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Handknitting yarns 30, Model 10

Elastico hat and New Cotton top

Size S (M)
Head width approx. 52 cm or 20 1/2"
Figures for size M are given in brackets. If only
one figure is given, it applies to all sizes.

alt = alternately, ch = chain, col = colour,
cont = continue, dc = double crochet,
dec = decrease, dtr = double treble,
foll = following, gst = garter stitch, htr = half treble,
inc = increase, K = knit, mt = meterage, P = purl,
patt = pattern, patt g (MS) = pattern group,
psso = pass slipped st(s) over, rem = remaining,
rep = repeat, rev stst = reversed stocking stitch,
(P 1 row, K 1 row), Rs = right side, slst = slip
stitch, st(s) = stitch(es), stst = stocking stitch, (K 1
row, P 1 row), tbl = through back of loop,
tog = together, tr = treble, Ws = wrong side,
Wwm = when work measures, yo = yarn over
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Materials: Lana Grossa "Elastico" (96% cotton, 4% polyester, mt = 160 m/50 g) 50 g white (col 1);
one size 3.5 mm crochet hook.

Flowers: work foll crochet chart. Cast on 8 ch each, join in round with 1 slip st and work one round
as given. From 2nd flower on, join each time 2 ch-loops with each other = for center ch
work 1 sc round ch-loop of adjoining flower. Additionally join last flower with 1st flower,
see right border of chart.

Gauge: single crochet: 17 sts and 20 rows to 10 cm or 4" square.

Method: first join 10 flowers for a circle. Then join yarn at top border of 1st flower and complete
1st round as given in pattern = 90 sts. Go to 2nd round with 1 ch and cont from here in
spirals with sc. After 3 cm or 1 1/8" start dec: work off 5 times every 14th and 15th st tog
= 5 dec. At these places work off tog 2 sts each on every further round, thus dec 6 sts on
every round until 24 sts rem. Then work off 8 times every 2nd and 3rd st tog and then 2
sts each. Tighten rem 8 sts with the thread and sew off. Along lower border of flower ring
start as given for top and work 5 cm or 2" sc. Then work for border another 10 rounds.
Inc 4 sts evenly across on rounds 1, 5 and 7.

Materials: Lana Grossa "New Cotton" (60% cotton, 40% microfibers (polyamide), mt = 140m/50g)
250(300) g white (col 17), one pair 4 mm needles, one 3 mm crochet hook.

Rib pattern: alt K2, P2.

Eyelet pattern: work foll chart.

Gauge: eyelet pattern: 23 sts and 30 rows to 10 cm or 4" square.

Front: cast on 116(124) sts and work between edge sts 3 cm or 1 1/8" in rib pattern.
Cont in eyelet pattern, starting with 6 sts for patt g, rep patt g and end with 6 sts after patt
g. When work measures 35 cm or 13 3/4" from beginning bind off for armholes 2 sts at
each end once, then dec for shaping 1 st on every alt row 18 times and 1 st on every 4th
row 3 times, at the same time when work measures approx. 37 cm or 14 1/2" from
beginning (3.5 patt g in height worked) divide work at center, 53(57) sts each and and
cont for each side separately in rib pattern, start at left front after edge st with P1. For
neck shaping dec at inner edge 1 st 21 times on every alt row (= at left edge K tog sts 3
and 4 from neck border, at right front slip 3rd st from border, work 4th st, pass slipped st
over). When neck measures 18 cm or 7 1/8" bind off rem 14(18) shoulder sts.
Back: work as given for front, starting armhole and rib pattern at the same height as for front.
When work measures 15 cm or 6" in rib pattern bind off for back neck 30 center sts, on
either side bind off on every alt row 2 sts twice and 1 st twice. When neck measures 3
cm or 1 1/8" bind off rem 14(18) shoulder sts.
Finishing: Join shoulder and side seams. Along neck and armhole borders crochet 1 round each
crab sts (= single crochet from left to right).

Knitting chart
Work in the back row on the
left st, removing the double
cover 1 x right and 1 x left.
height rapport

(Front and


= Edge M
= 1 envelope
= 2 times
= Take 1 st, the
following sts and pull off
the raised sts

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