard copies of bills related to purchases and sales into softcopies in
their personal computers . This was the one of the most important jobs as it helps to maintain the very
important transactions of the company . We were provided with jobs that would assist them .We have
entered the informations reagarding the bill details in the personal computers allocated for us . We used
the MICROSOFT EXCEL to record them in our computers . These works were very new to us and we
were very excited to perform them well to our level best . We were helped well by the senior colleagues
who where very polite to us and teached us a lot of new things about their work and also about the
efficient functioning of the company .

The accounting department is responsible for recording and reporting the cash flow transactions of a
company. This department has some key roles and responsibilities, including accounts receivable,
accounts payable, payroll, financial reporting, and maintaining financial control and these were the other
important sub-departments within the accounting department.


The cash flow that comes into the company are the cash receipts. The ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE
DEPARTMENT receives and handles the cash receipts. This process involves receiving and recording the
cash payments from customers for services rendered or products sold.

Cash disbursements is the cash flow that goes out of the company and the ACCOUNTS PAYABLE
department handles it. This department pays vendors for supplies purchased or any other expenses
incurred by the business: utilities, taxes, etc. Accounts payable receives invoices from vendors, records
them in the accounting system, and then writes the cheques to pay the vendors.

Although the human resources department is often involved in the activities of employees, the accounting
department is often responsible for paying employees on a regular schedule. The payroll function either
receives and records the working hours that employees work or reviews what human resources has
entered and then processes payroll cheques for hourly and salaried workers.
These were the things that I have learnt in my working are that is the Accountig Department .

I feel so happy now as I have completed my very first internship as I have learnt a lot of things which are
surely going to help me not only now but also in my future . This fifteen days of my internship period will
surely hold a very special importance in my life as it was a very wonderful new experience that I have
ever had. To put in a nutshell, I learnt to be punctual , pay attention to my work , be social at my work
area and to be polite to my colleagues and I consider these disciplines will surely do a lot of goodness to

Last but not least , I would like to thank once again my faculties , Senior colleagues and my parents for
providing me with every freedom to pursue my first internship successfully well.And also I would like to
thank god for providing me with these many blessings



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