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Gravity Model and Fractal Dimension of Ungaran Geothermal Area

Conference Paper · March 2017

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2 authors:

Syaiful Alam Zunarto Saputra

Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung Institute of Technology


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PROCEEDINGS, 6th ITB International Geothermal Workshop 2017
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, March 22–23, 2017


Syaiful Alam* and Zunarto Saputra**

* Universitas Padjadjaran, ** Institut Teknologi Bandung

Corresponding author:

spring, fumaroles, warm pool and altered

ground/soil gas. The spatial distribution of soil gas
Ungaran Volcano is known as an undeveloped (radon, thoron, carbon dioxide, mercury)
geothermal field, located at Central Java. Fumarole, conclusively identified the presence of fracture
hot spring, acidic mud pool and hydrothermal zone for geothermal fluid migration (Phuong, et al.,
alteration constitute the southern part of Ungaran 2012). Previous geophysical investigation using
Mountain, Gedongsongo. Better understanding of gravity data is well published for Ungaran Volcano
geothermal system is the most important in research (Fujimitsu, et al, 2007)
Fault/fracture zone can form in large variety of
The second vertical derivative of gravity data range such as geomorphology and drainage system.
revealed the geothermal manifestation is Drainage system is the pattern formed by streams,
surrounded by normal fault. The structural system rivers, and lakes in a drainage basin. In a drainage
of geothermal area has its regularity and systems, streams or rivers always connect together
randomness within principle of self-similarity. This to form network (Zhang and Guilbert, 2012). At
natural system could be realized by fractal present, much research has been done on the
dimension of bougeur anomaly and drainage description of drainage patterns in geography and
pattern. The two variables, bougeur anomaly and hydrology. Drainage analysis is useful in structural
drainage pattern, are negatively related as bougeur interpretation in consideration of drainage patterns,
decreases while drainage pattern increases in drainage texture and anomalies. Drainage analysis
fractal dimension (D) and vice versa. may provide clues to inactive structural features
exposed at the surface, to structural features
A quantified drainage pattern geometry as function currently rising, and possibly, to buried structural
of lithology and structure is approached by box features (Howard, 1967).
counting algorithm. In the other hand, a quantified
fractal bougeur dimension is equivalent to the In the universe, plenty of structural space turns the
representative of deep and shallow subsurface resulting from rearrangements of identical
anomaly. The Gedongsongo geothermal components in large quantities. The process of
manifestation is characterized by lower bouguer rearrangements that occur through regulation or
fractal dimension, 1.1-1.2 D, and higher drainage specific formulation is called the organization. The
pattern dimension, 1.7-1.8 D. No significant principle of the organization is a regularity and
change between regional and residual anomaly of randomness. Between these two extremes, there is
gravity data indicate the deeper anomaly has strong the principle of self-similarity which will take it on
influence to the shallower anomaly due to its a structure called a fractal.
inherent correlation of fractal dimension. Fractal
dimension is able to predict its irregularity behavior The word ‘fractal’ is coined by Benoit Mandelbrot
of natural system. (1982), the geometric of a river network in its
drainage basin is seen as a fractal with its
Keywords: Fractal Dimension, Gravity Model, dimension characteristics, which applied to objects
Drainage Pattern, Geothermal System that were too irregular to be described by Euclidean
Geometry. The term encompasses a wide range of
objects, from regularly repeating forms that have
INTRODUCTION an exact mathematical definition to naturally
occurring stochastic patterns that can only be
Gunung Ungaran is the northern range of volcanic described in a probabilistic way (Davis, 2002).
constellation including Sindoro Sumbing,
Merbabu, Telomoyo, and Merapi Volcanoes in Fault and drainage system is natural system and has
Central Java (Fig.1). The Gedongsongo district is its self-similarity between individual to the gross
well known as the main geothermal manifestations system. Fractal is the way to describe the geometry
of surrounding area. Most of them found as hot of irregular and randomness in natural system. This
research figured out fractal analysis to know the
fractal dimension of the object.
Gravity Model
Gunung Ungaran is located in a linearity of
volcanic complex. Gunung Ungaran has One of potential theory in geophysical method is
experienced many periods of geo-history from gravity method. It is the best used to do mapping
oldest to youngest Ungaran. and modeling the contrast density of the
subsurface. The potential theory in geophysical
method is more specifically including potential
field. Two kind of fields are material and force
describing in physical property and act at each
point of space-time (Blakely, 1996).

The gravity anomaly at each point , is

obtained by the integral equation;

∆ ( ) −
Fig. 1. Location of Ungaran Volcano, Central Java ∆ , =2 ;
− + −
Ungaran volcano is a complex volcano with ∆ ( )=∆ (1)
stratum volcanic type which consists of andesitic
lava, perilitic lava, and volcanic breccia from the G = the gravitational constant
post Ungaran caldera stages (Fig. 2). Ungaran (x,z) = source coordinate
volcano is part of second volcanism cyclic of Java ( ) = density contrast
began from lower Pliocene until lower Pleistocene = reciprocal length unit
(Claproth, 1989).
This equation led to a density contrast function
Geothermal area of Central Java, including the which decreases with depth, rapidly at shallow
Ungaran volcano, is located in the Quartenary depth, thence progressively more slowly and which
Volcanic Belt, Solo Zone. This belt is located is asymptotic to some value less than or equal
between the North Serayu Mountains and the either to the density of the adjacent rock (Cordell,
Kendeng zone and contains numerous Quaternary 1973).
eruptive centers, including Dieng, Sindoro,
Sumbing, Ungaran, Soropati, Telemoyo, Merapi, The observed gravity anomaly is principally as a
Muria, and Lawu (Van Bemmelen, 1970; Thanden point observation. The unsample point of gravity
et al,, 1996 in Phuong et al., 2012). anomaly is then estimate using inverse distance
technique. Estimation technique is required to
visualize the distribution data. Inverse distance is
The main geothermal prospect at the Gedongsongo
better than kriging in geothermal area due to the
area is controlled primarily by the occurrence of
anomaly value will increase in the central area of
the Ungaran collapse structure running from the
volcano and vice versa. Meanwhile, two parameter,
northwest to the southwest (Setyawan et al., 2009).
the distance (distribution data) and the anomalies,
are considered in the inverse distance technique
(Clark, 1987);

∗( )=

= + + +⋯+ ,
∑ = 1, (2)

∗( ) = estimation value at point

= gravity anomaly observation
= the distance (estimation-observed point)
= weighting factor

Upward continuation is the best used to separate

regional-residual anomaly in land survey area due
Fig. 2. Geological Map of Ungaran Area to its ability as a filter for eliminating noise
(Thanden et al, 1996) generated by objects in the near-surface. Upward
continuation is a step of converting potential field
data measured on a level surface into the data as if | |) provides a means of distinguishing
measured at the level of the upper surface, so that between the two geological structures (Reynolds,
the potential field elsewhere on the surface of the 1997);
measurement tends to highlight anomalies caused >1 ( ) (8)
by sources (regional effects).The calculation of the
potential field at each point of observation on the
results of the continuation field (z) can be done >1 ( ) (9)
using the following equation;

| | ( , , ) Another derivative analysis is horizontal gradient.

( , , )= ∫ ∫ ′ ′ (3)
This method is used to locate contrast density
anomaly boundaries from gravity data. The
R3 = | − ′| + | − ′ | + equation is expressed (Cordell and Grauch, 1987);
U(x,y,z0) = potential continuation field
Δz = the distance of continuation
U(x’,y’,z0) = observed potential field ( , )= + (10)

The equation (3) is still in the form of spatial

From equation (10), total horizontal gradient is
domain. In practice, it is difficult to implement
square root of the sum of squared x and y
because it must be known surely the potential field
derivative of gravity anomaly.
at each point of removal result. Upward
continuation will be more efficient and give a
After separating regional-residual anomaly, 2D
meaning if done in Fourier domain as in the
gravity model must be developed. The first
following general equation;
approach to 2D gravity model with polygonal
( ) = ( ). ( ) (4)
source geometry is well defined by Talwani, 1959;

F(Uu) = continuation field (fourier domain) ∫ =∫ ≡ (11)

F(U) = potential field (fourier domain)
φu(k) = e-zk; transfer function =2 ∑ (12)
In geophysical exploration, data used in the Equation (11) is line integral equation of 2D area
modeling is residual anomaly due to the area of (x,z) with depth z, line AB, angle from x axis
interest located at shallow depth. Residual anomaly toward z axis from horizontal point origin and
is calculated by the following equation;
angle from another horizontal point. The
equation (12) in vertical dimension is also applied
= + (5)
in horizontal dimension.
Δgi = bougeur anomaly
Fractal Geometry
Δgc = residual (decompensative) anomaly
Δgd = deeper anomaly (crustal variation)
According to Mandelbrot (1982), fractal geometry
Nowadays, structural interpretation is still could be used for quantitatively describing
qualitative. The more quantitative interpretation to complex pattern in nature. The quantitative
decrease the structural ambiguities is reduced by description of a fractal is the fractal dimension (D).
gravity method. Principally, structural fault reflect The fractal dimension in this research was
the contrast density underlying/overlying fault calculated by box-counting method (also called
plane. It can be traced by second vertical derivative raster fractal dimension).
of gravity data. The second vertical derivative is
minus of second horizontal derivative from Laplace Box-counting method is the most common for
equation; evaluating fractal dimension for a given dataset.
The aim of the method is to calculate the minimum
( , , )=0 (6)
number of boxes with a specified side length
( , , ) ( , , ) ( , , )
required to cover all points in the data set
=− + (7) (Mandelbrot, 1985). Like other method in fractal
geometry, box-counting method is also used to
know the fractal dimension (D).
In 1962, Bott proposed a set of criteria to
distinguish between a sedimentary basin and a
granite boss as interpretation of gravity minima. He In box-counting method, a set of box with different
found that the ratio of the moduli of the maximum size are selected and overlaid on the fracture
and minimum second vertical derivative (| |/ network in each square domain. The box filled with
fractures is counted, while the empty box is not
counted. Then, the number of box filled with
fracture versus box sizes is plotted on a log-log
scale and the slope of the straight lines shows the
fractal dimension (D) of that fracture system
(Barton and Larsen, 1985 in Jafari and Babadagli,
2012).The equation to calculate fractal dimension

( )
= lim → (13)

D = fractal dimension (the slope)

N = the number of filled boxes
r = measure of side of a square box

Fig. 3. (a). Data Distribution and (b) Bougeur

Anomaly (Estimation by Inverse Distance)

The data distribution is not uniform and cluster. In

this area, the gravity anomaly data is distributed
randomly. The better way to estimate random
distribution data in area of geothermal is inverse
distance due to its increasing value in a centre of
volcanic itself and in a close distance of data space.

The deep regional (crustal effect) and shallow

(geological structure) anomalies are still presented
in bougeur anomaly. Bougeur anomaly map is
divided into noise, residual and regional anomaly
and must be separated. Principally, two approaches
in regional-residual separation are polynomial Fig. 4. Upward Continuation Separation
equation-based and frequency filter-based.
The blue curve is bougeur anomaly that has a
Figure 4 is the result of regional-residual separation mixed-frequency between lower and higher. The
using upward continuatio. Upward continuation is red curve is regional anomaly separated by upward
one of filter based-method. Regional anomaly has continuation and resulting lower frequencies at
lower frequency than bougeur anomaly. Bouguer certain depth. Upward continuation method is
anomaly is the result of the superposition between basically strengthening the regional anomalies at
mixed regional and residual anomalies. The longer- certain altitudes continuation field. The greater the
wavelength (smoother curve) feature associated altitude, the more dominant regional effects (low
with deep regional effect. frequency) and vice versa. The continuation of
upward value is the value at the field continuation
as a regional anomaly. To look for anomalies
local/residual, the bougeur anomaly is reduced by
regional anomaly.

Fig. 5. Regional (left) and Residual (right)

Regional anomaly, in figure 5, is mostly identical Fig. 7. Anomaly Boundaries using Horizontal
pattern with residual anomaly as in trend and in Gradient
shape, only different in the value anomaly. The
shades of purple color, on regional anomaly, has Figure 7 is the result of horizontal gradient.
lower anomaly than the shades of green color. The Geothermal manifestation is located surrounding
anomalies are merging to form cones with higher higher horizontal gradient and in association with
anomaly in the position of Ungaran Volcano. Gedongsongo Normal Fault and could be
Negative and positive anomalies are shown clearly structurally controlled manifestation. The
on residual anomaly. The geological boundaries are horizontal gradient (HG) does not entirely show the
Tertiary rock locating in the broader and wider of Gedongsongo lineament. The definition horizontal
Ungaran cone than Quaternary rock, resulting gradient is the changes in the value of gravity
negative anomaly near volcanic cone. The anomaly from one point to another by a certain
Gedongsongo Fault is at the southwest part of distance. The horizontal gradient of the gravity
Ungaran Volcano. In this area, lower anomaly is in anomaly caused by a body tends to show the edges
association with Quaternary rock and higher of the body. The spread of fault located in the
anomaly is in association with Tertiary Rock also southwest and northeast, causing the gradient
Intrusive/Igneous bodies. The same pattern anomalies appear. Some intrusion body also
between residual and regional anomaly indicates appeared in the southeast of Mount Ungaran. This
the deep structural or basement involved, probably causes the body contact with the intrusion that gave
the Gedongsongo Fault. rise to the anomaly of horizontal gradient.

According to geological setting, five bodies are

Basement, Kerek Formation, Kalibeng Formation,
Intrusive Body and Quaternary Volcanic Rocks.

Fig. 6. Second Vertical Derivative using Filter

Elkins (left) and SVD Slice (right)

Fig. 6 shows the slice location for SVD around

Gedongsongo Fault and some geothermal
manifestation. There must be contact body between
negative and positive anomalies based on residual
anomaly map. The SVD curve on figure 6 has
| |>| | and has a meaning of normal
fault. In this case, the SVD is coincided with the
Gedongsongo Fault. The geological boundary
between contact body of Tertiary and Quaternary Fig. 8. Gravity Forward Modeling of Ungaran
rocks is probably the Gedongsongo Fault. This Volcano and Surrounding Area
could be the reason for some geothermal
manifestation up flowing to the surface. Figure 8 is 2D (x,z) gravity forward modeled with
contrast density background 2.7 gr/cc, rose-colored
basement 0.9 gr/cc, yellow-colored Kerek
Formation 0.7 gr/cc, green-colored Kalibeng/Dmar

Formation 0.4 gr/cc, intrusive body (volcanic cone) All fractal dimension is not integer but in a fraction
0.8 gr/cc and quaternary volcanic rock 0.3 gr/cc. number. The fractional number is called
The black line is observed anomaly gravity and the intermediary number reflecting degree of self-
blue line is calculated anomaly using polygonal similarity at any scale. Fractal dimension of this
source geometry. U, D is upthrown and area is reflecting complex geometry, differ with
downthrown side of regional bodies. The normal classical Euklid dimension. It is an alternative
fault based on SVD is coincided with geothermal approach to explain quantitatively the relationship
manifestation at Gedongsongo. between variables based on geometrical unit,
reducing qualitative interpretation.
In figure 8, the black curve is the point of
observation and the calculated anomaly results Structurally controlled area of drainage network
shown by the blue curve. In this area, there are two has a higher fractal dimension and otherwise on
gravity anomalies, ie Gedongsongo normal fault bougeur anomaly contour. The higher fractal
(on the left side of the model) and Ungaran dimension has the number of streams are less than
Volcanic Cone (beside the Gedongsongo normal the length units. Escarpment geo-morphological
fault). The model above is forward modeling. unit occupied the area with a higher fractal
Given body will reflect the anomaly respond. dimension. This mathematical consideration on
Ungaran Mountain and surrounding area have five self-similarity dimension denotes the quantitative
body of rocks with various density. There are pattern recognition of surface and subsurface
basement, Kerek and Kalibeng Formation, phenomena
Quaternary and Intrusive bodies. The Kalibeng
Formation (green color) is spread out to the north.
A collapse body of rocks (up-thrown and down-
thrown sides) surrounding volcanic cone is as result
of the presence of heat source.

To determine the Fractal Dimension (D) of study

area, the map scaled 1:50.000 had been constructed
including the drainage patternand bougeur anomaly
contour using box counting fractal algorithm. The
map is divided into grid boxes. Total of the box in
this research area is 54. Fractal dimension was
calculated into a grid as an example in figure 9.
The higher step will increase the number of box
filled with the object and it is done iteratively to
have convergence value.

Fig. 10. Fractal Dimension of Drainage Pattern

Fig. 9. Step for Box counting calculation

In figure 10 and 11, drainage pattern in research

area shows the Fractal Dimension (D) from 1.61
until 1.81. and for bougeur anomaly range from
0.962 until 1.838. Fractal dimension (D) between
drainage pattern and bougeur anomaly has a
reversal value. Drainage pattern has higher fractal
dimension while the lowerbougeur anomaly at the
same point and vice versa.

Fig. 11. Fractal Dimension of Bougeur Anomaly

increases, fractal drainage decreases). This is not
Several tools in statistics are available to explain stronger relationship due to the value of correlation
frequency distribution of two variables. Correlation coefficient is closer to zero.
coefficient is a tool for determining relationship of
bivariate data distribution; CONCLUSION
( , ) Geothermal potential of Ungaran Volcano is
( , )= (14)
structurally controlled system. SVD defines the
Gedongsongo Fault is a normal fault resulting
Correlation coefficient in equation (14) need downthrown collapse side around volcanic cone.
covariance. In this case, covariance is a measure of The similarity pattern and shape of regional-
the relationship between two variable, both fractal residual anomaly indicates the basement involved
dimension of drainage network (x) and bouguer to the normal fault.This fault is a potential system
anomaly contour (y). Standard deviation of variable to generate fractured and permeable zone. The
x and y is defined in units that depend on fractal occurrence of volcanic cone is a potential heat
units and resulting dimensionless coefficient. source.
Correlation coeeficientbetween fractal drainage and
bougeur is -0.31. It means that structural factor in The self-similarity of fractal dimension in a certain
research area-representated by drainage pattern- grid scale reveals scale invariant of natural system
make a negative and weak impact to Fractal as a common object features in geological
Dimension (D). In other hand, lower value of phenomena. The periodicity of fractal dimension
Fractal Dimeniosn (D) of bougeur anomaly might values over the bougeur and drainage pattern is as a
be caused by normal fault that control the condition for predictable natural phenomenon.
Gedongsongo manifestation (see Figure 8 for the
cross section model). Bouguer anomaly contour is In this case, surface and subsurface phenomena has
a result of contrast density in the subsurface which a correlation in fractal dimension. The two
is a random phenomenon through the fractal variables, bougeur and drainage network, has a
approach and also applied to the drainage pattern as negative correlation but not stronger relationship.
surface phenomenon formed randomly due to the When the value of the fractal dimension bougeur
presence of fault. These two variables are the rises, the fractal dimension of drainage pattern
things that allows to find the relationship between drops and vice versa.
the two random phenomena which affected by
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