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2019-2021 BATCH






The education industry consists of schools, colleges, universities, charity, agencies, businesses or
form of national, regional or local government that have the agreement, contract, role,
responsibility and purpose of providing a form of education to members of the public.

Emotional quotient can also be defined as the capacity to recognize our own feelings and those
of others for motivating ourselves and managing emotions well in our social interactions.

Intelligence Quotient is a measure of the intelligence of an individual derived from results

obtained from specially designed tests.

In the busy schedule of attending classes, tutorials, coaching classes, assignments and exams
most of the students not only fail to understand others’ emotions but forget to take care of their
own mental health and emotions. There is a strong correlation between students' emotional
quotient and their classroom behavior. Students with low emotional quotient may struggle to
focus and have relationships with their peers or may even show aggression. Students with lower
emotional quotient tend to struggle to communicate their feelings with their peers, and this can
result in struggling to form friendships with classmates or even relationships with adults.
Aggression is a common issue with students with low emotional quotient, because they don't
have the skills they need to communicate or manage their emotions appropriately. These
behavior problems typically surface in preschool and early elementary school and increase in
seriousness from that point on.

Some expect children to learn aspects of emotional quotient implicitly from family dynamics and
by participating in school, church, and community activities. These aspects, or skills, include
self-expression of emotions, conflict resolution, and empathy. Self-expression is a person's
ability to communicate how he or she feels in any given situation. Conflict resolution refers to
our ability to discuss our issues with another person calmly and work together to resolve the
issue. Empathy refers to our ability to understand the emotions of those around us.

Often we assume that these are innate in people or develop naturally by casual interactions with
others throughout childhood. For many children, however, this is simply not the case. Therefore,
they need to be taught explicitly through classroom instruction, modeling, and even role playing.

Preschools and elementary schools that use structured emotional quotient instructional programs
reap some benefits. For example, students who participate in emotional intelligence instructional
programs exhibit less aggressive behavior towards adults and their peers. Developing emotional
intelligence improves the environment in the classroom as well, making it easier for teachers to
teach and students to learn. Emotions do affect how and what we learn. Being more aware of our
emotions and reaction to it will help us manage the stress. Once we learn to understand our
emotions we will be able to communicate better.

Self-awareness: The ability to recognize an emotion as it “happens” is the key to your EQ.
Developing self-awareness requires tuning in to your true feelings. If you evaluate your
emotions, you can manage them.
Empathy: The ability to recognize how people feel is important to success in your life and
career. The more skillful you are at discerning the feelings behind others’ signals the better you
can control the signals you send them.
Motivate: To motivate yourself for any achievement requires clear goals and a positive attitude.
Although you may have a predisposition to either a positive or a negative attitude, you can with
effort and practice learn to think more positively. If you catch negative thoughts as they occur,
you can reframe them in more positive terms — which will help you achieve your goals
Communicating: It plays an important role in developing and maintaining good relationships.
Developing quality relationships has a very positive effect on all. The ability to express personal
concerns without anger or passivity is a key asset.
Dealing with Exam Stress :Stress is not always bad. Stress is just emotional strain and body’s
response to demanding circumstances.

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