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ftu&" Effiffiflih ru.M,0,ffi Wffiffi$ffif{S' Fffiffiffiffiffi.

' l(irarij.Blurvan','t0-3-311/A 0astle lJjlls, Masa.rh, Tank Hyderabad - 500 028 (1 S,i
S Q, ZAtulA, Fx-i\4LC GURUDA$ DAScUPIA, F"x-M,p.
604 Giripetn, Nagpur - 440 010. . 35-36, IJDU Marg,
Pl:, : 071 ?. - 2522132 Rouse Avenue, New Delhi . 110 002
tax:0712-25402:82 Ph. : 011 - 2321'/323, F ax : 232?,2d27
tuloL:ile : 9822566112
Mobite : 098081 80840
E-maif I rkkms007(i' E-mail : gurudasdasgupta@yahoo conr

Dated: 26cn April,20L7

M : 09893364t169 {

R0CP Rao I

09r+2559i 660 The Chail'rnan-c!.rru Managlng Directol',

NMI)C Limited,
D, L, Markunde I
Kiranij Bha,ral1, Ivlasab Tanl<,
M : 09406356396
.; FIYpERrt&\p;5!!)_tl28
N, CiheftrJrash$khar
M:09480135137 S ir,

$ocretary Orrr Waga Siettlernelt expires orL 31..12.7,016 and we are placing herewith our fi'esh
"Charter of DenrancJs" frrr early negotiations altcl ftir a qr"ticl( finalization so tllat the
Rdjesh $alrdhu ne\ / settlemeltt comes into force wit]r c,ffe r:t from 1.J .2417.

S, S. Chiluhiln
During the intelvepitrg period, cost of living has escalated phenomeuslly and a"^ a
Ir4 : 09425594233 ;esult the living stanciards Irave been fast eroded whiJe demanding for a reasonable
rdvision of wage, \ re are l<eert to focus;rttentiott on the future of ottr Corpot'ation in
the l'asL changittg ecttuonric sccllario.

Fi. s. Patw*fl Witli a fonrl hopc fbr an early :;el.tlerrtettt of tlte revislion ol'Wages r'vhich l;rlis clue:
It/ : 08897624305 fronr 1.1 .201,7 to boost thc nrrrlalc of tlre wollt force for oulput. We hereby
srrbrnit r'tur Charter of Dem'anr:ls fol a period of 5 [f,ive ) years only,

lJue to c[alge in Colrelnment Policy \,ve are stt'ongly oprposing Stt'aLegic Sa]e of hllSP;
J.rgclalpr-rr' INagarnar) ancj disiuvestmeut of Nt\4 DC which ts
ttot negotiable.

f)uring atlcl in lhe ctlurse of Lregotialiclls anjr fi'esh/genuine poitlts ari'ses witl be
[aken up in ottt' Charter of Demancls,

Thanking you,

Yours faitttt'ully,

Gencrirl SccI'etat'y Pe'e.';itletrt

C)rarter of Demand for Wage Revbion w.e.f. 01.01 .20',7
Periodicily of the Settlement should be 5 (Five) years only
The effective date for all the allowances payable on account of this
settlement should be 01.01.2017 onlv.


1 , Minimu.m Wq$p a Mirrimum Basic lPay should b'e

Rs.44,600f ,

b MGB should be 100%,

Full Neutralization of D.A.
o Anrrual increment @ 6% of Basic Pay
Service weightage : One increment for
ev€,ry 10 years of service rendered,
f Farnily planning increment should be
rev,sed and it should be equal to
present three in<;rements, Incentive
amcunt should Lre increased to
Rs.2000f . lt should be revised in
ev€ry Wage Reltision.
2 FG9nle d Should be give irn 4 years instead of 5
yea rs
J Promotiona I increments a Onr-. increment should be given in
adclition to Notional increment.
b RG Scale benefits should be given in
PG Scale also in respect of TfuDA,
LTC/LTA. Medical etc.
4. Horce RentAllowance d 1096 extra on Govt. prescribed rate for
clar;sified Cities ,i Towns,
b 150,6 of Basic pay for residing in non
clar;sified areas.
q Citv [t'sk Allgwance 150,/o of Basic PaY.

b. Date of I ncrcrnrnt/P ropotion One in a year either on 1"'January or

1"' July,
I Perkp All the r;lsvvsncr3s shtould be paid on
percentage basis (i.e, 60 to 20) of
Basic Pay i.e. Cafeteria approach,
B Gratq!! Removed maxirnum ceiling limit of
Griltuity and revised the formula for
calculation instead of 15 days it should
be 30 days, minimum Period should
be abolished.
o Hour;e Bu i ld i nq Adva, nce a Minimum Rs.40 lakhs.
b Rate of Interest 2o/o Per annum on
recluced balance.
c Qualifying period should be 5 years
instead of 7 years,
d Fo,r modificatircn/extension to the
existing house tts,20 lakhs, those who
have taken toan either from NMDC or
fron Bank
10 Marriaqe AdfaLnce lntrlrest free adrrance of Rs.5 lal<hs be
oiven for self/children.
11 Fu rn i tu re Expend,itu re Furniture experrditure to be given as
per the executive to all the workman
12 Convevalce A9lvanoer a For purchase of Car Rs.10 lakhs or
aclualto all workmen.
b For two Wheelerrs - Actual cost of the
13 Ccrrrpubr Advil,rre Rs.50,000/- to rall workmen once in 4
yeirrs without interest and 4 times
during the servir:e period.
14 FestivalAdvance One month's B:rsic + DA in a calendar
15 Stndfv advance To be revised on account of this wage
16 Edur:ation loan fqr C[i]d ren Rs.5 lakhs for professional and P(i
Courses without interest,
17 Chi ld ren Eduertion l\xibta nce a Education assistance shall be revised
up':o class Vlllth Rs.2,000/- per month
an,l from lXth to Xllth class Rs.3,000f
b For Graduation of non technical
Rs,4,000/- , for technical Rs.5,000/-&
Post Graduation non technical
Rs,6,000/- , for technical Rs,8000lper
Annual charges Rs.5,000/- per !e?r;
Hostel subsidy fls,1 0,000/- per month,
Degree in
Professional Courses-
En1;ineering/MedicineiTwo years full
time regular coLrrse of PG to be given
Rs 2,000/- per ntonth.
Degree course in
Arts/Commerce/'Science and
others/One year full time regular
coLrrse of PG (Diploma) to be given
Rs,1 ,200/- per ntonth.
Ter:hnical Diploma awarded by DO
ancl approved by AICTE to be given
Rs,1,000/- per month,
Cu1: off marks should be reduced to
5096 for scholarshio
lo Nurces MessAllowance Nurses Mess Allowance Rs.1,000/-
per month,
20 MedicalBenefil: Rs.1,00,000/- for annual medical
exr,enses for OP Treatment other than
Project hospitals.
All the workmren should be given
private room in referral hospital.
Treatment for Eve should be uniform
at car with executives,
Free diet to all patients at Project
Derrtal Treatment should be restored I

in erll referred hrcspitals. Dental set to j

be transplanted for Employee, Retired j

employee & their Dependents Ones in

life time.
Rerrision of Medical Tariff for lP and
OP treatment.
Ont; referral letl,er should be allowed
for,Jifferent treatments,
Wcrrkmen referred to outside hospitals
for PME and master check up should
be treated as orr duty,
Medical identity card r children of the
employee studying away from Head
ical facility to the children of the
de<;eased / medical unfit employee of
Regional & Head Office.
Reimbursed acllual cost for test tube
bally to the employee.
Larier Surgery/treatment to be
corrsidered as a normal medical
HazrrdowAllowance Sh,ruld be paid to Para medical staff,
chr>mlcal and bliisting staff,
Far:ility should be provided to the
employees in case of retired I
medically unfit and to the dependants
of deceased ernployees, charges for
hiring ambulanr:e be reimbursed on
To be revised according to wage
Lugygage charges should be at par
witlr executives.
Enl,ertainment allowance should be
Vl v'vl lt

For self medical reference should be

considered on tour basis.
Air facility to bre provided for all the
20 days CL to be given to all
employees irrespective of posting.
Un'.availed CL to be carried forward
ancl encashmernt should also be
% clay CL is restored,
Maternity leave of 6 months be
extended as per Govt. of India rules.
a Paternity leave may also be extended.
f Leave calculation and accumulation
sh,ruld be equal to all workmen as per
Nl\(DC leave rules.
g Special leave s;hould be increased to
16 days.
25 Accumulation rcf EL Accumulation otf EL should be
un imited
zo Holirlgp a NI\'IDC Formation day and May Day
should be declared as paid holidays.
o Public holidays should be 16 days at
27. Sports &Cultunal Pr<>per policy sl'rould be formulated,

z6 Benelvolent Fund Rs,50/- from emrployee & Rs.100/-

fron employer.
zv. Workets Particlipation Workers pafiicipration in Management
sh<luld be strengthened at all levels,
JU. Traininq facility Workers at all lervels should be trained
anrj re-trained including training
abroad to keep pace with the fast
changing technological improvement
to update the skills for irnproved
prc d ucti on/p rod u ctivity.
31 Ward Prefercnrqg Warrds of NMDC Employees be given
top priority for job vacancies,
32 Elest Worker Arvard BerEt worker award be enhanced to
JJ Funerral Experules Rs.25,000/- should be given.
34 Group Percona I Accidelta I Should be extended to workmen also
Expe,nqe at trlar with executives.

35 GSLIScheme Should be increased to Rs.3.00 Lakhs

Pr.K) Sclreme should be revised.
Uniform Gocd quality of oloth be issued along
witlr Shoes, Socks, Belt and winter
Uniform additionallv.
Jd NlqhtShift Allowan@ Rs.50O/- for Niglrt shift and Rs,300l
for back shift.
39 Tf-ansport Subs&ly Rs,1 001 per dalt of actual attendance.
40. Diffi,cultv Allowance Rs. 10% of Basic pay for employees
working in Blasting Zone and plant
zorre situated at high hill area.
41 D ba 4i li_tv,1 ! ovv? nce
| Handicapped and Mentally challenged
children of employees are given
disability allowance.
42 N,MDC PercignScheme Enhancement of NMDC Pension
Sclteme from 89/o to 12%.
43 Gontract Labourerc Contract labourers engaged in
perennial nature of job be
44. FurnaceAllowelg Employees work:ing in SlU, Paloncha
45 General,PoinF 1 Good quality of (lalendar, Diary and
Pen set on New Year's dav.
2 Stop recruitment of Executive
Trainees and giv'e preference to
depafi mental candidates,
3 Blorrd dbnors be deputed on tours if
patient requires,
4 Reirnburse ment 2 LPG cylind er (1 4.6
kg) cost per month.
7 Depradmental Test for JO - to be
I JO l3cale should be merged with
worl<men and Two Tier systems
shor.rld be introdurced.
I FBSI deposit amount should be
incrr:ased on account of Wage
Revision. I

10 Mobile phones should be given to all

employees under Group Mobile
11 NMDC Housing c:olony should be
cons;tructed / developed at NPD
12 Ded;ction of PF on leave encashment
be rr>stored.
IJ Income of dependants be enhanced
from Rs.6000 to Fts.20,000/-
14 All outsourcing should be abolished in
all t'ields and sarne maY be
Re,:ognised Spercialist Hospital nearby
NIVIDC units,
2007 wage revisiion benefit for SIU got
only 18% instead ol27%, the balance
9% should be given from the back
4'n Saturday Holiday to be given for
R&D and NPD.
All contract Labour to be covered
unrler Group Merdiclaim Scheme,
Insurance coverage upto one crore for
the Employee to Naxal attacks.
Rs 25000/- for the quarter shifting for
the employee,
Higher Qualification incentive amount
to be revised.
ReCuce of Period from three years to
ono year for AC,R.
lntroduce incentive scheme for SIU
Project allowanc;es per NISP

Long Service,Award 15 Years 59. Gold

20 Years 109, Giold
25 Years 159. C;old
30 Years 209. Ciold
35 Years 259. C;old
40 Years 309, Giold

General Secrctaryr, E(' MLC Pn=ident Ex- M,,P

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