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WOd'STELIOJeUISer MMM psigrem marshes repairers psiteiaremmestrsersen WEED Programme (CSE Main SOCIOLOGY FT Ty PRAVEEN KISHORE Section A newer the fllowing (20:20:10) Gy" Wht ar the basic postulates of positivism and how have (Q) Hecate i Peers Or ning Uagarvay an (o) Role of ves in sociological engines Anmwer the following 0:20:10) Ga) What ate the problems associated with “Inboratory xperiment in sotiology? What allemative state. opted? (0) *Setiology emerged in tubutence of Europe, developed ta tocal reform in Arvaicn and will tratre ioe (© Sociology fe essetay a quatatvedscipine, Eat, mre Frio cov20e) (0) What isthe difference berween pure seience ot opie science? How practical isscemte sociology PDIscss (©) Contbation of" Seince and technology in human (Ts Sociology a slence” Give reason of fouraiower Acewer the Gtlowing (2020-10) (What do. you mean py ptteriztion? How hes eee eeghbe & o eee Bo youth tte oF ni < Eda loc Ieetiy your swe (@)_Nepnve comedionsr of moderation. ‘secton Wee short notes on the following (Each note should not crowed 150 wen (a) Parcipan observation (8) Limitation of quntative method of social rxearch (© Saiphe dative of Poabpontivemn (Catal (Asien cic Hf socio Yankee ne ftlowing: 20-20-10) (@)" Discuss the callent features of thnograpic research. {5} Do's comparative snayss of emengace Of socolgy in West nt tnd ocelgy (0) “Sicgy” pesminenty study of adem Answer he following co-20+10, * (aVststry is pest sociology and sociology is present history” ‘Comment (oy "Demoersey shares development of soc ‘Gong expen (9 “Progroms of selnce isnot charscterired by the exrmaative growth ofiheories” Discuss Anwmer he flowin cat Commer einer, been we eon aie Gh eee Selonee’ Explanseichexample (&) Do vou think that sociology in India i submerged in. the ‘commonsense of the schola’s own envivonment? JUsity (oy We short notes on: commonsense knowledge is tience monbeyo. WOOd'sTeIOJeUISeT MMM epetegramets af i ine 2 Aner then ame) ‘ommest eit a he (ast he tain of gin ie te eigen sia (Den dwiarsinpsemiin, (> (Weebl La (e Mahan’ birds? 7. Awe efi ‘eam 2 Ae oni: (a khang he ning i ee ce (0) Dee hein eri inet i ge En w Lav ad lin pn tie he hi ace a ‘aig sri at (Wit rg ‘ise (Eee tia of ina tinge, rege tte val . sl hangs now al trical a Hin, Prince oy. (6 Nese ii (Mr Do Ba 1. ame hein pawn Aer i (oem) tihng i aa gh ga” berger nae a se esas ih ira. ‘cst apy lange ein rane iy igi ve ical eit wc fel we sd eit rie Shr Neo: Cn al etd) Wie Shotts aA pad jib Tag hepiterammeniereerts UlOd'sTEIIOJEUISeEr MMM sociological studies should jgnor them.” Comment. {) Describe the theory of suleide by Durkheim in bre and comment on the possibility of suleide rate being an tbjective Index of foreseeingdystunctionalty of certain Institutions insect. {) “Suveture rether than changes the cause of prevaling snomiein modern society" Discuss. ‘Answer te folowing: 2or20+10) peer mareurscl apedermenteertnm {a} “Existence of Gad isnot necessary forthe existence of ‘elgion’ Comment. (©) Can you use Durkheimian theory of religion and society ‘methodological tool to explain communalsm In {6 Normal and patnologic! soci! phenomena 4. Answer the following: (20%20+10) (2) How for Maen, Weber and Parsons charsteizaton of rlnetenth century captalst Wester Europe sulers {rom surecenrcblasness. Explain. () What, according to Max Weber. isthe role of“ Patcuar (Blithe Sees” tn the ornergence of modern Exptalsrn7(UPSC 09) (6) Tadtional Authority. ‘section 8 Wine short notes on the folowing: (20-20610) (2) Examine how Weber's characterisation of eapitaliem dorent rom those of Mare. (0) How Mandan charchezstion of istry of Europe a erent rom that of Asia? Explain. (6) Explain Parson's concept of lead society newer te folowing (20e20610) (a) GH. Mead's theory of gonosis of self domenstatos a ‘cally Bsed viewpoine, Comment (0) Discuss Parsons" theory of social change and explain that Society i in moving equlioium. (6) Collective conscience. eptegrmtursceerl epeitetgrammerreursctateres 7. Angwer the flowing: (20120610) (@)_Outof Max Weber and Emile Drtheim, whose approach Is ‘more fitful for development of sociology as science and “yr (@ “Throughout his ie Weber talked to the ghost of Mar” (6) Social and Economic division of sbour 4. Answer the flowing: (2020010) (a) "Socialism and capitalism are contradictory but ‘complementary "Ideology necessary for” a democratic Society": Comment. () Compare Kart Marx with Eile Durkhem with reference to ‘he trameworkof'avision of ebour (6) Internal Contraction WOd'STEIIOJEUISe MMM epee eeterertnm UWIOO'STELIOJEUISeEr MMM Candidate should attempt Questions 1 and S which are compulsory and any three of the remaining questions at least ‘one from each section. AML questions carry equal marks WED Programme (MAINS 18) SOCIOLOGY By PRAVEEN KISHORE Ph, 4147065989, 991094838 Section A. 1 we short notos on the following (Each note should not ‘exceed 180 words) “0x55, {) Gonder denity {) Structural theory of gender statiteation {6) Causes of social exclusion {) Structure of socal movement. {e) Soca capionty 2. Anewer the flowing (@oez0010) (0) Ethnic confcts reno more than hidden class confit, Critcaty examine. (©) Comment on the contiyion of technology in the otermination of degre of gender statieaton. (6) "No society can efter be absolutely open or absolutely closed” Comment, 2. Anewer the flowing: (20020610) peitegrammareurscts egelegrmmeterertnm (@)_ Wat do you mean by Yeminiation of poverty’ and how it 1s related withthe process of globelzalion? Explain in the ‘context of Indian society. (b) Examine the role of money, education and religion in raking system of socal stalfeaion hierarchical, (©) Wie short totes on: Types of potieal partes. Answer the following (20r20610) (2) Moden society “IS structurally conducive for the Appearance of socal movements". Comment. (@) “Can there be famly without mariage?” Examine inthe {ight ofthe Sierging forma of martage and fama ia te Wost nd the East (©) Wife Shor Nets on: Now social movement Section 8 Wie short notes on the following (Each note should not ‘exceed 180 words) (15-50 Marts) (a) feoteted nuctear fry (b) Patriarchal Bargain {e)_Patirchy and sexual division of labour (3). Types and the forme offal. (6) teformatization of formal sect Anawor the following (20420410) (@) Wat eo the telecast antecedents of the modern ‘concopt of civil soclty? Exaning its role na democracy. (&) Do you thine tht there has been a general dsilusion with peiltea! parts around the world? lusty your view with Specie reference to Indi (©) Discuss the changing Interface between stato and civ ‘society in postindopondent inca. WOd'STEIIOJEUISe MMM epitearm me rca epeeegrmmareursct 7 ”Anewer the ftowing:20+206%0) (@) "Values rather than structural requirement of industrial society are responsible for proliferation of milear fanny (&) "Emerging forms of marriages are undermining the patiarehalelationship in society.” Comment. (©) Wie short Notes on: impact of on politica partis. 8 Anewor th following: 20+20610) (@) How is famly dstine rom household? Describe about the merging fortes of Vousehold structure ie modern soci. (©) Discuss’ the changing funetione of family In modern society. (6) Wte short notes on: ned relationship, epee eeterertnm UIOD'STEIIOJEUISer MMM Candidate should attempt Questions 1 and § which are compulsory and any three of the remaining questions at least ‘one from exch section. All questions earry equal marks ‘SOCIOLOGY WE & D Programme (MAINS) By PRAVEEN KISHORE Section A Write short notes with a socalgial perspective onthe ally, in about 150 words each: 105-50, (a) Dynamics cate sys (b) Untouchabity in contemporary India {) Occupational rgiity and cate Sem, i contemporary India. (@) Modernization of tna through ofthogcreti process {e) Superficial westerasation 2. Answer the following: (20:20+10 marks) (2) Comment on the suit of applying Marat perspetive to the study of Indian Society () Mov far isthe stratural-fnetional perspective Help in tunderstanding changes in contemporary Indian ciety? curse 2010) peermedia epee meaterertnm 16) Limitations ofIndologca Perspective Aner the filling (20/2010 marks) (a) Polieal and economie opportunites enable reform in od coltral structures easy. Explain this in context of Indian (b) Critically evaluate Gary's dpproach to soci {©} Wit seme ofthe important social reforms removal of uaouehabiil.{UPSC 2010) Answer the fll (20/2010 marks) (2) Diseass the relationship Dereen caste, class and power. ‘(urs 2010) (0) Caste rigidity in contemporary India isthe consequence ‘economic poverty of mass. Comment {(e) Fundamental democratization of ease Section B ‘Write sort notes with a sociological perspective onthe flowing ‘about 180 words each: 10-580 (2) Mabie in Caste stem {(b) Modernisation Vs Westernization {Arya sama, a cont-aceulturatve movement {@) Subaltera perspective of Indian nationalism. {e) Cultural nationatism, Answer the following: (20:20410 marks) (a) “Caste is not # unlgue Indlan phenomenon.” Critally ‘eamine. (b) ‘Features of caste system are the consequence of -sco-centrle lass’. Comment. UIOO'S[PLIO}EUISET MAM he (6) How do caste and class come together in erating the category of extreme poor? (UPSC 2014) Answer the followin (2020410 marks) (a) “The varna mode has produced a wrong and distorted Image of ease” Explain. (b) Dalit capitalism isin contraivon to Ambedkar'sWeoogy Esplin. (©) Caste a6 a system has changed Is form t0 caste as an ett. pla Aner the followings (20-2010 marks) (2) Ghurye’s work and approach to study caste system provided base for am indigenous sociology of ‘India. (b) “Soll grows caste, Machine makes classes” Crteally cvalate the statement. (©) Is nature of dominant caste changing in contemporary India. Esplaa. epeitetarammerreurscteres hepiteerammenireert UWIOO'STELIOJEUISEr MMM All questions carry equal marks ‘SOCIOLOGY TEST SERIES (MAINS 19) By PRAVEEN KISHORE Ph 9109443, UTI) Section =A 41. Write short notes on any three af the ftlowing(Each should net exceed 200 words) (a) Land tenure system (0) Industral class structure (e} Emergence of mide classi India (UPSC 09) {G) Globalization and agrarian class structure (o} mages of nan vitages, 2. Answer the following: (20420410) (a) Distnguth between Farmers and peasant. Do = comparative analysis of lfrentfarmes (@) Discuss the various roles payed by mile else Innational development? (cy With reference tothe understanding ofthe indian villages, compare the perspectives of MNSrinvas and 8.6 Dube. (UPSC 10), () What do you mean by mide class? Do they exist 3. Answer the following 20020610) (@) Desenbe the factors responsible forthe changing ‘haractr of agrrian clase structure in nai. (6) Do you egree tat “Land reforms in nda have not produced the desired resut?” Substantiats jour epeegrmmareurscls {e) Do a comparative anaiysie of vilages in {he tne of independence ai3.21" centr 4. Answer the flowin (20420+10) (a) How is caste vafecting the functioning of (©) Discuss the jeologleal_afltions of various poleal paris in nai. (6) Reginaliem in nai: Causes and consoquonces. Section “B Ansett folowing: (2020010) [@), alt movements have oscilated betwean utopian TWeology. and pragmatic strategy". Examine the (b)_ Evaluate the success of Women's movement in india. {6} Wrte short notes from sociological perspective on Maral Rape Answer the following (2020010) (@) Discuss the fdelogical background and methodology ‘plied tn tho social reforms in India during colonia! pevoa (©) Describe the ideological variation inthe backward caste ‘movement nin (0) Wa short notes on: Ant-easte movements nina Anwar the following: (2020010) (@)"Do you thnk that a tuly Indigenous environmental ‘movement exist in India? lusty your answer. (©) Discuss the factors responsible forthe recent upsurge Inthe Naxal movemont in Ina. Suagost colton. () Wie Shor nots: Chipko a an eeofeminist movement Anewar the following? (20-20010) peer eeterertnm UIOO'S[PLIO}EUISET MAM epiteearmme rca epeittarammerreurscteres (2) Evaluate the success of indian peasant movements in schioving ther goss. (UPSC 09) (b) Assoss. the contribution of contemporary women's ‘movements in women's empowerment (UPSC 2010) (@) Write Shor notes: Role of middle. class In national ‘evelopment. epee eeterertnm UIOD'STEIIOJEUISer MMM ‘writen in a medium other than specified in the Admission certificate, Candidate should attempt Questions 1 and which are compalsory and any three of the remaining questions at east ‘one from each section. All questions carry equal marks SOCIOLOGY TEST SERIES (MAINS "18)/T7 By PRAVEEN KISHORE Section “A” 1. Answer the fllowing: 20:20410), (a) Is joint family disintegrating in India? Sustity your () Give a sociological analysis of the problems of migrant urban poor. (©) Write Short Notes on: Brahiinieal Patriarchy 2 Answer the following: eon20+10) (@) What has been the'impact of globlisation on the cultural aspoet(s) of the family? (UPSC 09) () Comment on the anges inthe household dimensions (of family under medern economic reforms. (UPSC 09) (©) Marriage among different ethnic groups in Ind peermedia hepiteerammenirortsm 3. Answer the following: (20+20+10) (a) What is Patriarehy? How have the women’s movement ‘confronted the norms of patriarchy? (UPSC 08) (®) Discuss the problems of religious minorities in Indi. (©) Religious communities iw India 4. Answer the fllowing 20+20+10) (a) Discuss the role of caste, Kinship and. community network in the entrepreneurial growth of India in the ‘carly period) of Industralsation with suitable examples, (b) What are the basic tenets of Hindw religion? 1s, ‘Hinduism based on monotheism or polytheism? (6) Verrier Elwin's views on freedom forthe tribals. Section “B" 5. Write short notes om any three of the fllowing(Each should not exceedt50 words)= 10XS=30 (a) Tribe and Caste (Issues of integration and autonomy of tribe in India {€) Geographical distribution of tribes in India {(@) Economic development and tribes {) Eneysted Tribes 6. Answer the fllowing: 202010) (a) What are the problems associated with defiition of ‘ies in India and how i has been resolved? Elaborate, WOd'STEIIOJEUISe MMM 8% () Discuss the socio-eonomie consequences of land reforms in Indi, (6) Unity and diversity among the ees of Fadi, Answer the fllowi 20420410) (2) “The colonial policies towards tribes have led to their alienation from the Nation’s mainstream”. Mlustrate it {rom the socal anthropological perspective. () “Tribes in India are backward Hindus." Critically, () Teal development programmes Answer the following: 20120110) (@) “Population control approach isnot the proper strategy {for population control": Comment. (0) Provide the demographic data for elderly population in India. And evaluate the impact of modernization on elderly population. (©) Writeshort notes om: Technology and sx ratio epetetarammerreursctateres epee eeterertnm WOd'STEIIOJCUISer MMM ‘SOCIOLOGY TEST SERIES (MAINS 78) By PRAVEEN KISHORE. | «ma nce tviyanonsain Ph, 1OB 4485, 0114706559 ‘Section A 1. Answer the allowing: (20°20%10) (@) What Is development planning? How far mised ‘economy has helped India for inclusive grow () In the long term capitalism hax a tendency of (©) Welte short Notes on: Poverty programmes in India. 2. Ansmer the following: 20-20-10) (@) Evaluate the effectvenes of consitation and lin bringing sockl change ln tna, (©) “The educational policy pursed in tna is rang, ‘out to be more statur-quoist.” Critically examine the (©) Write short Notes In 3. Amer the following: (20-20+10) (2), Deseribe the saci-economle Gonséquences of Green revolution, () Discuss the factors sing rising farm suede In Indi. (©) Wate short ee on: Mode of production ia Agriculture, 44. Amower he flaming: 20+20+1 Disparity ig eaetion in epeittarammerreurscteres (2) Amid ongoing controvers) of land acquisition, suggest strategy that eam addess the grievances of farmer's communliy without compromising developme (8) How far success oF een revolution inked with s (2) Discuss the nature of caste cont im synchrone a well as diachronic perspective. (@) seat confer i aked with rise of communal, in India? 7. Answer the fol 1: 202010) {Discuss the problems of working women i {(opDiseuss the Problems of rural abo {e) Write short notes on: Development induced placement and social unrest in Inia. Answer the folowing: 20420410) peer eeterertnm epiteearmme rca epeittarammerreurscteres conomie growth. Disuss this issue inthe light of post-tberalized Indian sci (@}Esplan the concepts of dominant cst’ and * vote * bank ving examples from specie regions (© Discane the impact of “National health, Protec UIOO'S[PLIO}EUISET MAM epee eeterertnm

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