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Global Village 
Student Development Seminar- AA200 
Access Academy 
For the final exam of AA200 students will have to organize a Global Village where they will

represent different countries bringing up their culture, heritage, geography etc. 21 countries have

been registered so far. Each country will be assigned with a booth and 5 minutes time on stage.

The components that students are required to fulfil are stated below-

1. Decor- Every team has to decorate their booth as per their country, the booths must

reflect that particular country without any form of stereotype or cultural appropriation.

Bonus marks will be given to teams who will make a 3D map of their country for display.

2. Presentation- Students have to prepare a presentation of 6-7 minutes where they will very

briefly talk about the history, geography, culture, food and any 1 or 2 pressing issues

currently going on in their country. They have to use their booth to point out what they

are talking about. There will be no use of slides, it’s more of like a poster presentation,

where the entire booth will be your poster.

3. Food- You have to display at least 3 variations of traditional food of the country you

representing. You can choose to sell that food if you want, but that is not mandatory.

4. Cosplay- All members have to dress up in the traditional attire of the country. 2/3of the

members have to dress up as important figures in their country. They will have to keep

sound knowledge about that character so that if questions are asked during the

presentation, he/she is able to answer them. They should also have information about
themselves (except name) in a paper/placard on their body so that people can read it and

guess who they are. They will roam around the entire campus.

5. Engagement- Booths have to take measures to engage the visitors that are coming to the

global village. You need to figure out ways in which people would be interested and

engaged in your booth, For example- games, photo booth etc. The medium of

engagement must be relevant to your country.

6. Promotion- Countries must promote themselves on digital media as well as campus by

using varied promotional tools.

7. Cultural Show- Each team will get 5 minutes on stage to do a cultural show of their

country. Any cultural activity like singing, dancing or drama is welcome.

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