Brampton Bulletin: W T D A ?

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B r a m p t o n P r i m a r y S c h o o l Week ending: 19.11.

S t r i v i n g t o R e a c h t h e B e s t Autumn Term: Issue 10

Brampton Bulletin

Inside this week’s issue: W HAT DO T EAC H E RS D O A T H A LF TE RM ?

• Report from Miss Bates
Dear Everyone,
• Forthcoming Dates
During the October half term I was
• SEAL Home Activities lucky enough to be given the chance to
• Training Days visit Kolding, Denmark to learn about
• Week 3 Menu their education system along with 9
• Sports Success other Bexley teachers. It was a
fascinating chance to see what inspired
• Gold Book Entries
our Foundation Stage curriculum and how it was being taught.
• Weekly Attendance
I visited several kindergartens and schools around the town as well as
• And finally— New Build attending lectures at the local university. Nearly all children, from 6
Forthcoming Dates: months to 5 years, attend a child care institution of some kind,
ranging from kindergarten to child
Thurs 25th Nov/2nd Dec
minders. The children, including the 2
CRIBs in Y4/6
and 3 year olds, were expected to be
w/b Monday 29th Nov very independent using metal knives
Life Bus/Donations in for and forks, drinking from glasses and
FOB Fair sitting on adult sized wooden stools.
Friday 3rd December I learnt very quickly that ‘there is no
Coffee Morning for Dads such thing as bad weather, just bad
FOB Christmas Fair clothing’. Danish children spend a
Tuesday 7th December large amount of time outside, either in the outdoor areas or on local
visits around the town. They are also left to learn from their mistakes.
KNEX workshop
Another saying I heard a lot was, ‘if they hurt themselves they will
Friday 10th December
learn not to do it again’.
School Christmas Dinner
Children start formal schooling in the year they turn 6 and work from
SEN Support Group Coffee 8.30 – till 1.00. In the afternoon there are afterschool activities
Morning ranging from wood work to computer
Saturday 11th December games, sports clubs to discos.
FOB Christmas Disco I am hoping to incorporate some of the
Tuesday 14th Dec pm ideas I picked up in Denmark back to
Wednesday 15th Dec am school especially exploring and using
our local area more effectively.
KS1 Christmas Concerts
Miss Bates
(Max 2 tickets per family)
Page 2 Brampton Bulletin


Family detectives
What happens when you can’t agree in your family? It might be when you want to watch different things on TV or
have different things for tea.
Talk about it together and write your ideas here if you want to.
Over the week act as family detectives to look at what you do when you fall out. Different members of the family
might do different things.
We will meet at ............ to talk about what we have found out.
Take it in turns to explain what you have found out. You might like to write your ideas here.
Are you good at sorting things out?
What kind of things do you do or say that seem to help to sort things out?
Is there anything you would like to do differently?
Peaceful problem solving
At school we have been trying to use peaceful problem solving when we fall out in the playground or in class.
Explain what the ‘peaceful problem-solving’ process is. Use the Peaceful problem-solving sheet to help you. The
other members of the family should listen carefully and ask questions if they want to. Why don’t you stick the
peaceful problem-solving sheet on your fridge and try to use the ideas when you fall out at home? At the end of the
week talk about these questions:
• Did you try peaceful problem solving?
• When?
• What happened?
Peaceful problem solving
Ready ...
Are you ready to think together? How are you feeling and why? Are you calm? Use your best
calming-down tricks.
Steady ...
Take it in turns to talk it through. Listen without interrupting. Say what
has happened, how you feel and why. Say what you would like to happen.
Think of all the different things you could do to help you both feel OK. Agree some-
thing that you both feel OK about.
Go ...
Go for it! Try out your idea.
And replay in slow motion.
Think about how you did it.
Check if things are OK.
What went well? What would you change next time? What did you learn?

Training Days
Last week our governors approved our last two training days for 2010-2011. So school will
now be closed for children on Tuesday 4th January and Tuesday 26th April 2011. Some of
you may be aware that this makes 6 Training Days in this academic year. This is because
the Government approved an extra day for schools to plan for a new curriculum.
Issue 5 Page 3

W E E K B E G I N N I N G - 2 2 N D N OV E M B E R 2 0 1 0
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Meat Chicken Pasta Bake Beef Lasagne with Roast Chicken Cottage Pie Breaded Fish &
Tomato & Garlic Thigh with Gravy & Chips
Foccacia Roast Potatoes

Fish or Oven Baked Fish Jacket Potato with Tuna Wrap with Potato Farls
with Parmentier Tuna & Red Onion Rice
alternative Potatoes

Vegetarian Cornish Pasty with Vegetable Kebab Vegetable Wheel Cheese & Onion Vegetable Chilli &
Parmentier Potatoes with Tomato & Gar- with Roast Potatoes Wrap with Rice Chips
lic Focccia

Desserts Steamed Pineapple Fruit Jelly Steamed Syrup Zesty Lemon Cake Fruit Pie with Ice
Upside Down Cake Sponge with Custard Cream
with Custard

A choice of salads, seasonal vegetables, fresh bread, fresh fruit platter,

fruit yoghurt, milk and drinking water are also available daily.
Peanut Allergies
Please can we remind everyone that we are a ‘Peanut Free’ school in our cooked meals and we ask
parents not to put any nuts or items containing nuts in their child’s packed lunches. Thank you

Secondary Selection Results

We have recently had our secondary selection results and we were very pleased to note
that over 30% achieved selective places with 16 children gaining selective grades in Bexley
and two more in Kent. Well done to everyone in Year 6 who now all await to hear which
schools they will go to in September.

Sports Success
Teddy Langston and Jamie Scott attended The Street Dance
Championship 2010 in Great Yarmouth last weekend and again did
very well. They reached 3rd place in the semi finals for ‘Pairs’ on
Friday evening. On Sunday (The Finals) Jamie came in 2nd place for
his solo dance and Ted was placed 6th. This was such an achievement
as neither of them have done solos before. They were also placed
4th on the Pairs Final. Again this was out of 66 pairs which was a
fantastic result. They had so much fun and are so very proud of
their trophies as are their parents and Brampton School. Well done
Teddy and Jamie .
Congratulations also to our Girls Football team who won 7-0 against East Wickham in a
friendly match on Friday.
Striving to Reach the Best Weekly Attendance
Every week we print the names of those children who have
achieved in either their work, conduct or behaviour around
school and have been entered in the Gold Book. They have
been mentioned in Monday’s celebratory assembly. After 3
mentions children receive a bronze certificate, 6 mentions for a
silver, 9 mentions for a gold, 12 mentions for a Super Gold and
15 mentions for a Platinum certificate.
1B– Amandeep Shergill (Bronze) 6C— Reece Peto Week ending
1B– William Payne 6C— Chloe Wait
1B– Sophie Boynes 6C—Ellie jones RB: 98.7%
1B—Aimee Irving 6C– Jade Lucas
1BA– Cameron Chester 6C –Jack Twiner RJ: 88%
1BA– Freya McKenzie 6C– Joe Faulkes 1B: 94.7%
3WH—Alexandria Wright 6B—Dheen Zia
4C– Can Tuzun 6B– Katie McDonnell 1BA: 100%
5S– Daaniyal Ali (Bronze) 6B– Emily Williams
5S– Danny Rowntree 6B– Megan Sanderson 2H: 96.3%
5S– Harry Jackson 6B –Megan Lee
5S– Toby Smith (Diamond) 6B– Siobhan Foster 2EW: 93.8%
5S– Maison Scullion 6B– Sezer Djouma 3W: 88%
5S– Eliel Mokumbe
5M—Ronnie Sweeney Unfortunately there is not 3WH: 92%
5M– Erin McKay enough space to mention the
5M— Max Berrow children’s achievements here 4P: 96%
5M— Anna Tolfrey (Super Gold) but if you are interested to see
5M– Sophie Thompson your child’s mention the book is
4C: 99%
6C– Holly Glennon usually kept in the office—so 5S: 99.3%
6C– Ramilka Perera (Super Gold) please pop in and ask to see it.
5M: 99.7%
Week ending 24.9.10 6C: 98.7%
1st— Blue = 171 2nd—Yellow = 164 Well done to 1BA!
3rd—Red= 122 4th—Green = 131 Our target is 96.1%
Congratulations to Blue House members! Our School Total was 95.7%

And finally.......Building Works Raffle Prize Winners

You may have noticed that at the moment work has been The winners in this week’s draw for
tea with Miss Fisher were Joe
halted whilst Abbotts’ secure the correct traffic
Lyons, Archie Hancock Mantle in
management plan from Bexley council. They have started 4P, Paige Belsey in 3W and
work on the empty classroom inside school and we hope Cameron Chester in 1BA.
for a speedy return to work outside. Well done to them for showing the
Remember if you like what we’re doing —tell appropriate behaviour.
us and others! If you don’t, please help us im-
prove! We’re on the web!
School Office; 020 8303 2873 Fax; 020 8298

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