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Name: …………………………..…………………………… Roll No:


I.Match the following naming words with their Special names

(Proper Nouns)

flower January

Ocean Coconut

month Lotus

tree Pacific

country Barbie

doll UAE

II.Read the following sentences and circle the Proper nouns and
underline the Common nouns
1. Delhi is a big city

2. She played with her sister Annie.

3. Ria’s birthday is on February.

4. Nile is the longest river.

5. The park is closed on Sunday.

6. Mahatma Gandhi is the father of our nation.

7. The name of our pet cat is Pussy.

8. Switzerland is a beautiful tourist country.

9. Children love to read Harry Potter stories.

10. Dr, Lily treated my mother.

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III. Underline the Pronouns of the following sentences:

1. I love to eat pizza.

2. It is a small apartment.

3. They are playing football in the park.

4. We live in Dubai.

5. Do you have a red pen?.

6. She is an artist.

7. Mom is my best friend.

8. Please don’t forget me.

9. I gave the students a chance to say.

10. When you see a public tap running, do you close it?

11. Maya is my sister. She has a piano.

12. Arun and I are friends. We are planning to go for a picnic

IV.Complete these sentences with suitable Pronouns : ( We, He,

She, They, It, You, I )

1. ------------------------ are late again.

2. -------------------------love to play cricket very much .
3. This house is very old. ---------------------- is falling down.
4. ----------------------------- is my younger sister.
5. Raja is my brother. -------------------- is very tall.
6. Why are -------------------- crying?
7. Anna and--------------------------- made a big kite.
8. My family and ---------enjoy spending time together.
9. Sriya has a dog.----------- named --------- Ginger.
10. ------------- are my best teacher.

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V. Complete the Story with Suitable pronouns from the following word
You, They, it, I, he,
She, we.

Every Friday Rony and his family go to the beach. --------------- live far from the

beach, So, -------is a problem to go to the beach every week. One day Rony’s

father says --------- get tired of driving so many hours. Rony replies to his father

“dad ---------- don’t worry. ------------ have a solution.-------------need to live near the

beach.” So, ----------------------- become happy and decide to change their place.

Now --------------- live near the beach and enjoy the beauty of nature.

VI. Put the appropriate punctuation marks at the end of the

following sentence:-

1. Would you like to play cricket with me----

2. Please close the door-----
3. Ouch the stove is hot-----
4. Jim likes to play outdoor games----
5. What time are we leaving----
6. I love ice cream-----

VII. Fill in the blanks with (a/an/ the) before the noun:-

1. ____ igloo
2. ____ banana
3. ____ tree
4. ____ inch
5. ____ eagle
6. ____ bench
7. ____ kitten
8. ____ soccer ball
9. ____ owl
10.____ tiger

VIII. Circle the correct article in each sentences:-

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1. John wanted to read (an/a) comic book.
2. Lisa put (an/a) orange on her yoghurt.
3. (A/an) oval is shaped like (an/a) egg.
4. I saw a/an otter at the zoo.
5. The dog caught an/a cat.

IX. Choose the correct article:-

1. I live in ________ state of California. (a/an/the)

2. Can you tell me ________ story? (a/an/the)
3. Will you go to ______ mall tomorrow? (a/an/the)
4. I go to _____ public school. (a/an/the)
5. I saw _____ octopus at the zoo. (a/an/the)

X. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the:-

1. Picasso was ______ artist.

2. Are you ______ teacher?

3. My brother lives in ______ apartment in ________ City Centre.

4. My cousin is ______ surgeon.

5. He is _________ honest man.

XI. Put tick( v ) if it is correct put cross (x) if it is incorrect:

1. Husband and lady ________

2. Prince and princess ________
3. Grandson and heroine ________
4. Man and women ________
5. Nephew and actress _______-
XII. Match the following:

1. heroine A. daughter

2. wife B. prince

3. queen C. husband

4. grandmother D. king
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5. aunt E. grandfather

6. son F. uncle

7. princess G. hero

8. girl H. man

9. women I. actor

10. actress J. boy

XIII. Read the passage and answer the followings:

Seeds come from plants. When seeds are ripe they leave the plants and find
a new place to grow.
Seeds are of many shapes and sizes. Seeds are moved in different ways.
Some seeds are moved by the winds.
These seeds are small and light and when the wind stops blowing, these
seeds fall. Some are moved by animals.
Some seeds stick to the fur or wool of animals. Other seeds are eaten by
animals. Some seeds are moved by water. They float on the top of the
water until they reach land. Seeds are moved in many ways. When the
seeds stop moving they can start growing. Some seeds grow in to new

A. Answer the following:

1. Where do the seeds come?

2. Why seeds leave the plants?

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3.How many types of seeds are there?

4. What do the seeds do when they stop moving?


B.Frame the sentences with the following words:

1. Seeds:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Wind:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

C. State whether the statements are true or false:

1. Seeds are moved in many ways. -----------------------

2. Some seeds grow in to new plants. ------------
3. Seeds are not floating on the top of the water. ---------
4. Seeds are come from the rocks. ------------

D. Find four common nouns from the above passage:

1-------------------------------------- 2.---------------------------------------------

3.------------------------------------------ 4.---------------------------------------

XIV. Picture Composition:

Write a few sentences about the following picture with the
given helping words in the brackets.
(cake, balloons, children, birthday cap, candles, fun,

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