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8, AUGUST 2014 3285

SBAS-DInSAR Parallel Processing for

Deformation Time-Series Computation
Francesco Casu, Stefano Elefante, Pasquale Imperatore, Member, IEEE, Ivana Zinno, Michele Manunta,
Claudio De Luca, and Riccardo Lanari, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The aim of this paper is to design a novel parallel interferograms to retrieve deformation time-series, topographic
computing solution for the processing chain implementing the information, atmospheric artifacts, and orbital errors.
Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) Differential SAR Interferometry The advent of these techniques significantly increased the
(DInSAR) technique. The proposed parallel solution (P-SBAS) is
based on a dual-level parallelization approach and encompasses impact and diffusion of DInSAR technology in several frame-
combined parallelization strategies, which are fully discussed in this works related to natural and man-made hazards, such as volcanic
paper. Moreover, the main methodological aspects of the proposed and seismic contexts, landslides, urban areas, and infrastructure
approach and their implications are also addressed. Finally, an monitoring, making possible DInSAR to become one of the
experimental analysis, aimed at quantitatively evaluating the most applied remote sensing techniques for risk mitigation and
computational efficiency of the implemented parallel prototype,
with respect to appropriate metrics, has been carried out on real prevention.
data; this analysis confirms the effectiveness of the proposed parallel Such a scenario has further benefited from the advent of
computing solution. In the current scenario, characterized by huge X-band generation SAR sensors, including the Italian
SAR archives relevant to the present and future SAR missions, the COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) and German TerraSAR-X (TSX) con-
P-SBAS processing chain can play a key role to effectively exploit stellations. These systems, thanks to their improved spatial
these big data volumes for the comprehension of the surface
deformation dynamics of large areas of Earth. resolution (on the order of meter) and reduced revisit time (down
to a few days in the CSK case), permit the overall study of ground
Index Terms—Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR), deformations with an unprecedented detail, succeeding in
parallel computing, Small BAseline Subset (SBAS).
moving Earth observation (EO) applications from back analyses
into the realm of near real-time monitoring [7]. Furthermore, the
upcoming ESA Sentinel-1 SAR satellite, characterized by a
I. INTRODUCTION global coverage acquisition strategy and 12 days revisit time,
will further contribute to improve surface deformation analyses
D IFFERENTIAL Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Inter-
ferometry (DInSAR) is a microwave remote sensing
technique that permits the ground deformations estimation with
and monitoring capabilities [8], [9].
However, such a huge data stream has also led to a drastic
centimeter to millimeter accuracy [1]. The DInSAR rationale is increase in data processing load and complexity. This issue can
based on the exploitation of the phase difference (interferogram) represent a limitation for the effective exploitation not only of
between two SAR scenes acquired at different time instants, thus new DInSAR data, but also for extensively processing the
retrieving the displacements occurred over the illuminated area available large C-band ESA archives, which are highly under-
during the observed time interval. exploited [10]. Consequently, a straightforward application of
Although the DInSAR methodology was originally designed to the existing DInSAR processing chains would result in a severe
study single event deformation phenomena [2], [3], it significantly bottleneck whose solution can be identified by using more
moved toward the development of multitemporal DInSAR ap- powerful processing facilities as well as more advanced proces-
proaches [4]–[6] thanks to the availability of large SAR data sing algorithms and tools.
archives, mostly ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT that have been collected In this framework, the advanced DInSAR algorithm referred
since 1991. The multitemporal DInSAR algorithms properly to as Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) approach [6], due to its own
combine the information obtained from a set of independent capability to perform analyses at different spatial scales [11] and
with multisensor data [12], appears to be an effective candidate to
exploit such a massive amount of information. Nonetheless, the
existing sequential implementation of the SBAS processing
Manuscript received October 21, 2013; revised March 22, 2014; accepted chain could be computationally inefficient when a large data
April 28, 2014. Date of publication May 28, 2014; date of current version
October 03, 2014. This work was supported by the Italian Ministry of University stream would be processed. In particular, the processing time of
and Research (MIUR) under the project “Progetto Bandiera RITMARE” and the the SBAS chain may represent a limitation in case either of
work of S. Elefante, P. Imperatore, I. Zinno, and C. De Luca was supported by a emergency response scenarios or monitoring contexts, as in these
grant of the RITMARE project.
The authors are with the Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico
circumstances results are required to be available in a very short
dell’Ambiente (IREA), Italian National Research Council (CNR), 80124 time. Therefore, time effective approaches and solutions for the
Napoli, Italy (e-mail: SBAS processing chain need to be properly developed in order to
C. De Luca is also with the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, Italy efficiently exploit the parallelism offered by the modern compu-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2322671 tational platforms.

1939-1404 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 1. P-SBAS workflow. Black/single and red/multilayered blocks represent sequential and parallel (from a process-level perspective) processing steps, respectively.
This scheme reduces to the SBAS sequential workflow when only one processor is employed.

Currently available different distributed computing infrastruc- the SAR focusing, if raw data are concerned [27]. However,
tures, such as cluster, grid, and cloud computing (CC) [13]–[20], depending on the specific algorithm used at each of these steps,
are suitable to be effectively used to process the large amount of the final implementation of the processing chain results in a more
EO data coming from the current and upcoming satellite complex sequence of operations as schematically depicted in
constellations. Fig. 1, in which the workflow of the SBAS processing chain is
Recently, some works have been developed showing that presented. Before providing more details on the SBAS proce-
massive remote sensing data processing can be performed dure, some general notes are in order. First, the processing steps
through distributed computing environments [21], [22]. In par- from block A to G are performed at full spatial resolution,
ticular, parallel algorithms for SAR image processing with a high whereas the subsequent steps work on multilooked data. Second,
degree of parallelism have been proposed [23]–[26]. All these a common storage is assumed to be available to all the processing
works addressed well-determined tasks within the remote sens- phases, i.e., each step gains access to the same common storage
ing scenario, and therefore ad hoc parallelization strategies have for reading inputs and writing outputs.
been implemented. Let us now concentrate on the SBAS sequential chain descrip-
Instead, the development of a parallel computational model for tion. After ancillary data and acquisition parameter retrieving, the
a DInSAR processing chain, constituted by different steps and SAR raw data focusing (block A of Fig. 1) is performed,
procedures, is a challenging goal, since several factors need to be by considering the zero Doppler geometry, according to the
effectively addressed, so leading to the implementation of approach shown in [28]. This algorithm is implemented by first
diverse parallelization strategies. decomposing the range compressed raw data into overlapping
In this paper, we present a parallel computing solution for the blocks of a defined size (depending on the Doppler frequency
SBAS processing chain, referred to as P-SBAS, which is partic- variation, the range cell migration, and the synthetic antenna
ularly appropriate to exploit the current available parallel footprint) along the azimuth and range directions. Subsequently,
hierarchal platforms. A detailed analysis of the P-SBAS perfor- each block is compressed in the Fourier domain and saved to the
mances through widely used metrics (such as speedup, efficiency, storage. A final step is needed for combining together all the single
and load balance) has been experimentally carried out on real data blocks in the space domain and obtaining a full size single look
acquired by ENVISAT satellite over the Napoli Bay area. In complex (SLC) image. Such an implementation permits to gen-
addition, we also investigate the scalability of the proposed erate extremely accurate focused SAR images, independently
P-SBAS scheme and we show its capability to generate DInSAR from the Doppler frequency variation and replica; however, it
deformation time-series in reasonable time-frames. results in a high computational burden due to the several numberof
performed bidimensional FFTs (fast Fourier transform) and input/
output (I/O) operations. Data flow volume is also significantly
high being all the operation performed in the complex domain.
The SBAS processing chain, as for any other DInSAR algo- After raw SAR data focusing, the area common to all the
rithm dealing with data stacks, requires a number of conceptual images of the stack is identified to be used in all the subsequent
steps that have to be sequentially performed. These, in particular, processing steps, as well as the master image, which imposes the
are the SAR image co-registration, the interferogram generation, reference geometry for the entire processing. On this common
the unwrapping of the computed phases, and the retrieval of the region, the conversion of the digital elevation model (DEM) into
final displacement time-series, all of them possibly preceded by SAR coordinates is performed (step B of Fig. 1) by exploiting the

so-called range-Doppler equations [29]. This step, which typically Having all the co-registered images and the DEM referred to a
exploits shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) data, first common geometry permits performing the subsequent differen-
requires an oversampled DEM to be converted in a Cartesian tial interferogram and spatial coherence generation step (block G
Earth-fixed Earth-centered system. Afterward, by exploiting the of Fig. 1). For a given image pair, the considered step receives as
orbit of the reference master image, the azimuth and range input both the corresponding co-registered SLCs and the range
coordinates per each DEM pixel are identified and stored into files to simultaneously remove flat-Earth and topography con-
two files. The latter values are provided in an irregular grid, and tributions from the interferometric phase. This step just carries
then a further gridding process is mandatory. Due to DEM over- out the product, on a pixel basis, between the slave conjugate and
sampling, the dimension of the involved data matrixes can become the master, after applying a spectral shift filtering [32]; the
not negligible (several gigabytes also in the canonical ERS and synthetic interferograms generated from the range files are then
ENVISAT cases), particularly when wide areas are concerned, removed. These operations are carried out at the sensor full
requiring high memory/disk storage for dealing with the interme- spatial resolution and in the complex domain, thus implying high
diate products. Moreover, the procedure is performed in double memory consumption. The option to apply a Goldstein’s filtering
precision floating point to reduce the error propagation, thus [33], [34] is also available; these last steps require an intense use
further increasing the required memory/storage and the I/O access. of two-dimensional (2-D) FFTs procedure. Moreover, the im-
External DEM is needed not only for topography removal plementation of the Goldstein’s filter is highly demanding in
in the differential interferogram generation, but also for co- terms of disk storage and I/O data flow. It is worth noting that a
registering each image with respect to the master reference multilook operation (for interferogram and coherence map gener-
geometry. Indeed, following the approach described in [30], a ation) is carried out solely at the end of this step, thus permitting to
geometrical co-registration step (block C of Fig. 1) is performed reduce the size of the final output, not of the intermediate products.
after having computed, per each image, the distances along line The modulo- restricted phase of each computed interfero-
of sight (LOS) (range) and flight track (azimuth) of the scene gram needs afterward to be unwrapped to retrieve the original
targets (image pixels) from an orbital reference position: the phase [28]. This procedure is carried out by applying the
resulting archives are called range and azimuth files. These files extended minimum cost flow (EMCF) phase unwrapping (PhU)
are computed in double precision floating point via a simple algorithm [35]. Although the EMCF approach considers tempo-
geometrical solution and are later stored to be available for the ral (temporal PhU) and spatial (range-azimuth) domain (spatial
subsequent co-registration step and differential interferogram PhU) processing as conceptually independent steps [35], the
generation. The co-registration step (block C of Fig. 1), indeed, corresponding optimal sequential implementation, in terms of
needs the mentioned range and azimuth files as input for com- computational speed, shows some flow dependencies, whose
puting the warping function as well as the slave image to be impact will be detailed discussed in Section III-A3. In Fig. 1,
interpolated with respect to the master geometry [30]. Processing blocks I and H pertain to the PhU processing.
itself is not particularly heavy in terms of complexity; indeed, the The phase unwrapping step is one of the most demanding
warping function is straightforwardly estimated from the range in terms of memory consumption and computing power, par-
and azimuth files by difference, while the slave interpolation is ticularly the spatial one. Indeed, it deals with wrapped and
performed in double precision using a Knab kernel [31]. Again, unwrapped interferogram stacks [three-dimensional (3-D)
the main limitation for this step is represented by the file matrices] and iteratively retrieves the MCF solution on each
dimension (mainly in the case of range and azimuth files), which interferogram for different network parameters. A final weight-
requires intensive I/O access and available memory. ed combination of all the computed solutions, trying to maxi-
After having co-registered all the images with respect to the mize the temporal coherence [35] is also performed, implying
master one, the identification of interferometric data pairs is again to deal with large data stacks and then memory resources.
carried out (step D of Fig. 1). Such identification is required Later, a pixel-based inversion of the unwrapped phase system
for the subsequent co-registration refinement step. Indeed, for of equation is carried out (step J of Fig. 1), thus implying to
identifying possible residual rigid shifts of the geometric co- exploit stacks of data, which require large memory availability.
registration (due to inaccuracies on the system parameter knowl- This allows us to retrieve the final displacement time-series;
edge), an iterative procedure is performed on each data pair by moreover, the residual topography is estimated by using an
searching for the subpixel shift that maximizes the spatial iterative approach (roughly 100 iteration per coherent pixel)
coherence of an image patch (step E of Fig. 1). This step is thus having an important impact in the computational burden.
replicated per each data pair and is computationally demanding Note that, after retrieving the displacement time-series, it is
due to the applied resampling method based on FFTs. On the also feasible to estimate and remove possible residual orbital
contrary, no particular storage is required since only a patch of phase ramps from the unwrapped interferograms (step K of
the master and slave data pair is considered and the output is a text Fig. 1). This step is not particularly critical; however, for helping
file containing the computed shift. Once these shifts are calcu- the PhU algorithm, it is better removing the estimated orbital
lated for the entire dataset, they are solved for a single master (the phase ramps from the wrapped interferograms, implying that
reference one) and the images are resampled consequently. another PhU step on the “orbital error free” interferograms has to
Before moving to the interferogram generation, the evaluation be performed (second run of step H, I, and J of Fig. 1).
of some parameters (as, for instance, the baseline values at each After performing temporal coherence estimation [35] and
azimuth line and range sample per each interferometric pair) coherent point selection, block L provides the final displacement
useful for the subsequent steps are carried out (block F of Fig. 1). time-series.

As a final remark, it is worth noting that the atmospheric phase In addition, the currently available hierarchical architectures
screen estimation, together with its removal, has not been (e.g., cluster) embrace multicore shared-memory computing
included in the present analysis because in the SBAS chain, it nodes that are coupled via high-speed interconnections [38],
is considered as a post-processing procedure [6] that can be [39]. In order to take advantage from such architectures, a
performed following different approaches [6], [36], [37]. dual-level parallelization strategy is required [38], [41]. Hence,
multithreading-based shared-memory parallelization has also
been exploited when possible and convenient (again in terms
of cost–benefit ratio) to properly parallelize at a finer level on a
In order to design the parallel version of the SBAS chain, a first single node, thus embracing both coarse-grain and fine-grain
fundamental aspect to be taken into account regards the oppor- parallelism.
tunity of exploiting different parallel computing environments In the following, a high-level discussion aimed at clarifying
(i.e., cluster, grid, and emerging CC platforms) [13]–[20]. the rationale of the parallel solution is provided. In particular, two
A special attention is given to the compatibility of the parallel parallelization levels have been considered, i.e., the process
SBAS chain with the mentioned CC paradigm. This issue and the thread level. The first one considers a coarse/medium
certainly poses constraints on the design stage, which might granularity-based approach (mainly applied to the whole proces-
conflict with the goal of achieving the parallel computation sing chain), the second one relies on a fine-grained parallelization
maximum efficiency. As an example, within a CC environment, and has been implemented only for the heaviest computational
the task partitioning should be carried out allowing the distribu- steps (A, H, and I of Fig. 1.)
tion of the computational load among cloud servers with minimal Depending on the algorithmic structure of the considered step,
intertask communication. This implies the adoption of a suitable the different parallelization strategies (Sections III-A1–III-A3)
partitioning strategy with a certain granularity to coarsely that have been adopted are classified according to the applied
distribute the work among several machines with limited com- parallel methodology.
munication overhead. Moreover, the message passing paradigm
A. Process-Level Parallelization
(e.g., de facto standard MPI) [38], [39], widely used for
developing parallel applications, permits to achieve high per- In this section, the P-SBAS coarse/medium-grained paralle-
formances by exploiting sophisticated parallel arrangements. lization strategy, addressed to the exploitation of multiprocessor
However, its adoption could be problematic since the relevant systems with distributed memory, is presented. Fig. 1 provides a
application can turn out inconsistent within the mentioned CC synoptic representation of the proposed computational solution,
environments [40]. which schematically describes the modular structure relevant to
A second important point to be taken into account concerns the the process-level parallelism. In Fig. 1, red blocks indicate
development costs to carry out the parallel solution. High- parallel-performed processing steps and black blocks refer to
performance parallel application fulfillment inevitably implies sequential computations.
the development of appropriate algorithms specifically ad- Within this scheme, different modules involve different par-
dressed to the efficient exploitation of the available architectures allelization approaches discussed in the following. Essentially,
(multicore and multinode clusters). Hence, the SBAS chain three main parallelization strategies have been applied according
parallelization would require redesigning a significant part of to the specific part of the processing chain.
the sequential version to take advantage of the modern parallel 1) Pleasingly Parallel Processing Steps: The term pleasingly
architectures. Nonetheless, easy implementation and rapid pro- parallel (or embarrassingly parallel) indicates computations that
totyping issues have to be considered, so that the development of can be parallelized by requiring a minimal effort to partition the
the parallel model would be confined into workable time scales application into independent parallel parts [38], [39]. Such a kind
and not extremely heavy. Furthermore, the applied paralleliza- of elaborations essentially exhibits minimal dependencies in
tion approach should preserve as much as possible the numerical terms of data, synchronization, or ordering.
precision of the sequential SBAS chain algorithms. The elaboration steps A, C, E, and G of the SBAS elaboration
In general, devising a parallel computational model for a chain (see Fig. 1) are good candidates for being cast in this
complex processing chain is a challenging task, since several framework. In fact, these elaboration steps basically work on 2-D
aspects (data dependencies, task partitioning, inherent granular- data, although the relevant algorithmic structure of the realized
ity, scheduling policy, load unbalancing, etc.) must be carefully functional can be rather complex. For instance, raw data focusing
taken into account during the development process, in order to (block A) applies to a collection of SAR raw data, whose sizes
finally achieve a parallel solution exhibiting significant efficiency can typically ranges from a few dozens to several hundreds. Each
and scalability [38], [39]. More specifically, it is worth empha- elaboration acting on a single raw data can be then treated
sizing that, due to the heterogeneous nature of the algorithms independently, leading to a set of independent computations
comprised within SBAS processing chain, it is neither easy nor concurrently running on different data which can be naturally
convenient to adopt a single parallelization strategy for all the distributed to multiple processors. Similar considerations
steps of the chain. Accordingly, appropriate parallelization apply for the subsequent SAR image geometric co-registration
strategies have been adopted depending on the algorithmic (block C), image co-registration refining (block E), and inter-
structure of the particular processing step being evaluated (e.g., ferogram generation (block G) processing steps.
raw data focusing, image co-registration, phase unwrapping), as The main drawback of this strategy concerns the limited
discussed in detail in the following. scalability. However, such a limitation results reasonable when

large SAR dataset, with respect to the number of nodes, are 3) Coarse-Grained Parallelism by Functional Decoupling: In
considered. The advantages in terms of simplicity of realization this section, we discuss an ad hoc strategy to cope with a parallel
and of reduction of communication costs are, on the contrary, solution for the phase unwrapping problem [35]. It is worth
evident. highlighting that the relatively simple aforementioned strategies
Moreover, it is worth noting that this straightforward parallel (Sections III-A1 and III-A2) apply only when the relevant
strategy adopts a data-centered approach to parallel computations, applications concern problems with a regular structure. On the
which is frequently used within the current CC technologies [40]. contrary, we stress that for the elaborations including more
2) Medium-Grained Data Parallelism: The term data involved computations (as in the case of the phase-
parallelism [38], [39] basically refers to a data manipulation unwrapping problem), it is not generally possible to directly
performed in parallel, by exploiting multiple processors that obtain independent calculations that can be solved in parallel.
work on different portions of the data. This approach relies on the We note that the considered processing steps (H and I)
fact that the same operation must be applied to different elements pertaining to the phase unwrapping problem are the most
of a large data structure. Such a kind of parallelization has been time-consuming ones, so strongly motivating the development
specifically exploited within the elaboration steps B and J of the of an ad hoc parallel algorithm. Indeed, the overall unwrapping
SBAS processing chain (Fig. 1), both dealing with the processing process might be extremely demanding, particularly for long
of large multidimensional (2-D and 3-D) arrays that can be interferogram sequences.
performed by independently executing the same elaboration To clarify the logic of the specific parallelization strategy,
on pieces of the input data. preliminary considerations on the algorithm structure of the
More specifically, in the processing step B (see Fig. 1), which optimized sequential version and the inherent subtle flow
concerns the conversion of the DEM (pertinent to the area of dependencies are in order.
interest) in SAR coordinates, the input 2-D array is partitioned in The EMCF formulation [35] is an extension of the MCF
2-D subarrays of equal size to be distributed among homogeneous technique [42]. Specifically, EMCF also exploits the temporal
nodes, so that the load balancing is easily achieved. The 2-D relationships among different multitemporal interferograms,
subarrays are then distributed in chunks so that each processor is thus improving the MCF technique. We recall that, according
responsible for the evaluation of several subarrays; a static to the EMCF optimized sequential version, the temporal PhU is
scheduling is assumed. Finally, a proper combination of the iteratively evaluated for different ( , ) pairs, where and
parallel processed portions is implemented. The size of the 2-D stand, respectively, for the searching domains relevant to the
subarrays is selected according to the trade-off between the single error in the knowledge of the scene topography and the defor-
subarray processing time and the minimization of the associated mation velocity variations, along the considered spatial arc [35].
communications cost. The granularity level of the proposed For each ( , ) pair, the result of the temporal PhU operation
solution depends on the number of subarrays in which the DEM is then used to bootstrap the associated spatial PhU operation,
is split. This number depends on the extent of the scene observed which is performed on each single interferogram through the
by the SAR sensor and on the relevant SAR image resolution. application of the basic MCF unwrapping technique.
Within the processing step J (see Fig. 1), a similar parallel At this point, it is crucial to recognize that an intrinsic flow
approach is adopted to deal with the pixel-based inversion of the dependency exists, since the results of the temporal PhU ob-
unwrapped phase system [6]. This operation acts on a large 3-D tained for a certain ( , ) pair are obtained by updating the
array (whose dimensions are azimuth, range and interferogram temporal PhU results relevant to the previous evaluated
list) containing the overall unwrapped interferometric phases. On ( , ) pairs. Therefore, this flow dependency, which is particu-
the third dimension (interferogram list) of this large 3-D array, larly effective in the sequential version, results to be not directly
i.e., on a pixel basis, a sequence of operation is carried out for eliminable and hampers concurrent computations of the elabo-
finally retrieving the ground displacement time-series. These ration pertinent to different ( , ) pairs. To overcome such a
operations are mainly related to residual topography estimation limitation, we rely on a proper functional decoupling of the
and removal [6], and to the unwrapped phase system solution via computational problem. The aim is then, by splitting the loop into
the singular-value decomposition (SVD) method. The consid- serial and parallel portions, to identify a suitable decomposition
ered 3-D array can be then partitioned in equal size of one- of the problem into subproblems that in part can be solved
dimensional (1-D) subarrays (whose computation is carried-out concurrently. Accordingly, we rearrange the relevant algorithm
independently) to be distributed among homogeneous nodes, so structure in order to obtain spatial and temporal PhU disjoint
load balancing is easily achieved. The 1-D subarrays are dis- computations. Thus, we first sequentially compute the interme-
tributed in chunks, so that each processor is responsible for diate results obtained by applying the temporal PhU to all
evaluation of several 1-D subarrays. Also in this case, a static successive ( , ) pairs (processing step H). Once all these
scheduling is considered. We emphasize that the total number of intermediate results are available, the spatial PhU computation
1-D subarrays to be processed strongly depends on the analyzed can be carried out for each ( , ) pair independently, so
scenario, i.e., on the number of considered pixels. Nonetheless, enabling parallel computation of the spatial PhU of the different
for ENVISAT scenario, it can be on average comprised within ( , ) pairs, as schematically indicated in Fig. 1 (Block I of
the range –106 pixels. We further note that, in this case, the Fig. 1). On the contrary, the sequence of temporal PhU operation
considered approach could also be amenable of a dual-level [38], remains to be processed sequentially (Block H of Fig. 1).
[41] parallelization arrangement that, however, has not yet Therefore, the adopted decomposition is effective, since the
been implemented. entire spatial PhU problem is reduced to the solution of

independent subproblems, pertinent to different ( , ) pairs, community. The computational heaviest parts have been im-
which can be executed concurrently in a coarse-grain fashion. plemented in Fortran or C. It is worth noting that the logic of the
The inherent coarse-grained parallelism is finally implemented proposed P-SBAS scheme is independent from the selected
by distributing the individual subproblems to participating pro- implementation language.
cessors in a round-robin fashion. Also in this case, we adopt a Regarding the process-level parallelization (see Section III-A),
static scheduling, with minimum communication and synchro- the management, scheduling, and synchronization of the
nization cost. parallel tasks on different nodes of the cluster have been im-
plemented by using UNIX/Linux bash scripts. This is a reason-
B. Thread-Level Parallelization able choice as it matches well with the parallelization scheme
In order to complement the coarse/medium-grained paralle- adopted for the primary level and also required a limited devel-
lization adopted at process level, we also employ fine-grained opment cost. A different approach was used for the thread-level
shared-memory parallelization strategy. Specifically, this ap- parallelization (see Section III-B): both the IDL_IDLBridge
proach primarily concerns the blocks A, H, and I, since (spatial object class, in the case of IDL code, and the OpenMP [41]
and temporal) phase unwrapping computation and raw data application programming interface, in the case of Fortran
focusing are the most time-consuming calculations. routines, have been exploited.
An exhaustive discussion of the multithreading parallelization
strategy requires a detailed algorithm structure analysis, whose IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
description is beyond the scope of this paper. However, a brief
description of the focusing step thread-level parallelization is This section is devoted to present the experimental results
given, hereafter, to clarify the employed rationale. obtained by applying the proposed P-SBAS processing scheme
The used approach consists in processing independent por- to a realistic case study. In particular, a performance analysis of
tions of the input data in parallel on multiple cores according to the implemented prototype has been carried out to experimen-
the data parallelism strategy through multithreads programming. tally demonstrate its computational effectiveness through widely
In particular, the range-compressed data are split into overlap- used metrics. The experimental analysis is carried out on a
ping azimuth blocks which are processed in parallel on multiple specific computational infrastructure. Moreover, the obtained
cores by exploiting multithread programming, first to estimate results are discussed and some considerations are drawn with
the Doppler centroid frequency [28] and then to retrieve the respect to the applicability of the proposed solution to scenarios
azimuth compressed signal. The number of blocks is defined in a of interest.
dynamic way as explained in the following; it depends on the raw
data dimension, the number of available cores, and the theoretical A. Case Study Description
constraints for an accurate processing. Considering that, for a A test site, around the Napoli Bay, a volcanic and densely
correct focusing, the azimuth blocks size has a lower limit equal urbanized area in Southern Italy including the active caldera of
to the number of pixels corresponding to two synthetic antennas Campi Flegrei, the Vesuvio vulcano, and the city of Naples, is
and an upper limit that depends on the Doppler frequency considered. We employ the full available ASAR-ENVISAT
variation along the azimuth direction, the dimension of the archive, composed by 64 scenes, spanning the 2002–2010 time
blocks is chosen by considering all the possible power of 2, 3 interval and acquired from ascending orbits, which represents a
and 5 dimensions (for a FFT execution) between the above- typical ENVISAT data stack. This dataset has been processed by
mentioned limits, as well as the number of available cores. To using the P-SBAS algorithm to generate the deformation time-
guarantee the load balancing, among the possible ones, the series. In particular, 195 differential interferograms have been
algorithm sets the block size providing a number of blocks that produced, characterized by a (perpendicular) baseline value
optimizes the exploitation of the available cores. The elaborated smaller than 400 m and a maximum temporal separation of
blocks have got all the same size; an overlap area between about 1500 d (see Fig. 2). The overall analysis has been carried
different blocks is also considered. Besides, the fact that the out on DInSAR products obtained following a complex multi-
blocks have all the same size preserves the load balancing as well. look operation with 4 looks in the range direction and 20 in the
Finally, the focused blocks are appropriately gathered. azimuth one; hence, the pixel dimension is about on
The granularity level is dictated by the minimum allowed the ground. Precise satellite ENVISAT orbital information and
dimension of the azimuth blocks in which the raw data can be the 3-arcsecond SRTM DEM of the area have been used.
split, thus being bound by a theoretical constraint. A finer- In order to provide an overall picture of the achieved results,
grained-based approach can be easily implemented by splitting we present, in Fig. 3, the estimated mean deformation velocity
the azimuth blocks in several range blocks, complying with the obtained by applying P-SBAS to the considered case study. Note
theoretical constraints relevant to the Doppler frequency varia- that this map is represented in SAR coordinates and then super-
tion and the range cell migration [28]. imposed on a SAR amplitude image of the investigated area. The
estimated mean deformation velocity has been computed in
C. Implementation Details coherent areas only; accordingly, areas in which the measure-
Algorithms constituting the P-SBAS chain have been mainly ment accuracy is affected by decorrelation noise have been
implemented by using interactive data language (IDL) version excluded from the false-color map. In particular, we emphasize
8.2, characterized by a large diffusion in the scientific that in this representation (Fig. 3), a remarkable deformation

Fig. 2. Distribution of the employed SAR dataset in the temporal/perpendicular baseline plane, with the relevant characteristics in the box on the right.

Fig. 3. Mean deformation velocity map of the Napoli Bay area, obtained by applying the proposed P-SBAS algorithm. The graph of the displacement time-series
relevant to a pixel located in the area of maximum deformation is also shown.

pattern corresponding to the area of the Campi Flegrei caldera is chain, which filter out possible numerical errors, i.e., the phase
evident. Note also that, for each coherent point of the scene, the unwrapping steps that involve the solution of an integer network
computation of the temporal evolution of the detected deforma- flow problem [42]. Accordingly, the comparison between the
tion has been carried out. For instance, the chronological se- results obtained with the sequential and parallel version shows
quence of the computed displacement of a specific point (located that the difference is negligible.
in the maximum deforming area of the Campi Flegrei caldera) is
B. Computational Platform
shown in the box of Fig. 3. These results are in accordance with
ground truth measurements [7], [12]. The architecture used to carry out our experimental analysis is
As a final remark, we stress that the P-SBAS scheme has been made of 8 nodes, each one is equipped with 2 quad-core no-
carefully designed to preserve the result accuracy. We also hyperthreaded CPU (AMD Opteron 2356-2.2 GHz) and 32 GB
benefit from the nature of some algorithms of the processing of RAM (Table I). The cluster has a shared storage implemented


through a network file system (NFS) with 1 Gbit/s network Fig. 4. Distribution of as a function of the relevant parallel processing step,
bandwidth and 300 MB/s server disk bandwidth. obtained with 16 processors. Note that steps I and J are twice present since they are
repeated two times for the orbital ramps removal.

C. Performance Metrics
It should be noted that when all the subtasks are perfectly
In this section, we first introduce two performance measures balanced we get . Roughly speaking, a parallel computa-
(metrics): these are the speedup factor and the efficiency. Then, tion is well balanced if all processors perform the same amount of
we focus on the load unbalancing and the presence of a sequential computation. On the contrary, when the entire task is performed
fraction of the parallel algorithm, which constitute two primary by a single processor, we have .
sources of inefficiency. Second, the presence of data dependencies may inevitably
In order to quantitatively appreciate the benefit of parallelism limit the degree of parallelism. Indeed, real algorithms contain
achievable with the proposed solution, we resort to the notion of some (serial) parts that cannot be divided among processors. In
speedup, which compares the resulting parallel execution time this respect, the effect on the attainable speedup can be captured
with the sequential execution time on one processor [38], [39]. quantitatively by the well-known Amdahl’s law [38], [39]
Accordingly, the speedup of a parallel program with parallel
execution time is defined as

where is the fraction of a parallel program that must be

executed sequentially. It is worth mentioning that the simple
where is the number of processors used to solve a problem and formulation (4) of Amdahl’s law does not take into account the
is the execution time of the sequential implementation to solve load unbalancing. Finally, we recall that another important
the same problem. Note that an upper bound for the speedup source of inefficiency is ascribable to communication overhead.
exists, thus the following inequality holds. Accordingly,
due to several inefficiencies, parallel linear speedup ( ) is D. Performance Analysis
achievable only in ideal conditions. In this section, we present some experimental results relevant
An alternative performance measure for a parallel program is to the case study considered in Section IV-A; the performance
the efficiency [38], [39]: analysis has been carried out on the cluster described in
Section IV-B. Scalability with the number of engaged processors
is also addressed.
Concerning the considered case study, the associated com-
The efficiency is a measure of the speedup achieved per puting time of the sequential SBAS version is of about 125 h
processor. It should be noted that an ideal speedup corresponds (5.2 d), while the computation performed with P-SBAS engaging
to a unitary efficiency. 16 processors requires roughly 17 h. In addition, the inherent
Primary sources of inefficiency that may inevitably limit the fraction of sequential part, for the considered dataset, was
degree of parallelism are now addressed. estimated to be 5% ( ).
First, the unbalanced load affects parallelization efficiency, First of all, we analyze the average imbalance factor [(see (3)]
since it causes some resources to be underutilized, so hampering relevant to each processing step. In Fig. 4, the distribution of for
the performances. A pertinent quantitative description can be each parallel processed step obtained with is depicted. As
given in terms of the average imbalance of the load defined as expected, the static scheduling strategy we adopt does not permit a
[38], [39] perfect load balancing. Except for the processing step E, which is
amenable of further improvements, we emphasize that the differ-
ent parallel processing steps exhibit a load distribution that,
however, results to be reasonably balanced.

Fig. 5. Raw data focusing—processing step A: speedup as a function of the Fig. 7. Spatial phase-unwrapping—processing step I: speedup as a function of
number of processors N (in blue/diamonds). The ideal achievable speedup (red/ the number of processors N (in blue/diamonds). The ideal achievable speedup
squares) is also shown. (red/squares) is also shown.

Fig. 6. DEM conversion in SAR coordinates—processing step B: speedup as a Fig. 8. Overall P-SBAS processing chain: speed up as a function of the number of
function of the number of processors N (in blue/diamonds). The ideal achievable processors N (in blue/diamonds). The ideal achievable speedup (red/squares) and
speedup (red/squares) is also shown. the Amdahl’s law behavior (green/triangles) are also shown.

A speedup analysis, aimed at quantifying the parallelism load balancing. It should be noted that the load imbalance among
benefits of the proposed P-SBAS solution with respect to the processors we experience for the point A (see also Fig. 4 relevant
sequential version, has been subsequently carried out. First, we to the case ) is also closely connected with the adopted
focus on the speedup evaluated with reference to a specific proces- design strategy involving a coarse granularity. The relevant
sing step only. Accordingly, Figs. 5–7 depict the experimental performances are, however, satisfactory. In Fig. 6, the speedup
speedup (blue line/diamonds) relevant to the A, B, and I proces- of the processing step B, DEM conversion in SAR coordinates is
sing steps (i.e., the raw data focusing, DEM conversion in SAR presented; according to the value of the corresponding average
coordinates, spatial phase-unwrapping), respectively (see also imbalance factor (see also Fig. 4 relevant to the case ), it
Fig. 1). Note that, as a reference, the ideal achievable linear shows a quasi-linear behavior up to 16 processors. Concerning
speedup (red line/squares) is also shown. Similar evaluations the parallel computation of the spatial phase unwrapping step, as
have been carried out for the other processing steps; however, for it clearly appears in the speedup graph (Fig. 7), a near linear
the sake of brevity, they are not shown. The trend in Fig. 5 shows scaling is exhibited up to 16 processors, so showing a good
that, as the number of the engaged processors increases, the scalability. Also, in this case, such a behavior is in good
discrepancy, between the ideal linear speedup and the actual one, agreement with the value of the average imbalance factor perti-
increases. This kind of behavior is clearly explained by the fact nent to the point I (see also Fig. 4 relevant to the case ).
that the average imbalance factor decreases as increases, Finally, the speedup of the overall P-SBAS processing chain
assuming that the associated communication overhead is negli- is evaluated. In Fig. 8, this speedup is depicted as a function of
gible. Indeed, since the time to process diverse raw data might be the number of processors (blue line/diamonds). As a reference,
not exactly the same, due to the size of the input data that can be the ideal achievable linear speedup (red line/squares) and speedup
different, the number of raw data to be focused per processor predicted by the Amdahl’s law (green line/triangles) with
reduces with , with consequent deterioration of the resulting are also shown.

In conclusion, the parallel solution proposed in this paper As the exploitation of CC platforms is concerned, it is worth
permits to obtain satisfactory performance and scalability, thus noting that data transfer (I/O) can play a crucial role, especially
achieving a significant reduction of the overall elaboration time when dealing with large amounts of data, as in the P-SBAS
with crucial repercussion on application scenario. processing case. This point is beyond the scope of this paper and
requires future analyses by exploiting CC environments.
E. Computational Remarks
As final remark, it is worth noting that in “real-time” scenarios
Some specific considerations concerning the efficiency para- the update of existing displacement time-series can be a crucial
meters, which affect the prototype final performance, are now aspect. Such an update can be carried out, through P-SBAS, by
reported. These considerations are instructive in the perspective either reprocessing the whole dataset or adding new SAR data to
of gaining further insight into the factors that hamper parallel an existing time-series. The latter approach implies, however, the
performance and also pointing out useful indications for future persistent storage of a large amount of intermediate products. On
developments. To better clarify the graph of Fig. 8, we point out the contrary, P-SBAS exploitation allows quickly and effectively
that the presence of an intrinsic sequential part and load un- reprocessing the whole dataset.
balancing are the two dominant factors affecting the performance
of our parallel solution. In fact, the parallel workflow implies
some communications between different jobs, adding overhead
that would not be present in the serial case: it can be, however,
assumed reasonably negligible in our case, as discussed in In this paper, a parallel computing solution for the SBAS
Section III. Indeed, it is important to emphasize that in the case processing chain has been presented. This is particularly suitable
in which we were able to attain a perfect balancing of the to effectively exploit the widely available parallel hierarchal
workload for each parallel processing step, the experimental platforms and the huge SAR data archives collected by present
trend would become practically superimposed on the relevant and future SAR missions; accordingly, the proposed P-SBAS
Amdahl’s law (see green line/triangles of Fig. 8). This observa- solution represents a highly valuable tool for the analysis of the
tion is important to understand the relevance of the effect of the complex phenomena characterizing the surface deformation
load unbalancing on the achieved speedup. It should also be dynamics of large areas of Earth.
noted that the discrepancy between the experimental results and Our parallel computing solution has been analyzed by using
the Amdahl’s law is, however, smaller than the discrepancy different metrics, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of the
between the ideal linear speedup and the Amdahl’s law. Accord- proposed approach. In particular, it turned out that the carried out
ingly, as far as load balancing is concerned, the most immediate task partitioning, inherent to the applied first-level paralleliza-
feature to note is that the static scheduling relevant to the adopted tion, permits to obtain good performances even by employing a
first-level parallelization strategy is not the major limit to the simple static scheduling, since the associated communication
parallelism, as long as a small/medium cluster is concerned. This overhead results to be extremely reduced. Nonetheless, insofar
clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the presented paralleliza- small/medium clusters are considered, the scalability of the
tion strategy, showing good speedups and good scalability on parallel SBAS chain has been successfully demonstrated. Lim-
small/medium clusters. itations concerning the scalability have also been discussed.
On the contrary, the major source of inefficiency for the These issues pertain the arising unbalancing ascribable to the
adopted scheme is ascribable to the presence of a nonnegligible extremely coarse granularity involved and, more important, the
intrinsic sequential fraction. Nonetheless, this major source of intrinsic sequential part. These limitations are, however, reason-
inefficiency, even if liable to a further reduction, considering the able within the considered application context. In addition, by
complex nature of the entire processing chain, remains essen- taking advantage also of the employed fine-grained multithread-
tially noneliminable. According to Amdahl’s law, the maximum ing parallelization, the proposed P-SBAS solution is suitable for
achievable speedup is dictated by the sequential fraction and in effectively exploiting computational platforms with several
the analyzed case, with a moderate sequential portion of 5%, a cores. In this regard, it is worth noting that the presented study
maximum theoretical speedup equal to 20 can be achieved, is focused on a high-level analysis of the whole P-SBAS
regardless of the number of engaged processors ( ). This has processing chain, so a detailed investigation of the fine-grained
important implications on the maximum number of processors parallelized steps is beyond the scope of this paper, but it is worth
that can be effectively exploited. for future analyses.
However, the weight of the sequential fraction with respect to Moreover, from a performance analysis standpoint, further
the parallel one is dependent on the considered dataset, and it is investigations will concern the exploitation of P-SBAS with
expected to decrease as the size of the considered dataset SAR dataset acquired by different sensors. Indeed, the workload
increases [39], [43]. A detailed analysis of the P-SBAS perfor- distribution, associated with the different P-SBAS processing
mances with respect to the size of the considered SAR dataset steps, significantly depends on the size of the considered dataset.
needs further investigations. In particular, some processing steps (as, for instance, the raw data
In spite of this limitation, we emphasize that taking advantage focusing and the SAR image co-registration operations) have a
also of the employed fine-grained multithreading based paralle- computational effort that only depends on the SAR data char-
lization, the proposed P-SBAS solution is, however, suitable to acteristics (e.g., matrix size), whereas other steps (phase-
effectively exploit computational platforms with a large numbers unwrapping, deformation, and residual topography estimation)
of cores. depend on the number of coherent points, which is related to

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[43] J. Gustafson, “Reevaluating Amdahl’s law,” Commun. ACM, vol. 31, Ivana Zinno was born in Naples, Italy, on July 13,
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Naples, Italy, in 2008 and 2011, respectively.
In 2011, she received a grant from the University of
Naples to be spent at the Department of Electronic and
Francesco Casu received the Laurea degree (summa Telecommunication Engineering for research in the
cum laude) and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engi- field of remote sensing. Since January 2012, she has
neering from the University of Cagliari, Cagliari, been a Research Fellow with IREA (Istituto per il
Italy, in 2003 and 2009, respectively. Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell’Ambiente), CNR (National Research Council),
Since 2003, he has been with the IREA-CNR, Naples, Italy, mainly working on the development of advanced Differential SAR
Napoli, Italy, where he currently holds a permanent Interferometry (DInSAR) techniques for deformation time-series generation by
Researcher position. He was a Visiting Scientist with also exploiting parallel computing platforms. Her research interests include
the University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA, in 2004, microwave remote sensing; in particular, they concern DInSAR applications for
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, USA, in the monitoring of surface displacements and information retrieval from SAR data
2005, and the Department of Geophysics, Stanford by exploiting fractal models and techniques.
University, CA, USA, in 2009. Moreover, he acts as a
Reviewer of several peer-reviewed international journals. More recently, he has Michele Manunta was born in Cagliari, Italy, in
been involved in the development of DInSAR algorithms for unsupervised 1975. He received the Laurea degree in electronic
processing of huge SAR data archives by exploiting high-performance computing engineering, in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree in infor-
platforms, such as GRID and cloud computing ones. His research interests include matics and electronic engineering, in 2009, both from
the DInSAR field, the multipass interferometry (particularly concerning the the University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy, with a thesis
improvement of the SBAS-DInSAR algorithm), and the SBAS-DInSAR mea- on Differential SAR Interferometry.
surement assessment, with particular emphasis on novel generation satellite Since 2002, he has been with Istituto per il
constellations such as COSMO-SkyMed, TerraSAR-X, and Sentinel-1. Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell’Ambiente (IREA),
Institute of the Italian National Research Council (CNR),
Napoli, Italy, where he currently holds a Researcher
Position. He was a Visiting Scientific with the Institut
Stefano Elefante received the Laurea degree (summa Cartografic de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, in 2004, and the Rosenstiel School of
cum laude) and the Ph.D. degree in aerospace engi- Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA, in
neering from the University of Naples, Napoli, Italy, 2006. He has been collaborating in various national and international initiatives for the
and University of Glasgow, Scotland, U.K., in 1997 exploitation of satellite technologies, andin particular of SAR techniques. His research
and 2001, respectively, and holds a PgCert in financial interests include high-resolution SAR and DInSAR data processing and application.
engineering from the Columbia University, New
York, NY, USA and in applied statistics from the Claudio De Luca was born in Castellammare di Stabia,
Birkbeck College, University of London, London, Napoli, Italy, on July 16, 1987. He received the Laurea
U.K., since 2008 and 2011, respectively. degree (110/110) in telecommunication engineering
He has more than 10 years of diverse professional from the University of Naples “Federico II,” Naples,
experience in academia and industry, during which he Italy, in 2012, and is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree
has been involved in different scientific fields from statistical genetics and in computer and automatic engineering with the
financial mathematics to aerospace technologies. From 2005 to 2009, he was Department of Electrical Engineering and Information
a System Analyst and Research Engineer at Boeing Research & Technology Technology, University of Naples “Federico II.”
Europe, Madrid, Spain, where he conducted extensive research in the field of air His research interests include cloud computing
traffic management developing and implementing aerospace systems for improv- solution for intensive processing of remote sensing
ing airport and airspace efficiency. Since 2011, he is a Research Fellow at data, development of advanced algorithm for Senti-
IREA-CNR, Napoli, Italy. His research interests include investigating innovative nel-1 SAR, and InSAR data processing.
mathematical methodologies for remote sensing applications. He is currently
developing novel parallel algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry Riccardo Lanari (M’91–SM’01–F’13) received the
(InSAR) within cluster, grid and cloud computing environments. degree in electronic engineering (summa cum laude)
from the University of Napoli, Federico II, Napoli,
Italy, in 1989.
In 1989, following a short experience at ITALTEL
Pasquale Imperatore (M’10) received the Laurea SISTEMI SPA, he joined the IRECE and after Istituto
degree (cum laude) in electronic engineering and the per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell’Ambiente
Ph.D. degree in electronic and telecommunication engi- (IREA), Research Institute of the Italian National
neering, both from the University of Naples Federico II, Research Council (CNR), Napoli, Italy, where, since
Naples, Italy, in 2001 and 2011, respectively. November 2011, he is the Institute Director. He has
For 4 years, he was a Research Engineer with WISE lectured in several national and foreign universities and
S.p.A., Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy, where he worked on research centers. From 2000 to 2003, he was an Adjunct Professor of electrical
modeling and simulation of wave propagation, ad- communication with the l’Università del Sannio, Benevento, Italy, and from 2000
vanced ray-tracing-based prediction tool design for to 2008, he was the Lecturer of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) module course of
wireless application in urban environment, as well as the International Master in airborne photogrammetry and remote sensing offered by
simulation and processing of synthetic aperture radar the Institute of Geomatics, Barcelona, Spain. He was a Visiting Scientist at different
(SAR) signals. From 2005 to 2007, he was a Senior Researcher with the foreign research institutes, including the Institute of Space and Astronautical
international research center CREATE-NET, Trento, Italy, where he conducted Science, Tokyo, Japan, in 1993, German Aerospace Research Establishment
research and experimentation on radio-wave propagation at 3.5 GHz and on (DLR), Köln, Germany, in 1991 and 1994, and Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
emerging broadband wireless technologies. Since 2007, he has been with the Pasadena, CA, USA, in 1997, 2004, and 2008. Moreover, he acts as a Reviewer
Department of Biomedical, Electronic, and Telecommunication Engineering, of several peer-reviewed international journals. His research interests include the
University of Naples Federico II. Since 2011, he has been with the Institute for SAR data processing field as well as SAR interferometry techniques; on this topic,
Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA), Italian National Research he is the holder of two patents, and he has authored or coauthored 80 international
Council (CNR), Naples, Italy. Moreover, he acts as a Reviewer for several journal papers and the book SAR Processing (CRC Press, 1999).
international journals. His research interests include microwave remote sensing Mr. Lanari is a Distinguished Speaker of the Geoscience and Remote
and electromagnetics: scattering in random layered media, perturbation methods, Sensing Society of IEEE and served as the Chairman and as a technical program
parallel computing in electromagnetics, SAR data modeling and processing, SAR committee member at several international conferences. He received a NASA
interferometry, radio-localization in urban environment, as well as electromagnetic recognition and a group award for the technical developments related to the
propagation modeling, simulation and channel measurement. shuttle radar topography mission.

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