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Institute of Graduate Studies

(MEAM 602)

An Analysis of the Aircraft Maintenance Management

Of the 5th Fighter wing, PAF in Basa Air Base, Pampanga

MEAM 602


Professorial Lecturer

Institute of Graduate Studies

Chapter 1


The 5th Fighter Wing (5FW), presently stationed in Basa Air Base, Pampanga, is

one of the major bases of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) tasked to conduct air

defense and tactical operation in support of ground and naval forces. It is of

paramount importance that the 5FW air assets composed of Korean-made FA-50

fighter aircraft and Italy’s S-211 trainer/warrior aircraft be in tiptop condition and

operationally ready (OR) at all times for the Wing to perform its mandate of

performing fighter operations all over the archipelago. Thus, proper maintenance

should be strictly adhered to by maintenance specialists and technicians to ensure

airworthiness of the 5FW air assets. The 430th Maintenance and Supply Group

(430 MSG), being the lead agency in aircraft maintenance management of the

5FW, oversees each and every airplane’s upkeep. The Group sees to it that these

aerospace vehicles are flyable at all times without compromising safety. Its mission

is to provide is to provide depot maintenance service for all 5FW aircraft. It

exercises operational control over two (2) units, namely; the 431st Field and Depot

Maintenance Squadron (431 FDMS) and the 434th Avionics Maintenance

Squadron (434 AMS). The former is tasked to provide field and depot maintenance

of all aerospace vehicles and associated equipment assigned with the 5FW while

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the latter’s job is to provide organizational, field, and depot level maintenance of

avionics equipment and fire control system. Moreover, the 430 MSG has functional

supervision over flying units, to wit; the 105th Combat Crew Training Squadron (105

CCTS), which is in charge of maintaining the S-211 aircraft, and the 7th Tactical

Fighter Squadron (7 TFS) taking care of the upkeep of FA-50 aircraft. The

organizational maintenance, therefore, is assumed by these tactical units.

However, in the event that the aircraft discrepancy is beyond their capability to

correct, they may coordinate with 430 MSG to seek assistance from higher level

of maintenance i.e. 431 FDMS and 434 AMS.

Background of the Study

The S-211s are relatively old aircraft having been acquired in the late 90’s.

Hitherto, the maintenance personnel have not developed their capability to perform

depot level maintenance on JT-14C engines, the propelling force of the said

aircraft. Meanwhile, it was only recent that the Korean-made FA-50s were

acquired. It takes quite a while to train and develop the maintenance capability of

the personnel.

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Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to evaluate the aircraft maintenance management of the

5th Fighter Wing, PAF.

Specifically, it seeks to determine the following:

1. Adequacy of skilled personnel assigned in the flying units and support


2. Status of morale of maintenance personnel in terms of availability of tools

and equipment, grant of incentives, and administrative support.

3. Sufficiency of logistical support by OA-4, HPAF for the aircraft and

Associated Ground Support Equipment.


Ho – There is insufficiency on the requirements for the aircraft maintenance

management of the 5th Fighter Wing, PAF.

Ha – There is adequate requirements for the aircraft maintenance management of

the 5th Fighter Wing, PAF.

Institute of Graduate Studies

Significance of the Study

The importance of the study is to enhance the operational effectiveness of

the 5FW air assets. And this can be surely realized by seeing to it that these aircraft

are maintained properly and ready to protect the territorial airspace of the Republic

of the Philippines. Keeping the command aware of the relevance of other factors

necessary for the upkeep of its assigned aircraft, it can readily react for any

eventuality that may arise in the future. Compared to other Air Force Wings, the

5FW has a very delicate task of providing active air defense against hostile

forces/intruders. Whereas other commands concentrate merely in

counterinsurgency operations, the 5FW is utilized by the Headquarters, Philippine

Air Force and the Armed Forces of the Philippines both in neutralizing communist

terrorists and for securing the country from external aggression.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study includes interviews, data gathering, and confirmation of data from

both the maintenance and tactical units. Further, the research is confined to the

operation of the 430 MSG in maintaining the air assets.

Institute of Graduate Studies

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Maintaining a fleet of operationally ready aircraft has always been the desire

of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines to protect the

Republic from external aggression. The acquisition of the FA-50 in 2011 onwards

somehow regains the glory of the 5FW since the mothballing of the F-5s in 2004.

It was in 1965 when the F-5 aircraft were procured from the US. Its acquisition

made the country second to Japan in terms of air power in Asia. It then marked the

transition of the PAF into the Jet Age which therefore saw the need for the Air

Force to send some of its pilots and maintenance personnel to attend schooling

overseas, particularly in the United States.

The Republic cannot afford to compromise its security by relying solely on

the Mutual Defense Treaty with the US. With the pullout of the American military

bases in the early 90’s, the Filipinos are not assured that Uncle Sam will come to

their aid in times of war. Thus, it is imperative for the Philippines to have its air

assets ready for development anytime.

Realizing the need to acquire more modern and sophisticated Jet aircraft,

previous 5FW Wing Commanders and Commanding Generals of the PAF

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espoused the acquisition of a state-of-the-art fighter aircraft. Right now,

deliberation at the higher level of command is ongoing choosing from among the

types of fighter aircraft as US, Soviet, or Israeli made.

Having our existing fighter aircraft operationally ready at all times plays a

very important role in exercising the country’s sovereignty. It is already an open

book that our neighboring Asian countries who possess a fleet of the best air

assets but failed to maintain such aircraft operationally ready is tantamount to

having no capability in defending itself from enemy attack.

When the then CG, PAF, LT GEN NICASIO P RODRIQUEZ, visited BAB in

the 90s, he emphasized the need for the acquisition of an ultra-modern jet fighters.

However, he intimated that it surely takes a long time to realize this dream due to

budgetary constraints. It is, therefore, of paramount importance, he stressed, that

the existing aircraft be maintained operationally ready to counteract enemy


In so doing, the 430 Msg management would gain achievement and ensure

performance in accomplishing 5FW mission.

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Comparatively, the US-based Northern Wing’s team of aircraft

maintenance managers have a depth of experience in scheduling, processing, and

managing the requirements for each aircraft based on Return to Service actions

while the aircraft maintenance personnel of the 430 MSG, 431 FDMS, 434 AMS,

7 TFS, and 105 CCTS are capable to undertake maintenance repair of the aircraft

possessed and maintained by the 5 FW, PAF.

As regards the availability of maintenance requirement, the Northern Wing

has a comprehensive inventory of tools and equipment plus there exists necessary

facilities for the conduct of the aircraft maintenance. Meanwhile, the 5FW

maintenance units possess the required tools and equipment to undertake the

aircraft repair and maintenance, however, there are lacking equipment for engine

overhaul and engine test run.

Apropos of the aviation management warehousing, the US-based AMO

keep parts in stock in their warehouse facility, and are a go-to source for parts and

services. On the other hand, the 5FW has incomplete inventory of aircraft parts

and supplies to support aircraft requirement during scheduled and unscheduled


Institute of Graduate Studies

Conceptual Framework

The 430th Maintenance and Supply Group was established with the task of

providing depot maintenance service for all 5FW air assets. It aims to ensure early

recovery of discrepant aircraft, be it on scheduled or unscheduled maintenance by

monitoring the job performed on the aerospace vehicles. To realize this, 430 MSG

conducts pre-scheduling every Wednesday attended by Maintenance Officers of

the two (2) support units; the 431FDMS and the 434AMS, and the two (2) tactical

units, namely, the 105CCTS and the 7TFS.

Moreover, there is a maintenance action officer detailed for the day whose

duty includes monitoring the status of all types of 5FW aircraft and aerospace

ground equipment. It is also his responsibility to follow up the availability of the

maintenance personnel needed to work on a specified aircraft and related

equipment. He is, therefore, responsible to the Group Commander to report

maintenance updates.

The Group Commander is ably assisted by his deputy and his Directors for

Operations and Administration. Under the directorate for administration are the

three (3) branches, namely; Personnel Management, Morale and Welfare, and

Support Management. The directorate for operations, on the other hand, exercises

control over the following five (5) branches; Maintenance Control; Plans,

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Programs, and Training; Materiel Control; Records, Reports, and Analyses; and

the Quality Control. Each branch has its own peculiar task to carry out to be able

to accomplish the 430MSG’s mission. The bulk of the job lies heavily on the

director for operations.

As regards the flying units like the 105CCTS and 7TFS, organizational

maintenance is performed by their personnel where they normally conduct

preventive maintenance to their assigned aircraft. Additionally, the enlisted men

conduct pre-flight, thru-flight, and post-flight inspections. Pre-flight and thru-flight

inspections are conducted to determine fitness of the aircraft for flight for the day

whereas post-flight inspection is resorted to after the last flight of the day to

determine its airworthiness for the next day. In the event they discovered some

discrepancies to the weapons system, corrective measures is outright taken to put

the aircraft under operationally ready (OR) status. However, should aircraft

discrepancy noted be beyond their capability to correct, they will coordinate with

430MSG for assistance which may be provided either by the 431FDMS or the

434AMS as the case may be.

Though aircraft is under OR status, it may still be considered Not-

Operationally Ready (NOR) in case it reaches a certain number of hours where it

has to undergo Scheduled Maintenance (SM). Further, there are aircraft

components like ejection seats which needs to be replaced upon expiration of its

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Cartridge Actuating Device/Propellant Actuating Device (CAD/PAD). In this case,

the weapons system may be placed under Non-Mission Capable Status (NMCS).

For aircraft engine, in the event of unavailability of some parts, it may be

rendered under Engine Not Operationally Ready due to Supply (ENORS) status.

It also undergoes Scheduled Maintenance upon accumulation of a certain number

of operating hours.

Without aerospace ground equipment (AGE), there’s no way that the

Wing’s mission will be carried successfully as AGE are powered equipment

necessary to start the aircraft’s engine/s. Furthermore, AGE is also used to check

major aircraft components like landing gears, communication equipment, and the

like. Thus, it truly deserves to be called as the backbone of fighter operations.

Institute of Graduate Studies

Conceptual Paradigm


1. Physical condition of Facilities, Tools, and Equipment

2. Number and Types of Facilities, Tools and Equipment
possessed by Maintenance and Flying Units
3. Total Number of Personnel assigned in the Maintenance
and Tactical Units
4. Aircraft possessed by the 5FW


1. Use of Survey Questionnaire

2. Conduct of Interview to Maintenance Stakeholders
3. Descriptive Survey
4. Statistical Treatment of Data


Determination on the Adequacy of the Requirements for

Aircraft Maintenance Management of the 5th Fighter wing, PAF

Institute of Graduate Studies

Definition of Terms

1. Aircraft – defined as weight-carrying device designed to be supported by

air either by buoyancy or dynamic action.

2. Aircraft Maintenance – the performance of tasks required to ensure the

continuing airworthiness of an aircraft or aircraft part, including overhaul,

inspection, replacement, defect rectification, and the embodiment of

modifications, compliance with airworthiness directives and repair.

3. Post-Flight Inspection (PO) – refers to the inspection performed after the

last flight of the day.

4. Periodic Inspection – means a thorough and searching inspection of the

entire aircraft. This is performed after an accumulation of specified flying

hours as mandated in the -6 manual of the aircraft.

5. Cartridge Actuating Device/Propellant Actuating Device – both installed

on the ejection seat of a fighter aircraft, used to propel the ejection seat

during escape of the pilot from the aircraft or during ejection.

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6. Pre- Flight Inspection – flight preparedness check based on the -6

inspection card/manual, performed prior to or before the first flight of the


7. Depot Level Maintenance (DLM) – the highest level of maintenance which

performs major modification of aircraft equipment as well as overhauling.

8. Field Level Maintenance – this type of maintenance specializes in

technical services and provides maintenance support and specialist

assistance to other maintenance activities.

9. Flight Line Maintenance (Preventive Maintenance) – sometimes called

organizational maintenance – type of maintenance which is limited on

scope, that immediate support comes from the squadron level. It does flight

preparedness check and minor inspection in all unscheduled maintenance.

10. Scheduled Maintenance (SM) – type of inspection performed on aircraft

and engine mandated by the -6 Technical Order or Manual.

11. ENORS – Engine Not Operationally Ready due to Supply – no parts

available or pending availability for engines.

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12. NMCS – Non-Mission Capable due to Supply – refers to the status of an

aircraft pending availability of parts or supply.

13. Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) – powered or non-powered

equipment used in the maintenance or operation of the assigned air assets.

14. Catapult – example of CAD – component of the ejection seat used in the

escape system or ejection seat.

15. Ejection Seat – a major component of the Emergency Ground Rescue and

Escape System (EGREES) of a fighter aircraft that provides a safe escape

for the pilot in case of emergency.

Institute of Graduate Studies

Chapter 3


Research Design

This study employs mixed method of research. It is the type of research in

which a researcher or team of researchers combines elements of qualitative and

quantitative research approaches for the broad purposes of breadth and depth

of the study. The researcher, therefore, intends to make use of qualitative and

quantitative viewpoints, data collection, analysis, and inference techniques.

Descriptive-normative analysis was used to describe the findings of the study such

as frequencies and percentages. Fifty (50) questionnaires were distributed directly

to the maintenance personnel and the 430 MSG management. Based on standard

analysis, the findings of the research covered the quantitative and qualitative


Research Locale

The 430th Maintenance and Supply Group is located at Basa Air Base,

Pampanga, six (6) kilometers away from the town proper of Floridablanca,

Pampanga. Basa Air Base houses the 5th Fighter Wing, the premier unit of the

Philippine Air Force. The Headquarters, 430MSG is located at the flight line area

where 431FDMS, 434AMS, 6TFS, 7TFS, and 105CCTS are similarly located.

Institute of Graduate Studies

Sample and Sampling Techniques

The researcher used Quota Sampling Technique. Hence, a representative

quota shall be allocated to the 430MSG management, the two (2) support units,

and the two (2) flying units. This method of sampling is used by the researcher in

order to obtain unbiased results as stakeholders in the maintenance units are

properly represented. Ideally the quotas chosen would represent the

characteristics of the underlying population. The choice of this sampling technique

was chosen being relatively straightforward and potentially representative.


Personal interview method played an important role in the completion of

this study. The research comprised more of an interview work with the 430MSG

management and other maintenance personnel from other units.

Moreover, a questionnaire guide was used with which the personnel of

430MSG and other units were approached on data reflecting the overall

management procedure being practiced.

Finally, the research is conducted through reading of technical

manuals/orders, radio and fax messages, black and white communications, and

foreign literature to ensure a comprehensive analysis of the data.

Institute of Graduate Studies

Data Gathering Procedure

As mixed method of research was employed on the study, data gathering

procedures used are a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. Proper

coordination with the 5FW was made for the authority to conduct the study in the

maintenance units of the Wing. The researcher personally distributed the

questionnaires to a limited number of respondents to ensure that all data were

clearly understood and answered. The results were tallied upon receipt of the filled

out survey questionnaires. Meanwhile, the management of the 430MSG and

selected personnel from other maintenance units were interviewed for an open-

ended survey. Similarly results of the interview were collated, analyzed, and


Statistical Treatment of Data

As data obtained from interviews were non-numeric, only quantitative data

gathered through survey questionnaires shall be statistically treated. Hence, data

collected were appropriately checked and tallied after receipt of the accomplished

questionnaires from the participants.

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The following statistical treatments were used to analyze the gathered


Frequency was used to determine the number of participants with the same

response to them.

Weighted Mean was used to determine the average of the questions of people

about no discrete variables.

×= ∑ 𝒇𝒙/𝑵


X – Weighted mean or Average mean

∑ 𝑓𝑥 – Total weight

N – Total number of Participants

The Likert Scale was used to interpret the items in the questionnaire.

Assigning of Relative Rank (R): After determining the frequency/scores, the

items/responses are ranked; 5 as the highest and 1 as the lowest.


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