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Architects have a responsibility to ensure that their designs improve the environment around them.

Environmental ethics of an architect includes making designs that seeks to minimize the negative
environmental impact of buildings by efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development
space and the ecosystem at large. Sustainable architecture uses a conscious approach to energy and ecological
conservation in the design of the built environment.

The environmental ethics consists of three values-

Green and sustainability

This value is based on a belief that a sustainable and/or environmentally friendly building approach is beneficial to users,
society and future generations. Key concepts within this design value are: energy conservation, resource management,
recycling, cradle-to-cradle, toxic free materials

Theses designs have many environmental benefits also, which includes the following:

Waste reduction

Emissions reduction

Water conservation

Temperature moderation

Storm water management

Re-use and modification

This is based on a belief that existing buildings, and to some degree products, can be continuously used through
updates. Within this value there are two separate schools of thought with regards to aesthetics: one camp focuses on new
elements that are sublimated to an overall aesthetic, and the other advocates for aesthetical contrast, dichotomy and even
dissonance between the old and the new.

This design value is based on the belief that the built environment can contribute to ensuring a healthy living environment. Built
into this design value, are principles like: buildings should be freestanding; sites need to be distributed to maximize the amount
of sunlight that reaches individual structures.[ Similarly, there is an emphasis on health based construction and reduction of
toxic emissions through selection of appropriate materials.

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