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The reflection

Humility is the topic which our Father Rector has shared to us. He asked us
the question: “What is your idea/ concept of humility before the retreat? That one
is in all six questions? What he gave us to reflect. We all needed to answer it by
writing it down in our own paper. Humility is demeanor that is my answer.
To begin with the first question, what is your idea/ concept of humility
before the retreat? For me, humility is freedom from pride or arrogance and the
quality or state of being humble. When I am demeaning I can be able to recognize
many things what are happening in my life. I can encounter and identify it that is
the good thing or bad. To know how to listen others is the best way for me to
learn, to be correct and to build up my life. To knowhow to love others is most
important things for me to practise my love and the others also can feel the love of
God. I know to love is so hard for me, but need to do it and I will practise it every
moment from now. I will begin with the small things first.
Next, what is the benefit of the virtue humility in living in a community? In
my opinion, the benefit is love. For instance, life is without love, people will be like
robots, just working and making something as the functions what they are. God is
love because of love, He let His beloved Son came to us and redeemed our life. A
greatly love without limit, only from God. I am a child of God. I realize the way He
indicates love for me. So, with a seminarian as I am, I need to understand what I
am doing to be worthy with my vocation, especially with God. Like my Father
Rector said: “the community is without love which will be like the boarding house”.
It is true. So, in my concept, love is God, love is the benefit of the virtue humility in
living a community, love contents happiness, forgiveness, sharing, encouraging and
Then, I really admire most Saint John the Baptist.
I can understand the importance of being humble in life. Humble is not
proud or haughty; not arrogant or assertive. When I am humble, I can know much
things about myself. What am I doing? What am I thinking about? Or what will I
receive from others? Actually, to practise it that is so difficult for me. Sometimes, I
cannot identify humble and contempt. But, with the grace of God I can do it.
“Being humble” is the plan which I am trying every day.
When I came to the Philippines, I was surprised. The first time, I have seen a
Father who cooked the food for community in every evening. He is my Father
Rector. During the time our brothers go to the market for buying the food, he also
goes with them. And after that he prepares some special food for us. Through the
image of our Father, I can feel the love of God. He scarifies himself and spends o
lot of time to prepare. He always smiles with the happy face.
I am touched by the Gospel of Saint John the Baptist in chapter 3 verse 30
“He must increase, I must decrease”. Many times in my life, I received much
blessing from God. And I use it to serve others. They are very happy. May be this is
a good sign for them to recognize God. In the other hand, I am proud of myself by
the encouragement of people who are helped. I thought that I myself can manage
everything. I am not humble when I receive the blessing of God. Now I can base on
the sentence of Saint John “ He must increase, I must decrease” and follow the
teaching of Jesus to enrich my life, especially my community where I am living.

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