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1. For exam, VE R SCALAR: In physics we deal with two type of physical quantity one is scalar and othe vector. Each scalar quantity has a magnitude and a unit. Forexamplemass =4kg Magnitude of mass =4 andunitofmass = =kg Example of scalar quantities : mass, speed, distance etc. ‘Scalar quantities can be added, subtracted and multiplied by simple laws of algebra, VECTOR : Vector are the physical quantites having magnitude as well as specified direction. Speed = 4 m/s (isa scalar) Velocity = 4 m/s toward north (is a vector) If someone wants to reach some location then it is not sufficient to provide information about the distance of that location it is also essential to tell him about the proper’direction from the initial location to the destination. ‘The magnitude of a vector ( 4 ) is the absolute value of a Vector and.\s'indicated by |A| or A. Example of vector quantity : Displacement, velécity, acceleration, force etc. Knowledge of direction 3. 31 S GENERAL POINTS REGARDING VECTORS : Representation of vector : Geometrically, the vector is represented by a line with an arrow indicating the direction of vector as. Tail ——+Head —Lengh— (magritude) Mathematically, vector is represented by A ‘Sometimes it is represented by bold letter A. Thus, the arrow in abow figure represents a vector A in xy-plane making an angle @ with x-axis, A representation of vector will be complete if it gives us direction and magnitude. 3.2 Sol. 3.3 Symbolic form : v, 4,3 used to separate a vector quantity from scalar quantities (u, i, m) Graphical form : A vector is represented by a directed straight line, having the magnitude and direction of the quantity represented by it. e.g. if we want to represent a force of 5 N acting 45° N of E (i) We choose direction co-ordinates. (ii) We choose a convenient scale like 1 cm=1N (iii) We draw a line of length equal in magnitude and in the direction of vector to the chosen quantity. (iv) We put arrow in the direction of vector. AB Magnitude of vector : JAB|=5N Angle between two Vectors (8) Angle between two vectors means smaller of the two angles between the vectors when they are placed tail to tail by displacing either of the vectors parallel to itself (Ie 0< @ 27 30° tana =_5Si0120° _ 10+5c0si20° 20-5 5x3 [Here shows what is angle between both vectors = 120° and not 60°) 6A canalso be found by making triangles as shown in figure. (a) and (b) 5 Bax i-A A-B Or a) ‘ om 4K Ex.4 Two vectors of equal magnitude 2 are at an angle of 60° to each other find magnitude of their sum & difference. Sol. [8+ 2? +2? +2x2x2c0s60° = J4+4+4 = 213 a \a-Bl- V2? +2? + 2x2x2c08120° = V444—4 =2 Sol. Addition: Ia? +B? + 2ABcose = Vi6+9+2x4x3c0s60° = a7 units Bsing___3sin6o" AxBeos6 ~ 4430560" a= tan-(0.472) = 25.3° tana= = 0.472 Thus, resultant of A and B is 37 units at angle 25.3° from A in the direction shown in figure. Subtraction: S= /a?.5?—2ABc0se = Vi6+9-2x4x3cos60° = V13units Bsino A-Boosd 3sin60° = F3cos60° = 1:04 * a= tan (1,04) = 46,1° and tan6= Thus, A-B is ¥13 units at 46.1° from A in the direction shown in figure. UNIT VECTOR AND ZERO VECTOR Unit vector is a vector which has a unit magnitude and points in a particular direction. Any vector (A) can be written as the product of unit vector (A) in that direction and magnitude of the given vector. A=aA or A=“ A unit vector has no dimensions and unit. Unit vectors along the positive x-, y-and z-axes of a rectangular coordinate system are denoted by i,j and , respectively such that Jif" |j] = |k| = 1. A vector of zero magnitude'ls called @ zero or a null vector. Its direction is arbitrary. Ex.6 Aunit vector along East is defined as i. A force of 10° dynes acts west wards. Represent the Sol. 7. force in terms of i. F=~10°7 dynes RESOLUTION OF VECTORS If @ and § be any two non-zero vectors in a plane with different directions and q be another vector in the same plane. 4 can be expressed as a sum of two vectors-one obtained by multiplying a by a real number and the other obtained by multiplying 5 by another real number, A=a+pb (where and pare real numbers) \ We say that A has been resolved into two component vectors namely » >t a+b (Where and p are real number) at We say that 4 has been resolved into two component vectors namely aa ‘a and wb 2a and wb along a and 6 respectively. Hence one can resolve a given vector Into two component vectors along a set of two vectors ~ all the three lie in the same plane. 7.2 Note Resolution along rectangular component : It is convenient to resolve a general vector along axes of a rectangular coordinate system using vectors of unit magnitude, which we call as unit vectors. j, j,k are unit along x, y and z-axis as shown in figure below : Resolution intwo Dimension Consider a vector { that lies in xy plane as shown in figure, A, + Az A\=Ai,Ag=Ayi = A=A,I+A,] ‘The quantities A, and A, are called x-and y-components of the vector A A, Is itself not a vector but A,i is a vector and so it Ayj A,=Acos @and A, =Asin@ It's clear from above equation that a component of a vector can’ be positive, negative or zero depending on the value of 8. A vector 4 can be specified/ifi aiplane by:two ways : (a) its magnitude A and the direction 6 it makes with the x-axis; or A tant Sy Ay (b) its components A, and A, oA = Jay HAS y IfA=A,>A,=0 and ifA=A,> A,=O1e, components of a vector perpendicular to itself is always zero. The rectangular components of each vector and those of the sum G— A+ are shown in figure. We saw that = A468 is equivalent to both C= A+B, and C, = A, +B, Refer figure (b) Vector has been resolved in two axes x and y not perpendicular to each other. Applying sine law in the triangle shown, we have —_R___R, _ Ry Sinf180°—(a+B)] sin sina ReinB Rsina. or R= Singap) 29 R= Sinvaepy Ifa +f =90°, R=RsinBandR,=Rsina Ex8 @ Resolve the vector A= A,i+A,j along an perpendicular to the line which make angle 60° with x- (A,o0s30° + A,cos60% (Assin6o*— A,sin309 Se so the component along line = |A,cos30® + A,cos60°| and perpendicular to line = |A,sin60° - A,sin30°| Resolve a weight of 10 N in two directions which are parallel and perpendicular to a slope in- clined at 30° to the horizontal Component perpendicular to the plane W, = Weos30° = 1 =5/3N Ans. and component parallel to the plane ¢ 4 W sin 30° = (10) @ = 5N w, Resolve horizontally and vertically a force F = 8 N which makes an angle of 45° with the hori- zontal. Horizontal component of ¢ is F, = F cos 45° = (8) (3) = 4/2N and vertical component of 7 is, F,=Fsin4s° = al 4V2N Ans, PROCEDURE TO SOLVE THE VECTOR EQUATION A=B+G +1) There are 6 variables in this equation which are following : (2) Magnitude of A and its direction (2) Magnitude of § and its direction (3) Magnitude of & and its direction. (b) We can solve this equation if we know the value of 4 variables [Note : two of them must be directions] (©) __If we know the two direction of any two vectors then we will put them on the same side and other on the different side. For example If we know the directions of 4 and § and Gg direction is unknown then we make equation as follows:~ G=A-8 (4) Then we make vector diagram according to the equation and resolve the vectors to know the unknown values. x10 Find the net displacement of a particle from its starting point if it undergoes two sucessive §, =20m, 37° North of West, S, = 50m, 53° North of East S,=S,, #8), - 20 cos 37° + 50 cos/53° = 20sin 37° +50 sin 53° 14 = 52 S=YST HS?) = (14)? ¥(52)? =53.85 Angle from,wést - east axis (x- axis) sy tane= g 14 26 e=tan\F Ex.11 Find magnitude of 8 and direction of i . If 8 makes angle 37° and ¢ makes 53° with x axis and A has magnitude equal to 10 and & has 5. (given A+8+C=0) Sol. ’ 1 bh o +6 Seayi > =- Ai +-A,j A, = -(Beos 37° + Ccos 53°) A, = -(B sin 37° + C cos 53°) IAP=A,? +A, we (oxdsoxd) «(axdsoxd)” 10° (Seal 16p2, 9 pe 2x44 x25 = 100 = J28*+ 25+ 25+ = 8+ a-75-0 B = 5 (magnitude can not be negative) & Angle made by A 20 3 +3)=-12 Ay 12 @ = 180° + 25° = 205° Ex.12 Find the magnitude of F, and F, If F, F, make angle 30° and 45° with F,and magnitude of F, is 410N. (given F, +f, = F,) Sol. IF,|=F, c0830°4F, cos45° Fy &F,sin 45° =F, sin 30° 45s| 30% If their are two vectors A and 6 and their resultent make an anige a with A and B with 6. then Asina=BsinB Means component of A perpendicular to resultant is equal In magnitude to the component of § perpendicular to resultant. Ex.13 If two vectors 4 and & make angle 30° and 45° with their resultant and & has magnitude equal to 10, then find magnitude of i. So Bsin 60° = Asin 30° oe \o wf = 10sin60° = Asin 30 nsinaa! = A= 10v3 Ex.14 If A and 6 have angle between them equals to 60° and their resultant make, angle 45° with A and A have magnitude equal to 10. Then Find magnitude of 8. Sol. here a= 45° and p = 60°- 45° = 15° so Asin > 10 fiqcos(@xt5)_ 5 "ZY 2 e- V3 10. ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION IN COMPONENT FORM > ‘Suppose there are two vectors in component form. Thenithe addition and’subtraction between these two are A=Ai+Aj+A,k 1 +B, ]+B,K ALB=(A,£B{)i+ (A, #B,)j+(A, +B, )k Also if we ate having a third vector present in component form and this vector is added or subtracted from the addition or subtraction of above two vectors then C=C,1+C,j+0,8 A+B+C=(A, 4B, +C,)i+(A, $B, +C,)]+(A, 2B, £C,)K Note : Modulus of vector A is given by A YAZ+Ag+A2 Ex.15 Obtain the magnitude of 24-38 if Sol. 2A-38 =2(1+ Magnitudeof 28-38 - (a? +6) 4-7)" = Wi6+25+49 = 90 Ans. Ex.16 Find A+B and A-6 if A make angle 37° with positive x-axis and & make angle 53° with negative Sol. 11. 11.1 x-axis as shown and magnitude of A is Sand of Bis 10. 53) 37" for A+8 3=Asin 37° e431 JAcos 37°= 4 so the magnitude of resultant will be = 11 +(-2)° = sv5 and have angle @ = tan” for A-B Asin37°=3 So the magnitude of resultant will be = Y10? +5)? =5 5 and have angle = tan”) trom positive x-axis towards down MULTIPLICATION OF VECTORS (The Scalar and vector products) : Scalar Product The scalar product or dot product of any two vector q and g, denoted as A. & (read A dot g) is defined as the product of their magnitude with cosine of angle between them. Thus, AB~ ABcoso (here @ is the angle between the vectos) Ex.17 Properties : Its always a scalar which is positive if angle between the vectors is acute (i.e.< 90°) and negative if angle between them is obtuse (/.e., 90° < q < 180°) It is commutative i.e. Ag tis distributive, Le. A(B+€)=AB+AC As by definition A.B = AB cos 8. The angle between the vectors @ = cos” AB = A(Boos®) = B(Acos®) Geometrically, 8 cos @ Is the projection of g onto 4 and vice versa cy 4 2 A — Boose HA = . AB ys soni A Component of g along 4 = Bcos@= “= = A.B (Projection of on A) Jy Component of & along g = Acos@ AB (Projection.of A on BY DN Le ‘Scalar product of two vectors will be maximum when cos @ = max = 1, i.e., Le., vectors‘@reparallél > (AB), =AB If the scalar*produet of two non-zero vectors vanishes then the vectors are perpendicular. The scalar product of a vector by itself is termed as self dot product and is given by (AP =AA =AAcos@=A2=> -JAA In case of unit vector a, fi = 1% 1x cos0°=1 > In case of orthogonal unit vectors, 7, j and & ; i. AB=(IA, +JA,+RA,). (1B, +]8, +KB,) = [A,B, + AB, +AB,) Ifthe vectors B =ai+aj+3k and G=ai-2j-k are perpendicular to each other. Find the value of a? If vectors and @ are perpendicular = PG=0 = (ai +aj+3k)(ai-2j-k)=0 = @-2a-3=0 = a-3a+a-3=0 > a(a-3)+1(a-3) = a=-1,3 x.18 Find the component of 31 +4) along i+] ? Sol. Component of { along g is given by “e hence required component AB __girajcrats Sol. We have cos ©= AB” ary 42 fio? a5? 36420 _ 56 cos O= 5x13 65 Ex.20 (i) For what value of m the vector A =2i +3|-6k is perpendicular to B = 3i-mj+6k (ii) Find the component of vector A = 2i +3] along the direction of i+} ? 5 10 We Important Note : Components of b along and perpendicular to a. Sol. (i)m= Let OA . OB represent two (non-zero) given vectors a, b respéctively. Draw'BM perpendicular to OA From AOMB, O8 = OM +MB = b= ON +m B Thus Omi andegg are cémponents'of'b along a i and perpendiculaf to a, b Now OM = (OM)A = (OB cos 6) 4 = [Bl cosog = |b]. b/ lal Ib]. a =a.b/ al. a/ja| = (a. b) a/ lal? = (a.b)a/a® WB =>- ON =b-(@.b/lal).a Hence, components of b along a perpendicular to a are, (a. b/ |al?) a and b - (a. b/ al’) a respectively. Ex.21 The velocity of a particle is given by y =3i +2] +3k . Find the vector component of its velocity parallel to the line 7 i-jek Sol. Component of # along 7 11.2 Vector product The vector product or cross product of any two vectors @ and g, denoted as Ax (read { cross g) is defined as : AxB = ABsinen Here @ is the angle between the vectors and the direction # is given by the right - hand - thumb rule. Right - Hand - Thumb Rule: To find the direction of j, draw the two vectors A and 6 with both the > tails coinciding, Now place your stretched right paim perpendicular tothe ° plane of q and g In such a way that the fingers are along the vector 4 and when the fingers are closed they go towards . The direction of the thumb gives the direction of a Properties: . Vector product of two vectors is always a vector perpendicular to the plane containing the two vectors .e. orthogonal to both the vectors and g, though the vectors 2 and’ g may or may not be ‘orthogonal. wm © Vector product of two vectors is not commutative Le. gyi Bea But | AxB J Bx I= ABsin@ . The vector produc distributive when the order of the vectors 's strictly maintained i.e. Ax(S+0)= Axis AxG . The magnitude of vector product of two vectors will be maximum when sin max = 1. i.e. 6 = 90° )A%B ings AB . ‘The magnitude of vector product of two non-zero vectors will be minimum when |sin@] = minimum = 0, L.e., 6 = 0° or 180° and | AxB)|,,,~0 i.e., if the vector product of two non-zero vectors vanishes, the vectors are collinear. * The self cross product i.e. product of a vector by itself vanishes i.e. is a null vector. AxA = AAsino%=0 * Incase of unit vector A, fxis6 > “a ® >> i . In terms of components, AxB-|A, B, By AxB-i(A,8,-A,8,)+ 14,8, ~A,B,) +K(A,B, ~A,B,) Ay 8, Ex.22 A is East wards and B is downwards. Find the direction of A x 6 ? Sol. Applying right hand thumb rule we find that 4 is along North. Ex.23 If AB =| AxB|, find angle between A and B Sol. AB=|Axd| ABcos@=ABsine tan@=1 = 0= 45° AxB Ex.24 AxB=ABsingh => fi= here ; is perpendicular to both A and 6 ‘ABsin Ex.25 Find AxB if A=i-2)+4% and 8 =2i-j+2k i i kt Sol. AxB=|1 -2 4) = i-4—(-ay—j(2-12)+K(-1-(-6)) = 10)+5% 1 Ex.26 (i) i is North-East and §i Is down wards, find the direction of AxB. Gi) Find 8 x A if K=3i-2)+6k and B=i-j+k Ans. (i) North - West. (ii) -4i-3j 4k 12. POSITION VECTOR : Positin vector, fora, poirit's vector for which tail is origin & head is the given point itself. Position vectar.of'a point defines the position of the point w.rt. the origin. x P(x.y) OP =F Fexityj 13. DISPLACEMENT VECTOR : Change in position vector of particle is known as displacement vector. oF +i xit yal = (62-1) +2 Wd Thus we can represent a vector in space starting from (x,, y,) & ending at Or ¥2) a5 05 7 + 2) 7

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