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Mittal School of Business

Lovely Professional University

Course Code: MKT308 Course Name: Digital Marketing

CA Type: Assignment 3 Faculty Name: Sumeet
Date of Allocation: 01th November, 2019 Date of Submission: 11th November, 2019

Objective Task Evaluation Parameters

Students will learn to create a Students will create a mobile The report will contain the
mobile marketing plan marketing plan for a local following:
business (real/fictitious) a) Define the target audience and
their mobile device capabilities 5
b) Suggest the combination of paid
tools that can be used to generate
awareness and engagement - 5
c) Suggest design and interactive
elements that can be included in
the mobile website and mobile app
for this brand - 5 Marks
d) What functionalities would you
include in the mobile app? Chart
out a marketing plan for the mobile
app - 5 Marks
e) What other features can you
include in the plan - LBS,
augmented reality, QR Code, social
media? - 5 Marks
f) How will you track the
performance of your campaign?
Define KPIs. - 5 Marks

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